Linking and Action




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Alert: This is a G rated room intended for a General Audience including minors. Offensive language is not permitted.

Alert: Welcome to ESE . Chao don ban den voi ESE

NO webcam, LARGE, RED and NEON font during class.

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Sony_girl: edam

Trivia_ESE: HINT: V#####

Sony_girl: visual

Trivia_ESE: Excellent!! Sony_girl has correctly answered "visual". Rewarded 1 point. New score: 3749

Trivia_ESE: QUESTION #618 [400 Words]: n A situation in which prices for many items rise quite fast

Sony_girl: recession

Trivia_ESE: HINT: I########

Sony_girl: inflation

Trivia_ESE: Well Done!! Sony_girl has correctly answered "inflation". Rewarded 1 point. New score: 3750

impossible_90: f price tag

Trivia_ESE: QUESTION #619 [Phrasal Verb]: to take care of?

Sony_girl: FOUND [1]: 1/1 |price tag| [197] Price Tag - Sabrina \A/

impossible_90: a a

Sony_girl: impossible_90 has requested [197] Price Tag - Sabrina dedicated to .~Room ~. with message .~O.oENJOY o.O ~. will be played in 07:09

Stetson_Sep2012: Hello all,

Stetson_Sep2012: Is this Tieumi's grammar class

Stetson_Sep2012: ?

Trivia_ESE: HINT: T# K### A# E## O#

Sony_girl: bai cua impossible se duoc phat vao ngay mai, vi da den gio cua co TIeumy. kkkk


Sony_girl: to keep at eye on

Trivia_ESE: HINT: #O #E#P #N #Y# O#

Sony_girl: to keep an eye on

Trivia_ESE: Well Done!! Sony_girl has correctly answered "to keep an eye on". Rewarded 1 point. New score: 3751

cat_trang_1: lalalaa

Trivia_ESE: QUESTION #620 [400 Words]: To choose carefully among options

Trivia_ESE: HINT: #I#C#I#I#A#E

Trivia_ESE: HINT: #I###I#I#A#E

Trivia_ESE: QUESTION SKIPPED! The correct answer is: discriminate

Trivia_ESE: QUESTION #621 [New Trivia]: n. A measure, one-eighth of a mile.

kent huynh:

Trivia_ESE: HINT: F######

Sony_girl: (`PLAYING) [209] Said I loved you but I lied - Michael Bolton requested by kent huynh dedicated to .Room. with message .ENJOY.

le0_2311: !repeat

Trivia_ESE: QUESTION #621 [New Trivia]: n. A measure, one-eighth of a mile.

Sony_girl: le0_2311 has requested [209] Said I loved you but I lied - Michael Bolton dedicated to .~Room ~. with message .~O.oENJOY o.O ~. will be played in 16:18

Trivia_ESE: HINT: #U#L#N#

le0_2311: fullion

le0_2311: furlong

Trivia_ESE: Excellent!! le0_2311 has correctly answered "furlong". Rewarded 1 point. New score: 2074

kent huynh: mk

Sony_girl: FAVORITE EXISTS kent huynh this song is already exist in your favorite list.

Trivia_ESE: QUESTION #622 [Vietnamese/English]: V. Chie^n, ra'n ?

le0_2311: fry

Sony_girl: fried

Trivia_ESE: Well Done!! le0_2311 has correctly answered "fry". Rewarded 1 point. New score: 2075

Trivia_ESE: QUESTION #623 [Advanced Level]: v. To utter in simple or childish talk. ?

le0_2311: vociferate

sweetoctober17: Xin tra^n ki'nh mo+`i toa`n the^? den tham du Chuong trinh gay quy~ cho Hoc Bong ESE lan thu nam duoc to chuc va`o nga`y 28 thang 9 va`o luc 9 PM (NY), 8 PM (TX), 6 PM (Cali) va` 8 AM (VN ngay 29 thang 9) de^'n 30 thang 9. Su co mat dong du? la mot nie^`m vinh ha.nh va su u?ng ho rat lon cho cac sinh vien nghe`o o*? VN (Vao trang Web de co' the^m chi tie^'t:

Trivia_ESE: HINT: P######

sweetoctober17: We would like to invite you to attend the Fifth ESE Scholarship Fundraising event. The proceeds will be used to help deserving students in VN to continue their education. It is being held in the "English Sharing Experience" room from 9:00PM Friday, Sept 28 until midnight Sept 30 (NY time). We look forward to seeing you and thank you in advance for your support! (FYI, go to

Trivia_ESE: HINT: #R#T#L#

le0_2311: pretell

le0_2311: protell

Trivia_ESE: HINT: ##A###E

Sony_girl: pratell

le0_2311: pretale

le0_2311: pretale

Sony_girl: pratble

le0_2311: pratale

le0_2311: prattle

Trivia_ESE: Well Done!! le0_2311 has correctly answered "prattle". Rewarded 1 point. New score: 2076

Sony_girl: prattle

le0_2311: prattle

le0_2311: ec

Trivia_ESE: QUESTION #624 [TOEFL]: n ) a goal; a purpose

le0_2311: target

le0_2311: aim

Trivia_ESE: Well Done!! le0_2311 has correctly answered "aim". Rewarded 1 point. New score: 2077

Trivia_ESE: QUESTION #625 [400 Words]: n Any of the tubes that form a branching system especially those that carry blood to the heart

le0_2311: vein

Trivia_ESE: Congratulations! le0_2311 has correctly answered "vein". Rewarded 1 point. New score: 2078

Trivia_ESE: QUESTION #626 [Old]: N. a formal meeting at which someone asked questions in order to find out if they are suitable for a job or a course of study / also a conversation in which a journalist asks a famous person questions ?

Sony_girl: thay Kent oi

kent huynh: yes sony

Trivia_ESE: HINT: I########

Sony_girl: thay Kent mute Trivia dum co Tieumy nha thay.

kent huynh: I'm here.

Sony_girl: moi co TIeumy.

kent huynh: oh ok.

Sony_girl: !stop

Trivia_ESE: HINT: #N#E#V#E#

Sony_girl: !unmic

Sony_girl: moi co Tieumy.

Sony_girl: cam on thay Kent.

Sony_girl: hello co TIeumy.

kent huynh: Morning Co Tieumy

Stetson_Sep2012: Hello Co Tieu mi

thuyduonq: Men chao co Tieumy

Tranvueger: Em cho C TM

kienlua_RSC: HI co TM

Sony_girl: I'm fine, thank you co Tiieumy. How about you?

Sony_girl: kkkkkkkk

Sony_girl: haha

kent huynh: ?

Tranvueger: e k khe

Tranvueger: hihi

Sony_girl: dzay noi sao co?

Sony_girl: xua roi diem oi

kienlua_RSC: xua roi diem~

Sony_girl: kkkkkk

kent huynh: vay noi sao ne ? Co TM

thuyduonq: Men chao cac Ban....

Sony_girl: xua roi Diem oi

Sony_girl: haha

kent huynh: sony

Sony_girl: vi Tieumy moi'

Sony_girl: diem moi xua

Sony_girl: haha

kent huynh: aww.

Sony_girl: thay Kent.

Tranvueger: Ti c bi Dim xa

Sony_girl: hoi sao co?

Sony_girl: co Tieumy noi di.

Sony_girl: hello thay LuaViet.

zZz Lua Viet zZz: hello co Sony



Sony_girl: ke chuyen cuoi di co Tieumy.

zZz Lua Viet zZz: g'morning co TieuMy

Sony_girl: hihi

Sony_girl: hihi

Sony_girl: ke nua co Tieumy.

Sony_girl: co Tieumy hat 1 bai.

snooker87: sony

thuynguyen113: cach dat cau hoi

hangover_HM: dat cau hoi

snooker87: girl u r asl

thuynguyen113: hi

hangover_HM: hom trc co bao the

thuynguyen113: cho co mai ma

Sony_girl: hihi


Stetson_Sep2012: De quen giao an roi

Sony_girl: ke chuyen cuoi de lay suc day co Tieumy.

kytv2012: Hi Ms.Sweet and Ms.TieuMy

hangover_HM: quiet space

Sony_girl: co Tieumy dang ban, doi co Tieumy chut.

hangover_HM: kkkk

SanJi: ?

SanJi: so sound?

Sony_girl: co sound SanJi

Sony_girl: hihi

ll_inh lNhi: i cant hear anything either

Sony_girl: kkkkkkk

ll_inh lNhi: da nghe roi

SanJi: nghe roi

Sony_girl: oh

Sony_girl: da


sweetoctober17: Xin mo*`i ton the^? cc ESE ops v dac biet nhu*~ng ai c trch nhiem trong Chuong Trnh gy quy? ho.c bo^?ng ESE den ho.p ngay 26 thang 9 va`o luc 10 PM (NY), 9 PM (TX), 7 PM (Cali) va` 9 AM (VN ngay 27 thang 9) muc di'ch pha^n chia co^ng ta'c va bo^? tu'c nhu*~ng gi co`n thie^'u so't.

Snow Cloud: hoc gi cung dc ma co Tieu My

SanJi: da

SanJi: yeah

Snow Cloud: co Tieu My di dau moi nguoi theo do

Stetson_Sep2012: Yes

SanJi: da

SanJi: Verb

SanJi: da

Tieumy_: The Verb

Tieumy_: The Verb

SanJi: la tu chi hanh dong

nhatrang1965: em chao co

Tranvueger: Yes

Snow Cloud: go

Snow Cloud: la hieu lien

Tieumy_: Go!

SanJi: hieu

Stetson_Sep2012: You

Sony_girl: chu tu` an?

Sony_girl: kkkkkkkkkk

Snow Cloud: lol

Tranvueger: You

Tieumy_: _ Verbs are words or groups of words that express action or a state of being or condition.

Tieumy_: Sing, talk, run, hit, eat, sleep, are coming, have done

Stetson_Sep2012: Yes

sweetoctober17: Xin tra^n ki'nh mo+`i toa`n the^? den tham du Chuong trinh gay quy~ cho Hoc Bong ESE lan thu nam duoc to chuc va`o nga`y 28 thang 9 va`o luc 9 PM (NY), 8 PM (TX), 6 PM (Cali) va` 8 AM (VN ngay 29 thang 9) de^'n 30 thang 9. Su co mat dong du? la mot nie^`m vinh ha.nh va su u?ng ho rat lon cho cac sinh vien nghe`o o*? VN (Vao trang Web de co' the^m chi tie^'t:

sweetoctober17: We would like to invite you to attend the Fifth ESE Scholarship Fundraising event. The proceeds will be used to help deserving students in VN to continue their education. It is being held in the "English Sharing Experience" room from 9:00PM Friday, Sept 28 until midnight Sept 30 (NY time). We look forward to seeing you and thank you in advance for your support! (FYI, go to

Tieumy_: The Verb ( The Outline)


Stetson_Sep2012: Phac thao

Tieumy_: 1. Classes of Verbs:

Tieumy_: A. Action Verbs:

hangover_HM: 3 ah

Tieumy_: 1. Transitive verbs

Tieumy_: 2. Intransitive verbs

Tieumy_: B. Linking Verbs:

Tieumy_: C. Auxiliary Verbs:

Tieumy_: 2. Verbals:

Tieumy_: A. Gerund:

Tieumy_: B. The infinitive

Tieumy_: C. A participle

Tieumy_: 3. Forms of Verbs:

Tieumy_: A. Number of a verb

Tieumy_: B. Person

Tieumy_: C. Tense

hangover_HM: 3 thang

Stetson_Sep2012: Het nam luon

Tieumy_: D. Voice of a verb:\

Tieumy_: a. Active voice

Tieumy_: b. Passive voice

seawave_4: 4 chu

Tieumy_: E. Mood of a verb:

Tieumy_: a. Indicative mood

Tieumy_: b. Imperative mood

Tieumy_: c. Subjunctive mood

nhatrang1965: hieu

Tieumy_: 1. Classes of Verbs:

nhatrang1965: 3

Stetson_Sep2012: 3

Tieumy_: Verbs are classified as action verb, linking verb, or auxiliary / helping

Tieumy_: Harry SINGS a song (shows action)

Tieumy_: Harry IS impatient (links words)

contubot_nd: sing

Tieumy_: Harry CAN go to the movie. (helping verb - accompanies the verb go(ing)

Tieumy_: A. Action Verbs: Transitive and Intranstive

sweetoctober17: Xin mo*`i ton the^? cc ESE ops v dac biet nhu*~ng ai c trch nhiem trong Chuong Trnh gy quy? ho.c bo^?ng ESE den ho.p ngay 26 thang 9 va`o luc 10 PM (NY), 9 PM (TX), 7 PM (Cali) va` 9 AM (VN ngay 27 thang 9) muc di'ch pha^n chia co^ng ta'c va bo^? tu'c nhu*~ng gi co`n thie^'u so't.

Stetson_Sep2012: I think

Stetson_Sep2012: Yes

Tieumy_: A. Action Verbs: Transitive and Intranstive

seawave_4: go

mynickskype is lehung370: to go

Stetson_Sep2012: She swim

seawave_4: run

kytv2012: take

nhatrang1965: cry

SanJi: swim

cat_trang_1: sleep

kytv2012: dring

emdep_emkieu_qn15: raise

nhatrang1965: run

SanJi: take

mynickskype is lehung370: smile

SanJi: make

cat_trang_1: eat

emdep_emkieu_qn15: rise

seawave_4: drive

kytv2012: go

thanh tan: hit

Stetson_Sep2012: hear, look co duoc ko co?

Tieumy_: Action verbs are used to show when somebody does something. . Some action verbs are transitive, others are intransitive.

nhatrang1965: bite

Tieumy_: Rain SPLASHED the windshield

Tieumy_: Stop!

mynickskype is lehung370: transitive

mynickskype is lehung370: it is transitive verb

Damon_vn: knh chn gi

emdep_emkieu_qn15: noi dong tu

Stetson_Sep2012: Yes

Tieumy_: Rain SPLASHED the windshield (transitive verb)

cat_trang_1: khong dung

Tieumy_: Stop! (Intransitive verb)

cuongc8kd: good morning co tieu my

lukhu_nt: co tieumy dam chong lai bo giao duc..........em goi cong an toi nha co tieumy

thanh tan: correct

kytv2012: de hieu hon Ci a

Tieumy_: a. Transitive verbs: takes a direct object, that is, the verb transmits action to an object.

sweetoctober17: Xin tra^n ki'nh mo+`i toa`n the^? den tham du Chuong trinh gay quy~ cho Hoc Bong ESE lan thu nam duoc to chuc va`o nga`y 28 thang 9 va`o luc 9 PM (NY), 8 PM (TX), 6 PM (Cali) va` 8 AM (VN ngay 29 thang 9) de^'n 30 thang 9. Su co mat dong du? la mot nie^`m vinh ha.nh va su u?ng ho rat lon cho cac sinh vien nghe`o o*? VN (Vao trang Web de co' the^m chi tie^'t:

sweetoctober17: We would like to invite you to attend the Fifth ESE Scholarship Fundraising event. The proceeds will be used to help deserving students in VN to continue their education. It is being held in the "English Sharing Experience" room from 9:00PM Friday, Sept 28 until midnight Sept 30 (NY time). We look forward to seeing you and thank you in advance for your support! (FYI, go to

kytv2012: de hieu hon Co a!

Tieumy_: In other words transitive verb has direct & indirect object (follows by a noun/pn tell us who/whom/what) that receives the action, to complete the meaning.

Stetson_Sep2012: Yes

Tieumy_: Harry SEES Adam.

Tieumy_: You LIFTED the bag.

Tieumy_: I PUNISHED you.

Tieumy_: John TRADED Jane an apple for an orange.

Stetson_Sep2012: Yes

Tieumy_: b. Intransitive verbs: communicate action that is complete in itself. They do not need an object to receive the action.

Tieumy_: They may be followed by a phrase that tell us WHERE/ HOW/WHEN, but never WHAT, WHO OR WHOM.

Tieumy_: My new college roommate SMILES and LAUGHS a lot.

SanJi: co rot mike roi a?

hangover_HM: nghe ah

Stetson_Sep2012: Yes

contubot_nd: da con

Snow Cloud: nghe

nhatrang1965: nghe

3m m4i b3n doi 4nh: nhghe ok ma co

thanh tan: ok

kytv2012: y

thuyduonq: nghe ro

kendy_2808: 1

Tieumy_: My new college roommate SMILES and LAUGHS a lot.

Stetson_Sep2012: intransitive

contubot_nd: intransitive

kytv2012: intran

kytv2012: vi khong can tan ngu

contubot_nd: tra loi cho cau hoi

Stetson_Sep2012: Dont need object

thanh tan: instransitive not object

contubot_nd: HOW

emdep_emkieu_qn15: vi khong c object

Tieumy_: We shall RUN when we get the chance.

kytv2012: intransitive

Stetson_Sep2012: intransitive

thanh tan: transitive

contubot_nd: intransitive

Stetson_Sep2012: tra loi cho "when"

kytv2012: khong

lonesomedove_5: chao co giao va ca nha

Tieumy_: They may be followed by a phrase that tell us WHERE/ HOW/WHEN, but never WHAT, WHO OR WHOM.

SanJi: con chao thay lone a.

thanh tan: ok

Tieumy_: Intransitive verb may be followed by a phrase that tell us WHERE/ HOW/WHEN, but never WHAT, WHO OR WHOM.

lonesomedove_5: da con chao thay sanji a

hangover_HM: lol

seawave_4: 1

contubot_nd: yes

sweetoctober17: Xin mo*`i ton the^? cc ESE ops v dac biet nhu*~ng ai c trch nhiem trong Chuong Trnh gy quy? ho.c bo^?ng ESE den ho.p ngay 26 thang 9 va`o luc 10 PM (NY), 9 PM (TX), 7 PM (Cali) va` 9 AM (VN ngay 27 thang 9) muc di'ch pha^n chia co^ng ta'c va bo^? tu'c nhu*~ng gi co`n thie^'u so't.

hangover_HM: action verb

cat_trang_1: yes

Stetson_Sep2012: Yes

Tieumy_: Ms. Smith teaches history and physic.

Tieumy_: She teaches well

contubot_nd: adj

kytv2012: trang tu

hangover_HM: adj

thanh tan: adv

Stetson_Sep2012: adv

awesome7d: hi c TM, hi cc bn

Snow Cloud: adverb

vungoc2902: ss TM

Tieumy_: I RAN the washing machine (T)

Tieumy_: I RAN yesterday. (I)

contubot_nd: adv

nguyennguyen_sayuri: adv

thanh tan: adv

contubot_nd: adverb

Tieumy_: _Understanding the difference between transitive and intransitive verb forms can eliminate errors in selecting the correct verb from such trouble some pairs as: lay/lie, set/sit, and raise/rise

awesome7d: nng

Tieumy_: LAY the book on the table. (T) LIE down and get some rest. (I)

awesome7d: nhng lie cng l ni di

sweetoctober17: Xin tra^n ki'nh mo+`i toa`n the^? den tham du Chuong trinh gay quy~ cho Hoc Bong ESE lan thu nam duoc to chuc va`o nga`y 28 thang 9 va`o luc 9 PM (NY), 8 PM (TX), 6 PM (Cali) va` 8 AM (VN ngay 29 thang 9) de^'n 30 thang 9. Su co mat dong du? la mot nie^`m vinh ha.nh va su u?ng ho rat lon cho cac sinh vien nghe`o o*? VN (Vao trang Web de co' the^m chi tie^'t:

sweetoctober17: We would like to invite you to attend the Fifth ESE Scholarship Fundraising event. The proceeds will be used to help deserving students in VN to continue their education. It is being held in the "English Sharing Experience" room from 9:00PM Friday, Sept 28 until midnight Sept 30 (NY time). We look forward to seeing you and thank you in advance for your support! (FYI, go to

Stetson_Sep2012: Hay qua

Tieumy_: The Sun RISES in the east.

Tieumy_: The government IS RAISING the taxes.

Stetson_Sep2012: 1: intransitive

awesome7d: raise (T) rise (i)

huyendt909: 1.(I)

awesome7d: v n ko cn O

Stetson_Sep2012: 2: intransitive

huyendt909: 2.(T)

Stetson_Sep2012: Tra loi cho when

Stetson_Sep2012: where

huyendt909: 2. what

Tieumy_: Intransitive verb may be followed by a phrase that tell us WHERE/ HOW/WHEN, but never WHAT, WHO OR WHOM.

Stetson_Sep2012: Cai nay hay do Co

awesome7d: At major sporting events the flag is also ____ as the anthem is sung.

Tieumy_: Please SET your clocks back tonight

Tieumy_: SIT on the chair please

Stetson_Sep2012: 1: T

huyendt909: 1. (T) 2. (i)

awesome7d: 1: T 2: I

Stetson_Sep2012: 2: I

awesome7d: what do you set ?

Stetson_Sep2012: Have object

thanh tan: what

huyendt909: your clock...what

thanh tan: where?

huyendt909: 2. no O...where

nguyennguyen_sayuri: where

awesome7d: tr t

nguyennguyen_sayuri: yess

Stetson_Sep2012: Yes

Tieumy_: The transitive verb needs no prep. to attach to a noun, we stick a noun directly to the verb; who the here are the intransitive verb must have a preposition to attach to a noun.

Tieumy_: He walked to the store (I) He walked his dog to the store. (T)

awesome7d: 1 mnh anh ta v anh ta v con ch

thanh tan: where? what?

awesome7d: no O

Stetson_Sep2012: 1 can avd

nhatrang1965: gioi tu

sang1278: hello c Tiu My and everybody

Stetson_Sep2012: Yes

Tieumy_: Intransitive verb may be followed by a phrase that tell us WHERE/ HOW/WHEN, but never WHAT, WHO OR WHOM.

awesome7d: At major sporting events the flag is also ____ as the anthem is sung (raise/rise)

awesome7d: ci phn as ... mnh cho l what ?

Tieumy_: He walked to the store (I) He walked his dog to the store. (T)

kimono_mono: ng ta dn con ch ti ca hng

kimono_mono: ?

awesome7d: ng ta dn ch i ti ca hng

awesome7d: ?

lukhu_nt: dan cho di dao

Stetson_Sep2012: Ong ta dao bo cung cho toi cua hang

thanh tan: di bo voi con cho

lukhu_nt: dan cho di ia?

sweetoctober17: Xin mo*`i ton the^? cc ESE ops v dac biet nhu*~ng ai c trch nhiem trong Chuong Trnh gy quy? ho.c bo^?ng ESE den ho.p ngay 26 thang 9 va`o luc 10 PM (NY), 9 PM (TX), 7 PM (Cali) va` 9 AM (VN ngay 27 thang 9) muc di'ch pha^n chia co^ng ta'c va bo^? tu'c nhu*~ng gi co`n thie^'u so't.

Snow Cloud: lol

Stetson_Sep2012: lukhu

lukhu_nt: nghe nay o vietnam 6trieu dong

thanh tan:

awesome7d: dn ch ti ca hng ... ?

Stetson_Sep2012: Yes

awesome7d: yes

Stetson_Sep2012: Yes

Stetson_Sep2012: Ready


Tieumy_: The Exercises: (action verbs)

Tieumy_: T= transitive

Tieumy_: I+ intransitive

Tieumy_: The tidal wave crushed the coastal village

nguyennguyen_sayuri: YES

awesome7d: T

SanJi: t

Stetson_Sep2012: T

hangover_HM: t

huyendt909: t

cat_trang_1: T

emdep_emkieu_qn15: t

kytv2012: T

seawave_4: t

kimono_mono: T

Tieumy_: The tidal wave crushed the coastal village (T)\

awesome7d: c O i km.

kytv2012: adv

kimono_mono: theo sau l 1 tn ng

awesome7d: tr li cho what

kimono_mono: tr li co Where

kimono_mono: what*

huyendt909: k c gii t i km

Tieumy_: The winter's first blizzard hit the city with unforgiving fury.

awesome7d: T

SanJi: i

kimono_mono: T

kytv2012: t

awesome7d: c O the city

seawave_4: t

awesome7d: what it hit

huyendt909: T

Stetson_Sep2012: T

awesome7d: ko c gii t i km hit

SanJi: T

Tieumy_: I do that everyday.\

Stetson_Sep2012: T

SanJi: i

kytv2012: T

huyendt909: i

kimono_mono: T

awesome7d: T

seawave_4: T

kytv2012: what

kytv2012: no pre

awesome7d: what do you do everyday?

huyendt909: okie

Tieumy_: I do that everyday. (T)\

Tieumy_: I mailed my tax form.

Stetson_Sep2012: T

kimono_mono: T

kytv2012: T

awesome7d: T

huyendt909: t

seawave_4: T


kimono_mono: c i, hm nay khng hc cu hi ?

kytv2012: what

Tieumy_: I mailed my tax form. T

kimono_mono: d

Tieumy_: She sleeps too much

kimono_mono: i

Stetson_Sep2012: I

cat_trang_1: I

awesome7d: I

kytv2012: I

huyendt909: i

cat_trang_1: HOW

kytv2012: adv

awesome7d: adv

Stetson_Sep2012: ADV

awesome7d: adj

Stetson_Sep2012: ADJ

kimono_mono: adj

sweetoctober17: Xin tra^n ki'nh mo+`i toa`n the^? den tham du Chuong trinh gay quy~ cho Hoc Bong ESE lan thu nam duoc to chuc va`o nga`y 28 thang 9 va`o luc 9 PM (NY), 8 PM (TX), 6 PM (Cali) va` 8 AM (VN ngay 29 thang 9) de^'n 30 thang 9. Su co mat dong du? la mot nie^`m vinh ha.nh va su u?ng ho rat lon cho cac sinh vien nghe`o o*? VN (Vao trang Web de co' the^m chi tie^'t:

sweetoctober17: We would like to invite you to attend the Fifth ESE Scholarship Fundraising event. The proceeds will be used to help deserving students in VN to continue their education. It is being held in the "English Sharing Experience" room from 9:00PM Friday, Sept 28 until midnight Sept 30 (NY time). We look forward to seeing you and thank you in advance for your support! (FYI, go to

awesome7d: much

Stetson_Sep2012: ADJ

Tieumy_: She sleeps too much

Stetson_Sep2012: MUCH

huyendt909: sleep

nhatrang1965: sleep

awesome7d: adj > v > itself ?

Tieumy_: She has a right to know.

Stetson_Sep2012: i

awesome7d: T

kytv2012: T

kimono_mono: T

huyendt909: T

nhatrang1965: t

Stetson_Sep2012: T

cat_trang_1: i

seawave_4: T


Tieumy_: She has a right to know. T

Tieumy_: He sent his friend the letter last week.

Stetson_Sep2012: T

kytv2012: T

kimono_mono: T

awesome7d: T

nhatrang1965: t

Tieumy_: He sent his friend the letter last week. T

seawave_4: T

cat_trang_1: t

awesome7d: O y l friend hay the letter c ?

awesome7d: d

huyendt909: T

awesome7d: sr c, em mi vo, khc cha hc

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kimono_mono: con cha c hc

awesome7d: thi ko sao

awesome7d: tip i c

awesome7d: e s m sau

Tieumy_: He sent his friend the letter last week.

awesome7d: da

kimono_mono: da

kytv2012: Nhan biet I or T quan trong nhu the nao co TM

Tieumy_: He sent his friend the letter

Tieumy_: He sent his friend

Tieumy_: He sent the letter

kytv2012: 2

kimono_mono: 2

cat_trang_1: 2

Tieumy_: in

Tieumy_: di

Tieumy_: in


Tieumy_: He sent his friend the letter.

Tieumy_: He sent his friend

kimono_mono: khng

Tieumy_: He sent the letter


kimono_mono: c

Stetson_Sep2012: "He sent the letter to his friend" DUOC KHONG CO?

Tieumy_: He sent his friend the letter

tan_2212: cho hoi ti di cac ban

tan_2212: minh moi hoc

tan_2212: ban nao co the cho minh biet

Stetson_Sep2012: Gio em moi biet dieu nay

tan_2212: cach ket noi nc voi thay giao hoac co giao

Tieumy_: OBama

kimono_mono: da

seawave_4: Ho

Stetson_Sep2012: Em cu tuong la Ten

H3llO B3 Y3U: vay ong ten gi

nothing_tolose: Ms Nguyen

seawave_4: vay nhieu nguoi co last name giong nhau thi lam sao phan b ha co?iet

Tieumy_: bus school

kimono_mono: sai

awesome7d: ko

Stetson_Sep2012: ko

kimono_mono: o li mi ng

songbien_13: khong

awesome7d: xe mi quan trng

namnguyen2809: chinh' de? sau co

kimono_mono: v bus quan trng hn

Tieumy_: schhol bus

awesome7d: , hiu ti sao l bus station, bus office roi

Stetson_Sep2012: Dieu nay nguoc lai voi ngon ngu vietnam

sweetoctober17: Xin mo*`i ton the^? cc ESE ops v dac biet nhu*~ng ai c trch nhiem trong Chuong Trnh gy quy? ho.c bo^?ng ESE den ho.p ngay 26 thang 9 va`o luc 10 PM (NY), 9 PM (TX), 7 PM (Cali) va` 9 AM (VN ngay 27 thang 9) muc di'ch pha^n chia co^ng ta'c va bo^? tu'c nhu*~ng gi co`n thie^'u so't.

Tieumy_: race horse horse race

awesome7d: da

Stetson_Sep2012: Lai la mot dieu hay

kimono_mono: ci ny hay qu

kimono_mono: ^^

kytv2012: Nhan biet Transitive or Intransitive trong cau quan trong nhu the nao co TM.

Tieumy_: He sent his friend the letter.

Stetson_Sep2012: Yes

Tieumy_: He sent the letter to his friend

Stetson_Sep2012: Co em

Tieumy_: give money to me

awesome7d: give me the money


thanh tan: doi sang bi dong can phai biet

kytv2012: yes

thanh tan: lay tuc tu truc tiep lam chu tu trong cau bi dong

kimono_mono: da

Tieumy_: Marie gave Ramon a birthday gift.

Stetson_Sep2012: kieu nay co chay giao an roi

huyendt909: T

awesome7d: T

kimono_mono: T

kytv2012: T

Stetson_Sep2012: t

Tieumy_: Marie gave Ramon a birthday gift. T

awesome7d: I

kimono_mono: I

huyendt909: I

kytv2012: T

more than_2: T

Tieumy_: They smashed through the door .

Stetson_Sep2012: i

huyendt909: t

kytv2012: T

Stetson_Sep2012: t

awesome7d: I

kimono_mono: T

seawave_4: i

awesome7d: i

emdep_emkieu_qn15: t

thanh tan: i

emdep_emkieu_qn15: t


huongngoclan_lyf: t

huyendt909: T

Tieumy_: They smashed through the door . I

thanh tan: how

Stetson_Sep2012: Cay nay confuse qua

Stetson_Sep2012: Vay la nho Gioi Tu moi biet duoc

sweetoctober17: Xin tra^n ki'nh mo+`i toa`n the^? den tham du Chuong trinh gay quy~ cho Hoc Bong ESE lan thu nam duoc to chuc va`o nga`y 28 thang 9 va`o luc 9 PM (NY), 8 PM (TX), 6 PM (Cali) va` 8 AM (VN ngay 29 thang 9) de^'n 30 thang 9. Su co mat dong du? la mot nie^`m vinh ha.nh va su u?ng ho rat lon cho cac sinh vien nghe`o o*? VN (Vao trang Web de co' the^m chi tie^'t:

sweetoctober17: We would like to invite you to attend the Fifth ESE Scholarship Fundraising event. The proceeds will be used to help deserving students in VN to continue their education. It is being held in the "English Sharing Experience" room from 9:00PM Friday, Sept 28 until midnight Sept 30 (NY time). We look forward to seeing you and thank you in advance for your support! (FYI, go to

thanh tan: vay cau nay doi sang bi dong khong duoc roi.

Tieumy_: They smashed through the door . I

awesome7d: thy

kimono_mono: c

Tieumy_: They smashed the door . I

huyendt909: okie

Tieumy_: They smashed through the door .

Stetson_Sep2012: Yes, I understand

kimono_mono: ok

Stetson_Sep2012: Hi hi..

Tieumy_: Tim played baseball on Saturday morning.

nothing_tolose: I

Stetson_Sep2012: T

kimono_mono: T

huyendt909: T

emdep_emkieu_qn15: t

Snow Cloud: i

nguyenhuynhvanan: t

kytv2012: T

nothing_tolose: ah Em lon

Snow Cloud: nham c

Tieumy_: Jennifer opened the door slowly.

Stetson_Sep2012: t

huyendt909: T

kytv2012: T

kimono_mono: T

ocean_north: t

nguyenhuynhvanan: t

Snow Cloud: t

nothing_tolose: T

Tieumy_: Jennifer opened the door slowly. T

Tieumy_: The class consider the homework a real drag.

kimono_mono: T

Stetson_Sep2012: t

kytv2012: T

huyendt909: T

Snow Cloud: t

ocean_north: T

Tieumy_: The class consider the homework a real drag. T

Tieumy_: Ann cooks for the kids every night.

Stetson_Sep2012: I

kimono_mono: I

huyendt909: I

Snow Cloud: i

namnguyen2809: I

kytv2012: I

nothing_tolose: i

emdep_emkieu_qn15: i

huyendt909: for

Tieumy_: Ann cooks for the kids every night. I

Tieumy_: Every night, she makes their favorite meal, meatloaf.

Stetson_Sep2012: T

nothing_tolose: T

kytv2012: T

ocean_north: t

kimono_mono: T

huyendt909: T

Snow Cloud: t

Tieumy_: Amber run around the

nothing_tolose: Yes

Stetson_Sep2012: I

hangover_HM: i

Snow Cloud: i

ocean_north: i

huyendt909: I

kimono_mono: i

namnguyen2809: I

kytv2012: I

longnhong: hi

Tieumy_: Amber run around the field I

Tieumy_: My roommate baked this apple pie.

kimono_mono: T

Stetson_Sep2012: T

huyendt909: T

lamtaculsa: t

Snow Cloud: t

nothing_tolose: T

namnguyen2809: T

kytv2012: T

Tieumy_: My roommate baked this apple pie. T

ocean_north: t

Tieumy_: My dad gave me a motorcycle, which he drove for many years

Stetson_Sep2012: T

kimono_mono: t

Tieumy_: My dad gave me a motorcycle, which he drove for many years . t

huyendt909: I

ocean_north: t

Tieumy_: You should read the next six chapters before Monday.

Stetson_Sep2012: T

huyendt909: T

Snow Cloud: T

ocean_north: t

nguyenhuynhvanan: t

namnguyen2809: T

nothing_tolose: T

Tieumy_: You should read the next six chapters before Monday. t

Tieumy_: The teacher called student lazy.

lamtaculsa: i

Stetson_Sep2012: T

Snow Cloud: T

ocean_north: t

namnguyen2809: T

huyendt909: T

Tieumy_: A branch lying across the road caused the accident.

Snow Cloud: I

huyendt909: I

ocean_north: I

namnguyen2809: I

Stetson_Sep2012: T

nothing_tolose: I

hangover_HM: I

nothing_tolose: across gioi tu

Stetson_Sep2012: yES

thanh tan: cause

Tieumy_: B. Linking Verbs:

thanh tan: dong tu chinh ma co

thanh tan: cause

thanh tan: caused the accident

thanh tan: t

Stetson_Sep2012: VAY EM DUNG ROI

Tieumy_: A branch lying across the road caused the accident. T

Tieumy_: B. Linking Verbs:

sweetoctober17: Xin mo*`i ton the^? cc ESE ops v dac biet nhu*~ng ai c trch nhiem trong Chuong Trnh gy quy? ho.c bo^?ng ESE den ho.p ngay 26 thang 9 va`o luc 10 PM (NY), 9 PM (TX), 7 PM (Cali) va` 9 AM (VN ngay 27 thang 9) muc di'ch pha^n chia co^ng ta'c va bo^? tu'c nhu*~ng gi co`n thie^'u so't.

Stetson_Sep2012: Co hoi cho nan nao len hat mot bai do

Tieumy_: B. Linking Verbs:

con_khi_kho: dong. tu` noi'

kimono_mono: ng t ni

Tieumy_: -Some verbs don't express action but help complete statements about the subject by describing or indentifying it. the verb are called linking verbs.

contubot_nd: smell, taste


tplthp: hear

Tieumy_: The most common linking verb is BE and its forms and others are:

Tieumy_: To be (am, are, is, was, were, be, being, been), appear, become, feel, get, grow, hear, look, remain, seem, smell, sound, stay, taste.

Tieumy_: Diane is happy. Tim feels hot. The music sounds good.

chaudo18: become happy

Tieumy_: -The verbs of the senses are linking verbs such as: taste, smell, feel, sound and look.

Tieumy_: This soup TASTES salty. Something SMELLS good. Don't FEEL sad. He LOOKS tired

chaudo18: linking verbs co the di voi tinh tu

chaudo18: con k phai linking verbs thi phai dung trang tu phai khong?

sweetoctober17: Xin tra^n ki'nh mo+`i toa`n the^? den tham du Chuong trinh gay quy~ cho Hoc Bong ESE lan thu nam duoc to chuc va`o nga`y 28 thang 9 va`o luc 9 PM (NY), 8 PM (TX), 6 PM (Cali) va` 8 AM (VN ngay 29 thang 9) de^'n 30 thang 9. Su co mat dong du? la mot nie^`m vinh ha.nh va su u?ng ho rat lon cho cac sinh vien nghe`o o*? VN (Vao trang Web de co' the^m chi tie^'t:

sweetoctober17: We would like to invite you to attend the Fifth ESE Scholarship Fundraising event. The proceeds will be used to help deserving students in VN to continue their education. It is being held in the "English Sharing Experience" room from 9:00PM Friday, Sept 28 until midnight Sept 30 (NY time). We look forward to seeing you and thank you in advance for your support! (FYI, go to

Tieumy_: Become and remain are the most common that connect a noun or noun phrase.

Stetson_Sep2012: cam den chay truoc o to

beginner_88: hi co TM, co sweet and everybody

Tieumy_: My roommate and I BECAME good friends.

HenKiepSau: TM mo volume to duoc ko?

Tieumy_: -When linking verb doesn't show actual action, an adjective usually follows it.

Tieumy_: The thunder SOUNDED ominous. (adjective)

Tieumy_: -When the same word uses as action verb, an adverb or a direct object may follow it

chaudo18: I LIKE her

Tieumy_: : I look carefully at him. (adverb)

chaudo18: We go slowly to the restaurant

Tieumy_: My little brother grew corn for a science project. (direct object)

chaudo18: I listen to your conversation in paltalk

Tieumy_: -While action verbs are modified by adverbs, linking verbs are followed by adjectives:

Tieumy_: This cheese SMELLS strong.

Tieumy_: The substance STATES sweet.

contubot_nd: strong

hangover_HM: strongly

Stetson_Sep2012: strong

hangover_HM: kkkk

nhatrang1965: STRONG

contubot_nd: vi SMELLS la Linking verb

nhatrang1965: VI SU DUNG AD

chaudo18: vi la linking verb

emdep_emkieu_qn15: vi sau smells

Stetson_Sep2012: vi SMELL la link verb

nhatrang1965: DUNG ADJECTIVE

huyendt909: liking verb sau l ADJ

contubot_nd: con mat nhin thay thi dung adv, k nhin thay thi dung adj

chaudo18: I feel happy-->minh k nhin thay

nothing_tolose: cai dinh nghia nay rat hay ne co

contubot_nd: da.

nlebang: em cho c tiu my, cho c lp

Stetson_Sep2012: hay qua

love english_91: e chaof co

nothing_tolose: yes

love english_91: chao ca lop

love english_91: e moi su dung phan mem nay de hc=oc tieng anh

love english_91: lam the nao de e co the noi chuyen vs co ah

Tieumy_: She speak loud/ loudly

nlebang: bn gi tin nhn cho mnh

hangocminh1989_1: loud

thanh tan: loudly

chaudo18: loud

nlebang: mnh s hng dn cho bn

nothing_tolose: loud

jambless: loudly

namnguyen2809: loud

Stetson_Sep2012: loudly

Snow Cloud: loudly

Stetson_Sep2012: thay

contubot_nd: da co

contubot_nd: loudly

chaudo18: thay

nothing_tolose: nghe

chaudo18: she speak loudly

thanh tan: speaks

Tieumy_: He runs slow/ slowly

Snow Cloud: slowly

nothing_tolose: slowly

namnguyen2809: slowly

contubot_nd: slowly

hangocminh1989_1: slowly

Stetson_Sep2012: slowly

chaudo18: He run slowly

tplthp: slowly

hangover_HM: slowly

Tieumy_: The substance STATES sweet.

Tieumy_: This cheese SMELLS strong.

Stetson_Sep2012: ko

anhanh030291: k

contubot_nd: ko

ocean_north: khong

nlebang: ko

nothing_tolose: ko

Tieumy_: he smells his food

kimono_mono: khong

ChuCuoiChanTrau: The substance tastes sweet*

sweetoctober17: Xin mo*`i ton the^? cc ESE ops v dac biet nhu*~ng ai c trch nhiem trong Chuong Trnh gy quy? ho.c bo^?ng ESE den ho.p ngay 26 thang 9 va`o luc 10 PM (NY), 9 PM (TX), 7 PM (Cali) va` 9 AM (VN ngay 27 thang 9) muc di'ch pha^n chia co^ng ta'c va bo^? tu'c nhu*~ng gi co`n thie^'u so't.


Tieumy_: he smells his food careful/ carefully

chaudo18: -ly

namnguyen2809: careful

phuongphuong_161: carefully

ocean_north: carefully

kimono_mono: cefuly

Snow Cloud: carefully

contubot_nd: carefully

anhanh030291: vi thay

nhatrang1965: Co cho thi du nhieu di co,carefully

ocean_north: action

chaudo18: anh ta ngui minh thay

ashleybui_9x: em chao co

Tieumy_: This cheese SMELLS strong.

Tieumy_: The dog SMELLED bad.

Tieumy_: The dog SMELLED the man's boots.

nlebang: t smell trn ngha l bc mi

nlebang: d

Tieumy_: The dog SMELLED bad. = The dog WAS bad.

ocean_north: cau 1 =linking

kimono_mono: cau 2 la action

huong-cute: the dog

kimono_mono: da

Tieumy_: -How do you tell when they are action verbs and when they are linking verbs? A quick way to tell whether a verb is functioning as a linking verb is to see whether you can replace it with a form of the verb TO BE and still have a reasonable sentence, you have a linking verb on your hand

Tieumy_: The dog SMELLED bad.


Snow Cloud: duoc

kimono_mono: duoc

hangover_HM: dc

thanh tan: ok

huong-cute: k

Stetson_Sep2012: yes

tplthp: ok

Tieumy_: The dog SMELLED bad. = The dog WAS bad. \

Tieumy_: The dog SMELLED the man's boots.

Snow Cloud: ko

Dongy: ko

Tieumy_: The dog was SMELLED the man's boots

lonesomedove_5: con cho la doi giay cua dan ong ha

Tieumy_: The dog was the man's boots

sweetoctober17: Xin tra^n ki'nh mo+`i toa`n the^? den tham du Chuong trinh gay quy~ cho Hoc Bong ESE lan thu nam duoc to chuc va`o nga`y 28 thang 9 va`o luc 9 PM (NY), 8 PM (TX), 6 PM (Cali) va` 8 AM (VN ngay 29 thang 9) de^'n 30 thang 9. Su co mat dong du? la mot nie^`m vinh ha.nh va su u?ng ho rat lon cho cac sinh vien nghe`o o*? VN (Vao trang Web de co' the^m chi tie^'t:

sweetoctober17: We would like to invite you to attend the Fifth ESE Scholarship Fundraising event. The proceeds will be used to help deserving students in VN to continue their education. It is being held in the "English Sharing Experience" room from 9:00PM Friday, Sept 28 until midnight Sept 30 (NY time). We look forward to seeing you and thank you in advance for your support! (FYI, go to

Tieumy_: We TASTE the fine wines..

nlebang: action

anhanh030291: co noi lai cai trang tu voi tinh tu dum e duoc k co

Stetson_Sep2012: action

hangover_HM: act

anhanh030291: ko

anhanh030291: act

Snow Cloud: ko

kindle_3: action

huong-cute: k

anhanh030291: da

contubot_nd: ko

nlebang: d ko

nothing_tolose: yes

anhanh030291: em cam on co

Tieumy_: The wine TASTES fine.

contubot_nd: linking

Stetson_Sep2012: linking

louisquang: linkin

hangover_HM: linking

nothing_tolose: linking

nlebang: linking

anhanh030291: linking

Snow Cloud: linking

contubot_nd: The wine is fine

contubot_nd: ok

Tieumy_: The monkey LOOKED hungry

namnguyen2809: linking

ashleybui_9x: action

nothing_tolose: linking

kytv2012: linking

nlebang: linking

Stetson_Sep2012: linking

louisquang: lk

kimono_mono: linking

hangover_HM: act

anhanh030291: linking

contubot_nd: dc

hangover_HM: dc ah

contubot_nd: linking verb

ashleybui_9x: duoc a

Tieumy_: The monkey LOOKED for food.

namnguyen2809: act

louisquang: act

Stetson_Sep2012: action

contubot_nd: acion

ashleybui_9x: act

kimono_mono: act

Snow Cloud: action

ocean_north: action

nguyenhuynhvanan: act

nlebang: act

thuongmientay: act

ashleybui_9x: cham soc

thuongmientay: tim kem

louisquang: fiind

nlebang: tm kim

Snow Cloud: tm

nhatrang1965: 1tim kiem

kytv2012: tim kiem

thuongmientay: tim kiem

kimono_mono: tm kim

nlebang: find

anhanh030291: tim kiem

nlebang: hi

contubot_nd: ko

louisquang: dc

kimono_mono: khong

hangover_HM: ko

nothing_tolose: duoc

ashleybui_9x: e nham

louisquang: ko

ocean_north: ko

thuongmientay: Da khong


Stetson_Sep2012: duoc

anhanh030291: duoc

anhanh030291: ^^

anhanh030291: ma cung k duoc

anhanh030291: ^^

Stetson_Sep2012: I am for a job

Tieumy_: The soup TASTED good.

anhanh030291: linking

Stetson_Sep2012: linking

nothing_tolose: llinking

Snow Cloud: linking

hangover_HM: linking

nhatrang1965: linking

kimono_mono: linking

thuongmientay: linking

ocean_north: linking

Tieumy_: He GREW tired of walking.

kimono_mono: linking

contubot_nd: linking

kytv2012: linking

thuongmientay: linking

nhatrang1965: linking

Tieumy_: He GREW into a tall man.

nhatrang1965: act

thuongmientay: act

kimono_mono: act

anhanh030291: act

kytv2012: action

Stetson_Sep2012: action

Tieumy_: Mother APPEARED happy at her party.

nhatrang1965: linking

hangover_HM: link

thuongmientay: linking

kimono_mono: linking

contubot_nd: link

Stetson_Sep2012: linking

anhanh030291: linking

kimono_mono: linking+adj

kimono_mono: act+adv

Tieumy_: Mother APPEARED quietly in the room.

Stetson_Sep2012: ACTON

kimono_mono: act

nhatrang1965: act

thuongmientay: yeah! act

contubot_nd: yes

contubot_nd: adverb

Tieumy_: The bugle SOUNDS loud.

Stetson_Sep2012: LINGKING

kimono_mono: linking

Stetson_Sep2012: LINKING

Snow Cloud: linking

Tieumy_: The bugle SOUNDS loudly.

Stetson_Sep2012: action

saigontourist: Hi co tieumy

nothing_tolose: YEs

anhanh030291: da

anhanh030291: ^^

saigontourist: cho minh hoi.. do you allow.. or are you allowed

Stetson_Sep2012: Chieu

contubot_nd: da chiu

kimono_mono: co a

nhatrang1965: co cho em hoi c,co noi tu madcion tieng anh di co

duongkck: c my e va vo

duongkck: ko hieur g c

saigontourist: cam on co tiuemy

sweetoctober17: Xin mo*`i ton the^? cc ESE ops v dac biet nhu*~ng ai c trch nhiem trong Chuong Trnh gy quy? ho.c bo^?ng ESE den ho.p ngay 26 thang 9 va`o luc 10 PM (NY), 9 PM (TX), 7 PM (Cali) va` 9 AM (VN ngay 27 thang 9) muc di'ch pha^n chia co^ng ta'c va bo^? tu'c nhu*~ng gi co`n thie^'u so't.

saigontourist: minh dang hoc ve linking verb ban

Tieumy_: My friends are in the library. (A / L) (adv/ adj)

saigontourist: linking ver = tobe

saigontourist: liking

nhatrang1965: act

Stetson_Sep2012: L

anhanh030291: l

kimono_mono: linking

anhanh030291: L

ocean_north: linking

truong_1028: l

contubot_nd: linking verb: are,

saigontourist: are = to be.. must be linking

duongkck: liking mean

louisquang: adj

contubot_nd: adv

contubot_nd: adverb

louisquang: adv

thuongmientay: ok

Tieumy_: My friends are in the library. (A / L) (adverb)

saigontourist: ohhh.. co tieu my noi co lon khong, action require adverb, linking requires adj

saigontourist: ok

saigontourist: vay ok

saigontourist: hoi nay, co tieu my, noi lon do

anhanh030291: linking

saigontourist: hih

saigontourist: hong co gi dau

saigontourist: daa

saigontourist: hih

Tieumy_: The rehearsal is tomorrow. (A / L)

contubot_nd: she speak loudly.

Stetson_Sep2012: l

kimono_mono: l

saigontourist: linking

kytv2012: L

thuongmientay: L

namnguyen2809: L

hangover_HM: l

contubot_nd: linking verb: is

nothing_tolose: L

truong_1028: L

Snow Cloud: l

anhanh030291: L

ocean_north: linking

Tieumy_: Helen's father was a pilot (A / L)

nlebang: L

anhanh030291: L

saigontourist: linking

kimono_mono: L

Stetson_Sep2012: L

nothing_tolose: L

namnguyen2809: L

truong_1028: l

Snow Cloud: L

kytv2012: L

contubot_nd: linking verb: was

thuongmientay: L

ocean_north: linking

Tieumy_: They were joyful/joyfully (A / L)

anhanh030291: L

louisquang: A

contubot_nd: joyful

hangocminh1989_1: a

saigontourist: joyful

kimono_mono: L

nothing_tolose: L

louisquang: A

kytv2012: joyful

ocean_north: l

saigontourist: linking

thuongmientay: L

hangover_HM: ly

nhatrang1965: l

truong_1028: a

nothing_tolose: adj

Snow Cloud: JOYFUL

thuongmientay: ioyful

Tieumy_: They were joyful/joyfully ( L)(joyful)

Tieumy_: Flowers glow beautiful/beautifully in that climate.

truong_1028: beautitully

kytv2012: beautifully

thuongmientay: beautyfully

Stetson_Sep2012: beaitifully

hangocminh1989_1: beatyfully

kimono_mono: BEAUTIFULLY

contubot_nd: beautifully

saigontourist: action

contubot_nd: action

hangocminh1989_1: beautifully

Stetson_Sep2012: L

truong_1028: a

nguyenhuynhvanan: act

thuongmientay: aCT

Stetson_Sep2012: Action

kytv2012: action

nhatrang1965: ACT

hangocminh1989_1: ti sao li action

hangocminh1989_1: pht trin

Tieumy_: Flowers glow beautiful/beautifully in that climate. (A Adv)

hangocminh1989_1: develop

saigontourist: tieng anh rac roi, ve may cai nhu la - you done it, you got it done.. done here can be adjective..

hangocminh1989_1: that is action

anhanh030291: a

hangocminh1989_1: yes that is right


hangocminh1989_1: vy chn ci no

hangocminh1989_1: yes

truong_1028: yes

hangocminh1989_1: thi em i ng, ph qu ri, pai c tieumy

Tieumy_: I feel bad/ badly about his losing the election.

hangocminh1989_1: pai c nh

hangocminh1989_1: badly

namnguyen2809: badly

anhanh030291: bad

truong_1028: badly

Stetson_Sep2012: bad

kimono_mono: badly

louisquang: bad

anhanh030291: bad

nguyenhuynhvanan: act

thuongmientay: bad

Snow Cloud: badly

kytv2012: bad

nothing_tolose: linking

truong_1028: action

hangocminh1989_1: fell is something

nlebang: linking

anhanh030291: k

thuongmientay: da khong

hangocminh1989_1: action

namnguyen2809: ko

Snow Cloud: bad

kimono_mono: khong

Stetson_Sep2012: Bad &Linking

hangocminh1989_1: cm thy

anhanh030291: k

contubot_nd: ko

Tieumy_: I feel bad/ badly about his losing the election.

hangocminh1989_1: n l action m

nothing_tolose: ko thay


nlebang: linking

nothing_tolose: hihihi

hangocminh1989_1: sorry c

nlebang: bad

truong_1028: hic


contubot_nd: action is donkey


ocean_north: hihi

hangocminh1989_1: ng ci na

hangocminh1989_1: please

nothing_tolose: co TM vui qua hihi

sweetoctober17: Xin tra^n ki'nh mo+`i toa`n the^? den tham du Chuong trinh gay quy~ cho Hoc Bong ESE lan thu nam duoc to chuc va`o nga`y 28 thang 9 va`o luc 9 PM (NY), 8 PM (TX), 6 PM (Cali) va` 8 AM (VN ngay 29 thang 9) de^'n 30 thang 9. Su co mat dong du? la mot nie^`m vinh ha.nh va su u?ng ho rat lon cho cac sinh vien nghe`o o*? VN (Vao trang Web de co' the^m chi tie^'t:

namnguyen2809: monkey chu

sweetoctober17: We would like to invite you to attend the Fifth ESE Scholarship Fundraising event. The proceeds will be used to help deserving students in VN to continue their education. It is being held in the "English Sharing Experience" room from 9:00PM Friday, Sept 28 until midnight Sept 30 (NY time). We look forward to seeing you and thank you in advance for your support! (FYI, go to

anhanh030291: haha

ocean_north: hihi

nothing_tolose: yes

hangocminh1989_1: fell l ko thy vy l ko phi action

nothing_tolose: no

contubot_nd: ko a

hangocminh1989_1: feel

ocean_north: kg

Tieumy_: I feel bad/ badly about his losing the election.

contubot_nd: aciton is monkey

nothing_tolose: linking

hangocminh1989_1: thi m, don't laugh

hangocminh1989_1: a

nothing_tolose: bad

hangocminh1989_1: bad

hangocminh1989_1: ok

contubot_nd: em buon cuoi qua

contubot_nd: co TM noi hay qua

hangocminh1989_1: yes

contubot_nd: tinh ngu lun

contubot_nd: bad

K0h0csekh0: Yeu cau ko dc choc co giao cuoi`

contubot_nd: haha

nothing_tolose: hihihi


Tieumy_: He seems nervous /nervously.(A / L)

nothing_tolose: cuoi ca 2

hangocminh1989_1: ly

nlebang: L

anhanh030291: L

kimono_mono: l

nlebang: Ly

hangocminh1989_1: nervously

contubot_nd: nervously

nhatrang1965: NERVOUS

Stetson_Sep2012: nervous

nlebang: L ly

louisquang: nervous

ocean_north: l/ly

anhanh030291: nervo

thuongmientay: nervously

kytv2012: Linking

nothing_tolose: linking


hangocminh1989_1: mnh nhn thy m

nothing_tolose: nervous

anhanh030291: nervous

hangocminh1989_1: ok

nlebang: lingking

Tieumy_: He seems nervous /nervously.(A / L)

contubot_nd: linking

nlebang: thay to be vo n c l m

hangocminh1989_1: ok

thuongmientay: da

anhanh030291: thay to be dc la linking

nlebang: d

anhanh030291: ^^

nlebang: hic

hangocminh1989_1: don't worry

ocean_north: hic

Tieumy_: He seems nervous /nervously.(/ L) nervous

nothing_tolose: chac may nguoi moi vo

thuongmientay: sorry

nlebang: em qun lingking + adj

hangocminh1989_1: yn no, next one

Tieumy_: The crowd stays silent/silently.

hangocminh1989_1: ok

anhanh030291: ly

ashleyhuynh: silent

contubot_nd: silent

pearlharbour: silently

DynamicEnglish: silenty

contubot_nd: linking

nothing_tolose: linking

Stetson_Sep2012: slient

anhanh030291: ly

hangover_HM: act/ly

nothing_tolose: silent

anhanh030291: act

hangocminh1989_1: linking

nhatrang1965: ACT

ashleyhuynh: linking

namnguyen2809: L

thuongmientay: silently

nlebang: linking +silent

Stetson_Sep2012: Linking

ocean_north: linking/

hangocminh1989_1: ok

namnguyen2809: silent

Tieumy_: The crowd stays silent/silently.

Snow Cloud: dc

namnguyen2809: duoc a

contubot_nd: ok

hangocminh1989_1: ko

Stetson_Sep2012: Duoc

nlebang: d c

nothing_tolose: yes

ocean_north: duoc

love english_91: duoc ahj

contubot_nd: dc a

hangocminh1989_1: c

nguyenhuynhvanan: dc

hangocminh1989_1: yes

nothing_tolose: hihihi

ocean_north: duoc

Tieumy_: The crowd stays silent.

hangocminh1989_1: d hiu

hangocminh1989_1: thanks so much

love english_91: lop hoc keo dai den may gio thi het vay cac ban?

hangocminh1989_1: d

Tieumy_: I think I smell rubber burning. (A / L)

nothing_tolose: 11h pm

ocean_north: 11h ban

Stetson_Sep2012: Action

anhanh030291: A

namnguyen2809: A

love english_91: cam on ban nhe

anhanh030291: A

nguyenhuynhvanan: l

hangocminh1989_1: linking

louisquang: L

truong_1028: action

love english_91: linhking aj

nlebang: action

Snow Cloud: l

anhanh030291: A

nlebang: action

namnguyen2809: ko thay duoc tobe

nhatrang1965: LINKING

nothing_tolose: vua link vua act

hangover_HM: act

love english_91: linh king a

hangocminh1989_1: i rt mic

contubot_nd: linking or action is ok

ocean_north: nghe

love english_91: ban oi minh moi vao lop nay, co giao la nguoi viet kieu phai k ban

contubot_nd: da k

Tieumy_: I think I smell rubber burning. (A / L)

Snow Cloud: nghe

hangover_HM: nghe ma

contubot_nd: em van nghe

ocean_north: nghe co

anhanh030291: ok

love english_91: co giao la nguoi viet kieu phai k cac ban

contubot_nd: dung mot cho mui tu bay den

contubot_nd: hit' hi't

contubot_nd: khi.t khit.

love english_91: moi hom hoc mot chu de ngu phap phai k cac ban?

nlebang: chc l vy bn love english

contubot_nd: that is action

contubot_nd: yes

contubot_nd: ok

contubot_nd: linking verb

namnguyen2809: confuse

louisquang: think=linking verb?

Tieumy_: Mother told us it wasn't polite to smell our food before eating.


contubot_nd: No

Stetson_Sep2012: Linking

thuongmientay: act

Stetson_Sep2012: action

namnguyen2809: linking

thuongmientay: act

ashleyhuynh: act


nothing_tolose: lol

contubot_nd: smell good

anhanh030291: A

contubot_nd: lac' dau`


thuongmientay: da

contubot_nd: impolite

Stetson_Sep2012: action

thuongmientay: act

contubot_nd: action\

anhanh030291: act

Snow Cloud: action

nothing_tolose: action

Tieumy_: Mother told us it wasn't polite to smell our food before eating.

truong_1028: action

pearlharbour: action

contubot_nd: yes

contubot_nd: right

louisquang: yes


Tieumy_: Our dog smells every stranger that comes into the house. (

contubot_nd: da.

Stetson_Sep2012: action


namnguyen2809: action

anhanh030291: a

anhanh030291: A

nothing_tolose: linking

nlebang: action

nguyenhuynhvanan: act

Tieumy_: Our dog smells every stranger that comes into the house.

truong_1028: action

ashleybui_9x: linking

contubot_nd: co

ashleybui_9x: da

Tieumy_: We stayed friends for many years after she moved.

anhanh030291: A

ashleybui_9x: act

truong_1028: action

Snow Cloud: action

namnguyen2809: act

louisquang: link

thuongmientay: act'

Stetson_Sep2012: linking

ashleybui_9x: co a

sweetoctober17: Xin mo*`i ton the^? cc ESE ops v dac biet nhu*~ng ai c trch nhiem trong Chuong Trnh gy quy? ho.c bo^?ng ESE den ho.p ngay 26 thang 9 va`o luc 10 PM (NY), 9 PM (TX), 7 PM (Cali) va` 9 AM (VN ngay 27 thang 9) muc di'ch pha^n chia co^ng ta'c va bo^? tu'c nhu*~ng gi co`n thie^'u so't.

louisquang: hok

namnguyen2809: co'

xuankartherina: link

louisquang: ko

namnguyen2809: ko

nothing_tolose: link

thuongmientay: ko

nothing_tolose: ko

nothing_tolose: ko thay

anhanh030291: o lai

ashleybui_9x: da

anhanh030291: ^^


Tieumy_: We stayed friends for many years after she moved.

anhanh030291: di khoi

hangover_HM: alway confuse, today



Tieumy_: The actor has often appeared on television.

anhanh030291: act

louisquang: a

Stetson_Sep2012: Action

namnguyen2809: act

xuankartherina: A

thuongmientay: act

kytv2012: a

Tieumy_: I have become tire /tired.

louisquang: lik

Stetson_Sep2012: linking

anhanh030291: Tired

truong_1028: linking

nothing_tolose: linking

contubot_nd: tire

louisquang: linking

thuongmientay: tired

ashleyhuynh: tired

Tieumy_: She became a lawyer.

Stetson_Sep2012: tired

anhanh030291: L

louisquang: L

Stetson_Sep2012: linking

thuongmientay: L

ashleyhuynh: L

kytv2012: L

truong_1028: link

xuankartherina: L

Tieumy_: It became clear/clearly that he was lying. (A / L)

contubot_nd: linking

nothing_tolose: Thanks va chao co Tieumy . chao cac ban minh di ngu !

anhanh030291: L

DynamicEnglish: clearly

nhatrang1965: LINKING

contubot_nd: clear

anhanh030291: clear

truong_1028: clear

Stetson_Sep2012: clear L

contubot_nd: linking

Snow Cloud: clear

louisquang: clear

anhanh030291: L/ clear

Tieumy_: It became clear/clearly that he was lying. ( L)clear

lshenzhou: L Clear

Tieumy_: I can feel the difference between wool and cotton.(

Stetson_Sep2012: L

anhanh030291: L

Snow Cloud: linking

louisquang: L

contubot_nd: Linking

truong_1028: linking

kytv2012: action

Stetson_Sep2012: Troi

3m m4i b3n doi 4nh: act

3m m4i b3n doi 4nh: fell

hangover_HM: co the

3m m4i b3n doi 4nh: feel

thuongmientay: Nhan thay

DynamicEnglish: ^^

anhanh030291: ok

louisquang: feel

anhanh030291: nhin van thay ma co

anhanh030291: nhung ma nhin la 1 hanh dong ma

louisquang: 6 sense

louisquang: :-j

DynamicEnglish: s mi cm thy c s khc nhau

DynamicEnglish: ^^

kagawa93: complicated


anhanh030291: ok

thuongmientay: Minh nghi

thuongmientay: phai la act

nhatrang1965: LOOK FOR

thuongmientay: vi minh cam thay

thuongmientay: minh nhan ra no nhu the

truong_1028: yes

kytv2012: By Ms.TieuMy

louisquang: yes

thuongmientay: ko the nao la minh "dc cam thay"


louisquang: hihi

contubot_nd: da so` moi chinh' xac' dc

DynamicEnglish: ^^


Tieumy_: The water feels warm.

Stetson_Sep2012: Action

DynamicEnglish: l

anhanh030291: L

namnguyen2809: cai' nay` fai? so`

xuankartherina: A

hangover_HM: link

quyetthang: ACT

namnguyen2809: act

3m m4i b3n doi 4nh: l

lshenzhou: A

nguyenhuynhvanan: act

truong_1028: link

kagawa93: A

kytv2012: Linking

anhanh030291: L

louisquang: ko bik

DynamicEnglish: kkk

DynamicEnglish: ^^

contubot_nd: Ko

anhanh030291: k

louisquang: kkk

anhanh030291: ^^

Tieumy_: The water feels warm.

anhanh030291: Mh so

anhanh030291: L


truong_1028: yes

contubot_nd: agree

kagawa93: oh yeah

namnguyen2809: em tuong? la` minh` cam? thay' nuoc' am

kagawa93: right

Tieumy_: She felt her way up to the stairs in the dark (A / L)

louisquang: ko hu cu trn

louisquang: water feels warm ngha l j`?

sweetoctober17: Xin tra^n ki'nh mo+`i toa`n the^? den tham du Chuong trinh gay quy~ cho Hoc Bong ESE lan thu nam duoc to chuc va`o nga`y 28 thang 9 va`o luc 9 PM (NY), 8 PM (TX), 6 PM (Cali) va` 8 AM (VN ngay 29 thang 9) de^'n 30 thang 9. Su co mat dong du? la mot nie^`m vinh ha.nh va su u?ng ho rat lon cho cac sinh vien nghe`o o*? VN (Vao trang Web de co' the^m chi tie^'t:

sweetoctober17: We would like to invite you to attend the Fifth ESE Scholarship Fundraising event. The proceeds will be used to help deserving students in VN to continue their education. It is being held in the "English Sharing Experience" room from 9:00PM Friday, Sept 28 until midnight Sept 30 (NY time). We look forward to seeing you and thank you in advance for your support! (FYI, go to

Tieumy_: I can feel the difference between wool and cotton.

thuongmientay: act

louisquang: A

contubot_nd: action

contubot_nd: cam thay buoc len cau thang

thuongmientay: biet dc duong di len

Tieumy_: She felt her way up to the stairs in the dark

DynamicEnglish: s

anhanh030291: da

contubot_nd: @@

Stetson_Sep2012: Yes

Stetson_Sep2012: Em hieu roi

quyetthang: agree

truong_1028: y

Tieumy_: He hopes to get a new bicycle for Christmas.

Stetson_Sep2012: Linking

truong_1028: linking

anhanh030291: act

DynamicEnglish: l

contubot_nd: actio

nana1843: LINKING

kagawa93: L

contubot_nd: get

xuankartherina: L

Tieumy_: Stephen thinks he will get an A on the test.

Stetson_Sep2012: Dong tu chinh ma

anhanh030291: ah ra the

anhanh030291: L

Stetson_Sep2012: linking

Snow Cloud: L

contubot_nd: linking

nana1843: linking

truong_1028: l

truong_1028: linking

Tieumy_: That plant will grow quick /quickly. (A / L)

anhanh030291: L

namnguyen2809: bai` nay` kho' qua

anhanh030291: L

xuankartherina: L

nlebang: action

nana1843: action

truong_1028: action

namnguyen2809: sai tum` lum ko

contubot_nd: linking

Snow Cloud: a

anhanh030291: quick

Stetson_Sep2012: quikly

thuongmientay: quickly

lshenzhou: A Ly

nlebang: quickly

Snow Cloud: quickly

louisquang: Quickly

nlebang: action ly

nana1843: quickly

Stetson_Sep2012: Moi vao ma lam dung moi la do

anhanh030291: vay la act

Tieumy_: That plant will grow quick /quickly. (A / L)quickly.

anhanh030291: em chua hieu

nana1843: cc bn i lich hc ca room coi u nh

thuongmientay: Give me a question, plz

Tieumy_: John grew two inches last year,

louisquang: grow l action

anhanh030291: Ac

Snow Cloud: action

DynamicEnglish: a

nana1843: action

louisquang: nn i vi adv

Stetson_Sep2012: linking

nlebang: action

hangover_HM: act

contubot_nd: co

louisquang: act

Stetson_Sep2012: action

Tieumy_: That farmer grows corn.

thuongmientay: act

anhanh030291: a

namnguyen2809: act

louisquang: act

nana1843: linking

Snow Cloud: act

hangover_HM: act

truong_1028: ac

louisquang: a

Tieumy_: He grew rich as his business became successful / successfully

contubot_nd: action

nana1843: action

anhanh030291: a

Stetson_Sep2012: linking

Snow Cloud: act

truong_1028: link

thuongmientay: Moi ng oi, lop hoc cua minh bat dau luc may gio??? hihi

xuankartherina: a

namnguyen2809: act

louisquang: Link

thuongmientay: Linking

nana1843: successfully

lshenzhou: L ful

nana1843: minh cung ang mun hi lch hc coi u nh

Stetson_Sep2012: thay dong tu To Be duoc

Snow Cloud: L successful

thuongmientay: lop hoc bat dau luc h vay moi ng?

anhanh030291: ok

thuongmientay: hixxx

anhanh030291: LInking


truong_1028: yes

Tieumy_: He grew rich as his business became successful / successfully.(A / L) successful.

thuongmientay: Da

Tieumy_: I hear someone calling my name.(A / L)

anhanh030291: L

anhanh030291: A

truong_1028: linking

thuongmientay: act

nlebang: action

namnguyen2809: act

DynamicEnglish: a

Stetson_Sep2012: L

anhanh030291: A

xuankartherina: a

contubot_nd: a

Tieumy_: hear / listen

nlebang: accctioonnn

Snow Cloud: ac

lshenzhou: A

contubot_nd: linking

DynamicEnglish: ko chu dong nghe

anhanh030291: lingking

DynamicEnglish: listen chu dong nghe

Stetson_Sep2012: Nghe va lang nghe

contubot_nd: listen

Snow Cloud: linking

contubot_nd: thait is listen

anhanh030291: ok

contubot_nd: da hieu

anhanh030291: ok

truong_1028: yes

contubot_nd: da k

contubot_nd: sai

DynamicEnglish: ^^

Stetson_Sep2012: Yes, I understand

anh_1000_nam_van_doi: Hi All!

anh_1000_nam_van_doi: Hi Sis TieuMy1

Tieumy_: I hear someone calling my name.(A / L)

anhanh030291: l

nana1843: linking

thuongmientay: L

contubot_nd: linking

anhanh030291: :

anhanh030291: L

namnguyen2809: Linking

Stetson_Sep2012: linking

Snow Cloud: L

Tieumy_: My grandfather can't hear very good /well. (A / L)

truong_1028: yes

Snow Cloud: yes

anhanh030291: L

anhanh030291: good

thuongmientay: WELL

Stetson_Sep2012: linking

nana1843: very well

Snow Cloud: well

thuongmientay: GOOD

Stetson_Sep2012: good

namnguyen2809: linking

jambless: good

contubot_nd: good

LoveLifePK: hi 7up

xuankartherina: l

nana1843: action

Stetson_Sep2012: Linking

contubot_nd: linking

namnguyen2809: L

lshenzhou: L

jambless: linking

LoveLifePK: what's up?

Snow Cloud: act

Stetson_Sep2012: Yes

nana1843: kh gh

SallyHL: L

contubot_nd: good

Stetson_Sep2012: good

nana1843: very gd

xuankartherina: good

nana1843: good

SallyHL: good

hangover_HM: well

truong_1028: well

Stetson_Sep2012: Kha nang nghe

Tieumy_: My grandfather can't hear very good /well. (A / L)

nana1843: luc dau minh lam dung

nana1843: oaoa

love english_91: well chu

love english_91: hii

hangover_HM: hear/act

love english_91: well la trang tu

nana1843: minh kiu la action

nana1843: hichic

louisquang: a

anhanh030291: ok

nana1843: co kiu la linking moi sua lai


nana1843: hichic

namnguyen2809: >......
