Living organisms are classified into 3 Domains 1.Bacteria 2.Archaea 3.Eukarya 4 Kingdoms in this...


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Living organisms are classified Living organisms are classified into 3 Domainsinto 3 Domains

1.1. BacteriaBacteria

2.2. ArchaeaArchaea

3.3. EukaryaEukarya

4 Kingdoms in this Domain


Domain Eukarya has 4 Domain Eukarya has 4 KingdomsKingdoms

1. Kingdom Protista1. Kingdom Protista

2. Kingdom Fungi2. Kingdom Fungi

3. Kingdom 3. Kingdom PlantaePlantae

4. Kingdom Animalia4. Kingdom Animalia


Characteristics of Characteristics of PlantsPlants

A.A. EukaryotesEukaryotesB.B. MulticellularMulticellularC.C. Cannot move from place to placeCannot move from place to placeD.D. Autotrophic-can Autotrophic-can PhotosynthesizePhotosynthesizeE.E. Thick cell walls made of Thick cell walls made of

cellulose (carbohydrate)cellulose (carbohydrate)


Review of PhotosynthesisReview of Photosynthesis

Words: Words: Carbon Dioxide + Water---Carbon Dioxide + Water---Glucose + Oxygen Glucose + Oxygen


COCO22 + H + H22O ---------O --------- C C66HH1212OO66 + O + O22


Evolution of PlantsEvolution of Plants

The common ancestor of ALL plants The common ancestor of ALL plants is thought to be is thought to be green algaegreen algae..

In the early evolution of plants, they In the early evolution of plants, they made the transition from aquatic to made the transition from aquatic to land environments. land environments.

The most crucial ingredient for The most crucial ingredient for movement to land is water and it is movement to land is water and it is in short short supply.


Special Adaptations Special Adaptations

A.A. CuticleCuticle to prevent water loss to prevent water loss

B.B. LeavesLeaves for carrying out photosynthesis for carrying out photosynthesis

C.C. RootsRoots to anchor and absorb water and to anchor and absorb water and mineralsminerals

D.D. StemsStems for support and transport of food, water for support and transport of food, water and mineralsand minerals

E.E. Vascular tissuesVascular tissues for transport in some plants for transport in some plants

F.F. Most have Most have seedsseeds for reproduction for reproduction

G.G. Alternation of generationsAlternation of generations


Special AdaptationsSpecial Adaptations

Most plants have a waxy Most plants have a waxy cuticlecuticle which which covers their leaves and stems which covers their leaves and stems which prevents water loss. prevents water loss.

Cuticle is made of Cuticle is made of phospholipidsphospholipids.. The phospholipids The phospholipids head is polar head is polar and and

attracted to water.attracted to water. The cuticle is The cuticle is clearclear and this is important and this is important

so that light rays can reach the chloroplast so that light rays can reach the chloroplast for photosynthesis.for photosynthesis.


Alternation of GenerationsAlternation of GenerationsSee Study guide page 2See Study guide page 2

Multicellular diploid organism


Unicellular haploid cells



Unicellular diploid zygote







Unicellularhaploid gametes




gametophytemitosis 88

Human life cycleHuman life cycle

Multicellular diploid organism


Unicellular haploid cells(gametes)



Unicellulardiploid zygote




Meiosis – splitting chromosome pairs – 2n n

Mitosis – making exact copy99

Protists / fungi / plantsProtists / fungi / plants

Multicellular diploid organism


Unicellular haploid cells



Unicellular diploid zygote







Unicellularhaploid gametes




gametophytemitosis 1010


think mossthink moss






Plant EvolutionPlant Evolution Plants are divided into:Plants are divided into: 1. 1. VASCULAR-special VASCULAR-special tissue for carrying water tissue for carrying water and nutrientsand nutrients

2. 2. NONVASCULAR-NONVASCULAR-diffusiondiffusion used to transport water used to transport water and nutrientsand nutrients


Plant EvolutionPlant Evolution

The The Vascular plantsVascular plants are are divided into divided into seed plantsseed plants and and non seed plants (ferns)non seed plants (ferns)

The The Seed PlantsSeed Plants are divided are divided into those with into those with conescones and and those with those with flowersflowers


Nonvascular vs VascularNonvascular vs VascularSeedless vs SeedSeedless vs Seed

BryophytesBryophytes are the non-vascular are the non-vascular seedless plants with our focus on the seedless plants with our focus on the mossmoss

The The PterophytesPterophytes are the are the fernsferns and they and they are vascular and seedlessare vascular and seedless

The The Seed plantsSeed plants consist of the consist of the GymnospermsGymnosperms with cones and the with cones and the AngiospermsAngiosperms with flowers which are with flowers which are vascular and have seedsvascular and have seeds


Cladogram-Vascular TissueCladogram-Vascular Tissue


Green algae

Seedless vascular plants

Gymnosperms Angiosperms

Evolution of specialized cells /


Evolution of cuticle

Evolution of vascular tissue


Vascular tissueVascular tissue

Set of tubes that transport materials Set of tubes that transport materials around plantaround plant

Allows plants to grow tallerAllows plants to grow taller

Water travels up through xylemWater travels up through xylem

Sugar travels throughout in phloemSugar travels throughout in phloem1717

Ferns live further on landFerns live further on land

Still must be in moist areasStill must be in moist areas

Sporophyte survives with vascular Sporophyte survives with vascular tissue which helps conduct watertissue which helps conduct water

But sperm must still swim to egg in But sperm must still swim to egg in tiny gametophytetiny gametophyte


Fern gametophyteFern gametophyte



A division of seed plants that A division of seed plants that

have only have only one living speciesone living species The leaves of the plant are The leaves of the plant are fan fan

shapedshaped For centuries it was thought to be For centuries it was thought to be

extinct in the wild, but is now known extinct in the wild, but is now known to grow wild in eastern to grow wild in eastern China. .


Alternation of Alternation of GenerationsGenerations

An alternation between two An alternation between two distinct forms or generations distinct forms or generations that reproduce differentlythat reproduce differently

One generation is One generation is haploidhaploid and and reproduces reproduces sexuallysexually

The other generation is The other generation is diploiddiploid and reproduces and reproduces asexuallyasexually


Alternation of Generations Alternation of Generations Gametophyte and Gametophyte and


Notice that the more advanced

plants have a dominant Sporophyte and the less

advanced plants have

a more dominant

Gametophyte 2222

Moss Life CycleMoss Life Cycle

Moss Life Cycle


Fern Life CycleFern Life Cycle


Alternation of Alternation of GenerationsGenerations

By definition, all plants alternate




Sporophyte 2n=diploid


Cladogram-Pollen Cladogram-Pollen Grains/SeedsGrains/Seeds


Green algae

Seedless vascular plants

Gymnosperms Angiosperms

Evolution of specialized cells /


Evolution of cuticle

Evolution of vascular tissue

Evolution of pollen

grains / seeds



Think cones (any conifer like pine Think cones (any conifer like pine trees)trees)

female ovary

male pollen cone


Pine treePine treeGymnospermsGymnosperms

tiny gametophyte inside cone


sporophyte dominatessporophyte dominates2828

Gymnosperm pollen Gymnosperm pollen strategystrategy

Release a lot, hope some pollinateRelease a lot, hope some pollinate

(Meanwhile, irritating everyone else)(Meanwhile, irritating everyone else)

Pollen is the male sperm in Pollen is the male sperm in Gymnosperms and AngiospermsGymnosperms and Angiosperms


OTHER ADAPTATIONS OTHER ADAPTATIONS Vascular Tissue-Used for Vascular Tissue-Used for


specialized cells for carrying water and dissolved minerals from the



cells for carrying food produced in the leaves through photosynthesis

to all parts of the plant

Vascular CambiumThe specialized tissue that gives rise to

new Xylem and Phloem

This is the tissue that brings about the growth

of a tree trunk 3030

ADAPTATIONSADAPTATIONSLeaf Structure in Leaf Structure in

AngiospermsAngiosperms•The primary function of leaves is photosynthesis

•Most photosynthesis takes place in the Palisade mesophyll

•Spongy mesophyll is loosely packed cells and permits gases to move between palisade cells and the outside of the leaf


ADAPTATIONADAPTATIONRoot StructureRoot Structure

•Apical Mesistems are found at the tips of roots

•This is an area of active growth

•There are also meristems found at the tips of growing stems


Root FunctionsRoot FunctionsA.A. Anchor plants Anchor plants B.B. Absorb Absorb waterwater and and mineralsminerals C.C. May store carbohydrates May store carbohydrates

(carrots, beets, turnips, (carrots, beets, turnips, radishes) radishes)

D.D. May store water for dry periodsMay store water for dry periods

MINERALS ABSORBED BY ROOTSMINERALS ABSORBED BY ROOTS1.1. Plant Cells use minerals, such as Plant Cells use minerals, such as nitrogennitrogen and and

potassium potassium in LARGE amounts; called in LARGE amounts; called macronutrientsmacronutrients  

2.2. Minerals needed in SMALL amounts are called Minerals needed in SMALL amounts are called micronutrientsmicronutrients

3.3. Mineral deficiencies or excess minerals can kill Mineral deficiencies or excess minerals can kill plantsplants


Transport in PlantsTransport in Plants•Transport in a plant involves movement of water, minerals by vascular cambium

•Xylem transports water and minerals from the roots

•Phloem transports nutrients from the leaves to all parts of the plant •Root Hairs aid in the absorption of water and minerals because it increases the surface area of roots 3434



Structure and Function of Structure and Function of StomataStomata

If water enters the guard cells, they swell up If water enters the guard cells, they swell up and the stomata opensand the stomata opens

If water leaves the guard cells, they become If water leaves the guard cells, they become soft and the stomata closessoft and the stomata closes


Angiosperm or Flowering Angiosperm or Flowering Plant ReproductionPlant Reproduction

The Sporophyte

is the dominant

stage in the life cycle of

the Angiosperms 3737

Cladogram-Flowers and Cladogram-Flowers and FruitFruit


Green algae

Seedless vascular plants

Gymnosperms Angiosperms

Evolution of specialized cells / tissue

Evolution of cuticle

Evolution of vascular tissue

Evolution of pollen

grains / seeds

Evolution of flowers /




tiny gametophyte inside bottom of


rest of plant =


Sporophyte DominatesSporophyte Dominates3939

Basic Flower Structure of an Basic Flower Structure of an Angiosperm Angiosperm

•Sepals protect the flower bud from insect damage and dryness

•The color, scent, and nectar of flowers attracts insects, bats, and birds

•These animals help to transfer the pollen from the anthers of one flower to the stigma of other flowers-called pollination


Complete and Incomplete Complete and Incomplete FlowersFlowers

Perfect Flowers: Perfect Flowers: have both male have both male and female reproductive and female reproductive structures.structures.

Imperfect Flowers: Imperfect Flowers: have either have either male or female structuresmale or female structures

Complete flowers:Complete flowers: have four basic have four basic structures: structures: petals, sepals, a petals, sepals, a stamen and a pistilstamen and a pistil

Incomplete flowers:Incomplete flowers: have one or have one or more of these structures lackingmore of these structures lacking


Advertising in UV colorAdvertising in UV color


Pollen Tube Growth and Pollen Tube Growth and Fertilization in Fertilization in AngiospermsAngiosperms

•The Pollen grains are transferred to the Stigma where the pollen grain produces a Pollen tube

•The pollen tube grows down the style into the ovary where it fuses its nuclei with the nuclei of the ovule

•The fertilized ovule becomes a seed and the ovary develops into the fruit of the plant 4343

Pollen grainsPollen grains

Hard covering around sperm, light Hard covering around sperm, light weight allows travel by windweight allows travel by wind

Removes water requirement for Removes water requirement for fertilizationfertilization



Typically collects sugar to attract Typically collects sugar to attract animalsanimals

Seeds survive animal digestive Seeds survive animal digestive system, pooped out far away from system, pooped out far away from parent with free fertilizer!parent with free fertilizer!

Some are not eaten by animals, just Some are not eaten by animals, just help wind carry seed (dandelion)help wind carry seed (dandelion)


After fertilization, ovary After fertilization, ovary becomes fruitbecomes fruit


Cladogram-Fruit and Cladogram-Fruit and FlowersFlowers


Green algae

Seedless vascular plants

Gymnosperms Angiosperms

Evolution of specialized cells / tissue

Evolution of cuticle

Evolution of vascular tissue

Evolution of pollen

grains / seeds

Evolution of flowers /



Plant ResponsesPlant ResponsesExample: Sensitivity to pressure or

touchThis can be protective for the plant



Positive Positive Phototropism: Phototropism: the plant is the plant is bending bending toward the toward the sunlightsunlight



PhototropismPhototropism is illustrated by the is illustrated by the movement of plants in relation to light movement of plants in relation to light source directionsource direction

Light causes the hormone Light causes the hormone auxinauxin to to move to the shaded sidemove to the shaded side

The The auxinauxin causes the cells on the causes the cells on the shaded side to elongateshaded side to elongate

As a result, the plant bends toward the As a result, the plant bends toward the light and exhibits light and exhibits positive positive phototropismphototropism



Thigmotropism is a plant growth response to Thigmotropism is a plant growth response to touching a solid objecttouching a solid object

Tendrils and stems of vines, such as morning Tendrils and stems of vines, such as morning glories, coil when they touch an object glories, coil when they touch an object

Thigmotropism allows some vines to climb other Thigmotropism allows some vines to climb other plants or objects, thus increasing its chance of plants or objects, thus increasing its chance of intercepting light for photosynthesis.intercepting light for photosynthesis.


Geotropism or Geotropism or GravitropismGravitropism



GravitropismGravitropism is a plant growth is a plant growth response to gravity response to gravity

A root usually grows downward A root usually grows downward and a stem usually grows upwardand a stem usually grows upward

RootsRoots are are positively positively gravitropicgravitropic and and stemsstems are are negatively gravitropicnegatively gravitropic


Plant HormonesPlant Hormones

AuxinAuxin-This hormone promotes cell -This hormone promotes cell elongationelongation

Auxin is found in the apical meristems Auxin is found in the apical meristems of plantsof plants

GibberellinsGibberellins help the plants to grow help the plants to grow tallertaller

Gibberellins Gibberellins also increase the rate of also increase the rate of seed germinationseed germination and and bud bud developmentdevelopment


Angiosperms are Divided Angiosperms are Divided intointo

Monocots and DicotsMonocots and Dicots


Monocots and Dicots AgainMonocots and Dicots Again


Monocot and Dicot Seed Monocot and Dicot Seed StructureStructure


Monocot and Dicot Leaf Monocot and Dicot Leaf VeinsVeins


Monocot and Dicot Flower Monocot and Dicot Flower PedalsPedals

MonocotMonocot-pedals in groups of three -pedals in groups of three or multiplesor multiples

DicotsDicots-pedals in groups of 4s or 5s-pedals in groups of 4s or 5s


Monocot and Dicot StemMonocot and Dicot Stem MonocotsMonocots-vascular tissue scattered-vascular tissue scattered DicotsDicots-vascular tissue around edge of stem-vascular tissue around edge of stem


Examples of Monocots and Examples of Monocots and DicotsDicots

Monocots include: Monocots include: grasses, grasses, oats, wheat, orchids, lilies oats, wheat, orchids, lilies and palmsand palms

Dicots include: Dicots include: shrubs, trees shrubs, trees (except conifers) wild (except conifers) wild flowers and some garden flowers and some garden flowersflowers


Monocot and Dicot Seed Monocot and Dicot Seed AnatomyAnatomy

Food is stored in Food is stored in the the cotyledoncotyledon for for the embryothe embryo

The The seed coatseed coat functions as a functions as a physical barrierphysical barrier

EpicotylsEpicotyls becomes becomes the leaves of plantthe leaves of plant

Hypocotyls Hypocotyls becomes the stembecomes the stem

RadicleRadicle becomes becomes the rootthe root


Seed GerminationSeed GerminationRequirements for seed germination include:

•Enough water to activate the metabolism of embryo

•Sufficient oxygen for respiration

•Suitable temperature for growth of that species


Seed DispersalSeed Dispersal

Seeds dispersal is Seeds dispersal is completed by birds, completed by birds, small animals, wind, small animals, wind, and waterand water

The tough, fibrous The tough, fibrous outer covering of a outer covering of a coconut provides coconut provides protection as well as protection as well as a floatation devicea floatation device


Seed GerminationSeed GerminationSeeds are stored food with an Seeds are stored food with an

EmbryoEmbryoSome species need unusual conditions

for Germination: Pass through acidic environment of

an animals digestive system Some require freezing temperatures,

extensive soaking in water (rice), exposure to fire (conifers/pines), or certain day lengths


Genetic Engineering of Genetic Engineering of PlantsPlants

Plants can be genetically engineered Plants can be genetically engineered to: to: Be more Be more toleranttolerant of different of different

climates & soilsclimates & soils Produce Produce more fruitmore fruit Be more Be more nutritiousnutritious Be more resistant to Be more resistant to insectsinsects

and and herbicides (chemical that herbicides (chemical that kills weeds).kills weeds).

