Lisbon workshop : Preparatory Learning Activities



Lisbon workshop : Preparatory Learning Activities. Frederik Peter Kæmsgaard , Inger Kirstin Rahbek & Troels Broch Aalborg University. First International Workshop. Lisbon , 14-19th July , 2014. SUMMARY. LA61: Comparison of Portela de Sacavém and Gellerupparken - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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A global multidisciplinary network onhousing research and learning

Lisbon workshop: Preparatory Learning Activities

Frederik Peter Kæmsgaard, Inger Kirstin Rahbek & Troels Broch

Aalborg University

Lisbon, 14-19th July, 2014 First International Workshop

• LA61: Comparison of Portela de Sacavém and Gellerupparken• LA62: Form principle analysis• LA64: Sustainable housing

Lisbon Workshop


LA61: Comparison of Portela de Sacavém and Gellerupparken

Lisbon Workshop

Lisbon, Portugal

Area: 0.95 square kilometer

Planned for 18500 residents

Population 11,809 (2011)

Built in 1965 – 78

Planned by Fernando Silva

Aarhus, Denmark

Area: 0.925 square kilometer

Consisting of 1,776 family appartments

Population 7,034 (2013)

Built in 1968 – 72

Planned by Knud Blach Petersen og Mogens Harbo


Portela de Sacavém

LA61: Comparison of Portela de Sacavém and Gellerupparken

Lisbon Workshop

LA61: Comparison of Portela de Sacavém and Gellerupparken

Lisbon Workshop

LA62: Form principle analysis

Lisbon Workshop

LA64: Sustainable housing

Lisbon Workshop

• Definition:Sustainable development is a development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. (World Commission on Environment and Development 1987)

• Society, economy and environment• Things to consider in architecture

Lisbon workshop


• The two residential areas are to some extent designed after same principles and thinking are therefore experiencing the same problems. As Gellerupparken has been reinterpreted some of the same ideas and methods could be applied in Portela de Sacavém.

• Through the understanding of simple form, it’s possible to create many variables design solutions through simple changes in the initial shape.

• Sustainability must be incorporated in the process of designing new

buildings as well as renovating existing structures. Modern housing should be a product of thoughts of sustainability, through for intense climate control, choosing the right materials and therefore the impacting the environment in the best way possible.

OIKONET is co-funded by the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union 2013-16Project number: 539369-LLP1-2013-1-ES-ERASMUS

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