Live Music Review Kate Nash



Live Music Review Kate Nash by Amber Davis

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Kate Nash Live Review

She is the inspiration behind my auburn locks, my obsession with floral frocks and the reason why I sometimes wish I really was Mariella.

This wasn’t the first time I’ve seen Kate Nash live. It was, however, the first time I’ve seen her perform her new album My Best Friend Is You at Concord 2, Brighton, March 26 2011.

Amongst her all-girl band she still stood out as the Kate we all know and love. Except now she’s sporting a new blonde streak in her hair (similar to one I had in college but not pointing any fingers here) and her new trademark black hearts painted on her cheeks.

We arrived just as she was playing her first song, I Just Love You More. Apologies to Support act Brigitte Aphrodite, a self confessed alternative/visual artist, I’m sure your performance was compelling and you can find her on MySpace here

Kate continued her performance with a mix of songs from her current and first album Made of Bricks. It was pleasantly reminiscent to hear the lines that have been the soundtrack to my summers for the past few years. However, you could hardly hear poor Kate over the chorus of fans singing that line about lemons just a bit louder than she could manage.

Her new album has a slightly different tone than we’re used to. Continuing with her Brit-pop sound she not only tackles relationship issues but has a new anarchic edge.

Long gone are her pretty dresses, replaced with a black velvet, bodycon number with cut-out sides revealing flesh and raunchy, red underwear. Over the top she wore a black PVC skirt resembling the angular structure of an umbrella. This image was replicated with an umbrella on stage filled with light bulbs, creating a bazaar world that Kate seems so content in.

With this new look comes a new voice. The track ‘I have a secret’ explores issues of homophobia in today’s society. Kate said it shouldn’t matter whether you are gay, straight or anything in between, that we should all have the right to be happy.

Equally Mansion Song highlights the difficulties a woman has in trying to ‘have it all’, somewhere along the line being an independent woman has meant dropping the stereotype of a lady and picking up something much harsher, something dirty that only a trip to the clinic will sort out. This song contains a conceit that a woman could be a mansion if she only stood strong enough.

The troubles that face women today are a huge concern of Kate’s. As you can see from the image above she has no fear in showing her excitement and anarchy by climbing on her keyboard and running around the stage so much so that a terrified techy has to chase her around to make sure she doesn’t hang herself on her own mic cable!

Kate has recently set up her own Rock’ n ’Roll after school club for girls. She spoke out about this during her tour saying she was distressed to hear that many young girls do not pursue a career in music because they feel they do not fit the stereotype of a pop star.

Kate, who stands up for averagely built women everywhere, says that through her songs that she can relate her emotions to the public and that everyone should have the same opportunity regardless of the way they look.

I felt inspired by Kate’s performance. She not only is a great singer, she is a real woman with real thought behind her music. It was endearing to hear her trip and stumble over her words between songs, at the end of the day she’s just a woman standing up for what she believes in. As much as her performance was obviously well rehearsed, you could still feel her genuine passion radiating right to the back of the room.

I couldn’t help but imagine more pop stars like Kate with the same attitude, same confidence, despite social pressures and expectations. If more women felt empowered enough to speak out about their beliefs, make people listen then maybe then there would be a real difference made in the world. But, then I remembered, there’ll only ever be one Kate Nash.
