LinkedIn For Business Marketing



An overview of how to use LinkedIn for business networking.

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Social Media ToolsLinkedIn for Business


Faye E. OneyMarketing Consultant

Jan. 19, 2011

Has more than 90 million members in over 200 countries

Has executives from all Fortune 500 companies Gets a new member every second 52% male; 48% female 39% are between ages 35-49 32% are age 50+ 48% college grads; 27% post-gradSources:,

LinkedIn – an online networking tool for business professionals

Who is on LinkedIn?• Your friends and

peers• Your co-workers• Your clients• Your prospective

clients• Your current (and

future) employer(s)

Online resume-showcase your career/strengths/skills

Networking for business development/prospecting

Position yourself as expert in your field Branding (individuals and companies) Job-seeking- advance your career

Why should you be on LinkedIn?

Getting started –

the basics• Create a profile – Education, job history, summary, specialties, photo!• Settings – Adjust your settings to allow who can view your profile and connections.• Add your website, blog link, Twitter profile.• For help, visit the Learning Center:

Connect with people you know – peers, co-workers, clients, other professionals in your industry.

Ask for recommendations and recommend others.

Connect with people you meet in your offline networks – professional associations, clubs, and other networking groups.

Send a personal message; not the standard invitation message that LinkedIn provides.

Build your network!


Update your status regularly; share an interesting link, article or blog post.

Join relevant groups in your industry. Answer questions. Start a discussion and contribute to others’

discussions. Promote others in your network – their

blogs, articles, successes, promotions, etc.

Tips for engaging your network and positioning

yourself as an expert

Sales and Prospecti

ng• Join groups your clients/prospective clients are members of.• Build rapport, answer questions, ask for opinions, start discussions, engage the group!• Never push or promote your products/services.• Ask for introductions to 2nd tier connections.

Slideshare: Share your PowerPoint presentations

Box: Upload white papers, e-books, other documents

Amazon reading list: Show your network what you’re reading; write a book review

Blog link: Display your recent blog posts

Creative Portfolio Display: Showcase your portfolio

Apps for sharing your expertise

Company Pages

Opportunity to brand your business

LinkedIn currently rolling out a new company platformNew features:• Product and Service Spotlight – interactive banner ad • Featured products/services• Multimedia options• Customer recommendations module

Profile settings – Once you set up your profile, change the URL to include your full name for better SEO (under Public Profile).

Rolodex feature – Input info from your contacts’ business cards directly into your contacts list.

Use the drop-down list to search for people or companies you want to do business with; groups you want to join; or jobs in particular industries.

Other Tips

Questions?Thank you for your time!


1. Create a LinkedIn profile if you don’t already have one.

2. If you have a profile, update it w/your photo, education, jobs, summary, specialties.

3. Build your network - Add connections, search names of people you already know; check your email list, rolodex, business cards, etc.

4. Join two or three groups in your industry and contribute to a discussion.

5. Get in the habit of opening LinkedIn every day. Update your status and share some interesting links.

Homework Free webinars on LinkedIn every

