LI~.o~.UuR CvC · 2020. 2. 28. · quant1•1, without tak1DO ou' a lleenae. • ~ec tion 19,...


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LI~.o~.UuR CvC TRuL ACT : cor por t l on a !1laY bO l 1ocm csc c., anl• 50ot1 on 27 not ao 11cable t o them.


Pebruarf a, 103&.

Hon. r: . J . Becker Superv1aor ot Liquor Control State Capitol Jetteraon CitJ, K1a.o~

Fl Et

~h1a 1a to aoknowlqe fle0e1pt ot Jour requeat tor an op1n1on aa 'o wbe~er or not a oarpora,1on .., leaal17 be 1aaue4 a lleenae under tne Liquor ConWol .. , ot Mlaaourl, paaaed b'J the 67th a ner&l AaeeablJ, 1n b-.a S.aa10D.


en aaal7a1a& the w.loua pitOYla1ou ot \be LSA&•• ContJtol Aot 1 t 1a •11 ~ k•p in m1Dc1 the lan&uaae ot tbie 3\apN• Cotr' ot 11a.aur1~ en Bano, ln tbe .... ot state •• !arker D1a,1111ns COilJil a.y, 8ae Mo. llG, 1. o. 1'74t

• ben • bear lD a1D4 the toregoiq idea, tbat the llquor wattle ln Ulla aate baa no lep.l r1gbta, ••e &D4 uoept 'ho" a­preaalJ aran•ed. bJ 110 ... an4 the a•••te UDder whlcb lt la 1aeue4, thew ean _.. olearl7 ... u.• 'M akte •1 1apeM auall coll41,1ona, ~ and N8\&1&,10Da aa 1' •7 dM w1ae and pro~, &DIS DO one who •gag•• ~reln baa a .rlP' 'o OOIIPl&lll thereat.•

L1k .. 1M1 1t aa&.at be bcWD lD 111n4 tbat tbe Liquor Bill tha' -• trul7 apee4 to and 1'1-.117 paaaed oonalated ot a Coamittee &.aba'1 tute tor seat. Bil la tloa. 6 1 811 281 II, 8' &DC1 26, tbua 1ntl•ttna tbat .an7 billa "r• 1nt.-ocl\IM4 which con\&1fte4 ..a-1oua oontl1ct1ng pe-ov1a1ona later 1noorpoMte4 1Dto the act aa ,..aecl.

BoD • • .r. Beob• -a-

!he eaae tlBg olau .. pi'OY14ee tb1• '

" prow141n& tor the laau&Doe of lle-..• tor the anurao--., brewin& an4 Mle, botb at wholeale and re.Ul of 1n~~l•UDa ll•uc.••

Alao, the lanaua&e ot the SUpNae cou.r' ot 81a•OQP11n aowre •• laDAa Clt, U.l1o &tn1oe Compan7, •1 s. • · (84) 810, 1. •• 916a

•u ~- ;rowlalon• ·~ alou, ~· .s.aht be .. rlt 1D pla1ntltt•a ~t.Uon. 1'be entln HahM .uat be OODa1 .... 4 ln d.e~-lD& the pgrpeH ot tbe leglalabre lD enaouna lt. •

Aleo. 111 De Jarnett •• 71okam 7er, 40 3. • (14) 686, 1. o. 66'1 ( o. Sup.)a

• 411 proYl atone ot tbe eta tute aboul4 be oon• a14ere4 lD 4e\eN1Dlns the -.alas ot U7 partJ.ou.lar po~t'lon tbereot • an4 .rreot &1•• to ••••¥ pal't ot the .-.,ute 11beN lt ia poaalble to do eo.•

Pe~. 2, -ltat.

Anc1 1n Lopn •· Mattbe .. , u s. • (M) eee, 1. o. eea, tbe ~ court ot IU.a~1, • Bane, aal4a

•The ,., aeot1ona ot tbe ata\ute mould M rea4 and cODaVued. ~&ether. I n eonaW1&1D& a ata'-aM, the oour' wat, 1f peaaU•le, lift etreot of .. Whole and ewPJ ,.., ._.or. orn14e4 the 1a•.,retat1on N&CW s.a reaa D&ble an4 not 1n omtllot w1\h the le~e~t1~• 1Dt.D,.•

ADcl 1n fAd4 •• l.Dde~oe stowe al'll4 l~UI'D&Oe Co., 61 c• •• (84) 11•, 1. c. 118 (Mo. &ap.) the oo\al't •14a

•&ppell&D''• ooubuoUon wo1&14 • ..-,. oDe ot ea1c1 4eaor1pt1Ye a43eot1wea ,..ot1oa117 aupertluoua, aDd tb• 1ea1alatuN .S.ll Dot ~e preaw.e4 to ban 1nteDde4 uamg aup.-tl \JOU.a or meanlngleaa worc1a 1D the •'-bte.

reower, in o aW\Uq a •'-t1a'- the nil aouaht ~ be N...Ued &D4 tb8 bmet'l* 1D­tacle4 to be ooatenect tbereb)' ahou14 be cona1clen4 • • • auoh akbtea abou14 be oonabuecl, eo tu u tbair taaaueP ,....s.u, w1 th a ~1• ot ettootlaat1Da the1r ~ts...-• purpoae.•

Tbaretore, 1n 1aterpreUna the pr091a1oaa ot the Llqu• Control ot, .. 4o eo, keep1na in a1Dc1 ~e 1Dtent ot the Lealalat••• N&d1ng t he act •• a wbole, and bullon1a1D& oontl1ct1D& aeoi1oaa therein, 1t poaa1ble, ao aa t;o &1•• ett•t to •oh ot the pl'OY1a1ona ot ~• ao,.


AD uam.1nat1on ot the aktutea tJt lla.,ur1 will ahow tbat tbe wo.U •peraoa or pePacma• 1Dolude oo.,.-at1ona, oo-par aerahtpa, e4 ou.P ent1t1ea; aad, 11ltew1•, 1n the U.quor Coatrol Act the Lepa• latUN apoo111oal1J d.eftaed the warcl •,...acm• to 1nclu4e parta.erablp, aJQ41cate, aaaoo1&,10D, corporation eto. we quote Sec,ioo 4~-aa

•The tera 'poreon' •• uae4 1n tbia • ct abaU aDd 1Aolu4e &rQ' 1Dc11Y14ual, uaoolaUOD, Joint etoek eo~~~~&a,, 8J1141cate, oo-partzterab1p, corparauoo, reoelYor, truatee. cOD .. rwakr, or other ott1oer appo1nted b7 &DJ ataM 011 Federal court.•

Bon. E. J. Beolcel' ....

fbua when tbe WoN •pe1'aon• &ppe&ra 1D the I'OYlaJ.oaa Gr the ct, aa14 wor4 la auaoept1ble ot meansaa •peraon•,aa dettDe&, ua4 1 t doe a not require Ju41o1al 4et1D1 t1cm 01' oonatne,lon to lnolude aaaoolatlona, Joint atock ooape.n1ea, qndlcatea, partner• ah1pa. corporation• etc.

The wor4 •per110e• appear.: tttrougbo'lit the Liquor Conool ct, aamelJ, Seotiona 6, 8, 9• 13-a, 11, 1&-a. 18, 19, 81, 81-a-1, 22, ~. 2'1 an4 , , ... ln ao .. 1llat&Doea the te •an1 peraon",

•ewer1 pereon", ·~o peraon" and "•• 7 111 1-aOD• are used, a.n4 1n otb• 1natanc•o thia pbraea 1a uae4, • iAJ p•aon, tin, J&l'Qsereblp o&P coJtpOP&tlOD"J thua abow1q Ulat wbal the L•&lala~ure uaed th4t word "pera<Jn " , in aa14 Aot, tha) 1 t 414 not 1D tend to 11a1 t --ln •••1'7 1nat ace to the generall7 acoepte4 4et1a1t1on tbereot, naaelJ, that ot an 1nc11Y14ual.

'ro 11luatrate our contetlcn. •• quote a tew ot the aeot1ona :

Section 8, 1n part proY14eaa

"Do E\raon aball poeaeaa 1ntox1ca'1ng liquor w1tb c £he State or ~aaour1 un1eaa tbe .... baa been acquired trom ao• e•r•o~ h0lcl.1q a 4ulJ autbor1 .. d 11oenae ete.•

Section 18 prow14eaa 8 1 t ahall be unlawful tor ~ R'£1;1• tirm, part.aerahlp or corporaUOD ~ ..ii aeture, .. 11 or expoH tOI" Mle 111 tbia atate 1ntox-1cat1na liquor, aa herein ctet1na4, 1n ~ quant1•1, without tak1DO ou' a lleenae. •

~ec tion 19, 1n pUt proy14ea t

•• • • tore aDJ applloat1on tor 11oenao ahall be approwed the supery1aor ot Liquor Control ahall require ot the app11out a boDCl, to be s1 YeD ~ tbe at& te, 1n the aua ot Two '!houa&D4 Dollar•• • • • to be a pproved. br ~e upen1aor w •, con41 tlone4 tba' the , ... obta1n1D& auob lloeaae ab&ll keep etc.

SecUon 21, 111 part prov14eaa

•uo ReJ-!91, par~r8bip, aaaoo1 'lon or oeraona or oorporatlcn aball -.nutaoture or cU.at111 • • • aball .. 11 or give a-.,, or ott~ tor

Bon. ~. J. S.cke~ -6-

aale • at wholeu.le or retail, • o • blend 1ntosioa\1n£ liquor, • • &ball laport 1n• tox1oat1na 11quoJt •~c. •

Tbe s upre e Courta o~ otber Jurladlo,1ona. 1D 41apoa1na of the queatlon 1nvolY1q tbe :rJ.ab t ot a oorpopaUon t o deal 1n loto~­loaUng l ltuor, held tbat the WOJ-4 •-pe:raon• 1Delud84 oorporatloc. t:e be:rew1 th e1 te and quote thex-etros:.:

In udubon Countr7 Club •• ... lth, 183 e. • 911 (I{J.), t he following aa 8&14:

8 L1o•M to keet> a ta•orn outalde ot u 1nco•­poratecl e1 t ; or town a ball be srante4 OD17 t o peraooa Who are prep&Nd w1UJ houaee. bechUq. atoYea and pro-.endor au.tt1c1ent to aceoiiiOdate tho public and ahall not be granted to an7one unleaa t he keeplnt. o.t a ta-.e:rn at tbe place propoae4 1a neoe•8AJ'1 tor the aooo:tOdatlon ot t be public nor until t~ applicant ahall take an oath ln open oourt that he ln aoo4 taltb lntenda ~ kH~ a ta•em tor the aceoliOdaUon ot the pub11o • '

I t will be obM:r-.ect that the -"•• "otlOD authorlaee tbe granttng or a ta-.ern 11eoneo to poracne who are prepared oto .

Section • 6?, '-nt uok7 Statute, define• the word • :r80D ' ae toll owaa • the wo:r4 •pe:raon• •7 extend an4 be extended and be a pplied to tod1eft pol i t i c aDd corpOrate. aoo1et1••• cocmunit1ea and t he puollo generall7- aa .. 11 aa 1n41Y1duala, partllel"ahlpa# per eona an c1 Joint atook oompan1ea. The worde •cor,orat~on• •ooapanJ• m&7 .be canat.rue4 aa 1nclud1q uq corporation. oa.p~, peraon, peraooe, p&rtilun-ehlp, Joint atook ooapanlea • aaaoclatlona.'

I t would •ec reaacaabl7 ole~~r troa the atatute cauote4 tbat it •• not the leg1alaU•• purpo" t o 61•• to \he word 'pe?aon • 1D th• atatute author1&1D& tbe 1e•1q ot -..-rn lloeuea a19 110re reew1oted. ~U&nlng thAD 1ft other tallilazt atatut••.~ belD& no~ to 1DCUoaM that auch ezoept~ona aboul4 M ..- 1ll the oa• o~ p~r•~n• app171D& tor '-•ern lle.o ....

a011. • J. eeoker Pe-. · 1, 19M,

• • ~etore oonolude tbat a oo-.e ... ucm ~ be &NDWCi a tla.-.n llo•H an4 u.a• U. ata,utorJ oa~ •1 be taken oD 1ta Mbalt ~ lta auUJor1ae4 ott1oera. ftla Y1ft la to•\1• tied b;J tbe tollOid.q au&bor1 Uoa ll'oa otbe• atatea OD tb1a queaUo•u

conneo,1cut. Bl'ew1D8 ca.p_,. •. Murptq • 81 CODD. 1•1, '10 A,l. dOJ · nte~1H Brftiq Oo. •. ar1aea, 17a ...... 868, 63 1 . a . 866J People •• ue14elw.a oarcs. co., au 11~. ~. a. • · B. IIOJ In Re ar.lnt5 Co. L1o~M, - Pa. M, '18 Atl . liJ In re Pl-oapeot arntna co. , 18'1 Pa. 683, 17 Atl. l Og()J 1D •• e L~<Dob Co., 1 Bo7oe, Vol. 7., '76 Atl •• 1.•

Tbe Idaho upNIIie Court 1D 44a Coun- •· Bo1H Co rc1al Club, 118 Pao. 1081. eal4a

•Tb• appeal 1n~1"a tbe ooeatruaUOD aa4 applloa,1on of SeoUoD 1101. Tbia .. ot10D reada •• tollowa: •It ahall be unlawful tor AD¥ perecm, b7 hl .. aelt, bJ aaent or otbel"Wl"• to •11 apul tuoua.

lt or te....ate4 llquora or w1aea, to be dNDk in or &bout tbe prem1aea ~ ao14, without baYlD& tlrat procun4 a 11o_.. aDA &lftll a bon4. •

~.c,1on 16, Hev1Md CoMe, ..ona otber ~1D4• proY14eas ·~ wol'Ct •peraon• 1Dolu4ea a ce>rl)Oft• Uon •• •11 •• a aatural peraoa.'

It 1a uraecl bJ oo1aHl tor a ppellant t.bat laa•u• ae the Lealalat;ure fa1la ~ 1aolude t» tera '1noottporate4 olub' ln the pPOYlalona ot Seot 1<lll leot, therefore, the Lealalature 414 not 1D~4 to 1nolu4e auob corporation w1tb1D the JrOYlaloae ot aa1<1 -t1ora. 1' 1a QDI\eoeaaar, to olaN~ tho ob&Not.l' or k1nc1a of oorporaUona whleh wou14 be requ1Jte4 to aeoure a llc... to Mll 1D~xl•'-1D6 Ucluora k be 4raDk OD the pz-a.laea, \lllleaa the IAalal&tuN ba4 1n 111nd the aolualoo ot a par'1oular k1D4 or obaNcMr ot oa.poratlca tJIOII the operaUOD of lbe akhte, beoauae 1' ba4 preYloualJ bee eaaotecl aDCl !MIA loDe .._ a law wbell seo•1on 1106 -.a .aot.M tba' •t. woP4 'peracm• 1Dolude4 all corpoa-atloraa aJMl ~~-the oonolualon la 1DeY1ta~l• aD4 1t the Leal•la•ure 1n,en4e4 to exolud.e &DJ parUoul• k1n4 ot oorpo~~a-

Boa. E. J. Deck.r Peb. a, liM.

tlon tbeJ woulel ha" eo deol.aN4 ln tbe aec t1on. Therefore. when the Lepal.a 'UN •14 'aDJ J1 1'80D t ~e7 1Dtea4ecl tla' tbe worda ahould. •an the •• aa de1'1M4 a.z tbe oo4e &114 ah0u14 1noludAt coa-pONt.lon•• and lt eo. u cluba are co.,_a,lona, tba woz-4 •.,.raoa • 1nolu4e4 auoh club. •

llote the lanau&&• ot the Illlnola Cour• lll ~ple u 1Dt. Y e lieidelbur& Oarden Co ., 23:5 111. esK>, 84 I. E. 110, 1. o. lal1

"Appel l ant tur~r 1na1ata tbat aa \he plea4-1Dga ahow that the llc••• •• 1aaued to a corporat10D lt waa leau.CS w1tbou' au'horl'J ' ot la•J tbe araur:ea• be1D& tba' \Dl• o• 4NJD8bop aot tba llcenae oan no' 1aaue ~ a oorpw~&UCD. S.otion 1, ot Chap. 131, Bard.a R. • 1806, pas• lHa proy14ea tb&' tba worda ' peraon or peraoD•', a a w11 aa all worcta reterrln& t o or 111J)ertln& 'peraona', 1 e&ten4 an4 be applied. to bodlea rol1t1c aD4 corporate aa wll •• 1n41Ylctlal.

The court hel4 in t hia .... U.t a dralubop Uoenae •1 be la uecl t o a corporation • • wll •• an 1n41Yl4Uil.

&lao, t be oourt 1n .. aeaohu .. tta 4eol...& t b1a,1n Hnterprl .. nlna Co. •• Grl ea, N I . B. 861&

•xt la v. U.t oorporat1011a ean no' be 1a­pr 1aone4 and tba' one ot tbe peaal,lea proY14ed b.t law la 1aprlaoa.a,, an4 tba' 1a ao• oaaea 1-.prlaorweD' la 1apen,1.e. ~. howeyer, 1a one clroumat&Dee t;o be .. l&bed wl\h .aDf ill arr1Y1D& at the Vue ... D!JW of the ata,ute. CorporaU.ona oan be 1Dcl1ot ... conY1ctecl an4 pUD1tlbe4 UD4v tba 1• bJ tiM aD4 ~ tortel,ta~te ot llc••• 1'ba7 oun aot onlJ tbrouah natural peraona, aD4 tbe -~ peraona Who 4o the 1llepl ac•• ot tu oorp~­t1oo •1 be pun1abe4 lhe ... l ••• al110 an4 bJ tbe full ,.raal.t1ea or tM •'-"'te· Ifi •• w conau.. Ule 1•• oorpol'aUoDII are 1DO Ullle4 1a 1ta prow1a1ona aa4 lta au~r1sa,loaa tbe lapoaa1at111 , ., ~ tbe 1mpr1ao~•• .... n o doUbt oonal .. re4 'r *be le&1alatUPe &D4 1n Ylew of the llablll'J or tbe utun.l pvaou 1lho oould be pun1abe4 tor ~· 1llepl ao•• ot 'be oor ora• 'loa t he le&lalat\llle •• eootent ~ JrOY14e tbe pl-lnlabnaea'• llb1ah lt 414. •

lion. E. J . Boolt.v -a-

See alao a Conocoohaague Club •• st~te. Sl ~tl. 602 ( ) J !n Re D. J . L7noh Co., 76 Atl. •1 ( 1 . )1 In P.e l'oll.-d .. 17 ,1. 1097

n Re Proapeot Brewlng Co., 17 Atl. 10~0.

he above oaaea auatain t he propo•1 'ion ~t corporati on a SD&7 be grante4 lloena a the .._ ae peraona uader a\&tutea at 11aJt to the N.1aeoUI'1 Liquor Control Act.


eot1on 27,ot tbe quor Control &o' ot 11aaouP1, provldeaa

••o p_.aon aball N pante4 a llcea .. hereunder, unle•• auoh peaon 1a ot ~ood ...-.1 oba.Noter &D4 a natlYe barn or aatu.alla~ c.ltlaeD ot the Ulsite4 s tatea ot ~rloa, an4 a e&ua11t1e4 lep.l YOter an4 tupq1D oltlaen ot U. oCND"• tOWD, c1t7 or v1118.6e 11hee1n auob peraon a..U a l1eenae bereunderJ and no. peraon ahall be gante4 a lloenae or permit ~eUDclv, whoM 11oea.. a• euob dealer baa been revoke4, or who haa been cooricted., a1Doe the nt1f1oatloll ot the TweotJ-tlrat mendmeDt t o tbe Conal1-t ut1oo of the on1te4 5tatea, ot a vlolatlOD ot the provlalooa ot &DJ law app11oable \o the -.nutaoture OJ- ale or lnt.oxleat.tna lle&uor, • who eaploJ•• or baa emplo,.4 lD hie bua1neaa aa auch dealeP, &1Q' paraon • 10M llceDae bua been revokecl or who baa been oonvloh4 ot Y1olat1Dc t he prov1a10Da ot &n7 auch law as.a.e Ule 4atie a.torea&14.•

A a1m1lar Motion, appearlns in the tor•r draraabop lu ot naaourl, baa bee., oonatrue4 b7 our Supreme Cour' and bJ the St. Louia Cour' ot Appeala. In tbe oaae ot State ex rel. •• &oott. V6 Mo . 'PP• uo, tbe oot:_rt h 4 b•tcre lt an appllcat1on tor a 11oenae on the pare ot a partnerebip. Bl&D4, P. J., a&14 (1. c. 023-2,)1

"Seetlon 29ga, nev1ae4 stat•t•• 1agg• rea-.lcta the ar&n'lD& ot a cSruahop UoenH to a 'law• abldln&• ••••••84• kltp&J1DfS. •1e c1U .. n aboYe twert tJ' 01\8 78&1'8 ot &S•• t Tbere 1a DO author1 tJ' to pant a 11oenae ~ a par••l!'ah1p aa auch. 1n tbe paraerehlp name. aa ~Waa done 1n '~'.1• 1natanoe. re the &pol1eat1on 1a made b7 a oo•par,nerab1p tbe application

-e- Feb. 2, 19H.

8!10U14 be II&M 111 the ll&ll'!e ot t he 1nd1Y1clu&l ae:abera ot the p..-taerabip. ob ... .- aboul4 aton the application and. he oboulc1 till tbe atatutol'J requ1re=-nt a, th•t 1a, be &bculd be a law-ab1d1n&, aaaeaeed, t&K~J1ng, aale c1t1 .. u aooye twenQ'-c:ae Je&ra ot a e, ancl the 11cen .. aho uld ~ 1aa11ed to the 1nc1iv14uala 4oJ.Dc bua1oeaa UDder the partft•rab1p ~.·

And i n the caM ot State Ye 111aeour1 At) let1o Club (Sup. Ote •o. ), 170 • • QO.t, tbe su~ Court bad before it tor oone14erat1on the appl1oat1on or an incorporated social olub. Jadae alker ea14 (1. o. 910) a

•ceap1te all or th1a, aD4 leaving out ot ooDal4er­at1on an1 dl aowaa1on a to ita 110ral or bJ&1enlo er · eet, a a out ot place 1D a lepl op1n1on, .. t1n4 tba~ the traMra an4 inkrpretera ot oU~t law, troaa tbe dawn ot our Juriaprudece, both here and elHwbere, han repr4e4 liquor aa aa Iahtr.aelite amoaa the prociucta ot -.n•a 1D0eou1Q1 and b&Ye placed ita aale UDder the baD ot oare­tullJ erde4 r eatPiot1ona. It no eooner or .. pa out ot the at1ll , tbe wtnepreaa, or t he b~•~ vat thaD the ex.cla--.n damancla tr1bQt.e t~ ite being, and bet ore it can be Y«l4e4 tasea ad ••lor­and tor the pr1 vileae ot Ale at oe paidJ but t h1a 1a not all , upon leaY1DS the warehouee ot the wbole­aaler, t he r•ta11er, betore diapenaina 1\, IIUat take . out a 11cenae aa a <1ramab0p keeper. ~otion 7188~ aupra. Tb.ia 1a an 1nd1Y1c1ual P1'1Y11e •• which can oD17 be &ranted to ta l&w•abicUq, aaaeaae4 taxpa~1a& male clttsen above twen'7 one 7eara ot

•·' oot1on 7191, R. s. 19og, ~tate ex rel. ¥. Count1 Court, 66 l'o. App. loo. cit. 1001 Sta~ ea rel. • · ?a ge, 107 ~o. 4PP• loo. cit. 818, 80 s. • gu~. ADd lt cannot be &NDted. ~ a puta81'~1p ( wt&te ex rel. v. Scott, 96 o. App. 620, 70 s. • • 7a6), not- to a corporation, beoauee the lat ter doe• not poaaeaa the requ1a1tea eapreaalJ require4 ot an applicant, Yis. ap, ob&Noter, aa4 aex..­raachin 1ta aajor1t7 when ita 1Dco~at1on 1a atrecte4, ita age oannot be ... aure4 bf J e&raJ be1na 1ntaftg1ble, 1t can ha•e no Ob&r&cteztJ aD4 t or a like reaaon, .,r• •tez-1&117 e.xpreaae4, haY1D& no boc:Q- to be Jrlc~ecl, 1 t 1a auleaa. 1 ~ tb.eretoN lack a three out or the foQI' aktutaa, r~u1a1tea eaaential to a qual1r1e4 ap~l1oant for a 4ramatop 11cen e.

Hon . E . J . cker -10-

•ay necoa r; and 1nev1ta~l• exclua1on, there• fore , 1t boi ng 1mpoeo1ble, under the 1 .. , tor aoo1al oluba to procure 11oenaea, and t 1e aale ot liquor bolng a l 1c1tod pr1vile e , no impl ied or other power Uleta author1et.ns eO!"Porat1ona ot thla chancter to ·e •lee. ther, an 1rr.pl1ecl power 1n a cor p •atlon t o do an unlawfUl et cannot ox1atJ a.nd 1t 11(luor be sold with-

out lleenee o•or a ogan table, in lGaa ot tineet cry•tal , un r a e1lken e&nOP,¥ 1n a lQce, it i a none t ho looa crl , under a fair and l c partl al 1nterp-et&.t1on ot t h law, than an unaut hori zed e le ovor a de 1 board i n a hovel that would p ut ' nahan ' • ould been' to aha • "

nowover, wo :r•eaP<-ct.tully ~t that t ho abov c natruot1ona of t h nclen t a bop law are not b1nc1 !~ on ua here l n the c onatr ct1on or the i~souri Liquor Control ot f or t he re aon tbat tho two a c t are etransora in oubet nee and aplr1t and co· pl e tol7 laok1no 1n uniform conte latlon.

The c!ra ahop la ot iaeol r 1 provieod tor t ho regula t 1oo or dramahop keeper• and defined a hop keeper • Qa peraon per tte4 b la•- ba1ng 11cena &ccor l flU , t he ov1o1o"ll ot t hia ol pte~. t o sel l into11cat1 11quora in any qwantity , elther at reta11 or 1n the original cka e, not excecdin ten · llona. " t or t h1 tJ 1 th~ <1ramahop Jcee:Pe~ a requll•ed. to .aM app11cat1on tor a liconee a ncl 111t' the (count .;) couro s hall be ot tho opln1on that t he a pplicant i a a 1 , Aeo ·osed 1n le c1t1aen abO•e t ont - one yoara ot e, the cout't r ant ·& 11e onoe t r ola montho. '

51 aoot1on ot t h1a law 1t 11 provided " t tat ne> p raon. tlrm o:· c: OPPQr' t 1on, or ent, employee or r pree.otat1ve or &n7 pereon , t 1rm or cort)ora~.tlon on '"e<l 1n tbo ut ct ure ot lt Ol' a~1r1tuoue l.lquora. or th aale a1 a wholeaaler or jobtJer ot lt or ap1r1tuoue liquora o al l be 11eenee4 to kee~ a dramahop". zoept tor t h1e 1 ct!on , tbero 11 no nt1on ot cor rat1on a 1n t he act r elating t o dr ~Shopa . nder a ceparate a r ticle entirel y 11c enaea ro prov1dod !'or ut ot urera. roet1t1 r~a , oleoalo and retail

lora other than os hop k pere. Jo11over, t • c .. n1t~ot1cn ot t he "upro e court 1n the 1aaour1 Athlet1o Club Case bad t o do onlJ with the \U-a1:11hop lnw proper .

aca. a. J. •11- Pel>. I, 1136.

The c~natruot1on or the .;tll~ court with reterenee to tM dftmahop law ahoul4 aet be eonatr.4 •• blDcU.Q& on ua h ... J t~ wbile the aec,1on ot the law 1a a1111lar &o the oee bere \Dier con­alcterat1on, neYWtbeleaa, tbl whole aot wl~ wblob lt •• oonaVuecl •• an aUrel7 differ•' aat. "'e auat ot aeoeaa1*J here conavue aeo,1on S!l'l w1 tb Ht•-• &o the LlCl\aOIP CaDtHl ot ot Mlaao•l u4 not with the uoieDt dN•abop law.

"It 1a an eleseata.y rule that Ule ocaaW\ao­tion of a aatute la &o be _.. ~ all lta parte ~pti.bel' allll aot of ou par' •17 b7 1tNlte ED411ob on IDterp. ot Stat. see. aa.• Li taOft •· &al,h, ae o. App., 1. o • .oa.

The Lle&UOI' Control Aot of JU.aaovi aoUoe ot o•poa-a­t1ona tbrougbout lta pagea. ln seot1ona 10, 18, 11, 12t II~, 11, aa and aa oorpwat1ona re not.loed an4 PI'Mla1ona ade ror replatlon. l n ad41tlon, Seo. 41-a proy1deaa

"T~w --. •per eon • •• uae4 1D tbll ao' ahall •an and laclude A1Q' lll41.t4ual, aa.aelatl~, Joint aMok ooapa~, 8JD41,oate, oo- tnerah1p, COI'pOI'&UCIIl1 Peoe1~, tPUaMe, .... ._ .. or oth r oft1oer appo1Dte4 _. al\1 State or .ural Co,~, ••

1'b1a 1• a oleal' espeaeloa on the part of the Le&lalature 'hat a eorporat1on abou ld be within ttw ..aniq of the ut. uo euoh prow1a1•, ho .. Y r, 1e to H toun4 1n tbe -...bop law oonat;ruecl bJ the s sr... Court.

It 1 s reooplaecl tbat a oorponUoo 4oee aot poeaeaa goo4 110ral obaftotei'J aor 1a it a natlft bon or D&tuNliaecl o1t1.-J ne1tber 11 lt a qua11f1e4 l epl wter. tberetOI'e, SooUon rt ••• be oonstrue4 aa aot bei q a pp11eable to o~t1ona 1n ., tar aa the aeot1on requll'ea 1D1'01'MUOD aa ~ tbe aNM• and that \be 1ntoraat1on requlre4 •• oal7 1nteD4e4 to be ~ulrecl of a a1-le 1n41w14ual.

It a corporat1CJD be belcl no' 1f1UdD U. oon~lat1on ot tbe aot, certain aectloaa ot tbe law would be ••••Snale••· For•• 1D aeot1on aa it 1• prow1de&a

• vor enP,J llo.:l•• laeuecl to f16r1 Pai~ cocpa117, ra11wq al .. plq oar Oo.p&D.J ~ 41n1ng oar 117 o perate4 1n uaJ.• a-..te. tO!' aale ot all k11ld.a of 1atoxJ.•U.C lltUOP• •• herein de1'1a.4, at reall t• conau.ptloa

aon. E. J. -1e-

on ita 41~ oara. burt•' oua aDA obaerya,1on cara, the eua ot cm• hUD.4r~ (t too.oo J 4ollara per par. ·roY14e4 that .. 1c1 11cenae ab&ll DOt permit aalea at retail t o be aad.e while aald oara are atoppe4 at aD7 atatl.cma nd prow14e4 turtlle•• that a 4upllcate ot auch 11<-eaee aball be poatacl ln ~ oar where auob be•erage 1a aold or a-.ect. tor which ibe 11eeuee ~1 pq- a tM ot oau. ( 00) d ollar tor eaeh duplleate 11c•n ...

~• 1DaJ eatelJ ••au. that tbe court• will take Jud1o1al knowledge that rallroacl •o•• Dlea, Pailwa, al .. Ptaa oar c011pan1ea and d1n1n6 car ooJ~paDlea are, 1n aoat lnatancea, incorporated. Cer'-1n lt 1a that •- are not opera•e4 b7 a a1qle 1n4lv1d'aa1. lt then,. the l• 4oea not oon\emplate the 1anaDoe ot 11oa••• to corporations, thla proY1a1on ot the law 1a UMlna.

Aa a further 1a41ea,1on of the 1atieat ot tl» •ual &a..-17 to include co~pont1ona, 1t 1a pro•14e4 1ll SeotloD 18t

• tt eball be ualawtul tor &DJ' p•aoa., tin, partD rab1p or co.,orat1on ~ IMDut'ao-.., ael l o• e.spoM tor •le 1ft thla aate 1n~-1cati.n& liquor, •• bere1n ~1M4, 1D ~ quanti-.,, wi thout taktna out a 11c.m ... •

Th1a i e an ~.Uiguoua eureaa1on on the l)U'\ ot th• G&eral Aa .. llbl~, and " oonoluele, Utereto.r•, ttaat 1t waa tb• 1ntent1oa of tbe General Aaeetll»l7 ~ -on4e tor th• 1••~• ot llcenHa to co•porat1ona aubJect to tbe proy1a1ona of the ••'· ~!bia 1n accora with that .. 11 eatabllabed PUle, oona1aten' with reaaon. tb&t a atatute ab.oul4 be eo oonaUtue4 aa to N nder 1t opent1Ye.• S'-t• •· Long ( o.) 204 s. · •• 1. c. 9le.

·~ purpoH tor wh1oh a law waa ••o)M la a -~tef ot pr1 .. 1m~tance 1n arr1•1ns •• a oorrec' 1DtWpJtetat1on ot 1 ta IN'P'•· • etatute la ~be oonatruec1 w1~ ret.,..oe t o 1ta ..aifeat obJeot, and 1t the laasuase ia auaoep,1ble ot two oon•t.uo•lona, ODe wb1ob •111 oarrr out ~nd the othe~ wili d~feat auoh MD1t••• objeo,, 1t 411boul4 noe1ve U. tor•• cooatfto,1oJa. PeaQLe v. Hillrieb.-, 1a1 111. as., .a ~ . E. 97a.• · ~•1• - ~erl&D4 - Stat. Conat •• Vol. II, P• 711.

on. • J. Jeoko• .... a. ltM.


A corporation _, 4o 01117 tb&t Whioh 1a proY14e4 1n lta cbar,er or 1Dclude4 in lta oorporate pow.ra.

In Jullall y. EaDMa CltJ .,tap Co ., tbt supr ... Court ot M1aaour1 , en Bano, IOi llo . a, •i4 tb!a relat1q to corporat1ona (L.o. 1'1):

•The cor a.a t 1on 1a aD ut1tlo1al be1q, poaaeca1ns oD17 the rl&hta that Ule ... tate baa SJ~&Dtecl and bearing the burdena that ita Obarter t.poaea.

Tba tate in 1•u1D& the oba.l'ter ~ 1arpoae 1 t• own teraa • aD4, when accepte4, tb• corporation ie boUDd bJ MrllaJ lt tiiP .. s are 1 poaed 1n t he charter tb&t reault 1n placlna the corpora•ton lD a poa1tion leaa tayorable tban 1D~iY14uele woul4 ooeCP.J ta rela,ion t o the aame aubl"'• \he oo~UoD cannot eoapla1D beoaua• it la oee ot the oon41 t1one on wbloh 1 t• ttipt to be a ccn-por­atlon na grantee!. •

In e&aaen et al. •• Moaokton et al, 278 8. W • .0,, 1. o • .07, the Supreae court ot etourl aa14a

• A oorpora,ioD la u artit1e1al per eon. aD4 baa no rJ.abta. •

Alao . 1n tr;ratt •• Still-.n Iut1tu,e, 160 s. • 73, 1. o. 71, the supr•• Co~ ot 111uour1 aa14a

•• corporation aa t o lte obal'aotw la to be 1uda•4 b7 the obJeote ot ita oreation aa ex~eaee4 1n lta obarter.•

tate 8 x l at. •· 111a.oUJt1 ,t·:>let1o an4 .st. Louia Cluba, upr•• CoUPt or • taaouri uae4 thia lanauaae ( 1. o. 6US

•xt Will be NCaUe4 tbat Chief .l\la,1oe -..ahall aa14 1n 'he X:..Pcnl&b coll•p e&M (' •'• ( u. s. J 118, Nl) a.oaa o\ber tb1-ce tbat b&Ye taeeo ·• ..xs.u, tba' •a o•~••lOD bellla the...-. c ... ture ot the law po••• .. • ~ thoae ~P,lea ~loh the _..._. ot 1te

BOD. E. J . Beoker ·14•

creation contera upon it. e1thv expNaalJ or ae .-.no1dental to 1 t• ••rr e.a1atence J • an4 t he upreme cour' ot • 1nneao'- baa held *ba' the aaze rule 1a app11oable t o artiolea of 1ncOPporat1on wh1ob are analoaoua t o a obarter { Goulcl •· hller, 7Q 1nn. •l•h ao tbat by ex;>reaa Jw11o1al 4eclal'at1on the 4ooaa1ne •• to the lialta,lon ot the powera or • ~·­Uon .tthln t~ 1Jlatr •t ~ 1ta o:Nat101l baa been •4e \o &pplJ ~ ••er7 cla .. ot 1noor• porat;e4 aaaoo1ation, wbetb• 1\ b4t orpnised tor bllalnaaa. aoral, 1ntellaohal or bene' purpoaea or ~ proaot• aoeial 1DteroourM. I no14ental pewera, a s t he te.r m 11 ••PlOJ84 bJ Ch1et Juatlce ahall, mean nob aa are 41reot-17 an4 lmaediat8l7 appropriate to the exeout1on ot the oowra upre1al7 granted, an4 exiat onlJ to eaable tbe oQPporation to carr, out t he p\irpoae ot 1ta •~Uon. ( oo4 "• Railroad, 8 P. COIUle 1 : People "• Cbioa,&o Gal Tl'\la' Co., l:SO Il l . 888J ~tate ea rel . "· owm&D, 61 La. Ann. a:sa.) Suoh paera are aot ill~okect ..., rea~cn4et, boweftP, anc1 tbe1r 41aouaa1on la 8\lpertluoua. But the 1ap11e4 power• are of .,....,. The7 are 4et lned to be t ho .. poaaea .. 4 b.J a corporation not 1nd1apenea~l7 aeoeaaar.r to oar~ tnto ett eot othero expreaal7 &Nn te4, aa4 C<MtW 1ae all th&' are appropriate, oonyeDJ.ct aa4 wltable t~ tbat PQPpoae, 1Dolu41na, aa aa 1DoSMilhl rlah'• a reaaonable obolH ot the ua \o be eapl~ in p\ltttq into praotlcal etreo• \hla olaaa ot power a. oact •• t h1a clef1n1 UOD ...... u4 1' 11 tho re~ ot an oXbaua•t•• reyt .. ot ~ oaaea bJ ..s.nea• tut-wr1 twa, .. fiad 1~ 1lO• wbera more luo14ly &Dd coQprahena1Ye17 oona14er• ed tban b7 Blll'pa • J., fw ~· oow' 1n ~tate u 1nt. Cl'OW •• Llnool.D Truat Col, 1~4 Mo . 1. o. Gfm at eeq., wheN, attw our 0110 oaaea ca tb1a aubJeca, aa well aa t}loae of otber jur11141ot1ona, ~ ba ot court.. OIIC 011 ~ t ~ A £Ull ol le a 1 o o h. 0 OD ~ 09 J n..;Op;\l~

~~irJi£~~~~·~-•r~•·!& 0

ROD. E. J.

and 1t amb1p1 tlea or 4oubta arlM 1 ~· , ..... uae4 1ll tbe at& tute uat be re.ol .,_. 1D fa~• of the publle: tb&t 1t the pow.ra eontarre4 ... exp1'eaal7 en~a'-4. ~·• •de• the .asia of expre eaio uniua. ·~·~ ~pllea t~ exolue1on ot othera not •u• .. ..-. h•••• J., ~1D& tor t bia eourt 1o uanlon M111. Oo. •. Miu. v lleJ ~t Coapan.J, 861 Mo. 1. c. 676, aa14!_ 1n nba'-DoeJ 'lbat a o.orporatlon Qoaaeaae4 ODl.J' such powera expreaae4 l n or tb.a' ~ be ta11'17 1apl1e4 ti'Om tbe atatute ot 1t• oPea,i.<mJ that powera enumerated. 1apl7 the uolua1on of all ot.heraJ aad tbat &D7 cloubt or a llblp.t t7 reapeot• ln& ~ poaAaa1oa ot aDJ p&Ptl•ulu pewr ar1a1ns out of tbe teJ-U ot the atatute 1a t.o be reao1Ye4 asatnat ita poaa4aa1on, or, • • aurae••• J., aptl7 aa14 tn the Lincoln True' Co . oa ae, aupra, 'lt maat be reaol•e4 1n ta~r ot tbe PQbl1a.••

v. C"•CL08IO••

Proa the aboft &114 toN&01aa, .. coDOlllde, &D4 lt 1a our Or>1nloD, ~t • eoUon f1'l ot tbe L1,uor Control Aot la onlJ applicable to an 1nc11•14ual (the word ·~raon 1ocluc1ea ~ptneP8b1p aa nll aa 1D41•14ual ) Meklq a lice .. ~ .autaotur., d1et1ll , blend, Mll, c:leal, handle eto., 1ntoa1eat1n.J liquor, aa 4et1ae4 1.n the ot. ADil 11 a 11oenM 1a srute4 to an 1nd1v14ual M 1a nbJeot t;o tt» OtbU' prov1e1ona an4 P~ta ot t he Liquor Control c,.

Ha• 1D8 t buely 4etera1aed ~ &bo're, 1 t. toll owa tbat Sect!Oil 27 1e not a barr1 .. , 11m1tat1on or oon41t1an prec~t 1n t he obtalD• taa ot a 11ceAae b7 a oo~a,10D. nowew.r, 1n order tor a eorporat1on to .anutaoture, 41a,ill- blen4, .. 11, ~. b&Ddle eto •• 1Dtu1oat1na 11~uora, •• 4et1ne4, u. r1&h' to 4o .o •t be per­ld.tte4 i n the coi-porat1odl obal'ter &Nl be a part ot ita corporate poftt-8.

uon. ~ · J. . cker - 16-

rt 1a o t• further op1n1on tbilt t.he perv1aor ot quor Contr~l shal l pro ulgate ruloa, regalatlona, qua11t1cat1on., eon 1t1one, terma and requ1ro~t• upon wblch the corpor t1oo shall t.>o licensed. ~:i.ntl when a corporation poeeea~ •• the qual1t1-c&tlona the .,,ot. d tboae t'8Quiree1 b,- the i}e.rv1aor, a 11cenae J be ~tod to lt. n• corporation la auoJeot, however. t u tne c.. ther DI'OV1810n8 (~equire=enta) Of tho .wlqu:>r Control ot, including Section 27 insofar as it is applicable .


RuY cKl 'l'lRICK ttttorne~ - oneral •

• TJ.~ 1 aF.G

J OUtl , Jr .

ao1atant ttoMteya-'Aneral •
