Literacay The Tempest a story by William Shakespeare · Year 5 Home Learning Tasks - Monday 15th...


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Year 5 Home Learning Tasks - Monday 15th June - Term 6/ Week 3:

Literacay – The Tempest – a story by William Shakespeare

Think about what Caliban is like as a person in the story so far (perhaps watch episodes 1-3 again – see yr. 5 stories in the video resources section of the Edward Wilson Primary School website.)

Task : Write a character profile for Caliban.

Think about the questions below and write a character profile about Caliban.

Why does Caliban dislike Prospero so much?

How does Caliban act towards Prospero and Miranda?

How does Caliban act towards Stephano and Trinculo?

What is Caliban’s main aim in life?

Which powerful adjectives would you use to describe Caliban and why?

History – Shakespeare (Tudor Times)

Imagine that you are a time traveller and that you travel back in time to a Tudor Classroom.

Write a letter to your friend about your experience, describing what it was like to be a pupil in a Tudor classroom and comparing it to what it was like in a modern day classroom before the Coronavirus epidemic. Think about what is the same and what is different.


Yesterday, I travelled back in time to a Tudor Classroom. I was amazed to see…….

Literacy and Maths:

Complete the tasks that have been set for Monday and Tuesday, on this website:


Complete the reading comprehensions set on the ‘Literacy Planet’ website –


Visit this website for the following lessons:

Science: This week, we are learning about the famous scientist: Leonardo Da Vinci

Find out who ‘Leonardo Da Vinci was? Find out about the facts

associated with the famous Scientist ‘Leonardo Da Vinci’ and

find out about his famous accomplishments.

(Copy and paste the web address into the google bar)


This term we are starting a new topic called ‘Humanist – Should rules be broken?’

LI: To create a golden rule in our lives Listen to this fable and make notes about what this fable is teaching you?

My Maths

Do not forget to log on to Mymaths and complete the tasks that have been allocated to you. Do not forget to log out so that the work is saved!

Literacy Planet

Log on to Literacy Planet and complete the set tasks.

Check the website on Wednesday for your next set of homework tasks .

The following pages are for those children who have been learning how to play the recorder.

Treble Clef

The treble clef tells us the pitch of notes (how high and low they are) and what letter names they will

have. Try drawing some treble clefs below, starting from the inner curve and finishing at the tail.

Let’s learn how to tell which notes are which in the treble clef by separating the notes into line notes

and space notes.

Try drawing the notes from low E to high F in semibreves on the stave below, above their correct

letter names.

So far, we have looked at notes and music that are in the Treble Clef,

which is the swirly symbol at the start of every stave (what we call the

five lines of music). In music, there are 7 different notes:

A, B, C, D, E, F and G.

Of course, when we play music there are many more than just 7 notes, so

once we get to G, we start again, so the next note higher than G is an A.


To remember which notes sit on lines and spaces, you could use the phrases

Every Green Bus Drives Fast and Fat Animals Can’t Exercise

Can you come up with your own sentences to help you remember the notes on the stave? Remember,

we remember the phrases from the lowest note upwards!

E G B D F .

F A C E .

Can you spell out the words, using your knowledge of the lines and space note letters?

