LISPENARD-ST., ALBERT KicANcccfj, July Cet. D¿T¿£ .. AHY … · 2017-12-13 · A...


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¦Doiivij onb Hoomô.A _

jé fi LISPENARD-ST., i*ar' Irr».)!,«, betas, wiUi ST wütiaut

Bos d I oír*- f» '5 c»> '»'«'chmaB up all nlgnt Spanish Ipoksn.

4oo0tf 10 Cet.¦ ,»»»^».1 ii.i-B».,..-.-r- .^.._.,. .. ..m..........

AHY Tv«pex*t»blt' fainii.T hnvinir more room thvtla-, y rv-guire in . bssie with bath-room, «ras. and all m »dem

ero lupiotraiM-ia»», can »nd a tyeatasl and nlghlt rr«i»*ctablefiBiÜv w, 'tng o .liar»- lent will, tbeai. by takln« »be upper partBOfBrnUl d Th»re m .it b» every 'acillt v for cooking and livingE pcrl'ea-t todt-aandsn a No tenement notias peoi.le need ap¬

ply Fro-" *280 to t>IVl>er nii-uni will be paid if th» ptrtbibusv arias ite in « (a t ai n« lilibnthood anl prove »Uisfactorytothe ad«.<iti-er«. Add »ta X Y X box So. 17b Tribuí».- office.

LARGE HALL <>n Broadway to LET. If» by17» feet adjol«,ir.g the Metropolita,. Hotel. In Irving Builtl-

bit», N««. !W* and 5% t!r.*J« »y. Also. STUDIOS. Apply to~* E AYFR8, No. I'M H»««»u »t_

HOl^: in llm)klvnlo^ÈT7^Bd FURNI-T' HE for SALE.-Three »tory, brick. «ttuatr«don Lafay-

ette-«v. desirable neighborhood; gas batb, water-c!oi«-t better,Be Foinltuie will be »old chtap. either partoraU. Rent Ab'M).Addn-t» H. box No. I.KW Poii-Otrice.

Qowtts anb farms ti)anttb.

F~^J»Mfl WANTED in the vicinity oí New-York.By CHICKFuRINO k Co., Real Eitat* and General

sVsBBsy.. No. IB Wall it N. Y._

Bcol C&tiitc fox Gale.

FARMS lor SALE. CHEAP..We will «npplytracu of guoal Fanning Land In iba 8taU of Missouri, not

matt It» mile« fmm St. I .oui» for the low prie* of 50 oe»U petaeve Title g iMaiit.ed aud warrants* deeds riven Inc.lots,Btsmp '«r t plot anA pa-ticnlan, to 8. F- BILBROUGH k Co.,Dsitad 8tste« Land Astuta. St Lonto. Mitaouri._

F"OR SALE.A COUNTRY RESIDENCE andFARM tituited at RYE. We«tche«terCo.,two milt»t north-

BBajat from Rye Depot, In an Improving and deiirtble Beighbor-kood. on the White Plaint road There are 96 acre« of land, in

©rchard, meadow, and woodland, a large- vegetable garden, well

.cultivated, and with fruit« and flower« in abundance The

building» ar« all new, and conaitt of two dwelling hnmei, a Unebarn eattie-ttablei and other out-buildiugi There ar« eightbead of line »lock, wb'cn, with farming implement!.»,

arop* kc will be included lu the »al« of the place, and all at a

¦totals if applied for toon, to HANSON K. CORNING. No.

84 Sstitk-tt. New York._tVÄ kALb-FOUB NEW BRICK HOUSES,JV on High tt Newark. N J. Each it 21 feet front by 12 deep,Ihres rtorie» high, wiih Basement, fin« Piazja, ,»od Yard in rear,

Oat aud Water throsghoot itone ttoop, and iron fence in front

T«oat «asy. Apply at No. ti Artk-it, or No. 9u New it., New.


sale.One of 42 acrei. fine Land, good dwelling »nd onthoate. Price,MUMÖse of 445 acre», good »oil, «*a»mfortable dwelling, good out¬

building fln.lKiU.One of 74 acre», good dselling, and out-building, toil good

from Pock farm. All «00Otaeof 17 »ere«, »ood bullding. 81.500.On» of 4 ac ret. and bUckiuiilh »bop, honte faul out billding.

si.a*.One of 12 »creí, fine buildimt lit» on the turnpike. $1,100.One <-f li-4 acict. co.ú dwelling, and hie ».tuition, «nil good,

fcc. 8? "90.AU of *he above placet are well locited, and are within from

*M to 5 mile, of Elirai..'-h ">ty. N.J., «'id on the itat- route,

time from New York to ill the above placet within 1| hour».

Fot fuil particuiai. »pp'-y to ...I-* *ToLE k CHILTON. No. 45

JOliN KAVANÁGIL-No '¦B iv , h-tween 45th «nd IHtlist».,


A F(» R-STORY BRoWN-BTONE HOUSE. b*iilt aid fur-niibe. i, i iirit-ili»i mtuiuer in 4oÜi-it, between l>th and tith-iraMaltaA THREE STORY-and-BASEMENT BROWN-STONE

FRONT, in 45tb-tt., t'»itb »ide, hetareen «Ith-av and Broadway,F.'x4;i with an exientiou of 17 feet, well arranged. Lot 22x100Bit feetTH .EE HOUSES IN 2.-.-AV , built by diy«' work. Will

trade i,.r to«« well located.TWO LOTS in ISth-it nr»rth side, between 5th and Cth-avt.

Will tade tb«m fcr good tenant property"BROWN-STONE FRONT HOUSE «nd STORE iu9th-BT.,

between 2e.tb and ntb-ttt. Price ¡F9.K00.

'AÍi ACRES, Wctttfi.ltl, .V J., SO SBlM ftesj*A\ ' New-Yoik, on N. J C. R. R. Handy for parioni doingbultotaasin thr.lty to md fro 10 times a dir Building« ill uew.Ltrge H n»e, Bim. Granary. Ac. Garden Soil Beit, netr Depot,Plenlv Fr It. near Cburche«. Schoili, 8tor»i. Ac Good Neigh-borho«,d. In«j.ire to-dav. of C A. LEV FRlDOE. No. IK i-lberty-At, l'> to 1 o'c'ock. Reit of » i ek at Depot Hare two otherSeat placsa. (Cut out for reference. )

illns i ca 1 Jnstrnments





No. 421 Broomosi.


AH. GALE A Co., PIANO-FORTES. No. 107 Eist 12tb-at invite attentian to their new Seal«

PIANOS. Ouarauteed to pre entire latiifaction.

ARMORE'8 celébrate improved over-strungprealum PI «NOS. the b>-tt to ute, warranted for 3 yeanufaotared at SHA Bleecker-it A tpleudtd 7-octave for *110.


GRAND SQUARE, and UPRIGHT PIANOS,Wareroomi, No 6">4 Ur-udway.

C. k Son» have been awarded Thiity-elght Prire Med&U forUm »uperiority of thru manufacture foi the past 25 yetra,


MELODEONS and HARMONIUMS,Fot Parlón ('burche» V.«pri*i, and Lodgea,

At wholtasale and retail.


BQOABI PIANOS-Lon» known as the belt PIANG8»nade PRaTTS MELODEONS Good SECONÜ-11ANDPIANOS, very low. Piauoi »nd Melodeont to LET.

T. S. BERRY, No. 45H Broadway,Marble Bunding, corner Grand-it

JA C. FISCHER, NcTl^rBniadway, near. ltth-at., offer at a gt eat bargato a tine awortuient of their

.elebrated iron irauied over itrnug PIANOS, with the new

Improved patent Damper. Alto, several «econd-liajid Piauoiand MeJodeon» Manufac'.jry, No. 215 Weit 2.-tth-»t.

LINDEMAN A SONS, N.. C»:»G Broadwav,Piano Manufacturan, eitablithed 1836..Thet- Puno« nre

bighlv rscou mended by the eminent artists: Ou»ttvBatter, Carl An», I.U John N IVisoti Max MareO-i. W. G.OitaUicb, John Suekert. Gustav J.Sioec.kel.


Improved in u frame and over it;unt bau Piauoi. at losrsflfactory prices The be»t New Vork Piano» ». barg .int. 8 D. Ahi. VS. Smith'. Melcdron« with their great Unpuvtment, the" Pi:.i-t F'ott- t-top," of evert »-vie.

A M.'KiNOUSE, No. 415 Broidwty.

PIANOS, MELODEONS, and AlexandreOROANS-New and Second Hand, fot SALE or to RENT

at great Bargain». Melodeoui aa low a» 830; Piauoi, B7SMonthly payment! received for e tiier. Rent »Sowed if pniShttfA HORACE WATERS. Agt, No. Shi Brc^idwiy.


No. 135 Grand it, near Broadway.


sow corittdeared the beit Piano, manuiactared, and are warrantedfar five yearsWareroomi No«. 81 and H Walker it.. near Broadway.

1JTÀNTE1 )-P!ANOS a^d~MELODEONS, in" EXCHANOF. f r New-Vork 8Utp Oruziut. or TiiounLANDS Addres« J BROWN, Box No 177 Tribune Office.


ENAMELED CHAMBER SUITES of FUR¬NITURE to all oolon and ttylet. Wholesale or Retail, »t

SW, and upward tito Mattrassatt and Pail at««*WARREN WARD, No 177 Cin&l-tt-,

_Fo«r d(K>n east of Broadway, N. T.


No. 181 Csotre-st (niyar Canal), N. Y.


ßüliarb Habit*.



C-IMBINATION CUSHIONS.fl*M*ted by Le ten Patent da'*g »eb 1SJ 1156: Oot *», 18561P«C_«. 1»7, Jan 11, lAM, No» lb, DrM and Mtreb 2», 185ACTTbe reeent tonprovsenenU in ihete tabu, .»ft« ilKm qb.

R1S***T4,tatl**''0rU.,?*B, «l« BOW oflared to the O'lentittoBUltord i-toywi at c*niblnli,g tp«ed with t»tù»Lh, MTM harort ¿ in any Billiard Table.

y, N o«, bb, «7. and «ft Crotby.«.P11ELAN k COLLENDER,

now Manufv-tsreis.

Jnoorancc Companies.CLaToTIrTRÎT^OFFICE Ns. »1 WALL ST., N. Y.

Cash ¡»«.,.»»o

HUGH LAINO. Pr«tid«ni.JASB- 8 Aaatjr, Saerota

{paints, (Dilo, &t.«fpO CO.AL-OIL REFWERS.M- H»i toi made arrvtiigemenli wilb the proprlnton of thfl¦FAll«m tmt Biota of Pe-nssyIvanto yielding

PETROLEUM OIL,tfl MA>B«s their whoto production, «. are prepared ta offer thisAcBoU »a Ik« «i«e»t favt-raljl« tormt, «ad is qiuattlli««» to ittltBfrnssg r,

KiLlUrtltlli, BROTHERS k Co.,^«. 17V W'iliiM»-aL



No 51 William.t-INSURANCE STOCK and otber ~ecin-1t, privite tale. STOCKS ird BOND* bong» t and «old at thel!,Lk. it- Bixurl The Price Current issued «ami-monthly.


CAPITAL.B.W.OOrtSURPLIS Aug. 1. 1»80. 113.MI4.


T).e Dire ,«r« hive, IM» day, declared a 8F.MI4N.SUALCASH DU'IDEM) of 4| per rent on »he Capital Stork of'hitCompaiiy. VoTalilr ou demand ind alto a DIVIDEND ToPoI.I«*i HOI.nVRS "f 27 pat rent on the earned premium ofall P»ni. inatii g l'u!i ie« laci'ordin» to term» of agreement) totwhich »clip will oe iiaued on 1»t of O-toher nevt

JOSEPH WALKER, Preiiiei.t.T. W. Ui»r»«ALL, YI~*Pi*ildeut

R. L. Hatdock, 8ccr»t»ry.Orne« "FTHB PBWHtTi.TAtitA Coal Coupant corner of )

Brotdwayand WallP Nbw Yohk At:g 8. INI 1


Capital S"*> of the Pe»iT.»ylvanlB Coal Compinv. ptvahl« at theoffice In the City of New-Voik on and after the 11th of Augu-tIntt The transfer book« wUI be doted from the 7th to the Itithof Anguit inclurive GEORGE A HOYT, Treaiurer.

LoBILKABD FlRB I*« Co Office, Mechat-lrt' Bank BulMlng,No ai WaU it i Naw-York, Ang. 2. IDbO. >

THE Board of Direvtor» have» thia day declareda SURPLUS DIVIDEND of NINETEEN AND ONE

HALF PER CENT (l!*t), payable on and alter the Ch Init*^ OEO D OBART, Suit.

OrriiK «.»TBaNBtv-YoRKFihBAienMmiNBliiit rihçbC.,,, )New-York. A eg 4, 1«61. f

DIVIDEND..A fictni-Anntial Dirid.-nd of TenperCer.t hutblt day been declared, pivabl . to the St., k

bulden on demand, at lb»" offioe of the Company N* 71 Wall it1) UNDERH1LL. S cetiry


OS e. No HT WaU «t New-York. Aug. 7 l-«0. 1

THE BOARD of DIRECTORS Lav«, tin» daydeclared a teml annual DIVIOEND of FIVE (5) PElt

CENT Bayable on and alter the I.T'h Intt. Bv ordert,r-r> páyame on tutu -"T^g,,,mTÜN PObT, 8*j5<*tirT1_

Naioati-ck R R Co.TRB.isrKBR'» Orvic«, IBRinOBPt'liT, 0) Aug. H, 18440. \

DIVIDEND No. !(»..The Director» liare dt»,eland t Semi Aannal Dividend of FOUR PER CENT ou

th- capi'al stock.piyitble 15th inttTbc Tmiisu-r Book will be cloted from th» loth to the ICth

ln«t incluilv*. H. NICHOLH, Treuurer. i

Ni.«,.«,:« FtRB IviiBAiiCB OrriCB. (No. 67 Watt it Ang. 8, 1WS0 {

THE Board of Director* have tlii» day declaredaSKVI-ANN'AL DIVIDEND of TEN Í10, PERCENT

on 'he Cipital Stock, payable on demand at the office of the

Cornpuy._ I- G IRVING Secretary


Seal'd Propo«»li wl'l be received at the Controller1! Office untilWEDNESDAY, Sept.-mlier It, 1MB at » o'clock p m., whenthe i»A e will be publicly openel for the whole or any part of themm of Two! . nd Fifty Thousand Dolían of " TheCrotón Wafer Steck of the City of New-York," authorfied bychap. 8"2, of the law« oí In»»!) and by an Ordinance of the Corn-

in. n (ou, P. ipp-oved by the Mayor, Angutt 0, 1880, fur in-re-ttt'iot ihr mtip'y of Crotón Water, »nd crtending the necci-

»nrv Wcatti Cm a. cnii'.ulttiiiK and dlatriliii in, the nine.. The »aid Stoikwi'l bear Intereit at the rate offi per c»nt p«rar.tiii'». payable quarteryetrly, and the principal will be IS«deemahV on the first day of November. 1 ^"-î*Tin- Propoml. will »tale the amount of Stock d-iired ind »he

prit*S*(M re, him! the p«r»ot.s »-hole p'op MB areaceptedwill be required 'o depotit with the Chamberlain of the city,\t ¡thin ten da«»afta» 'he opening of the bidi. the fun iwardedtothem :e«pi- tive'y liirludluj the precrdapa on the «vue

( in aasSBBttaff M the Coittroller the receipts of th«- Chtmber-tola, t,.r in h depotit*, the p»r»ie« wi.l be ended t. r-.-eive cer

titi.ute« for equal »niounta of the par vilue of the Stock, bearingli t..-. t lioni ti-e dates of ptiyiiier.t«.Erch propr*itlon ibnnld be tetl»d tnd Indorsed " Prtpouli

for Crotón Wat-r Stork of the City of New-York " and th«¦ai '". Im 'o«ed in a second envelope afdiessed to the ControllerThe r'pt.t is reserved on th» part ol th- Controller to r-ie«.tiny

or all of the bids, if ouiidered neci-aary to protect or prometatlieii.terclt« OÍ the city. ROBT T HAWS, Controller.

Citv o' New-York. Department of Finance, JCetioller'- Office, Angntt 14, 18C0 S_


Vi'RK ".Sraled proposals will be re.-eivrd at the Coiitroller'tcifliiei.i.tii Fit I DA V,. he 14th day of September, loMoi kp. n... ahen the same »ill be public'v opened for the v»hol.-or).,.v eart o' the imnrni of Three Mllfinn dollars of the FloatingDebt Find Sto'k of »he (ity of New-York acthorlred by chip.4c« of the Law« of lftKi, and by at« Ordinance ol the CommonCouncil apptoved by «he May r. Ang II, lflM) for the purent«of liquidation and fundinu the Floitl,»« Debt of the Corporation.The «"id «fork will benr in»ere«t at the r» te of sii p.-r cent per

annum, pnyable ou«r»er v. arlv and the principal will be redeemable on the firt' duy of Mht. in the year 1871.The p.opoiali will »täte «he amount of itoc'--desired and the

pri. e per one hundred d-liirs thereof: and fie per-oni »hoseproposals are tvoap'ed will be required to d-p .«it wi h the(Tm b.ubin of the City, within ten dayt after the opeui.ig oflire bids, tl'e sum awarded to them respectively, including thepremium« on the »vue.On presenting to th» Contro.llei «he receipt« of the ChamSer-

lain lor such d«-poi*ti, the partiel will be ent»tl-d to receive cer-

titi.-it-s for equal tmotintt of the par value of the stuck, bearinghi'crett from the dates of aaj.SPO,

F'ach p'opoBttion should be ieal-,1. and indoraed, " Proposal«for »he Flosilrg Debt Fund 8to, k of the (ity of New York."and the »am* incloted iu a second envelope, ttJJiei-.-.l to theCortro'ler.'lherinht li reterred on the pi'tof the Controller to rej«v-t

my or all b:d«, if considered neceimry to protect or promoU" theintrre.t« of the ci yHolder» of Reverme Bondi of the Corpora' i in mav make Die

time available to the nnrebase.of thto atoek if they f.-.i,- ..a »-

j.HOffT T. Haw», Coutroller.City of New-Vork, Department of Finance. '

Controller'! Office, Aug 14, IHtSO. iTiitiiB Haitb, Alton and.St. l-mii Bailboab, f

No. 12 Wall «t., Au«. 13, IK'.0 ,

VOTICE..He.ldera of th.« SECOND MORT-Av OAOE BONDS of the TEURE HAUTE AND ALTONAND BELLEVILLE AND ILLIN'OISTOWN R M»,ROADwho have iot yet »ubtcrioed the Kondholdera' Agreement forthe ten p«-r re« t advance and the reoij-ni/alion, »re uotilied tlmtnl« ». they iiibscribe »aid agieement and t>»v «be in«tallin»iit oy

the 14th day of September, they will FORFEIT all tight tu be¬come ptrtiei to laid igr«-emer t. ROBERT BAYARD, of the Boiidhold-ra' Committee.


(HUAflMB*« Oren s. No. 34 City Evehango, )B .stob, Ang 10, Ubi. i

The Bonds efthit Company mstu-ing lit of October next,will be paid on ana after thia data with accrued interest ou pre-». i. at:, n t ti»i- i.t« e IS4AC LI VERMORE, Trea»ur«-r.



andNo. 8 WALL ST.. NEW-YORK,

Grant LF.TTFRS OF CREDIT for Mer*.»j,tii> Ptirpoiei.Alto, (Tilt I LAS LETTERS OF CREDIT on Ue prim 1 pal

towntandri'iei of EUROPE.A ,io, on Alexandria, Cairo Beyrout, Jernialem. Algieri, Ac.BILLS ON PARIS, and STERLING BILLS in tumi to tliit


propoial» will be received at the Contro'ler*» Olfloe uutliTill RSDAY, the l»th day of August, llit.ii, at t»o o'clock p. in

v. hin the tame will be publicly opened for th- pfcsls. or anyMM o! th« amount of two huiidi.d and fifty th ..and dolltitol the " ( i ntrtil Park In,.«wvssmpI Fund Stock." authoriietdby (bipter hb of the Lawi of l*i0. and by an ordinance at theCÍiniuiun Council, approved by the Mayor, July It, Itlrf).Th» »aid »lock will ronaiat of two thnuiand five hundred

lharri of one hundred dollara each, and bear intentât at th»rate ol tix par cut per aiiuuiii, payable quarter yearly fromtaxntion, ti.e p iuciiial redeem hie Nov. 1, IABL from th«'8mkiiig Fund fort he!.m of the City Debt "

'fir proposals will -.täte the auiou t of «tuck de.ired. and theprier par thai*, and the n.-rtont whose nruprgal. are aeoop-'-d,wili be required tu with the Cbauiberlaiu of the i-ity,with.n ten dayt after the oueniiir of the hilt, the tuna

hwarded to tiieui respsctively, lin luding the premium« ou the.»nie.On rieselitin«'o the Coiitrelle* the receipt! of the

lain for tuch d»'pc>«iU. the pirtiei Will be «ntiCed to ie> eiveeertilu tea for equal irnount» ol the par value of the ttock, fr-in the .lat-» of payment».Eacb |.ioi)oiition ibould be toi. d and iudoraed Pro[e-»Mli

for Central Park Improve,nein Fund Stock," and the aaine

put in a second envelope addressed to the Con rolle,Tb- riiil.t i« refcervrd on the of the Controller to reject any

rr ill ifthe bid», ifconiidoreo ueieiiary to protect or promotatheintereet. oftheiity RoHT T HAWS, Controller.til» of New York, Department of Huauce, Coutrolier't-OSice,

July 16, ItibO._.VÖTICE..Notice ia hereby jriven to the Creditor«JL» of th* lite Bink '.: Matiillon. at Maasillon, Ohio, to prêtentto -le uu«(er«ier,eJ Ke.-cr. .-.« of laid Sank at the office of Geo.Harih, at Maariiion aforesaid on or before the lit day of March,Ik« 1 for, all their CLAIMS agaiiiit nid Hank Allclaimt not t» pre»enud, will be forever barred from ail dividendsof Ike assets of taid Baak By order of Court.


MiwiUon, Jo»» 19, I«-'»._


No Hi Wfciiat , New V.okJ. EDWT.N BROWN, WM. U. UURLBUT.

Refer by pennipdon toJohn Earl Wllliuni. e»q D. B. Arnold, e«q.,

Pro»t. Metropolitan Bank. Preat Meriintile Bmk.Itaic N Piieipi. etq II II Willuui V. Undy.M« -sis A. A. lamp .-et e k Co. Meaira Swift, Huribot it Co


Proffsoioiml Notitce.


YORK. OHIO, IOWA, CONNECTICUT, and the ether State,.A» » Meiisiitlle Agency for the Fatten, arid Southern Stats«,

particular atlentíoc will ue given to the prompt oollectloo of allclain,t Litrniu-d to bit care In thia Btata, and Southern Uünoi»,and by ritaponiible torreapondeut» at all nototi along th» Misaitilpni and MiMourl river», above CtoclnnaiL

lf»KBna.i» a» Hon. F.rnstuiC'.,iilni, Albany ¡ Jam-» H'-rneLanerotiant, Meaar». Martin k Smith», Win. Kent, E. H. KIn,ball.Whiting k (link, W. E. Noy. i, Wm. M »art», Attorneyi andCoumelor», New York Jaa. Homar and Dad«I M VVl.,.n,e«q ,

¦aerabanu and Uoracs Oreatoy, ota,, N»w-York City._

LMLTS^TER, Graduated 8ITRO-ON DEN-S TI8T haiREMOVElltO No 50 W*t Wlbst, B*tw*«a

Broadway and trtb-av.

Scilbing XUalrrialo.



MILLER k CUATES,No. tVi ttotl-tX.


» ,T .."-"*"r ¦>»-' «»y i" u«y iinui me aa>e it cot*pas en. »no

following valuable REAL and PERSONAL PROPERTY, be¬longing to the r.iatr o Aaron L-!g*tt decr-iaed, to wit: Thetract of land calleo MOI'NT «.EPlIYR, containing by recentturvey a friction over l.Wit ecrei. 10 ho divided lain a number oflot», according to a plat, which will be exhibited on the day ofaale. Tblt land adjoin!, and a portion of It originally formedpart of the Mount > «m««n .»Ute. It i* «it.iate on and near theHirer Potomac, and lind« m. It. and on Dogue Creek 1« near 18niile« frtiui Waihington Citv and Georgetown and 6 mile» fromthe City of Alexandria, and li ondoubt»dly ene of the belt

landed properli.-. in this porti n of Virginia The «ituotion ifreu, healthy tbe lo.ietv of lh«- at IgBBaniaaS excellent,the loud of good nullity, well weteied, and the anible p .ition or

lt In a lilgl. »tat.« of cultivation, and I« well taken In gn«. and

clover, with facilitle« to market by land or water. It« proximityto Mount Ven on muat give tlti» property a i-onatoiitly "ereas-

Ing valu« Tlie Homrate»d. In the .IM«lon. contain» 111 20 lot)

acre«, »i h o Urge »und couifortoble Momion Hoia» and all

nf-oetiory ontbi.lldlnf» »monf the»*, one of the mott oommo-

dlou« and wall-orrt'uied Bam» In the SUi*. There I» olio a large(ianleu an eiteiuive Orchard of young and !l»uiithi:ig tree»,

pure and ficellent water (well and .rp'lt.g). Thl« trs-t In thedlv coiotitiite« an elegai t and tle«lr»lle property. On two

of th.« «mailer tracta there I« an nippjy of mock,which may be oted a« highly »iluabl* ferilltxer The title to

Um property It ancient, and believed to he anquestioiivble.That which I« verted by low in the uudtrtigned, a« adnilnlitro-tot » iib the will onuei'-d of Aaiou Legj,*e-t, deceased, will beconveyed.

Tliere will be mid at the tanie time and pleoe, a large riuantiryof Iley, the growing crop of Corn, upward of .*»> pur*-bloodedMr.Ino Sheep arid Lamb», 85 head of fat (. attlo, iocliidlng «orne

mperior Mil'-h Cow«, one Bull, (pure Devon itork.) two yokelaige and w.-11-bioken Oxen, a number of excellent Horte«, o

Portable Mill, one Bugr», and a greet variety of Farming Im¬plements conaUtlng partly of Wagone. Cart», Rfjgv-ri, Threth-er Drül Pioug'.t Harrow«, and u.any other aixD». of recentinprovenient found n«efu! 1* working o large landed ettate;alto o variety of 1IOLSEI10LD or.d KITCHEN Fl'RNI-TI'RF.Ikkb«. or Sii.b: For the Land, one-tenth of the piirchsse

money to be paid in hand, the balianee in threee«|ual »nit ilmeiitt,at «lx. twelve, and eighteen month«, from the day of tale with»lx per cent inteiett tlienfrom. »rcured bv th" boula of tbe pur¬chasers, with good pertona!security, and o deed of tru«t on theproperty wblcb will be liable to re»ale at the coat of any pur-rhuer tailing to comply with the termi of tale-conveyances otBBSt of pun'haters.

For»);* per» n») property, all pnrchaae« n' «'»0 and nnd*r,cath: til over that aaioaut, a credit of li monthi will be givea)v. 1th tntereit from the day of tale. Tl..« purchaaeri to glv»bond« with good pertonal teenrlty, and no article to be remoto,until tbe term» of tole ore fully complied with. The «-< irity nthe land and nenonal property to be approved of by thea .1,.igl.ed adn.iiilitratorAny fur1 her Information will bt« fi.nilahed bv application to

WILLIAM H. M.VCY, Pretidnu < tueLeather Mai.ufn'turert' Bank,

W1I.LLAM L. JENKINS, Cashier of the Bankof America, City of

New-YorSToJ. L. LOOK, «t Momt 7*p*iyr.

orto FRANCIS L SMITH,A.lii fnirtrittor, with the will onnex. dof Aoron L*gge

deceiaed, ot Alexandria. Va,I ARGE SALE ôf THOROUGHBRED TROT-I i TIMO and other HORSES ot WOODBURN FARM-On VV HNKSDAY the Wd day of Angu»t. I «rill «ell ot pub'lraale, bet» et-ii Ni and 6»i heed of thorough bred trotting ami r the!Mor».-« i-miai.'lng of about ¡8 thoroughbred More« the ttino

number of tr.Ating Moret, ond the baH.:ee young «took of bothtorts. Catalogue! of «tock ready for dlttriorition on« .rath previon« to the day of »ale, and may then be hod on application toMr I» LF.VIGENT. orthe lubicribor, R. AITCHESON AL¬EX ANDER, near Spring Station, on Lexington a d Fr-a-ia/or»Roll i oad.

aflíacliincro.BOARDMAN S Patvrit StA-ara Boiler aav«-a M r>i»r

per In fuel. Cylinder bolien ran be tlu.e.i tnd en

trged Send for t.-irciiliir H. BOARDMAN, 168 Brtvadwoy.

I^KK TION «»h JOURNALS ANNIHILATED,tt.d «!| lie eaiity for Li.bii. atiou dltpeilfi'd with i achleiing

extmortiiioiy lelull« hai been fully t, «led, liotîi for pra tn »III-itv and iluraniiity The public, « Vntit; mm and mechanicf,call ai.d he onviuced by pra. Heal demonalr-ti.n.

W. J DEMORK8T, No 478 Broadwiy.

©rían Steamers, #r.


The le-mer ISLAND HELLE will leave tt.e wharf foot ofHiiiiiiuond »I on THl'RSDA Y neu, the in«t ot 2 o'clock,p. ni., prec «ely, to convey pusei gert to the »hip.




Capt P. E. Lef« vre,Wl'i ,«c ill.:,, TI, r Ni. :«, N. IC, N-« Yirk. at noan, SATt'R-DA V, S. |t. ;¦;, with moil», parteiifer«, and tpecie, for Englandand Khali.-.

PKK'B l.P PA"-» BFlr»t Cabin BUB. Second Cabin. »nT).Third Cabin, to Havre. «:*5; to Southaaoptou, «30.

Il.TORRANCE Agent....._

No. 5 Bowlirg Gieun, New-York.Steamtlilp ILLINOIS tail» Sept. 88.

P~~ORTLAND and WHITEl-OUl^AINS..Ta*liât- ¦'.»«. sod favorite fteamahipt

CHESAPEAKE. Capt Sidney CrowoU, andPATAPSCO Capt. Ed E V Jll,

«rill ;orxu s »ni.i we. kly ¡lie- to Portland. !.¦«»! .« Pier 0, N. R.tvery WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY «14 p. _.

Pi«t«s- .¦.>! I**.«*1, including ftateroom, «Jtfriti» tbe moat direct End picturenque route between Near-

York and tbe While Mountain», via Long liland and V inrva-JS »uiidt to PorUaud, and OrsBM Trunk Railway to O or bao»,which U only ill mllei fro-n the Glen II uta. Apply to

H. B. CROMWELL k Co.,_^_Nos »i« Wett-a aed 885 Brrsdway.


STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY'« tpieudid «u.d powerfulscrew tt« im-,í

PRINCE ALBERTwill leave from pier No. in North River, foot cf Beach-tton TUESDAY, Aug. 14, los Golwoy. touching at St. John » to re-oeive the Kojal Mail« and Goveriuneut diluât n .«.

Pauenger, h» thl» «tramer will have a frve ticket (which mtutbe obtained »hen engtging paiMg.-i from Galwiy to any of th»principal clliet in Oreat Britain or Ireland.

BATK« of 11-- a..E

Fli»t Clan« (according to B^.ommodatlon«)..aT5 and «9n.Third

Third clan paaaenter« are tound with cooked provision», batmint orovid«« themieivet with l.eddii.« and tint.

I'm.ace in the tl.lrd clan con be tecurrd t«. bring penOn» outfrom Oalway for «Al .'*o; from Dublin, «8«: from Belfast, *:I7;from LoLdoudorry, »«i7 «VJ, froui Witerford, «37: from LImoi-Vk, ibäS.

w , tut ,

tot freight or pataage apply on board of the ihtpt, or toHOWLASD k ASPINWALL. No». M tnd .** South-«*.

Agent« In Boitou-NA/UO BROS. X SWEENEY, St. SCliotiiaui-iow.


QlEENhToWN, Ireland, to land and embark pauengeri aid..U«PatchesTh* LI»erp«>ol, N«w-York. and Philadelphia S»»*a»-.hlp Com¬

pany'» iplnidid Ciyde-built, Iron Screw Steamahipi are Intendedto tail at followt:


And every Saturday throughout the year, from Pier No. 44, N RBITE« OF A-- i E.

Cibln.To Queenttowo or Liverpool.«75.Cabin.To London (via Liverpool). 80.8teer..g«». To U'.«-eu«town oi Liverpool. *»1.Bleeritge.To Loudou. _}Hi.t .ge 1.1 irn ticket», aval! .ble for t.i month», from Liver-.fooi. enPa»*engert forwarded to Havre, Pari«, Himburg, Bremen, and

Antwerp,at throagh ratesCe.-tihcalet af pa.»age ia.ued from Liverpool to New-Yolk..«*"Certi-icateiof p«,»agela«ued from (J'.ee-i'ft.-.wTito New York 80

Tl..-».« »learner» have «upeii'.r accommodaiiou for Pataengert,are conttni« trd with water-tight couipartuteutt and carry «a

peiiencetj SurgeonsFor Freight ot Pottoge, apply at the office of the Compony,

JOHN Ü. DALE. No fi Broadway, New-York AgentIn Liverpool, to VVM INMAN, Tower Butldlnga.In Glaigow, to WM. IN.MAN, No. 13 Dlion «t


Joseph C. Conntock. Comma..der. will «all from pin foot o!Canal «t., on SATl'RDAY. Auguit 15, witu MaU«, Paatengert,and Spe. i- t.,r tOe above port«For Freight or Pat-Age apply at the office of the North Atleo

»I S. S. Co. (room No. 4) No. Hi Wall at.I P STEPHENS, Secretary.

Tbe ADRIATIC will leave on her ueti »ovog« SATURDAY.Oct'ber«.

^ '


On SATl'RDAY, Aufrj»t 'ith, l'u-y,' at I o'clo. k p. m fromfo. t of W »rien »t, Nortti River, th* «t»niic!i and ftvorlte ««e««n

tbip EMPIRE « ITY. newly d .unie p'ank.d and coppeied fruiuher keel np, «ith hue New Deck Stateroom« Engine Olid Boiler« th'.r ".u-ly repaired and te«t*d, and tbe letael throiishout Putlu hr.l rale coiidltiun, will be dl»p»tched at abo»e.BUI« of Ladln» of th* proper form funilibed at th« oflic.« and

no U It of ladinv »ill be »igned after the h .ur of aalliogFur Freight oi Paaeage «pply at No. 177 Weit «t.. .orner of

-»".''»i:, ,MO ROBER 18

N. B.Freight received on and alter WEDNESDAY, Aug. 15.

F^RHbÀVÀNNAH »ni the 80UTH.~fh«'itesmthlp MONTGOMERY. Cipt William C Berry will

letve Pier No. U, N. R., on THURSDAY, Aug. M at 4p in'Paatage to Sa»aauiah, with a. commodatlont uneoualrd. «li*Through Tiekett to New-0rle.., S 71. Mobile, «ai; Mont-fon.erv, «If. Meu.phl«, «31 75- Nethvllie, «81.75; KnoxvllleMM bO: ChatUnoog«. «88. Albany, «83; Colutnbai, «81 ; At'lint«, »21 M». on, «*)¡ AugusU, aiT 80, tttcludln« «r»ixrla«efar« lu Savar.nah

* ^

__**_?__ »«».CROMWELL A Co, No. 86 We*^t-, ondNo. sit) Broadway.TOB SAVANNAIi^d~OTI 1ER PORTS «1 HELOW._The r.r.t I-.«« . *»¦,,..,,,, «.TAR Of TUBSOI TH, Cipt Tl.oi Ljoo, will leave on TUESDAY Ang llat 4 p m., from Pier No. 4 North River. Through tiokrt«con he 111 for the fullowiug placet:

New-Oil..«!.», »3!l 79; Mobile. »8.'.; Montgomery, «IS,Columbut. »21; Albany, *'J.i; Atlanta, »21 ( h.Uau.n.ra».tiiNil.iville. »27 SO; Knoxvllle »li SO) Memphl« *'l CAiujnrta »IT SO; Macoi. »20; Savannah, »15.


For freight or paatage apply at No. 1:« Broadway.SAMUEL L MITClfiLL X SON.

THE NORTH GERMAN LLOYDS SWtashi«NEW-YORK, 11. J. »on Sanier, Couin-nder carrtlns

Uto U. S Moll, will «all on' '-""-'.-¦S

SATURDAY, Sept 1, at 18 o»olook m

BREMEN, VIA SoltTHAMPTON,Taking Posaenger« for

LONDON, HAVRE. SfH'TIIaMi'ToN, and BREMEN.Al the following roteo:

Flr.t «'«Mu * 1 si oecond cabin, »88 forage, $U.for I. eight or paaaage apply to

GELPCKE, kkuTGEN k RFICHELT,Mo. il Bioadwty.


England, via HALIFAX, Nova Scotia-Tb« OREAT KA8TERN will tail f«r tb«iiiov. portion THURSDAY Ang'iitl«From Mllford Haven there to railroad cm,,, uiion *1-h a'l

parts of Great Brltaia, and dally by «taa-ner» with Ireland.

Spe« til tralui will be In rvtsdineM on the wrival ofthe ibip a»

Mllfoid llivcn to cirry piitengen to Loadoa and the North atreduced rat*« of fare.

First (iiss Pat»e.g-ri only will b* lakea, and the price to flxedit 81*1.A limited »umber of firs» clan pan*m era «rill «too be take»

from New-York to Halifax it ¦ charge of +15 each.Apply to GRiNNELL, M1NTUHN k Co

rr' No. It Saathst^

FOR CALIFÖ.RNIA via PANAMA.-A fimt-o'taii I'eaaier »ill leave New York the lit U.h :,1 Hit »f

»ach month except when tee«* dates fall <o HUNDA V, whetthe day of depar ora pill be the MONDAY ,1 -win. t*tfreight or pern«,« «Ppiy at the only offios, No ITT Wastst,comer «f Wtrren-it_ B. B. ALLEN, Jtgent.

ßtfunibonto anö îlailronoo.

FOR CORNWALL..Ob and after SATUR¬DAY, llth but. Tl.* «iiuu.r AI.IDA will laud at Cora-

will, on both her upward and downward trip«.

N~~ ÊW -YORK to the WHITE MOUrtTAINS maiLAKE MF-MPIIREMAGOGdirect-And Pleat«re Root*

to Og Itnibnrgh. Montreal, and Uuabec. Apply at Iba N Y.andN H. R R. Oflic«, 17th-»t. N. Y._FOR NEW-HAVEN, by ateaiiwr ELM CITY,

from Pier No. It East River, at 1 p. m., and TRAVELER,at 11 p os Fu* 81 No charge for berth

DAY BOAT for ALBANY and TROY, mabri*the muai Landing.. Thetteamer DANIEL DREWlnave«

Jty-it. Pier TlESDAYS, THURSDAYS, and SATURDAYSat 7 a.m.

AFTERNOON BOAT for Newbur|,h and interrae-ditte Laudm,;-.Steamer Metamora, at 4 p. m (Sunday!

except d), from Pier foot of Jay-it For particular« iee bill»

FOR BRIDGEPORT-DAILY~LmE**-**Fal-el50oentt. Ti .. itetmrr C ATA I.I N E Cipt. Wm. A. Vali, will

leave Oil verillp E It , every day, at 11 o'clock noon, pinningto ecr section with the Uoulauxiic Railroad. Tint ateameiBRIDOFPORT will leave Peck tllp every Monday. Wednes¬day and F'rlday, at 11 o'clock noon, arriving in time toconneoiwithal the exprett Glim. GEORGE W. CORLIES, Agen«.


leave Jay-at Pier DAILY, at ft:») a. m. (toarhlng at 3»«.h-.tPlot) irrlving it Pougbkeep.le 1 p. m. ; leavbig Poughk««pii«t p. m. returning to the city 6 10 p. m. Pns»,.i-rt for Albany,Troy. Ktiatoga, or piy point weit can make «um connection! atPougnkee-ptie. BtgKige- traniferred fren. F'are 75 cent».

FOR~BR^GÉPORT^AÎLY_^INE-.-TheSteamer JOHN BROOKS wl'l leiv» Peck Slip every dayS'liiilav'- excaapted) it 1 p.m., arriving in Bridgeport 1n tima furibera.-»of th-iH'it sstotvii:, Na.igninr.kandNew Haven Railroad».Far 50c Freight taken. T. LOCK YF.R, A Co., Ill South «t


it every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, aad FRIDAY at 7,eonnec.lng at Albany with trilm to Saratoga and the Wett

BALTIMORE AND OHIO RiAÏLROAD.Freight and Ticket Office No. »*» Broadway,

eoruer Barcliy it, New-York C W PERVEÍL, Agent.

FOR NEWARK and BERGEN POINT.-Thenew if irner THOMAS P WAY travel Pier 20 NR, foot

of Dey it, at 1' i a. m. and 4| p. m., daily, including Suudayi.

LONO I8LAND RAILROAD.-Tnuna lea««South Ferrr, Brooklyn, for Gieenpirt at 10 a m and l-.U

p m. North Iiffn, 10 i m :¦ :',o and 5:35 p. m. ; 8y««iet 11 m.aad 4 ¡to p.m.; liempttead, 10 i. m., 12 p., 4.4:10. aud 5.Mp.m. ; límales, 10a. m. 12 m 4. 4:8) 5 35 and 8- »fi p. m.


at Middle-town, Red Bank, Shrewsbury, fcc.-The tteam-boat, T A M I N E N D and ALKIE PRICE will leavefoot of Roblnion-it (nrrth ilde wharf) at il a m and 4 p. m.,with in extra trip EVERY SATURDAY, at 8p m. ConnectIng it Port Morimoutb with car« for Long Rram-b'and other its.»ion». Returning, cart will leave Long Branch at til a. m.. ft}, and G| p. ni. Excursion ptrtlei dealt with on liberal term«''cTEW-^^E'iF^llLÄÖAD - PörPHILA-N. DEI-PHIA and the SOUTH and WEST, vi» JERSE1CITY -Mill and Exprès« Llnet leave New-York at 7. 9, and 11a p., and 4 and 6 p. m. ; fare 81. Through ticket« Mid for Ototlnnitl and the tVest, and far Washington, New-Orlea-M, an«*the South, Ac, and through baggage checked to Wubfugton la 1a m. and 6 p. m train»

J W WOODRUFF, Atttotant SuperintendentNo bung« «rill be received for any tral.n unless delivered and

,be krd !.'¦ minutes in ad /anee of tl.e time of leaving.raiJÎ-iW-YORK AND HARLEM FAkB to ALBANY. 81On and after MONDAY, June 25, ltSGO. Train« will Isav«

#'.h-at Station. New-York, tj fol'owt:Foi WiiUasitbridcr and all -a- tla'loni, 7:,', and 11 b. m

and 8 *» a m For White PtofaP and all war ttattont 2:30, | andla m (For V. lute Plaint a. .' tl' way ttatloni. ta: 15 p. a. fro»V» hit- «t Depot ) ForCrot. B Fallt, 8:15 . m «topping at W(|Hantibiidge and itationi above For Dover Plain« 1:30 p p

ttoiip.' g it White PI dm and station! above ( train rum trMil ert« u oi Suturdty «vening» ) For Albany, Hi:!'- a. in , Ka-oren Mill Train «topping at Whit« Ptoint, Bedford, CrotosFallt and ttttiont north.

R,-t .rr.lng will leave WlIllamiMdg«, (topping at all «ray «UIon«, it 6:4« and 9 a m. and 1 p. m White Plains i'.-ppiui

at all way itationi, at 5 and 7 a m., 4:15 and 7 p p Dovet Plains«am, «topping at all itationi north of Fordham (This tratoleaves Mtllerton every Monday morning at 5:25 i. m.) CrototFall 5 p p., «topping it ill nation* north of Fordham. Albany. 9 a- m Hopping at all stations north of White Plains.

SÖHN BUaCHILL. Aastotant Supetintendeat

^TEW-YORR änd .ERIKnLÜILROAD-I DUNKIRK EXPRESS»! 7 a m for Dunkirk Buffalo

Qaaandalgna, and principal Statlont.MAIL at 8:15 a m for Dunkirk and IntarmuRite Stall-it»»,

Thli '1 rain remalni over night at Elmira.WAV itl.45p m. íorMUdletowa, Newborgh, and totarmetcii

Bt- Statfoni.NIOHT EXPRESS «.«>«'. p ¦ fot Dunkirk, Bufia,.-..

Binandalgna and principa! Stations The train of Saturday ttopiat all mi train ttaàlont, and nn.i only to F.Uulra


CHAS. MINOT, General 8 pi


ORFAT DOUBLE-TRACE ROUTEYte capacity of the Road 1i now equal to any In the tvitaîtry

THE GREAT SHORT LINE TO THE WESTOSca No. 1 Altor Houi«, corner of V'-iey-it

Ficl'ltlei for the traniportatton of Passengers to and from Ofn-ainnatt, hi. -to. St. Loiil», St P m\'i«, Mamphlt. NeteOrli ni, and all oilier towns in the West, North-writ, and Sonthpep, are nniurpasied for tpeed and oomfoit by any rente |Through Ira lui for the We« lletve New-Fork (foot of Cuan

tondt-it y.Morning Exprei», 7am.; Ev«nln»Eiprrs», I p. p.Sleeping ud imoklng can on all tralniFir« alwayi aa law, and the Urn« aa quick, aa by any otha»

¦MMBy thli ronta Freight« of all deeoription« oaa be fortnrded to

um from «ny point on the Railroad« of Ohio, Kentucky Indian»,Illlnoli Wtocorntn, Iowa, or Mlsiouri, BY RAILROAD 01AXT, or to a-iy port *n t be navigable rivera of the West, orteamen from PlttsWtb.The rate« of Freight»o an.« from any point of the WeB by th,

liaameri from Plttibu.ib.

Penntylvani« RaWroad are at ab time« as farorable a» are chargée*by other Railroad Coror-nlei Merchant» and ihlppert Introït'ng the trantportition of their Frt-lsht to this Company cm ral)with confidence on Hi tpeedy tranihThto Company alto maintain! in Em'» «.at Accommoditlot

Line, by which partiel emigrating weitward »r.j. y ¦ oheap andt-oaifirtai'le mode of conveyance at or.« liai' the nrat-alas» rats«of f»rs J L EI.LIUTT, Piswnger Agent, No. 1 Aito» Hont*

LEECH k Co Freight Agen»«,No. 1 Altor H. uie. tnd No. 1 South WllHamtt

Mt'DONALD k BISCHÖFE. Emigrant Agenta,No 8 K t'-ry plis*.

ENOCH LEWIS, 0*n«ral Sup't Altoona,P«.

T»4jE\V-YORK AND HARLEM RAILROAD..A » Summer irranfemeut for pleaaure travel ; traint leave 26th-tt 8t«ti»n tt followi:

It): 15 a. m..Fxpreis for A'bmy, Troy, Saratoga, SbaroaSnrli.eji, Niagara Falls Lake «)«.:».¦ Lebanon Springt. Pi.lLakeMahopac. Counerting at Albany with N Y. C. K. R. fo fBiari.Sprit gi t-i..-.. Itollt. and all pla.:et Wait. Alan wit!, train«for Saratoga tnd all pol,*! Ninth 8:15a m..For Crotón Fallsconnecting at Gûiden'i Kridije with Stages fm Lake Wmvahuolied it Crotón Fallí, with Statei tor Lake Miltopac. 4:llnp m..

For Dover Plaint, cot rie.-tiii< it Oolden'i Bridge with Stnuei forLake flV accabne. aud .at Craton Fallt with St for LiA«Msbopac._JOHN BUR41HILL. Anlit Sup't

0D60N RIVER RAILROAD for ALBaNiH ¦nd TROY, ccttiJiectlni with traint NORTH and .VE»*«*»Fron Monday, April to. 18W, Train» will leave Chimbara it

Station a» followi: Through Exprès« Train», 7 and 11 a in. as*in B.I A'bmy Mill, 6 a. m .1 ..-plmr Car Train, 9:10 p.m.'Sunday! included); Wiy Trabu Tor Sin» Sing, 9:45s m. aad1:15 tnd 1 n. id.; for Poughkeep-ite 1 15 and 1:20 p m.j fo»hritt -n »:15 and R):45p. m. ;Tor Paektkill 5:30 p m. PropHit it, Buffalo and Northern Lightning Newt Train, 1:20 a. m

Emigrant. 6:11 p. m. Paiaengert taken at Chamber», CanalChristopher and IIP itt. Traiui for New-York !.«.« Troy tl1:45 IS indiyi included), and 8:45, and 10:10 a. m. and 3:45 aad1:06 (Sunday! included) «and 8:38 p. n. and Albany about bal.nhour lite A. F. SMITH. Superintendeat

FOR BOSTON'and PROVIDENCE, m NEwTPORT and FALL RIVER.-The tplendld and iipertc

iteamer MF.TROPOI.I8, Capt Brown, leavei New-York evenTUESDAY, THURSDAY, and SATURDAY, at I «yoiock p«. and the EMPIRE STATE. Capt. Braytoa, on MONBAfWEDNESDAY, and FRIDAY, it I o'oW p. at. fioa Pi»No. 1, N. I.He eaii« r nt rixiiTii »ill be regarded a« teMjared to my îppU

.ant until the tama «hall bava been paid for.Freight to Boiton It forwarded through wit great dlipatoh Ay

as Expíen Freight Train.WM. BORDEN, Agent Nat «0 aad Tl Wstt-st.

CENTRAL RAILROAD oi NEW-JERSEYFrom foot of Coartlmdt-tt.C< nnectiug at Hampton J uno

lion with Delawara Laekawanna and Weitem Railroad, and a»Bastan with Lehtgh Valley Railroad atd Its coaneotloosSUMMER ARKANiiEMENT-Comaieuolng May M, mmtm

UaveNaw-Yorkufollowii '^

Habbiibcbi« Ei i-kk- At bam. for Easton, Rsadlng, Harlisburg, Man. h Chunk, ko.Mtii Tbaib.At can. for F.a t.,r, Water Gap, Sonatas,

Brest Bend, Pttlilon, Wlikeabarre, ko.U a. Thk.n TBAiB-For Eatlon, Manch Chunk, Reading.

Pututll .. Harritbtirg, kc.I r. a. Tbbodbb Tbaib.Foi East m, Allentown, ManoA

Chunk I11*, a. V\ il Tat« V .r S nervi land Intern edit-to itaUon*.

F.ii-kbii Tbaib »ob Habbubcb*.The 6 a. m Expreaa Train from Naw-York arrivée al Harrt»-

btiti it ¡2 4fl in,m,, In time to oiiiie-t with trains en Pennsyl¬vania Central R.R, «ait and weit, Northern Central, north andaouth, and with Cumberland Valley R.R.Lba,B Nbw-Yobb »BOB Pibb No 2 N R at 7 »i and ll:M

a, ta. and I:t0 p. m for Eastu aud Intermediate itatlon». and ai1:10 p. tu. foi Bomarvtlle and Intaruiedtoto itatlont.

JOHN O. STERNS SuperintendentII ¦i


CATARRH '.We inaert with pUaaure the noticoof Dr. .onDA I.E. that hli Remedy for Catarrb, it ania

In market, at wholeiale and reta'l. Wa are ttture.l lha| th« tottof trial ha« »«cored foi il publia coiiBdrne* aad th« ganaralopt,iloc ha» obtained that It 1« th« only notttlv« and reliableone aver deviae. for c«r« of thii tarnbto dlaeata' CountryDiuggiito ili .nld keep It foi th« ooav«nl«nca of tin»«« wb« at*

u..|--i «.I to lend to th« pmpiletoi in New-Yoik for it. It« repu-tatlun for lutriiiilr efficacy ha» uo equal Pine, fit, mi gr«tt,A* pot doe., »mg!« 81 psi butU«. Ho Bit Uioadwiy. N. Y.

EVERT Woman who «nrTnra fr«m Tir«ra«ariti«»4nmrmtft*. .*»?. Dr* MABTINI'B CXTAMF.NIAL CrOR-RF.CTOR which li wli|mate»re|«"«i


THE BEST MF.lilCINE flEFORP, THE PI/TILICrî!.*.V. a"!.°?*ï " ...8 '""" Irrag.ilarttla«. Ckrenli or N«rvo-aDeMlliy la platim of the n*»rt Votlgi or Dl<nW*., r«lna.ii th.- Rhfiirv. Pain« In «ho .malt of th* Bonk P»|. ..,.,!*. tb«HI.« utdc«», L- » o»«» .f Spirit». I,a..f.i'«r oil Notv.a»t..'.* f*a»jr-Bltv, Hi Er.ilt or «unpr*a»*d .alloi. a*.P !ee «i re'itll »I 50 par bottle or »5 for f .ur bot'lo*.For »tie by M».r» Horn*« X IV» end F. C W»H, A Co.,

New-York at r*tsil by druggist» g.-r-er..!! ».

J D I DK NYSK,Ornerai Agent fir the United Mate« in« Canada.

_No. ITT Wil'lon, st., fi T.

HEALTH OF AMERICAN WT)MKN.Tni» 11 tire» thai my wi'e wa« oHIirted wirb proUp«.,

till IrT'-tilarltle« and weaXnet. for a long time. She ara« at¬tendra! by lb. beat doctor« In till« »notion, who oil «aid th»fcould cm.« lier >-a«lly but «he grew wor«*>. Hearing the Oro».*»nberg Marahtll'i C»t|-nIleoii highly rrcommend*.). I Me*. R.ond lon.y . irprl.e and great joy || cured ber. fO»e It now h*e«1er ond hotter than e«er in her life. My education prej..«i|e*dme ogalnat oil advertised retn*i<»«, or I «l.«»i!d have tried It.«" hut I rann't withhold »hi» te.Hinon» for It I« d » injn»Hr* tn » hi' I mu*t belia»e the Ijtwt medicine In the world fl¬ail disrate« of women.Curf«Ki!ii.E Mi««., Jnlyl, im. T V.. ATKINSON.


If 0 corttiu cure lor oil femóle*a. wooXuoaa, Infla.-maltón, I«.-a! deranteniei.t» of the uterine orgaui, a» well a« tbocoi.-tltu'i in, troubles «ri-ing from themP»l « *l 50 p*r b-»tie. r*f*F..K I r Dollar«, Fits Bor-

VI B» W1I I. HE «BUT BT F.ll'.P«-, 1N0 CHABUE« PBE-P1I0 TOBar« "F Eiphf«»«B Fan« New-York. .«_.!Addre«« JOSHUA F. BRIDGE, M 11., R-«i-i..ut Phy«i«Jsa

Grtef.i ber«. Inttltiite, No. i| BOND-ST, New-Voik

THEBEÑT REMEDY for Dytp.-pi»ia, 1'i.Jigr-«-tion, and all Ditordert of the _aa__L«_M DAMES'

ANTI-DYSPEPTIC or DIGESTIVE BUT EUS Ctah [Or igHouse, No. I»2 Hrcadway. Mrs TAYLOR. No. «-5 Easi lS.h «t.,New York V. 8 PHINNEY. Nn 1*7 M»lr»-tt Pn«ihk»*H»

Ccgni Notices.

BY ORDER of the Honorable BENJAMIN W.RONNK.Y. Jiittieeof the Supreme Court of the State of

New-Vi.rk.NOTICE io hereby fiven, pnrtuant to the proviaIon« of the «t>itute «uth'.ri/.ing atta« hmentf agaiait alucnnding,concealed, and non-rtfid« nt ilebtori tint m itt i. liment h«ia itturd «gain«t the eftate of JOHN GRAHAM, a r'tidrJot of Stam¬ford, in the State of nnd that th* BOOM will be l.ldfor the paymest of hit debts, unleai he appear and ditcbiirge inchttt.'t'i!.lient, according to law within nine m»titht from the tint

fiublication of thitnotice and that the payment »f any debit dueo hin. by retldentt of thit Sute, and tue d-livery to him or forhit ute, of ally property within thit Sut« belonging to him andthe truntfer or toy inch property by him are fori.liitlea bylaw,and are void.--Dated the foiirth day of May. I860

I. T. WILLIAMS.Attorney for Attaching creditor«.

my«. la-frlrrnoTu»_No. 11 Wallst N. 7.

IN PUK8UANCE «if an ord.T of the gaTtrofatef the County of New-York, notice i» In-'eby given to all per

»on* having cltim» agalntt ISAAC WARD, .ie of ti e City ofNew-York d.-c.-a»ed. to preaent the «ame, with TOmehem 'hereof,to the »«. ot the re.idenc* of GEORGE U. WARD, No.58 Second avenue, in the City of New-York, on or bet-ire thetwentyseventh day of December next..Dated New-York, theï..tli day of Juti«, 1800. ISAAC B. WARD '

P _, »

je2». UsfimTu* GEO B. WAR!), i -**.'1-**-

IN PURSUANCE of an ord.-r o| th.< .Stirro<*ateof the County of New-York, notice it hereby given to til per-

.on»!.avOigc!;iiin«ag!iiii»t LAWRENCE V. HUSTED, late ofth.- (ity o' New-York taOtmttA, to preaent the »am* with voiif!«eratheieof to the lubacriber ot hi« office, No 232 Pultou-at tothe City of N.iw-Y'otk, on or b.-for>- tlie eiglite«<nt>. diyof Julyueit.- I). t-.l New York, the mtl. «i «y of Jam, u-y, I860.

alfllawtímoTu* JOHN HUSTACE, Ad.iiiiiittrator.

IN PURSUANCE of an MmtT of the 8urr«>.at.< olth» <'«,«n ty of New-York, noti« >. i» hereby given to all peraon»

having «.lain.» Lgaiutt SARAH M. \ ANBL'SKIKK. late of tl.e( Otv ..j New--York, deceased, to prr-ent the Mmo with von« her«tl'e' t. the hub-erib.-n at theorbo* of LOT C. CLARK. No.51 Wall-.t. ii th» City of New-York, on or before the tint day ofJanuary next..Dated, New- York tbo B8dl djcvoMun« ISBA

j«2f. liwfiin.JOHN S. LYLf, I -_._LOT C. CLARK, i «¦"..¦»

IN PURSUANCE of an order of th«- Surrogateof the County of N*w-\'ork, notier I« hereby «given to all per-

toiia !.. ring átala - .* SHAR P TORDOFK. litte of th« I ity ofNew-Y'ork, deceated, to pre.ent t!.e »arne with voarhen thereof,to th.- «uoi'-riber«, at the office ot Ouorgc F. H>ime«. at. ol bem ,1. i. gned. No 20 Sixth «treet. in th» City of New-York, on or

before the «itte.-nth duv ofthe L'th day of Align... 1 ¦")before the «ij.te.-nth day of February neat-Dated, New-York,

SGEORGE F. HOLMES. Admiri.trotor.

Bull l«»i*ii.nTu MARY TORDOFP, Adni:,.i«t-atoil.

UPREME COURT-Westcht-BtiT Ciuuty..\\M I NDERIIILL. ex«."it, pl«¡i.t¡ii. agains JAMES CLARK JAMES VAN NOS-TRa.M Pr,.ide..' ofthe Me.,ii..nt.' Ex. hu.go Bmk, NY.ABRAHAM G. HALLKNBF.CK. JOHN ClxTUGH, JOHN GPF.MFY.'i.iiatrrtor Ac, of JOHN PERRY d.-.:e««,.d,ai.d WM. H. Rl-lSELL, defendants.Summon« for relief..(Com. not aerved)..To the Jamea Clark andAbraham G Hallenbeck: You are hereby aummoned andri)'ilred to oniwer the compl.tint In thl« iction, which »i'l bebled in heiter County Cierkt office and to «erve a copyofyouran.wer to th<- «aid complaint nn the «nbacriber, at hitoffice, in 1'eekffill »aid County, whliio twenty .ity» after thetervice hereof, exclu-ive of th>- day of «uch «ervice and i' yo .

fail to an.wit the laid C'lnpi tint within 'he time«.id.the pli.h till in thia nc'lon will atrply to the Court for the reliofdemanded in tl.e cioplai»» .Dtfed Januarv 13. IBM

DAVID W TRAVIS, PUintir« Attomey.The «aid complilit »¦¦ filed lu the office ..f the clerk of Weat-

chr«ter county, «t White Plain« on the ICth day of January,la«.(..-Peek»klll, Jtnuary 17 lRr».

DAIID W.TRAVIS. Plalntir« Att-rney,Jy-XI law6wTu_ Peekakill N. Y.

SITKEME COURT.W.'-ilcl.cst.r Cmnty..DANIEL J. HAIGHT again«! ( ALE» H Sl'Tl'uN-

S.imn on» for a money demand ou contract. To the .lef.-n.lintY'ou !,re hereby «umn om-d and n-qulred to an«w-r the coiup'.aintIn thl« action, ol which a opy i« herewith served up n y««u, tndto »ervr | t«»**- "f y 'iir taswor to the «aid complaint on «he «ub»erlber a« hi« ottice'in Pe-kikill In tail cunty, within twentydtyi -lite, the «t-rvi.',« hereof. ex<-lu«iveof the J»v of «u.-h «ervi e

Ond If you fall tn inawer the «aid couinlaint within the Uni'afore« id the pliintit) in thl» octinn will take judjinen*. KESlnityon forth» «urn of one hundred and teventv dolían, with »n'.'-re.t Oom the eighth day of May. on» thfafOBil eignt hundred andhfty hve, h«!»ldethe CO-«« oftbi« '«-t:on «0.,,.0 |.1- 1 . lM»irt

DAVID W TRAVIS, PI .it.titr« Attorney.Tli" complaint in above action wat hied In the office of the

Clerk of the County of We.tcheater at Whit». Plain« July II.LISB. Peekikl'l. July IT, liviO DAVID W TRAVIS.jy24 la»i>wT.i* PltlntitTi Attorney, Peek.Ii'.l, N. T.


BOWKS.On Sat-irday eTening, Angutt 11, Mr«. MsrthoBowei . naive of Greenock, Scotland, in the b7tb year « f herMM.

Friend« of bar family are reapectfally Invited to attend the fu¬neral en to-morrow ( Wrdneatlsy ) ,f>«-nio n, at I o'clock, froml»r lata» residence, No. 4 Huntington «tre.-t, SouthBrook!) u.

Newfoundland paper« p'-' ate copy.DIX.On Sunday, Augu«t 12, Joteph E , ion of Henry and

Alii.ii. E. DU.Th.-tri. nd« ofthe family are reap».tfullv Invited to attend the

»ui.eral, on Tuetday, Augutt 14, at 1* a m, ot No 201 EaitEighteenth «trret

DCMMER.-At Long Biam-h. New-Jertey, on Saturday mom-hg A liguât 11, lKiD, In the .(2d year of hi« age, EdwardOlt.ori e Hummer. M. D.

Hi« ftiend« are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral Toei-dty, the 14th In«'.., at 12 o'clock m, from hi» late reiideuce,No. 60 Eiaex «treet, Jertey City. .

GII.LMORE-In hi. city, on 8«tnrd»y. Angiiat II, of eon-

.i.iii[tloii, (', wife of Archibald Oi.luiore, aged 21yen«.

HALLS .In ftn oklyn, on Sunda», Au»u«t 12, Thomat,.on of William tnd lavinia M. Hall«, aged tí mouth« and 18dty«.

MAKSHALI -On Sunday eTening. Augti.t 11, ot hi« residenceIn, Goo ge C. Marihali, in the 5nth year of bitag».

P.-'. tivr« at..! f i.'iul« of the fin i'v are lnvi'»d ti alt- ul hi«'u-iieiil. on M ednenlay, Augu«! 15, a! 11 o'clock, a. 00.

MIT« III I.L In thit city, ou Sunday. Alignât 11, John P.Mit !.. aged 4b year«, 4 montba and 81) day».

M' 'LI MAN- In Brooklyn, on Saturday morning, A'igait11, at Ir!» p««t 5 o'clock, Join At in.tu« Molluiin, o uotit« ofGermany, agrd 51 year«, paito, r of the linn of A Rolk.rr,M oilman A Co.

JSGE-In Jeney CUT, on Sunday, Augutt 12. at No. 43 Siittex«t e« t Eu ma A «Uufbter of l) inlel C. and Mary E. Noe, Intbe Kith year of her at»,

ri THIS. In Hrooklyn, on Sumlay, Aug»i«t 12 Mn. MaryPetei», rell. t ofthe Ute John Peter«, in her '2.1 v*tr.

The (i.i.errl »ill t»ke aloce MVrfnci.'oyof»' riinon, I.'-th ln«X, »t3T o'«lock, In.tend .'Tn. « l«v. i« noticed In ye.teld.y«» Re aove, und friend« ..(' tin- family tre invited to attendter»! ou Wedneotlay. IMh in«t., ot At p m., from BrOtUte No. ltd \Vo.hln0tou «tiret, rJrooilyu, withoutfort lier luv ta th.n.

PRIOH.On SniidtT, Augn.t 12, at the realdence 01' hl» p«t«vnt«iu Mott Haven, Weitt-l.t-itor County, WilUom Henry Prior,¦g'-d3 year« ond!) monthi.

RAT/.Suddenly, tt Long Rrnnch, on Sundty, Augnit 11Guttavui A. Rutl. tied 17 years

The frteuda o.d relaiivra of the lamlly ore respectfully Invitedto oltel.d hi« fuiitlal on Turaday nrt.'nioon, at I "'. .«.

from hi« lot* reiideuce, Not. ltb.147 Bowery, without lui-tltel II tice.

RILE..A! hit reildence No 255 W*«t Twenly-tecond ftfeet,on Monday morning, Augti.t 13, A.her Riley, lu hit trithy»ar.

Funeral tome dayt hence, of which notice will be given.Kl'SHKR- On Sunday, Augutt 12, of cholera infan um. MaryAdo .1 ii.l «..! of ( borle« J. and ChiUtioua Rusher, aged Tmonth« and II day«

Fuiit-r«! »rom the re'aldeice of her pirenti, No 8 Boorman place,on Tiirndsy, 14th luit, at 1 o'alock, p m.

ROBERTS-On Staten I.Und on Sundny, Alignât 11, JohuJoaeph Roberts, ton ot Steward W. and R aana Roberta.

STl?CKE-()n Monday morning. Augn.t 18, of liitUnunatlon oftbe bo« elf, llruiy Stucke, aged 8ti year« tnd 8 nioiith«.

Tbe fileudi tnd m qi.uliitau. . of lh« faiullv are re«.,.., «full, in¬vited to attend hi« funeral, from 1,1* .t>« ie.Li.-ii. * No ¡elMadita.n «tuet comer of Montgomery, ou Wedi» «d..y ollei«ii«...! at 1 i,O lock.'..!,'h paper« please copy.For addUwnal Mantuigti and Dtotht teegth Page.

Live Nt«rk o« lu«- N. Y. ana, Irle Kallroad.JaSjHl'ABevii.l«. Muliday, Aug 18, H..

For the »eek rndaU Bnd.y, Aug 18.I»' csr* Cattle, 18 canHog I, 23 eirt HI [I fgfTi Hortet- aiaklag I» 2 cox-loads oi livettovk, ind 127 tro «»rs-tnre«! firight, ii.akliig letal Bumbor olcara hitu'.ed by Itocx, F.xpiet« TrolLi dining the week, 8H9.h'.wii.g in I. create cVeT laai week of 81 can of live itocX. TotalInctiost of all vari hauled by Stock Eipiett, 23.

m ¦

Faisk PitKTKsus..A «I.-hW in Jewelry, nam««!Abiaiitm W.liihnig livin» a! No .'1 Chryttle «treat, wo« yester¬day arieited, h.tged with having obta'ued «iUll wtilth of jew¬el«» from W. B. lih.'de« A Co of Pioitdei.ce, R. I l>y ¦¦.«»..«

ot talee lepretenUtieoa It U charged that. a the «lli of Aprillatt he called apon the above hru., and, d«->ltbif to purohaaat«... d. on le.lll leprtsei.ted that he waa wartb «1 (H»> above allItahtlltlee. He gave 1.1. n le for tito Jewelry, and wbeu II bereit»»d'.« Il wo» prêts*ted. Il now api eau tit a the %,«ouaod » »« laBoivent ot tbo llinr of u »king tbe uoto J «tll<« W«Ub vNlUUlU-led bioi lu *«.«». t


8ab KicANcccfj, MondAj. July if, io¿.Tb« Mw« of th. tW (pHt oftb# D.mcjervie'vJJVCewivMiti. a si B«Itimoi* arrivA«! hare TA.I«-«.JZIn,, and c-*.t*d t» mmt oxáhemooi; 1- aJLT^'

R^nt li ana and depr»«*i m a« m, th. D¿T¿£N«Hw*h,*H.«Hng tha fa* that th*«..«, wm «anlTthis* extra« were i**a*j to ».»ounce tha m^,^*^MR arrived h> lel^-gph ftnd fha effci-


boy. tillad the -tree * fromM liU fc*, Al ¡*J"*?.»!» »»^»SiSySBI wI^BBj.Be'»MB-Z.contributed fo, ft, p,,,^«, MID,Uril, ..,._. _^7f^. the util.« .«.a,not in r»j .icing «rer the noninati,,

.£__. S*-1**1'"' Rr* -»». ¦" hop*, th* th.*

her« in r »roublef"^ *\*»+* *.;'pa-tTtrica»* ftS¡?^U LAS' B"rP*J¿' .¦'

knew wbat»o do, tvh,tl,.fM*|^VT,i,',,',îoior Dough,.,J they^Atlt teÉsTA iawkward garb of neutrality, watting lor p»_,_.V_ «1

turn op.«***iiiiit i« .

The Stabs ha» for «orno »¡ti« «Seen In a ga-em lyjnfnit,Hl,«iiit l;«w tnatt-er«. The Hoprem* Court MaSB Jl*decision lately that the Stai* Controller ahould rira*warrant« to the amonnt of $'¿7.5.000 in favor of tipleraeea of the State Prbtoii. This waa after tá* L-g-ÍTla'nre hud deeUred tit« w-ntract with 'he lesseeg Toi«|for failure to obaerve i»« ir« vi-ioni, and had repeaJMthe law hu lioriiifi|T tie omttiVt, The q*ie*»irrt, no,«rifet whither the LflBUfltaie or ibe Suprema (J..T,*b« the pr»j«r run'odian of th« 8ute Tr«-a«ji 'v, 2whether the order« of the forrner addrecawi to ZStale Controller are not of auperior aatliortty to th.of the Conr».The decision npivtting the Peter Smith title in thy

city iaaltnoft frjual in importance to th« 8aii'il»>in «p.e «ion, for it hu« demolished a claim to eight or ta*fciliar«; m'lei of lai d within the eity li-Dtf«. It i» «an.tb«t among the chi**f losara by this de iaion ar* H'rta»Peart*: 88, M yen» f, Truett, and Klliot J. Moore Whil««orne have loet fortune«, other« have mill« fortan*« bythe deeirion among whom are J. C. Beideman, R tj.Page aid F. B. Aaatin. The«« mon hal a..ii,tt»*i taearly time« on large trac-t* of land within th* citylirait«, and than had indu**d lb* Council and the Legi».latnre fo pa«* un ac» granting to them all th* city'a tr.l»i* the land. Tbia waa at a time when the ci y »*deeply in del,», and wn« «Windung her creditor» and«rthe plea of iK-i-etceity and |«,verty, and when tb«ee land«won d have MMMMMild very high prie»»*.A» lor that farte of the trial of Terry, tlier* it, *«>».

hap», one fact which ha« not been a» it«.» in the New-York paper», and »hut is, that the «ludge Hied,) whsvana in «nch a bmiy to bring In a verdict oí "NotOni'fy," be-PHn«e »be« witneis*" for th, pr ,,v«--m >t

were not pres».nt, when hie watch f-»oin.«dt*10<i'cl'>i*k,ie tie name man who wa« the attorney for Htovaili intl.e Bflkteflgfli caae of Ar» hy, the .Uve, n regard to«hkk flat Snprerae «ludgM, Terry ami Burnett, vi».latetl ju»»i«e «tud iaw in a tourner «o groiw a« to raildi wn upon their head«; the denunciation and ridicule ofail partie«.Tne report of Attorney-General Black in regard ')

" fraudulent land claima" in California ha* been n'i'r-liriSed here, and hua given great otr*u«e. It ia full ofgrotte aud uiuli« ion« lie». Be «.i>h tha» the claims mai*to the ei'ea of ¡»a. rament«., Stockton, .Murvaville, andPi-ti»li.ii,a, were bas d OD forged gran'«. Thin itnotorioti-ly f«l»e. The grant» nnder which 'he a'te« ofSacramento, Stockton, and Maryaville, ar* claim-*.,are of undoubted gteiiiiiiieneea. No «ospici >a I *ever be««n eiitertHiríed here by ai y well n,form«4man at-ont the gennii-eneM of the Sntter vniX atSaiiamenio, the Weber g»«iiit at Stockton, or tl*Nie grunt a» Maryaville. As to the PiUlimagrant, tl"at ia probably genuine; bat I canoeM

apeak ¦'p««lively a» to that. The Siia-ramentomid 8t»'ck»i»n grant« have been finally e »n«

Hrmnl. That at Maryaville was r»-j< cted bsc-ia»»»not in a «tuet IflpjflJ form, but «Mr. Black, in the,of hie lejor, fcget* th* charg« of forgery mad« in ..ft

beginning, und admi a that it 'the Ny«- claiinj i« ur'i.4-

ine; und then »Imwi« hi« iguoruuee or hi« mend-stiiy kyaiaitertiiig that it wa* laatied by (Jov. Micheltorrea«" after bia expnleon from the offie*e of floreroor."Thia grant wan claimed under the " general title,' ad cree irB«»d by (l«.v. Mir.heltorreiia in It» »rub r,I-T4, t).. lam g that iill time«, -tenu.oa in the n.rtfiera

dit-tri t of California who had petitioned for gran a ofland, at d npon whoa- j-»f.tiot.a favoruble report» hadbeen made by the local <.fflr*«r. abonld be co'taidered Mowrer» of the land aid tUfl decr»«e «no i'd aland a« a

title for «very one until be ghould have ti ue la makeont e'i«*<ial dë»d». It will be remembered that in allthe car«« covered by thia decree, te jw-ti'i'-u.-ra hadcomplied in good f»ith with all the requiremeatflof theMexion colonization law, bad gone apon ths lurid ia

gcoej faith, were exx-upying it, liad «ion« their b.-aitoget u-g.l titlr»; and, certainly, had already ob'aiuedennitiilile ti»le.. The«* faete, in a country where thef« rmf of law were tteated witii «o little rt-aieci, g*r«tie iliiuan*. an equity M Btrong tha* the Lir.d »f'.irn-n i. et'.n and I) strict Court did not h-e'ttte to enntirtathem, n»ir did public opinion h-aitats to app-ove t.h«c".t nrma'iot s. But now con««* Bl-w-k, and saya,M'cbiitoireim'« ación was " jrr'gaiy difiion-î.-».' in ta-

aniigt»*ia d oree.a «barge evidently fair«; Michel,tonena wa«a»oldiir; his «-.»nduct waiaituply n-gli«r«-n';there w> uld not have bejeu ibe l-net d nüxie-iy inmnking perfect det-da to all ibe petitioner», and hi« di,-patcbi» g the affair with the " (Jeueral Decree" wa* amere act of carel*Mne»*.Andtluu Mr. Bla k gee» on to »av that the fin*J

contirniati« n of thi- title by the VtAtmi I at*, Wouldhave tianafeiT-d nine bu'.dreel eqmre ttiilea of land toperaoua '¦ who were entirely dert t ate of any just title.''Well now. if »hi« be true how did it '«me tint theeiine Mr. Black diamim-d »he appeal« from tbe decree*of the lower Conrt confirming the claim« of .Joiia Bid-well and Samuel J. Henel-y, both of which clam«were held under »hi« »,me livneral title ? Thee* die-miBsa'a »ook place alter the U S. Sn .rene Court ha-irejected tl e getneral title in at letvat one ante, and theytr»n»lVrred ibe title of the land claimed in«-v » aMv toBtciwell and Henal y, and thia >«i. doue BBSBtBlack'e order, and hi« order alone. How i, t->i« t . beexplained T I «ugifest th«t f'ongreaalook into tbe fact*of tbw matter Bidwell ha» piriib-hed h «ri h-»reto ju tily B'a k, and «ay» t'a» he Hid well) hid two

title»«, a " proviaioi al ii le " and a ' g««n<*ral ti L andtherefore the Ad« rn-y-(»*nentl d'etn*«ed tkfl ap.»*al.It happen« however, nnf irtotmtely for thia e.xp'sna-tiou, that the Supreme Court had previ »ua'y rejected"provieioi al title.," anil it will hardly be aee-t!»*.i t mltwo tit'ea, each toda'one, and having ni coime, ti »a

with tie o'her. make a uro' d title ivh-n tog-»tber. Th««nil asBBMation of Back'» conduct given bereia thaiJohn liidwell vraa a MflBUAM of tbe Cüarleeton Conven¬tion, ai d that Samuel J. llcii-l.-y is a proiuineii' Dem¬ocrat and a wealthy man; bnt thia e.\|)l -nation ta nitgo.ul. and I hope Attorney -»¡»-lierai 111 »ck will ..«>

allowed to give a better one M Congr»«»»,, if he «h midnot «ee tit to Hp-ak before that in««.ii«itive laidy >-x « n-

inea whether Ml may not be ir.iiil, iu other ma lerabeeide Me-xicau land grama.Mr. Black ptite down iLe ' Tewvcbemaeher Cliim "

a« frandnleiit, and any» it wa* " igiio>iiinio'ii»!y reje-taadby ihe 1'i.i'ed State* hnprenie Court;" and 1 am in¬

formed lhat the claim ¡a u. doa'»U«ijlv genuine, and, *o

f«r from having been " igtioniiuiou^ly rojecteil," it -iuai.« -v« 1 been rejected at all by the Cuite«! State* Su pre in«Court Tbifl, however, wa» in a ca«nal flflBTflneS '.,aid u-y il formant may have l-eeti in error. Ati«i tinaMr. lilitk pute down the Itnrbite grant a« a fraud,a fltaafl it is notoriously genuine, though tot v«ld,bflflflBBfl it WBfl i.i-M-r Immm a«'« »rding to law. It i»»Aid»* tint 111 «jit « re|Mirt ia eqii-il'y incorrect ia

many other ¡Hiiul«, but 1 do not r«*iiiemt>er the »peci-tii St'«') ».

Il ksi kees proponed that Mr. Black a'iould be ap¬point« ii to a ».at ou the l-ettch of the CTiiitat»>i1 S «.te*

Supreme Court. If ano*i an appointment be made 1»met that t'ieate matter* will be inquir«*«! iuto by th*I'ni'ed State« S-naJe or MBM BflflflWfl of i' br|.»rei«-«»a-fiiKa'ion. If the charge« be f.dr«, let Mr BSBSlBBvii.duatcd befoi* tin* public of C-tlifortra, f.»i «hat Ihave here aatd ia only a repetition of a'atement» « ar-

it-tit am. ng th* peopl", und oepec ial I y the lawyer«, oftbia State.An article iu The Alta »umniing ap the «U»i»tic« of

t'eBramh Mint in this ci y fortteliwt firi*aly**r,«ay«:*Tb*t"Ul number of gold Jerx»»lU wae«,«l"», w«*lA till MB«

Sta t^b, aveiagii'g ei.ttlCe chin vain.«. tBfl.».I »' *Ma*~hi. varied gi.illv, hiving been 1-we«! AaSaMMMI Mfl8M_»ry, but sl.owlng no reartitoritv of rise and Ml In the «jeo»«»mthé dep«»ilt», there h»»l-a»en a great advaue« wbhi« Ike lie ' ¦*"

double etgle«, fl l»',((»l In a«gl-«. *oj.3n> in nai -.«'- ¦^ v»In fl» piece« *710la) In qtiarter-eaajje«), md aiVS,, mlpt*cel The total cent to 'he dep«.«i««M* >f renuti* »JJ|»wkol*coitiit g Uito gold w¦«. 81 'S **! 'I*, .««»»>« *'¦.. ^.'»."^sito«. a» .» *"*..moiinl In th« gold bullion, and b .-h'«!*«» ** '"Lui ouahA* of

giten, w«»tilveit«.tbe vtlu« of 8«».{* **filv«d dortug th*cue per cent. The AMal lawM of .»'TfiJaTlI «tripw».«year wa. woith vj*t»«IB*.21 «J> It. of wh'ch fl-TjTput down o«i t^Ü per een« In value, wit gold. Of «... *%£ Vr- SUMM ..»tall« a» excluiiveW from Wa»»«* "J* oli The tot»'. .'"*"'*,

knowatoourcomuprc», «nd .*w ""J,,.^, to the gt*- **¿W*»itho-ih. fewS%_22*1m Td»«»««»~u*.i^Äitlou «r*.mi people, «ho ceu.Utoi t*«^ ^ami tka »toAU

.. hivii a a tawieuoy ta ndu^ th* «too_of uiJc ^mmem^emmmmmawmmmmmmm.-" i»_ri*k Call«0*0« a type

Tivoli^V«__C IrXatdt^,"^..".ptlon ta «ourtge. ¿¡JTSSmMA and ludiofd a tatioot

Äl-tTflS-ÄatT« -. *****tww-
