LISUG web site AdWords by Alan Baisch LISUG...


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Google AdWords

by Alan Baisch

LISUG web site project

• Web site design considerations• SEO (Search Engine Optimization)• Keyword Analysis• PHP• MySQL

Important steps and strategies

• Review existing website and discuss improvements.

• Surf the internet (Checkout the competition!)• Storyboard the website• Build a site map

February 1998

May 2000

January 2011

Storyboard the website

Think like a first time


Site MapA general top-down

view of the overall site contents.

Improvements• New contemporary design• Easier and quicker to maintain• Improve ability to be picked up in search

engines (SEO-Search Engine Optimization)

• Traffic analysis with google analytics• Promotion of Organization• Event Pictures• Reduce/eliminate other costs. (Handouts)

What type of web site?

• Flash • Static HTML • PHP• E Commerce • CMS (Content Management System)

– Wordpress– Joomla– Etc.

Review Other Designs/Templates

New Design

Landing Page-Design Considerations-1

Usability-How well users can navigate, find information and accomplish their goalsFont Size-Absolute or relative

Browser Compatibility

Browser Plug-Ins (Most users do not like installing)

Web Site speed. Is it fast enough for everyone?

Security of online data. (SSL/TLS) (Verisign/Geotrust seal)

Keep action, major benefits and conversion actions above the Fold

Use testimonials and reviews when possible

Use associations to install trust in your visitors

Landing Page-Design Considerations-2

Use coupons or discounts

Use images to direct a consumer’s focus

Code for color blindness-check page in grey scale (

Buttons versus text links-Don’t overuse buttons

Establish a Privacy policy

Make the conversion process easy!

Use “ALT” tags to enhance SEO and handicapped browsers.

Conform to ADA and W3C

Grey Scale Version

Buying Funnel






Awareness of your product

Generate interest in product

Learn about features and benefits

Compare similar products

Compare prices, warranties, shipping costs,service contracts, return policies etc.


Development Steps

Create Main web page and Navigation

Create text and graphics

Create secondary pages

Create MySQL files

Change pages to use tables with PHP

Add/Revise informational text

Determine keywords to use on landing page


The basis of ALL search engine rankings is keywords.

Users enter keyphrases in Search Engines to get

information they need, It is VERY important that you

optimize for such keyphrases

AdWords Options

In order for you to sync AdWordsand Analytics, the email address that you use to log-in to your AdWords account must also be an administrator of the Google Analytics account.

AdWords Keyword Tool

What Keywords are searched the most?

• as400• system i• i series• ibm i• iseries• iseries i5• e server• eserver

What Keywords are searched the most?

• i series• system i• as400• ibm i• i5• iseries• e server• eserver



Keyword Density

Keyword density is the percentage of times a keyword or phrase appears on a web page compared to the total number of words on the page. In the context of search engine optimization keyword density can be used as a factor in determining whether a web page is relevant to a specified keyword or keyword phrase.

Keyword Text

Meta Tags

<title>Long Island System Users Group</title>

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">

<meta name="description" content="The Long Island System Users Group or LISUG is a educational organization dedicated to people using the IBM AS400, AS/400, IBMi, system I, Power platform.">

<meta name="keywords" content="LISUG, Long Island System Users Group, AS400, AS/400, System38, System/38, iSeries, Power system, education, system i">

<meta name="robots" content="INDEX,FOLLOW">

<meta name="revisit-after" content="15 Days">

Links and Reciprocal Links



Google Analytics ReportTraffic Analysis

Content Display using

MySQL Tables

Meeting Presentation Speaker

Easy to Maintain

Upload of Files

Directory Listing of Pictures

PHP Coding


Set all pages to .PHP extension

AddHandler application/x-httpd-php5 .phpAddHandler application/x-httpd-php5 .htmlAddHandler application/x-httpd-php5 .htm

.htaccessThe htaccess file is a configuration file which is used on Apache based web servers to control many features of the server.


DataBase Connection

<?php$db = mysql_connect(“server", “user name", “password");mysql_connect(“server", “user name", “password")or die("Could not connect to MySQL server!");

mysql_select_db(“database",$db)or die(mysql_error());


The mysql_connect() function opens a non-persistent MySQL connection.This function returns the connection on success, or FALSE and an error on failure. You can hide the error output by adding an '@' in front of the function name.

The mysql_select() function is used to select data from a database.

Home Page Code-1<?PHP

include("");$dir = "images/";$msg = "";$month_names = array("January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September",

"October", "November", "December");

echo "<table width='550' align='center' frame='border' border='2' bordercolor='blue' bgcolor='white'><tr><td>\n";echo "<br><center><font size='+2' color='blue'><b>LISUG Meeting Information</b></font></center><br><hr>\n";

/* Determine if next meeting is this month or next month */$yyyymm = date("Ym"); $year = date("Y");$month = (int) date("m");$day = (int) date("d");

$query = "SELECT mtg_date FROM meetings WHERE yyyymm = '$yyyymm'";$result = mysql_query($query);if (!$result) echo "mysql_error()<br>\n";list($mtg_date) = mysql_fetch_row($result);

$mday = (int) substr($mtg_date,8,2);

if ($day > $mday) {$month = $month + 1;if ($month < 10)

$month = "0" . $month;else $month = "$month";

$yyyymm = $year . $month;}

if ($month = 12) { $month = 00;$year = $year + 1;


Home Page Code-2/* Display Next Meeting */$query = "SELECT rowid, mtg_date FROM meetings WHERE yyyymm = '$yyyymm'";$result = mysql_query($query);if ($result) {

list($mtg_rowid, $mtg_date) = mysql_fetch_row($result); }

else echo "mysql_error($result)<br>\n";

$myear = substr($mtg_date,0,4);$mmonth = (int) substr($mtg_date,5,2);$mday = substr($mtg_date,8,2);$mtg = "<a href='lisug_meeting_detail.php?r=$mtg_rowid'>" .$month_names[$mmonth-1] . " " . $mday . ", " . $myear . "</a>";

$m = $month_names[$mmonth-1];echo "$mtgdate";echo "<center> Our <b>$m</b> meeting: Wednesday, $mtg<br><br></center>";echo "<center><font color='blue'>LISUG Question and Answer Session</font></center> \n";echo "<table align='center'>\n";

$weekday = date('l', strtotime($mtg_date)); // note: first arg to date() is lower-case L

strtotime — Parse about any English textual datetime description into a Unix timestamp

Home Page Code-3$query = "SELECT rowid, title, speaker, time FROM presentation WHERE meeting = '$mtg_rowid' order by time";$result = mysql_query($query);if (!$result) echo mysql_error() . "<br>\n";

while(list($pre_rowid, $title, $speaker, $time) = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {

$presentation = "<a href='M_presentation.php?r=$pre_rowid'>$title</a>";switch($time) {case "5:00pm": $t = "Presession"; break;case "7:00pm": $t = "Dinner"; break;case "8:00pm": $t = "Main Presentation"; break;default: $t = "Main Presentation"; break;}

$query2 = "SELECT fname, lname FROM speaker WHERE rowid='$speaker'";$result2 = mysql_query($query2);if (!$result2) echo mysql_error() . "<br>\n";list($fname, $lname) = mysql_fetch_row($result2);echo "<br /n>";$name = "<a href='M_speaker.php?r=$speaker'>$fname $lname</a>";echo "<tr><td><font color='red'>$t:</font> </td>

<td><b>$presentation</b></td><td><font size='-1' color='purple'><i>presented by</i></font> $name</td</tr>"."<p>&nbsp;</p>";

}echo "</table><br>\n";


Date Formatting

List() functionThe list() function is used to assign values to a list of variables in one operation.

Mysql_fetchDefinition and UsageThe mysql_fetch_row() function returns a row from a recordset as a numeric array.This function gets a row from the mysql_query() function and returns an array on success, or FALSE on failure or when there are no more rows.Syntaxmysql_fetch_row(data)

Parameter DescriptionData Required. Specifies which data pointer to use. The data pointer

is the result from the mysql_query() functionTips and NotesNote: After the data is retrieved, this function moves to the next row in the recordset. Each subsequent call to mysql_fetch_assoc() returns the next row in the recordset.

Tools Used

Wamp Server Windows Web development environment

Notepad ++ Code editor

Dreamweaver Web site development tool

Fireworks Image editing application Keyword Density Analyzer Grayscale Analysis Google Adwords Google Analytics Page Rank Checker
