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This is an example of how line can be used to create depth and form. Lines are drawn with different pressures and thicknesses and also closer and further apart to create depth.

An example of different types of drawn lines of varying weights. There are straight, jagged and curved lines. Jagged lines in general give a feeling of anger and disorder where as straight lines give a feeling of order and the curved lines, a sense of calm.

Over here lines are used to describe a female form. The use of heavier, thicker lines along the bottom of the figure, anchor her and the subtle, fine lines allude to her delicacy.

Outlines are lines they just give the basic shape of the object you want to portray with little or no detail. In this example the use of line is very flat and even so gives little depth

This example of outline however has more depth and seems more realistic because of the different weights of line.

Here we see and image of people walking in a line, this gives a sense of direction,. We want to follow the line of people to see where they are going.

Over here our eye naturally wants to follow the directional movement of the lines. Lines can also create optical illusions, it seems like the lines go on forever with no end.

Line is used to create height and volume in this image, where the lines are closer together it looks like there is height.

Line can be incredibly expressive and can be used to portray different moods with the ways lines are used. There is a haunting and quite frightening aura about this drawing because of the anger in the lines. The artist has used very strong, almost violent lines.

Repetitive fine lines are used beautifully in the image to create volume and shape. These line remind me of fingerprints.

These curved lines are a persons unique identity .

A line is used to record and order dates in time.

This is an example of feminine line, the lounger has smooth, fluid curves and the line is soft on the eye

This table on the other hand has very masculine lines. It has sharp edges and is very rectilinear. There is a hardness to the table.

The lines on of the floor tiles get closer together showing depth and perspective because our eye follows the direction of the lines.

In this image line is used to portray speed and movement.

...Another example of line showing movement.

This tree has very curvilinear lines. The lines are organic and flowing.

Over here the thickness and closeness of the lines as well as the use of repetition has created the optical illusion of swirling waves. It is incredibly disconcerting to look at as the image seems to vibrate.

The bridge in this building has very angular, sharp industrial lines.
