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Nice to Meet You

Just call me Jacque SEO in the morning Yaya, labandera, kusinera in

the evening

Currently managed the digital marketing department of Kryptonite Digital.

KD is a marketing and advertising agency that includes digital, seo, production, motion graphics and editorial.

3 Effective Link Building Campaign

1. Comment Marketing Drop relevant comments on high-

traffic websites in your niche. Don’t just leave comments like

“Great Post”, “Nice blog” or “Wow” Spend an extra time to write a stand-

out comment to ensure the readers feel intrigued to click through your gravatar (or name) and visit your website.

Be the first to comment on popular industry blogs, Q&A and community participation. (Sample SEO blogs: Neil Patel Blog/Quick Sprout, Moz Blog, Search Engine Land, etc.)

For brand positioning and traffic generation, this still one of the best ways to exemplify expertise because people do read comments especially on topics that get search regularly.

Install news aggregator on your desktop and mobile phone. It’s a one-stop app to stay on top of content published from many websites. OR Use Google Alerts – gives you the latest content that is related to the keywords you want to track.

Follow a list of influencers or high authority blogs in your niche on Twitter or other social networks by using Followerwonk tool.

How to get latest content from your industry niche?

2. Inverted Broken Link Building

Broken link building is known in the search marketing industry as one of the effective link building techniques in all time. The other way of doing it is called Inverted Broken Link Building.

Find resources pages that link to broken pages – use CheckMyLinks/LinkMiner to check for broken link opportunities).

Some search strings you can use:

keyword + “resources”keyword + intitle:resourceskeyword + intitle:blogrollkeyword + “blogroll” keyword + “links” keyword + “recommended sites”keyword + “related links”Step 1

Check the sites linkging to defunct page by using Ahrefs Site Explorer (

Step 2

Go to ( Wayback Machine to check the dead page's content .

Step 3

When done brainstorming for a topic that is highly linkable. Recreate an improved version of the dead page on your site. You can either add infographics, images and videos. Add whatever you want just make sure it is better than the information contained in broken page.

Step 4

Find existing linkers to broken pages and list their contact details in a spreadsheet/google docs.

Step 5

Reach out to them and let them know of those broken links. Recommend replacing those defunct links with link to your content piece and/or suggest page for additional resource listing.

Sample Template

Step 6


3. Educational link bait to get valuable .edu links

Remember: Educational backlinks are hard to get Sites with .edu domains typically have high authority as they’ve been

around for a long time and have many trusted quality sites linking to them.

That’s why many of these sites are viewed as authoritative by Google. Therefore, getting links from these authority top-level domains improves search performance.

We posted infographic in link to our infogrpahic on their own initiative

Link bait is simply content on your site that other sites link to willingly, because the content solves a problem.

When people link to your content page on their own initiative, it means you’ve created a linkable asset. The intersection between linkbait and linkable asset is your sweet spot for converting your prospects into customers.

It can be a blog post, a viral podcast, an infographic, or a helpful ebook.

How to get educational backlinks? Guest blogging is not the most effective way to get .edu links. Find other ways. How? Use the advance search modifiers to find

education sites in Google. Remember that your goal is to narrow your results down to educational results pages.

Search strings:a). – shows you search results containing educational result sites onlyb). “blog” – returns search results for educational blogs onlyc). “forums” – if you want to participate in an educational discussion boardd). “comments” – for educational blogs with comments sectionse). “log in / create account” – returns .edu blog extensions that allow you to sign up as a user, for the purpose of commenting or other kinds of participationf). inurl:blog “seo” – for educational blogs that understand SEO and would be interested in learning more about search engines

Broken link building is the easiest way to get your links from educational portals. All you’ve got to do is find dead links on these blogs, and suggest better content — your own — to replace it.

If broken link building seems like a lot of work, or too difficult to tackle, use other tactics suc as: blog comments, local resources pages, improve a section of a site

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