Linda and TupleSpaces Prabhaker Mateti. Linda Overview an example of Asynchronous Message Passing...


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Linda and TupleSpaces

Prabhaker Mateti

Linda 2

Linda Overview

• an example of Asynchronous Message Passing– send never blocks (i.e., implicit infinite capacity

buffering)• ignores the order of send• Associative abstract distributed shared

memory system on heterogeneous networks•

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Tuple Space

• A tuple is an ordered list of (possibly dissimilar) items– (x, y), coordinates in a 2-d plane, both numbers– (true, ‘a’, “hello”, (x, y)), a quadruple of dissimilars– Instead of () some papers use < >

• Tuple Space is a collection of tuples– Consider it a bag, not a set – Count of occurrences matters.

• T # TS stands for #occurrences of T in TS

• Tuples are accessed associatively• Tuples are equally accessible to all processes

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Linda’s Primitives

• Four primitives added to a host prog lang

• out(T)– output T into TS– the number of T’s in TS

increases by 1– Atomic– no processes are created

• eval(T)– creates a process that

“evaluates” T– residual tuple is output to TS

• in(T)– input T from TS– the number of T’s in TS

decreases by 1– no processes are created– more …

• rd(T) abbrev of read(T)– input T from TS– the number of T’s in TS

does not change– no processes are created

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Example: in(T) and inp(T)

• Suppose multiple processes are attempting

• Let T # TS stand for no. occurrences of T in TS

• if T # TS ≥ 1:– input the tuple T– T # TS decreases by 1– atomic operation

• if T # TS = 1:– Only one process succeeds– Which? Unspecified;


• if T # TS = 0:– All processes wait for some

process to out(T)– may block for ever

• inp(T)– a “predicated” in(T)– if T#TS = 0, inp(T) fails but

the process is not blocked– if T#TS = 1, inp(T) succeeds

• effect is identical to in(T)• process is not blocked

• rdp(T)

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Example: in(“hi”, ?x, false)

• x declared to be an int• the tuple pattern

matches any tuple T provided:– length of T = 3– T.1 = “hi”– T.2 is any int– T.3 = false

• X is then assigned that int

• Suppose TS = {|(“hi”, 2, false),(“hi”, 2, false),(“hi”, 35, false),(“hi”, 7, false), … |}

• in(“hi”, ?x, false) inputs one of the above– which? unspecified

• Tuple patterns may have multiple ? symbols

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in(N, P2, …, Pj)

• N an actual arg of type Name

• P2 … Pj are actual/ formal params

• The values found in the matched tuple are assigned to the formals; the process then continues

• The withdrawal of the matched tuple is atomic.

• If multiples tuples match, non deterministic choice

• If no matching tuple exists, in(…) suspends until one becomes available, and does the above.

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Example: eval(“i”,i,  sqrt(i))

• Creates a new process(es)– to evaluate each field of

eval(“i”, i, sqrt(i))– the result is output to TS

• The tuple (“i”, i, sqrt(i)) is known as an “active” tuple.

• Suppose i = 4• sqrt(i) is computed by the

new process.

• Resulting tuple is (“i”, 4, 2.0) – known as a passive tuple– can also be (“i”, 4, -2.0)

• (“i”, 4, 2.0) is output to TS• Process(es) terminate(s).• Bindings inherited from

the eval-executing process only for names cited explicitly.

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Example: eval("Q", f(x,y))

• Suppose eval("Q", f(x,y)) is being executed by process P0

• P0 creates two new processes, say, P1 and P2.– P1 evaluates “Q”– P2 evaluates f(x,y)

• P0 moves on– P0 does not wait for P1 to

terminate– P0 does not wait for P2 to


• P0 may later on do an in(“Q”, ?result)

• P2 evaluates f(x,y) in a context where f, x and y have the same values they had in P0

• No bindings are inherited for any variables that happen to be free (i.e., global) in f, unless explicitly in the eval

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Linda Algorithm Design Example

• Given a finite bag B of numbers, as well as the size nb of the bag B, find the second largest number in B.

• Use p processes• Assume the TS is

preloaded with B:– (“bi”, bi) for i: 1..nb– (“size”, nb)

• Each process inputs nb/p numbers of B– Is nb % p = 0?

• Each process outputs the largest and the second largest it found

• A selected process considers these 2*p numbers and does as above

• Result Parallel ParadigmMateti CEG730

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Linda Algorithm: Second Largestint firstAndSecond(int nx) { int bi, fst, snd; in(“bi”, ?bi); fst = snd = bi; for (int i = 1; i < nx; i+

+) {in(“bi”, ?bi);if (bi > fst) {

snd = fst; fst = bi; } } out(“first”, fst); out(“second”, snd); return 0;}

main(int argc, char *argv[]) {/* open a file, read numbers,… * out(“bi”, bi) * out(“nb”, nb) * p = … */int i, nx = nb / p; /* Is nb % p = 0? */

for (i=0; i < p; i++)eval(firstAndSecond(nx));

/* in(“first”, fst) and * in(“second”, snd) tuples … * finish the computation */


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Arrays and Matrices

• An Array– (Array Name, index

fields, value)– (“V”, 14, 123.5)– (“A”, 12, 18, 5, 123.5)– That A is 3d … you know

it from your design; does not follow from the tuple

• Tuple elements can be tuples– (“A”, (12, 18, 5), 123.5)

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“Linked” Data Structures in Linda

• A Binary Tree• Number the nodes: 1 .. • Number the root with 1• Use the number 0 for nil• (“node”, nodeNumber,

nodedata, leftChildNumber, rightChildNumber)

• A Directed Graph• Represent it as a

collection of directed edges.

• Number the nodes: 1 .. • (“edge”,

fromNodeNumber, toNodeNumber)

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More on Data Structures in Linda

• Binary Tree (again)– A Lisp-like cons cell

• (“C”, “cons”, [“A”, “B”])• (“B”, “cons”, [])

– An atom• (“A”, “atom”, value)

• Undirected Graphs• Similar to Directed

Graphs– How to ignore the

“direction” in (“edge”, fromNodeNumber, toNodeNumber)?

– Add (“edge”, toNodeNumber fromNodeNumber)

– Or, use Set Representation.

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Coordinated Programming

• Programming = Computation + Coordination

• The term coordination refers to the process of building programs by gluing together processes.

• Unix glue operation: Pipe• “Coordination is

managing dependencies between activities.”

• Barrier Synchronization: Each process within some group must until all processes in the group have reached a “barrier”; then all can proceed.

• Set up barrier: out (“barrier”, n);

• Each process does the following: in(“barrier”, ? val); out(“barrier”, val-1); rd(“barrier”, 0)

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RPC Clients and Servers

serviceARequest() { int ix, cid; typeRQ req; typeRS response; … for (;;) { in (“request”, ?cid, ?ix, ?req) … out (“response”, cid, ix, response); }}

a client process:: int clientid = …, rqix = 0; typeRQ req; typeRS response; … out (“request”, clientid, ++rqix, req); … in (“response”, clientid, rqix, ?response); …

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Dining Philosophers, Readers/Wrphil(int i){ while(1) { think (); in(in"room ticket") in("chopstick", i); in("chopstick", (i+i)%Num); eat(); out("chopstick", i); out("chopstick",(i+i)%Num); out("room ticket"); }}

initialize(){ int i; for (i = 0; i < Num; i++) { out("chopstick", i); eval(phil(i); if (i < (Num-1)) out("room ticket"); }}

startread();… read;…stopread();

startread(){ rd("rw-head", incr("rw-tail")); rd("writers", 0); incr("active-

readers"); incr("rw-head");}

int incr(CounterName); { in(CounterName, ?value); out(CounterName, value + 1); return value; }

/* complete the rest of the implementation of

* the readers-writers */

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Semaphores in Linda

• Create a semaphore named xyz whose initial value is 3.

• Solution: RHS• Properties:– Is it a semaphore

satisfying the “weak semaphore assumption”?

• Load the tuple space with– (“xyz”), (“xyz”), (“xyz”)

• P(nm) {in(nm);


• V(nm) {out(nm);


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Programming Paradigms• Result Parallel

– focus on the “structure” of input space.– Divide this into many pieces of the same

structure.– Solve each piece the same way– Combine the sub-results into a final result– Divide-and-Conquer– Hadoop

• Agenda Of Activities– A list of things to do and their order– Example: Build A House

• Build Walls– Frame the walls– Plumbing– Electrical Wiring– Drywalls

• Doors, Windows• Build a Drive Way• Paint the House

• Ensemble Of Specialists– Example: Build A House

• Carpenters• Masons• Electrician• Plumbers• Painters

– Master-slave Architecture

• These paradigms are applicable to not only Linda but other languages and systems.

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Result Parallel Generate Primes/* From Linda book, Chapter 5 */

int isprime(int me) {

int p,limit,ok;


for (p=2; p < limit; ++p) {


  if (ok && (me%p == 0))

return  0;


return 1;


real_main()  {

int count = 0, i, ok;

for(i=2; i <= LIMIT; ++i)


for(i = 2; i <= LIMIT; ++i) {

     rd("primes", i, ?ok);

     if (ok) {


printf(“prime: %n\n”, i);




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Paradigm: Agenda Parallelism/* From Linda book */real_main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

int eot,first_num,i,length, new_primes[GRAIN],np2;int num,num_prices, num_workers, primes[MAX], p2[MAX];num_workers = atoi(argv[1]);for (i = 0; i < num_workers; ++i)

eval("worker", worker());num_primes = init_primes(primes, p2);first_num = primes[num_primes-1] + 2;out("next task", first_num);eot = 0; /* Becomes 1 at end of table */for (num = first_num; num < LIMIT; num += GRAIN){ in("result", num, ? new_primes:length); for (i = 0; i < length; ++i, ++num_primes) {

primes[num_primes] = new_primes[i];if (!eot) { np2 = new_primes[i]*new_primes)[i]; if (np2 > LIMIT) { eot = 1; np2 = -1; } out("primes", num_primes,

new_primes[i], np2);}

}}/* "? int" match any int and throw out the value */for (i = 0; i < num_workers; ++i)

in("worker", ?int);printf("count: %d\n", num_primes);


worker() { int count, eot,i, limit, num, num_primes, ok,start; int my_primes[GRAIN], primes[MAX], p2[MAX]; num_primes = init_primes(primes, p2); eot = 0; while(1) { in("next task", ? num); if (num == -1) { out("next task", -1); return; } limit = num + GRAIN; out("next task", (limit > LIMIT)? -1 : limit); if (limit > LIMIT) limit = LIMIT: start = num; for (count = 0; num < limit; num += 2) { while (!eot && num > p2[num_primes-1]) {

rd("primes", num_primes, ?primes[num_primes], ?p2[num_primes]); if (p2[num_primes] < 0) eot = 1; else ++num_primes;

} for (i = 1, ok = 1; i < num_primes; ++i) {

if (! num % primes[i])) { ok = 0; break ; } if (num < p2[i]) break; } if (ok) {my_primes[count] = num; ++count;} } /* Send the control process any primes found. */ out("result", start, my_primes:count); }}

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Paradigm: Specialist Parallelism/* From Linda book */

source() { int i, out_index=0; for (i = 5; i < LIMIT; i += 2) out("seg", 3, out_index++, i); out("seg", 3, out_index, 0); }

pipe_seg(prime, next, in_index) { int num, out_index=0; while(1) { in("seg", prime, in_index++, ?

num); if (!num) break; if (num % prime)

out("seg", next, out_index++, num); } out("seg", next, out_index, num);}

sink() { int in_index=0, num, pipe_seg(),

prime=3, prime_count=2; while(1) { in("seg", prime, in_index++, ?num); if (!num) break; if (num % prime) { ++prime_count; if (num*num < LIMIT) {

eval("pipe seg“, pipe_seg(prime,num,in_index)); prime = num;in_index = 0

} } } printf("count: %d.\n", prime_count);}

real_main() { eval("source", source()); eval("sink", sink());}

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Linda Summary• out(), in(), rd(), inp(), rdp() are

heavier than host language computations.

• eval() is the heaviest of Linda primitives

• Nondeterminism in pattern matching

• Time uncoupling – Communication between time-disjoint

processes– Can even send messages to self

• Distributed sharing– Variables shared between disjoint


• Many implementations permit multiple tuple spaces

• No Security (no encapsulation)• Linda is not fault-tolerant

– Processes are assumed to be fail-safe

• Beginners do this in a loop{ in(?T); if notOK(T) out(T); }

No guarantee you won’t get the same T.• The following can sequentialize the

processes using this code block:{in(?count); out(count+1);}

• “Where most distributed languages are partially distributed in space and non-distributed in time, Linda is fully distributed in space and distributed in time as well.”

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JavaSpaces and TSpaces• JavaSpaces is Linda adapted to Java•

• write(…): into a space • take(…): from a space • read(…): …• notify: Notifies a specified object

when entries that match the given template are written into a space


• Tspaces is an IBM adaptation of Linda.– “TSpaces is network middleware for

the new age of ubiquitous computing.”

– TSpaces = Tuple + Database + Java– write(…): into a space – take(…): from a space – read(…): …– Scan and ConsumingScan– rendezvous operator, Rhonda.

• Tspaces Whiteboard


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• NetWorkSpaces– “open-source software

package that makes it easy to use clusters from within scripting languages like Matlab, Python, and R.”

• Nicholas Carriero and David Gelernter, “How to Write Parallel Programs” book, MIT Press, 1992

• Tutorial on Parallel Programming with Linda

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CEG 730 Preferences• Assume TS is preloaded with input data

in a form that is helpful.• At the end of the algorithm,

– TS should have only the results– the preloaded input data is removed

• Any C-program can be embedded into C-Linda– not acceptable at all

• Use p processes– In general, you choose p so that

“elapsed” time is minimized assuming the p processes do time-overlapped parallel computation.

• Is nb % p == 0?– pad the input data space with dummy

values that preserve the solutions– Let some worker processes do more

• Avoid using inp() and/or rdp() because– it confuses our thinking– we can get better designs

without them– A badly used inp() can produce a

livelock where a plain in() would have cause a block.

• Typically, we can avoid the use of inp().– Not always.– Problem: Compute the number

of elements in a bag B. Assume B is preloaded into TS.

– Solution needs inp().

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• Sudhir Ahuja, Nicholas Carriero and David Gelernter, ``Linda and Friends,'' IEEE Computer (magazine), Vol. 19, No. 8, 26-34. has an entire book.

• JavaSpaces, • Andrews, Section 10.x on Linda. Yet another

prime number generator.• Jeremy R. Johnson, ~

jjohnson/2010-11/winter/cs676.htmMateti CEG730
