Living Faith



A collection of stories of God at work!

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    300 9th Street NW

    North Canton, OH 44720

    (330) 499-6040 or

    FAITH United Methodist Church



    Welcome.. 1 Organizational Flow Chart. 2 Ministry Teams:

    Education Ministry Team 3 Emmaus 4 Library/Media Center.. 5 Small Groups.. 6 Sunday School 7 Vacation Bible School. 8 Faith Connections (Wed. Night) .. 9 Other Opportunities/Finances. 10

    Faith Friends Pre-School Ministry Team. 11

    Other Opportunities/Finances. 12 Membership Care Ministry Team 13

    Food Ministry.. 14 Helping Hands 15

    Men of Faith Church. 16

    Recreation Ministry.. 17 Second Wind.. 17 Stephen Ministry.. 19 United Methodist Women. 20

    Veterans 19 Other Opportunities/Finances. 21

    Outreach Ministry Team. 22 Resurrection Run.. 23 Other Opportunities/Finances. 24

    Service in Mission Ministry Team 25 Garden of Weedin.. 26

    Pennies For Paraguay. 27 Sewing For Missions 28 Faith Kitchen.. 29

    Other Opportunities/Finances. 30 Worship Ministry Team.. 31

    Communion Stewards 32 Other Opportunities/Finances. 33 Youth Ministry Team 34 Refuge Youth Ministry. 35 Youth Mission Trips. 36

    Other Opportunities/Finances. 37 Resource Teams:

    Communications Ministry Team. 38 Finance Ministry Team 39 Office Ministry Team 40

    Staff Parish Relations (SPRC) . 41 Stewardship Ministry Team.. 42 Trustees 43

    2011-2012 Finances. 44

    Faith United Methodist Church Invites YOU to Participate in A Journey of Faith: Learning, Loving, Leading

    Celebrating 2012 Anticipating 2013

  • We are a people who share a belief that Jesus of Nazareth is God's son, the second person of the Trinity. We believe that Jesus' birth, life, death and resurrection point to a picture of the fullness of God's intention for us in creation. We believe that this intention, called the kingdom of God, has as its foundation love that is given in grace. As United Methodists we believe that we are called to participate in God's intentions by the power of the Holy Spirit moving in and through us. Therefore, we practice acts of Mercy, Piety, Justice and Worship. In this, our belief moves from dogma and doctrine to sinew and story. As members and friends of the Faith United Methodist Church (FUMC) and those on a "Journey Into Faith" we seek to Learn, Love and Lead as we discover the intersection of God's story with ours and others'. In joining belief to practice and head to heart and hand we claim a living faith. Each year our Finance Ministry Team and our Lay Leadership Ministry Team present opportunities to commit ourselves to a living faith: the Finance Team in a detailed budget and the Lay Leadership Team in a "time and talent" survey. In this publication you are a witness to the fruits of those documents. The budget and the time and talents of the congregation along with the power of the Holy Spirit facilitate a living faith! We hope that you will find yourself celebrating the powerful ways in which the Spirit is using FUMC through the current ministries and those that are on the horizon. Living Faith is a testimony to how God is moving in and through the people of Faith to reach the community of North Canton and beyond. This first edition of the Living Faith is only a sampling of the many ways God is working in and through FUMC. Future editions will include more. Tell us your story of God at work. As you peruse Living Faith for information, may it be a source of inspiration and transformation. Perhaps you will sense a call to join belief and practice as you feel drawn to a particular area of ministry. Perhaps you will join a small group or swing a hammer or start a new ministry! Is the Holy Spirit whispering to you, tugging at your heart, tapping you on the shoulder? Take the opportunity to fill out our 2012 Time and Talent Survey indicating areas in which you may be interested. For extra copies, visit or call the office at 330-499-6040. Simply indicate the area of ministry which interests you and let us know what those interests are by returning your Time and Talent Surveys to the church by October 28. A representative of that Ministry Team will be in touch with you, or you may contact them. Honored to share this common belief and call to faith,

    Pastors Cara and Steve Stultz Costello

    Welcome to Living Faith!

    Steve & Cara 1




    Ministry Team

    Advent Book



    Faith-Based Summer

    Literacy Program


    Library/Media Center


    Small Groups

    Spiritual Practices/Prayer

    Sunday School (all ages)

    Spiritual Formation

    Vacation Bible School

    Faith Connections

    (Wed. Night)

    Faith Friends Pre-

    School Ministry Team


    Story Readers

    Membership Care

    Ministry Team

    *Dinner Theater

    Extending the Table

    Food Ministry

    *Gift of Music *Green Ministry Helping Hands

    Hospitality Teams

    Men of Faith Church

    Partners in Faith

    Prayer Ministry

    Prayer Shawl Ministry

    Recreation Ministry


    Second Wind

    Stephens Ministry United Methodist Women (UMW)



    Ministry Team

    Boy Scouts

    Doorstep Ministry

    New Members

    Peace With


    Welcome Crew


    Ministry Team


    Altar Guild

    Cabinet Display

    Communion Steward

    Dram/Dance Team




    Praise Team

    Sanctuary Duty

    Sound System

    Wedding Coordinator

    Worship Design


    Ministry Team


    High School Mission

    Middle School Mission

    Refuge Youth Ministry

    Sunday School

    Service In Mission

    Ministry Team

    Blood Donor Program

    Calvary Mission Camphor Mission Christmas Giving

    Faith in Action

    Faith Kitchen

    Garden of Weedin

    Health and Wellness

    Kairos Prison Ministry

    Pennies For Paraguay

    Relay For Life

    Sewing for Missions

    Sewing Group

    Special Offerings Worldwide Mission

    Ministry Council



    Charge Conference


    Interior Decorating







    Lay Leaders

    Lay Speakers

    Conference Delegates

    Annual Budget

    At Large Members

    Bank Couriers


    Financial Policy

    Investment Oversight



    Graphic Arts

    Internal Communiations



    Teen Tech Team



    Updated October 2012

    *Indicates a New Ministry








    *COMMUNICATION Safe Sanctuaries


  • Education Ministry Team

    Visit or scan the QR code

    for the most up to date information

    Sandy Vaughn


  • Emmaus Ministry

    Tom & Pam Wig

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    code for the most up to date information


  • Library/Media Center

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    for the most up to date information

    Candy Ziegler


  • Small Group Ministry

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    code for the most up to date information

    Top 10 Reasons to Join a Small Group

    10. Fellowship with other believers is part of God's plan for discipleship. (Acts 2:41-42)

    9. Express care for others & be cared for in safe, nurturing environments.

    8. Since the start of the Christian Church, Christians have gathered in large groups and in small groups for discipleship, fellowship, worship, faith sharing, & ministry. (Acts 2: 46-47)

    7. Our United Methodist heritage was born out of John Wesleys vision of Christians meeting together in intentional small groups for study and accountability.

    6. Jesus presence is stronger when two or three are gathered in His name. (Matthew 18:20)

    5. Its an opportunity to embark on a spiritual adventure & get to know Jesus.

    4. We need people because life is tough. (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12) 3. The Bible encourages us to grow together. (Hebrews 10:25) 2. Make new friends, study the Bible, pray, serve & have fun together. 1. God created us to be in relationship with Him & with others.

    (Genesis 2:18)

    Kathy Schmucker, Director of Christian Education & Spiritual Formation


  • Sunday School Ministry

    Sandy Vaughn,


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    code for the most up to date information

    Heather Andrews,

    Preschool Bob Snyder,




    Contact Sandy with questions!

  • Vacation Bible School

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    code for the most up to date information

    Sandy Vaughn


    2013 Dates

    July 15-19

  • Wednesday Night Faith Connections

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    for the most up to date information

    Kathy Schmucker, Director of Christian Education & Spiritual Formation


  • Education Ministry Team

    Other areas of the Education Ministry

    ADVENT BOOK: To create devotional books for the season of Advent, bringing together a variety of

    thoughts and prayers to share with the congregation.

    BEHIND THE SCENES PREP: To help prepare supplies and resources for Sunday School and small groups.

    CAMPS: To promote the camping ministry of the East Ohio Conference and coordinate the participation of

    Faith Church members.

    FAITH BASED SUMMER LITERACY PROGRAM (NEW!): To read and play games with children to help

    nurture a love of reading and development of reading skills in a caring, Christian environment.

    HISTORIAN: To record the life of the church through word, photography and video.

    NURSERY CAREGIVER: Care for the youngest members of our church family on Sunday morning,

    Wednesday evenings, or as needed during church activities and special events.

    RETREATS: To coordinate a number of retreats to encourage spiritual growth such as Womens retreats,

    marriage retreats, Christian Living Resources, Family Concerts, etc.


    SPIRITUAL PRACTICES/PRAYER EXPERIENCES: Assist in creating and setting up prayer experiences to

    provide opportunity for the congregation to engage in various spiritual practices.


    Education 6%

    2012 Narrative Budget - Education

  • Faith Friends Learning Center

    Molly Meister

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    the most up to date information


  • Faith Friends Learning Center

    Ways to Get Involved with Faith Friends Learning Center

    Story Time Reader: On Tuesdays, we are looking for volunteers to come in to the library and

    volunteer to read a book to the students! Call the church for details.


    FFPS 31%

    2012 Narrative Budget - FFPS

    Alina Dorto Director of Faith Friends


    (330) 499.1780

    Summer Program 2012 89 Registered Students

    Fall 2012-2013 137 Registered Students

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    code for the most up to date information

    Betsy & Tod Gorrell

    Membership Care Ministry Team


  • Food Ministry

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    code for the most up to date information

    Want to get involved?

    Because the Food Ministry is at the beginning of a new journey, there are many opportunities to grow! The team is looking for members who would like to join to help they expand this ministry and develop new programs as well as provide new and exciting ideas! Contact Linda Minor, Rita Backhurst, Diana Springor or Nancy Peters for more information.

    Betsy & Tod Gorrell


  • Helping Hands

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    code for the most up to date information

    Mary Lou Campbell

    Want to get involved?

    Helping Hands hopes to offer transportation for members (when in

    need) who would like to attend Sunday church services.

    Coordinate meals to members in need for short terms, such as members

    returning from hospital stays, families with new babies, or members

    who have had an accident of some kind.

    One person gives

    freely, yet gains

    even more.

    Proverbs 11:24a

    A generous person will be enriched;

    and one who refreshes will be

    refreshed. Proverbs 11:25

    Mary Lou Campbell


  • Men of Faith Church

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    code for the most up to date information

    Coming Together is a Beginning, Keeping Together is Progress, Working Together is Success

    Mike Hubble 16

  • Recreation Ministry

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    for the most up to date information

    Want to get involved?

    Basketball for men of all ages

    (teens to seniors) meets on

    Monday evenings at 7pm in the

    Family Life Center

    Golf team plays during the

    summer. Watch the bulletin and

    web site for details.

    Softball team plays in the church

    league during the summer.

    Watch the bulletin and web site

    for details.

    Basketball for the over 40 crowd

    is in the process of forming.

    Watch the bulletin and web site

    for details.

    Tod Gorrell


  • Visit or scan the QR code for the

    most up to date information

    Second Wind

    Paige Bullock


  • Stephen Ministry

    Veterans Ministry

    Chair of Veterans &

    Stephen Ministry

    Visit or scan the QR code for

    the most up to date information

    Ron Luikart 19

  • United Methodist Women

    Kim Wallick

    Visit or scan the QR code

    for the most up to date information

    For this reason I remind you to fan

    into the flame the gift of God

    2 Timothy 1:6


  • Membership Care Ministry Team

    Other areas of the Membership Care Ministry

    Dinner Theater: To produce a dinner theater experience once a year at Faith UMC.

    Extending the Table Ministry: This is a new program being developed for members to take home communion to a shut-

    in.. This is a half hour commitment on the first Sunday of the month. Please call the church if interested.

    Gift of Music: To provide live music to people in our congregation who are celebrating milestone birthdays.

    Green Ministries: To provide programs and information to encourage people and our church to engage in practices that

    promote good use of our natural resources, recycling and other green practices.

    Health & Wellness: To provide resources, materials & opportunities to promote wellness and a healthy lifestyle.

    Hospitality Teams: To provide meals for members in times of crisis, loss or need.

    Membership Care Calling Program: To contact all members of Faith UMC to make them feel connected to the church.

    Partners in Faith/Date Night: To provide a half hour small group program for parents that includes a couple hours of fun,

    creative & recreational childcare so that parents can have a night out. Please note:; This ministry is seeking new

    leadership and help as the Bullocks move on to other ministry in 2013. Contact Betsy Gorrell if interested.

    Prayer Shawl Ministry: To prayerfully knit/crochet beautiful shawls to give to people who are in need of comfort and

    prayer. Contact Sue Kelley.

    Scholarship: To advertise scholarship opportunities and select recipients (education, camps). Contact Ron Luikart.


    Membership Care 3%

    2012 Narrative Budget - Membership Care

  • Outreach Ministry Team

    Aaron Stryker

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    the most up to date information


  • Resurrection Run/Walk

    Aaron Stryker

    Visit or scan the QR code for

    the most up to date information


  • Outreach Ministry Team

    Other areas of the Outreach Ministry

    BOY SCOUTS: To support Troop 12 of the Boy Scouts of America.

    DOORSTEP MINISTRY: To make personal contact with visitors and welcome prospective

    members, sharing information about the church.

    NEW MEMBERS: To identify and invite potential new members to participate in an

    orientation that may lead to church membership. To assimilate new members into the life of

    Faith UMC.

    PEACE WITH JUSTICE: To call the church to action for peace and justice. To inform the

    congregation of local events and programs. To provide opportunities for church members to

    pray, learn, share, understand, study and respond to peace and justice issues as part of the

    general mission of the church in light of the Gospel of Jesus.

    WELCOME CREW: To provide information and directions to visitors on Sunday Morning.


    Outreach 2%

    2012 Narrative Budget - Outreach

  • Service in Mission Ministry Team

    Scott Hendricks, 2012 Chair

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    code for the most up to date information


    Karen Truett, 2013 Chair


  • Trudy Jones

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    code for the most up to date information

    What is the Garden of Weedin?

    The Garden Group grows tomatoes and peppers on the church property.

    The produce is used to make salsa which is then sold. The proceeds from

    the salsa sales are divided between the Akron Canton Food Bank and our

    own Faith Kitchen to help feed the hungry in our area.

    Garden of Weedin


    Ephesians 4:28 let them labor with their hands what is good that they might

    have something to give those who have needs.

  • Pennies For Paraguay

    Trudy Jones

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    code for the most up to date information


    Proverbs 22:6

    Train up a child in the

    way he should go, and

    when he is old he will

    not turn from it.

  • Sewing For Missions

    Sue Bell

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    code for the most up to date information


    Romans 12:4-6

    For just as each of us has one body with many members

    and these members do not all have the same function, so

    in Christ we, though many, for one body, and each

    member belongs to all the others. We have different

    gifts, according to the grace given to each of us.

  • Faith Kitchen


    Cheryl Froelich

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    code for the most up to date information

  • Service in Mission Ministry Team

    Other areas of the Service in Mission Ministry

    BLOOD DONOR PROGRAM : To provide advertising and recruit donors and volunteers for a blood drive at Faith

    to support the blood bank.

    CANTON CALVARY MISSION: To make the congregation aware of opportunities for service at the mission.

    CHRISTMAS GIVING: To asses, coordinate and publicize needs of designated community programs to the church


    FAITH IN ACTION: To coordinate adult mission opportunities for Faith United Methodist Church.

    KAIROS PRISON MINISTRY: Trained Volunteers called by God to bring the light of Christ to those who are


    SEWING GROUP: To enjoy fellowship while making quilts and other items for those who are ill, homebound or in

    nursing facilities.

    SPECIAL OFFERINGS: To determine needs for missions and level of support from Faith United Methodist Church

    holiday and special offerings.

    WORLDWIDE MISSION SUPPORT: To educate the congregation on opportunities to support the work of various

    missions and missionaries and the impact of that support.


    Missions 5%

    2012 Narrative Budget - Missions

    The graph to the left shows the percent of the budget is mission expenses, and the graph the right shows the donated amounts to

    different missions. 100% of all Christmas and Easter offerings are given towards our missions.

    Apportionments 109,228

    Youth Mission $15,785

    Christmas $13,156

    Easter $9,261

    Faith Kitchen $7,080

    Pennies for Paraguay


    2011 Missions Budget - $157,865

  • Worship Ministry Team

    Bob Snyder

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    code for the most up to date information


  • Communion Stewards

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    code for the most up to date information

    Bob Snyder


  • Worship Ministry Team

    Other areas of the Worship Ministry Team

    ACOLYTES: To coordinate, provide training, and supervise acolytes. ALTAR GUILD: To provide a creative and inspirational presentation of the altar and chancel area (sanctuary, chapel, Family

    Life Center).

    CABINET DISPLAY: To create a display in the display case monthly to enhance activities and seasonal church themes.

    DRAMA/DANCE TEAM: To prepare drama presentations to enhance worship services.

    FUNERAL COORDINATOR: To coordinate and direct details of the funeral service.

    GREETERS: To give a warm and friendly welcome to all who enter Faith Church.

    LITURGISTS: To participate in leading worship through scripture reading and offertory prayer.

    MUSIC/CHOIRS: To provide vocal and instrumental music to enhance worship.

    PRAISE TEAM: To be a part of the contemporary worship service through vocal and instrumental music or helping to set out

    and collect the attendance pew pads.

    SANCTUARY DUTY: To maintain a clean and well-supplied sanctuary (8:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. services) and the chapel.

    SOUND SYSTEM: To operate the sound system and other audiovisual systems.

    USHERS: To attend to a variety of details to facilitate worship for Sunday services and special services.

    WEDDING COORDINATORS: To coordinate and direct the details of the wedding day service.

    WORSHIP DESIGN: To work in advance of services with the pastors in the design and implementation of all worship services.


    Worship 8%

    2012 Narrative Budget - Worship

  • Youth Ministry Team

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    code for the most up to date information

    Gary Jones


  • Matt Hart, Director of Youth Ministry

    Refuge Youth Ministry

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    for the most up to date information


  • Youth Mission Trips

    Donny Bell

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    code for the most up to date information


    Butch Ransom, retired after

    25 years of service!

    Thank you Butch!

    2013 Dates

    High School Trip

    June 29-July 6

    Rockford, IL

    Local Middle School

    July 22-26

  • Youth Ministry Team

    Other areas of the Youth Ministry Team

    CONFIRMATION MENTORS: Mentor a student through his/her journey of faith by having discussions, attending

    events, and participating in a special worship service designed to recognize the completion of the class.

    GAME COORDINATORS: Lead various games/activities, from our curriculum, that tie in with the overall

    theme/lesson of the evening.

    HIGH SCHOOL MISSION TRIP: To participate in and provide opportunity for service by the youth to the

    community and the nation.

    MIDDLE SCHOOL MISSION TRIP: To participate in and provide opportunity for service by the youth in the

    community and the surrounding Ohio area.

    SMALL GROUP LEADERS: Facilitate a discussion with either middle school or high School students on Sunday

    mornings during the 11:00 a.m. service.

    TRANSPORTATION: Drive to/from various youth events with students, while seeking to build a relationship with



    Youth 6%

    2012 Narrative Budget - Youth

  • Communications Ministry Team

    Carmie Johnson, Coordinator of Communications

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  • Finance Ministry Team

    Areas of the Finance Ministry Team

    Vision: To be an extension of the stewardship of Gods people through effective financial planning and managing funds to

    support the ministry of Faith Church.

    Mission: To identify, perfect and manage the finance system for the congregation of Faith Church, by working with the

    Stewardship Ministry Team in the raising of funds, appropriately managing finances through effective planning, budgeting

    and reporting, and managing the disbursement of funds through effective controls and established procedures.

    ANNUAL BUDGET: To coordinate preparation of an annual budget of income, expense, fund reserves, and special giving.

    AT LARGE MEMBERS: To provide support and serve as a voting member to help with policy and decision making for all

    Finance Team business.

    BANK COURIERS: To deliver Sunday offerings to the bank night deposit.

    COUNTERS: To receive Sunday and interim offerings and report to financial secretary.

    FINANCIAL POLICY: To review current policies and revise

    or establish new policies on internal controls, accounting,

    and financial reporting.

    INVESTMENT OVERSIGHT: To monitor the churchs

    investments and make recommendations for

    placement of designated reserve funds.

    Dale Holwick

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    code for the most up to date information


    Finance 11%

    2012 Narrative Budget - Finance

    75% of the Finance Ministry Team Budget is devoted to FUMCs shared giving which supports district, conference & world

    mission and ministries. Please see this reflected in the service and missions 2011 Missions Giving pie chair on page 29.

  • Office Ministry Team

    Sally Miner

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    code for the most up to date information


    Sam Purses

  • Staff Parish Relations Committee

    This year SPRC celebrates the successful completion of their goal of hiring 3 new staff

    members! They also redefined 2 other staff positions!

    Areas of the Staff Parish Relations Committee

    Vision: To be in ministry to offer support and a communication link between members of the staff and the congregation;

    to direct and guide staff to fulfill goals adopted by the annual church conference.

    Mission: We are a diverse group of individuals representing the members of the church. We seek to be an administrative

    unit which integrates the staff and congregation to focus on the mission of the church. Our work will be guided through

    prayerful listening and the implementation of Gods direction for Faith Church.

    AT-LARGE MEMBERS: To prayerfully consider the personnel needs of the church and to be the link between staff and

    the congregation.

    SAFE SANCTUARIES: To provide, maintain, review and utilize the Safe Sanctuaries policy in order to ensure that Faith

    UMC is a safe place for people of all ages.

    Philip Bell

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    code for the most up to date information


    SPRC 5%

    2012 Narrative Budget - SPRC

  • Stewardship Ministry Team

    Areas of the Stewardship Ministry Team

    Vision: To be a community practicing Christian stewardship as a God focused lifestyle. Christian stewardship is the faithful

    management of all that God gives us.

    Mission: To coordinate the planning and implementation of a comprehensive program of stewardship education, inspiration

    and funding opportunities that embraces the entire congregation.

    AT LARGE MEMBERS: To help the team to determine the objectives for the year and assist in carrying out the projects.

    John Ferris, 2012 Chair

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    the most up to date information


    Dale Zimmerman, 2013 Chair

    Stewardship 2%

    2012 Narrative Budget - Stewardship

  • Trustees

    Areas of the Trustees Ministry Team

    Vision: To care for and upgrade the physical building and equipment of the church, parsonage, and surrounding grounds.

    Mission: To be responsible for the supervision, oversight, and care of all real property used by Faith Church and all personal

    property and equipment acquired directly by Faith Church. To share responsibility for administration and distribution of all

    bequests and trusts.

    AT-LARGE MEMBERS: To serve a three-year term. Help the team to determine the objectives for the year and assist in

    carrying out the projects.

    COLUMBARIUM: To oversee the continuance of the Memory Garden in the courtyard with regard to financial and legal

    considerations, beauty and solemnity.

    INTERIOR DECORATING: To make decisions regarding the appearance and safety of the interior of Faith Church so that we

    provide a safe and welcoming atmosphere.

    KITCHEN MAINTENANCE: To maintain a safe and healthy environment in Faith Church kitchens.

    LANDSCAPE: To provide and maintain an aesthetic and pleasant surrounding for the church and parsonage.

    MEMORIAL: To receive, acknowledge, and administer memorial gifts.

    PARSONAGE: To inspect the parsonage annually. To repair and update while being sensitive to the needs and concerns of

    the parsonage family.

    TECHNOLOGY: To maintain and provide

    technological resources for the congregation.

    Steve Stiffler, 2012 Chair

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    QR code for the most up to date information


    Eric Mansfield, 2013 Chair

    Trustee 21%

    2012 Narrative Budget - Trustee
