Light Body


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  • 7/30/2019 Light Body


    Light Body: Metaphysical Transcendence through a High Vibration Vessel of Being.Copyright 2002 by Gates McKibbin. All rights reserved. Page 0

    Light Body:

    Metaphysical Transcendence

    through a High Vibration Vessel of Being

    As told through John McKibbin

    to Gates McKibbin

    Copyright 2002 by Gates McKibbin. All rights reserved.

  • 7/30/2019 Light Body


    Light Body: Metaphysical Transcendence through a High Vibration Vessel of Being.Copyright 2002 by Gates McKibbin. All rights reserved. Page 1


    You are losing your bearings. Admit it, and we can begin. You are losing them because you

    have chosen to embark on a different journey from the one you were pursuing not so long ago.

    This journey is a different sort of exploration one that takes you so far away from the familiar,

    you may wonder if you will find your way back.

    If finding your way back is defined in terms of returning to the state of mind that guided youbefore, that will not be possible. For once you leave the shore, it will vanish forever. You

    cannot find your way back to it because it will no longer exist for you. But if finding your way

    back means that you are willing to return to a new shore one far more suited to your reborn

    consciousness it will be so.

    How do you get your bearings, then, if you are traveling through uncharted terrain and your

    home port has fallen away? What coordinates define where you are, where you are going,

    where you return? More importantly, what characteristics define who you are? The former

    you cannot withstand the rigors of this exploration. And yet you will not fully become thenew you for some time.

    You are a person in transition a consciousness in transformation. You will have no bearings

    for a while, if you define them in terms of past and future. Your bearings are solely in the

    moment. Be fully in the moment, and you cannot possibly get lost. Exhibit your most authentic

    self, and you cannot be steered in the wrong direction. See what is before you with keen non-

    judging, and you cannot be swayed by currents that run counter to your souls own tides. Trust

    in this, and you will need no other bearings.

    For a while you may be somewhat disoriented. That is to be expected, given the monumentalshift that is before you. Do not concern yourself if waves of surreality overcome you. They are

    not unfounded. For in truth reality as you have defined it until now is shape shifting. If you

    persist in thinking of your reality as consisting primarily of three dimensional dynamics and

    materiality, you will severely slow down the process of transformation. But if you accept

    whatever comes as evidence of your progress, no matter how difficult it is to understand or

    accept, you will move quite quickly through the stages of your journey.

    You will have difficulty if your assumptions about staying the course involve traditional

    compass settings. They are no longer valid. North can be any direction when you travelthrough timelessness and spacelessness. In fact, there is no north. There simply are no

    directions if there is no segmentation of space. Your compass is your consciousness. Your

    guideposts are a function of your discernment. You keep your bearings by trusting your ability

    to navigate through the void of spiritual fullness.

    As we said, once you leave the shore it vanishes. Cease your desire to return to it, let go of the

    need to know it is there at all, and you are well on your way.

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    Light Body: Metaphysical Transcendence through a High Vibration Vessel of Being.Copyright 2002 by Gates McKibbin. All rights reserved. Page 2

    Come. Come with us. Behold what awaits you.


    The metaphysical transcendence that is before you may not at first seem plausible. We are

    asking you to rise above the experience you have had in most of your lifetimes on planet Earth

    and begin to live in a radically new way. You must break habits that were millennia in the


    Some of you who were initiated in the Egyptian Mystery Schools have the memory of living in

    the transformed state we are about to describe. Many former Lemurians and Atlanteans carry a

    similar recognition that a separate higher vibration vessel for the self is possible. But for the

    most part, your lifetimes since then have mesmerized you into forgetting all of this.

    You are being given the opportunity to contribute in significantly new ways as an ambassador

    for spirit. The venue for this is a separate body, which is already beginning to form outside of

    the one you currently occupy. This body is not physical. Yet it has qualities that are physicalenough to enable you to visit other dimensions and galaxies as a fully sentient being. You have

    been doing this with your consciousness alone, but your capacity to empathize with and

    experience what is occurring there has been limited. With a light body that can travel, you can

    be more perceptively present and actively involved in the intergalactic context.

    This is important for many reasons. First, you will be able to learn a great deal, which you can

    then bring back to the Earth plane for immediate use in solving the apparently intractable global

    problems you are currently facing. They are not intractable at all; you simply have not been

    addressing them from an illuminated perspective. That can change.

    It is also important because you will be able to experience palpably the impetus behind the roles

    and relationships that pervade distant realms. Such motives and the meaning behind them have

    been hitherto inaccessible to you. Why? You have not had a substantial enough light body to

    make the trip. Imagine the opportunity to travel to a foreign country and live among the locals

    as a neighbor rather than a tourist. That is being afforded to you now. Its just that the foreign

    culture is in a different galaxy and your neighbors have only one similarity with you their

    awareness of and resonance with their Source. Imagine the implications of this experience on

    your own growth and that of the beings from other realms who invite you to share their


    You will be intermittently conscious of the sojourns your light body is taking and the wisdom it

    is bringing back. You may be having an average day when suddenly you receive an insight, a

    new perspective on the possible, an innovative approach to a complex situation. It will likely

    appear as more than an idea; it is a proven solution based on observation and experience. The

    observation and experience happen to be your own, in other time-space continua. When this

    information presents itself, you must not doubt its validity or question its relevance to a

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    Light Body: Metaphysical Transcendence through a High Vibration Vessel of Being.Copyright 2002 by Gates McKibbin. All rights reserved. Page 3

    particular circumstance you can affect. Trust your gut; move forward with the confidence of an

    experienced explorer and an advanced researcher, for you are both.

    Your responsibility is first to enable your consciousness to give birth to the light body we have

    described to you. A corollary responsibility is to redirect the information being brought back by

    this light body so that it is applicable on planet Earth. If you cannot integrate the work of both

    bodies, what purpose does this second one serve? If you choose to disregard the wisdom that is

    made available to you on your sojourns, why go at all? If you disrespect or discount thegenerosity of the other beings who welcome you and sit with you as neighbors, you have

    squandered the many blessings of your communion.

    What we are describing may seem as implausible as a book of science fiction. And yet if you

    suspend your disbelief, it can become very real to you. This is not a role you are donning as an

    actor on a stage. It is an additional manifestation of your being as real as the physical one that

    is reading and absorbing these messages.

    Do not close off the opportunities before you because of lack of proof or denigrate theirimplications because of circumstantial implausibility. If you do, you will have turned your back

    on one of the greatest gifts ever made available to you and one of the greatest gifts you can

    give to help stimulate the transformation of humanity.

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    Light Body: Metaphysical Transcendence through a High Vibration Vessel of Being.Copyright 2002 by Gates McKibbin. All rights reserved. Page 4


    What we are describing is an infusion of high vibration light into your life. You may already be

    experiencing moments of memory loss or waves of vertigo as a result of the development of

    your light body. That occurs when a new magnetic force comes within the energy field of your

    physical body.

    You are forming a light body that will serve as an ancillary vessel for your spirit consciousness.

    It will be inherently you not another spirit being with no connection to you. It is composed of

    such unadulterated light, it can journey effortlessly to places you cannot imagine. It can also

    return easily and immediately to your physical body.

    This infusion of high vibration light will transform your physical body over time. If the two are

    to become optimally linked, your body cannot continue to vibrate as a dense, slow mass of cells

    attuned to the purely physical. The disharmony created when untrammeled light collides with

    unenlightened matter is devastating. Thus the physical body must realign its vibratory patternsin order to become more resonant with those of the light body.

    When your physical body begins its recalibration, you will become aware of symptoms that

    something is out of adjustment. You may feel half in and half out of your body, as if you are

    occupying it only partially. You may see crystalline images before your eyes that pulse with

    the higher vibrations. You may feel oddly disconnected from the preoccupations of others, as if

    they were no longer relevant to you. You may have a strong foreboding that something is about

    to change or to move out of the range of your control, even if nothing identifiable is currently a


    When your light body is more fully developed, it will begin almost immediately to integrate

    itself into your being. And when it starts to do this, you will experience the undeniable effects

    of this infusion of light. In fact, you are likely to feel those effects long before in anticipation

    of and preparation for the union of the two.

    Do not panic when unfamiliar symptoms descend upon you. They indicate nothing more

    serious than the presence of a strong light source within and around you. When you realize that

    the light source is actually you, the revelation may be quite stunning. How is it possible for you

    to be so, well, illuminated? How did such a boon find its way to you? Will you be able tomeasure up to the capacity of your light being? What do you need to learn or know as you


    Your ability to hold and emanate light will expand as a function of your light body. Allow the

    process to occur naturally. Do not force it; do not avoid it. Be aware of the changes as you

    experience them. Welcome what they represent. They are indicators of your desire to be light

    and all that the light catalyzes and symbolizes.

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    Light Body: Metaphysical Transcendence through a High Vibration Vessel of Being.Copyright 2002 by Gates McKibbin. All rights reserved. Page 5


    The method you will follow in this transformation does not lend itself to description. We can,

    however, offer you a few well-chosen parameters. Taken together they form a metaphysical


    First, you must commit to a much more complete surrender to the guidance and will of spirit.

    You are not in control of this process. But your attitude toward it substantially influences the

    outcome and the undeviating way that you get there. If you hold tight to the reins of your

    rational choices, calculating every move you make, you are not surrendered. You cannot

    approach any aspect of the transformation that is before you.

    Second, you must accept as ordinary the apparently unfathomable. To say that you will be

    living in multiple realms simultaneously is akin to telling you that you can get on a plane and

    fly to Singapore while you also stay at home, have dinner, watch a video and get a good nightssleep. How can you do both at once? Doesnt that defy the bounds of your material existence?

    The transformation we are suggesting will enable you to do the equivalent of this. You will

    remain in your physical body, going through your days apparently as you always have. You

    will also develop a distinct light body in which you will engage in intergalactic exploration.

    Both of these bodies will be you yours. They will exist independently and interdependently.

    They are independent in that the options open to you as you occupy one body are not limited by

    the options you choose in your other body. They are interdependent in that both bodies are

    manifestations of your spiritual existence and your soul essence. They exist simultaneously if

    not synonymously.

    Third, you must not harbor any preferences regarding one existence over the other. Love them

    both with all of the gusto inherent in your being, and you will be joyfully reborn from the

    experience. Deify one existence over the other, and you will create an unnecessary chasm

    within. How can you love one more than the other? They both derive from the same source,

    your most fundamental being, which derives from one ultimate Source the Creator.

    Fourth, refrain from making a mockery of what you see being revealed before you. You may

    experience a tendency to disparage the changes you are feeling, the better to recapture yoursense of self (and your credibility) if this adventure reaches a dead end. Such a cynical point of

    view cannot be tolerated. The only dead end that may lie in your path is the one at the

    culmination of the choices you make from fear rather than courage and selfishness instead of

    generosity. And even then, it is more of a detour than a dead end.

    Fifth, capture your hearts desire as you discover new aspects of your being and nurture it with

    penetrating love and respect. The transformation we see ahead for you is love-based and light-

    filled. It is of the heart not the head. If you listen to your hearts most benevolent notes, you

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    Light Body: Metaphysical Transcendence through a High Vibration Vessel of Being.Copyright 2002 by Gates McKibbin. All rights reserved. Page 6

    will notice that they bear nothing of the concern, attachment and insecurity that so often

    originate from your head. Your heart wants nothing more than your growing ability to love and

    forgive. That can be enhanced immeasurably by the light being that is emerging from within

    you. Go to your heart for clarity of purpose and strength of commitment.

    And finally, anticipate nothing. Even the best of intentions are likely to be off the mark. You

    have absolutely no context for expecting or managing what is ahead for you. Any attempt you

    make to stabilize or rationalize what is about to happen and in many cases is already occurring will accomplish the opposite. It will destabilize you by thrusting you into a force field

    dominated by the dynamics of your physical world. Those dynamics are desperately entangled

    in webs of illusion. Become mired in them, and you lose your confidence in the possible.

    This methodology is also the path to spirit. It is inscribed by the light of the spirit that lives

    within you. It is inspired by your longing for a deeper and more pure connection with your

    Creator. That is all you need.

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    Light Body: Metaphysical Transcendence through a High Vibration Vessel of Being.Copyright 2002 by Gates McKibbin. All rights reserved. Page 7


    The customary way in which you approach your existence includes a number of tendencies that

    work for you and that are selectively reinforced by your social, governmental and economic

    systems. For instance, you are accustomed to thinking about your future as if it were actually

    something you could plan. That planning assumes some degree of predictability and control

    over your circumstances.

    What if we were to tell you that most if not all of those assumptions are no longer sound?

    What if you allowed yourself to recognize the degree to which they have always been and will

    be illusions to assuage your egos insecurities? You have never been able to plan your future,

    and you certainly cannot do so now.

    There is a difference between planning your future and planning for your future. You can plan

    for it by acquiring a simple cottage on a small piece of property that will enable you to be

    serenely self-sufficient. That is good planning. But if you also plan to stockpile funds andproperty huge so that you can retire wealthy enough to enjoy all the qualities of the good life

    that money can buy, dont expect those plans to come to fruition. You cannot plan what the

    global economy will do. But you can have a house with an orchard, a vegetable garden and all

    the water that you need. The sooner you recognize the difference between the two, the more

    quickly you can release yourself from the confines of your habitual thinking.

    We are not suggesting that being irresponsible is preferable to saving for a rainy day. The

    opposite is true. But if you are intent on pursuing the customary course that everyone else is

    following blindly, you may just fall off the same cliff they are rushing toward. If you believe

    that nothing will change significantly in your lifetime, we have only one response for you. Thatwill not happen. The stability you may presume to be inherent in global conditions does not

    exist. It has been overtaken by almost random unpredictability fueled by the dark dictates of

    corrupt power.

    Consider your customary way of perceiving your life and your work, and you will see that it is

    based on a relatively linear relationship between past, present and future. You define the

    patterns of the past as they emerged into what you call the present, extrapolate those same

    patterns into the future, and you have your supposed lifeline. More than you may realize, this

    underscores your perception of events, situations and choices.

    But what if you discarded all references to this particular trajectory? What if the patterns that

    used to provide you with a comfortable sense of predictability were acknowledged for that they

    really are convenient but erroneous constructs for framing what was? You would release your

    customary way of making sense of the now. You would stop pretending to find certainty in the

    progression of impending nows that constitute what you call the future.

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    You must know only one thing, really, and it is that your path will be revealed to you with each

    step you take. At times you will be asked to step forward without a clear path ahead of you at

    all. That is appropriate as well. When you welcome this way of being in the customary way

    that you currently embrace your static worldview, you will see novel vistas opening up before

    you. Then you can partake fully of the blessings of spirit made manifest in all of the realms of

    your existence.

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    We are describing spiritual transcendence the kind that occurs when your spirit leaves your

    body at the moment of your physical death. The difference is that this transcendence is

    occurring while you are still in your body, living and breathing and earning a living. You do

    not need to wait to transcend the confines of your physical existence. You are already doing so,

    at the same time that you are encompassed in that existence.

    This is an extraordinary, unprecedented moment. You are honored to have been chosen for this

    blessed rebirth. You have also earned it with your love of the Creator and your dedication to

    spirit-based purposes.

    The paradox of this transcendence is that you will live beyond your physical body while you are

    also in it. You will roam easily as a being unencumbered by time and space while you also

    function effectively within the time-space continuum on Earth. You are transcending without

    leaving anything behind. It is a transcendence in the context of unity and wholeness notseparation and abdication.

    We have referred to the birth of your light body, but can you see that your entire being as well is

    about to be reborn? How could it be otherwise? You have no reason to maintain what is and

    who you have been in the face of this new eventuality. When you come to terms with the fact

    that everything about your life as you knew it is melting away, and a more serenely spirited you

    is emerging from the gauze of your former self, you will have the courage to allow the

    transformation to occur. It takes strength of character to willingly undergo such an

    encompassing change. It takes rare faith to trust all the while that you are being held in the

    hands of grace.

    We recognize within you such character and faith. Hold fast to both when the waters become

    choppy, as they inevitably will. Your character and faith will hold you steady until you arrive

    at the harbor of the everlasting Light, the blessed Divine.

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    Light Body: Metaphysical Transcendence through a High Vibration Vessel of Being.Copyright 2002 by Gates McKibbin. All rights reserved. Page 10


    As your additional self is born, it behooves you to consider an appropriate baptism. We suggest

    this not to put a Christian overlay on our messages. Rather, we advise you to integrate the

    sacred into all facets of this new life, starting with the consecration of the light body itself in

    service to the Divine.

    What sort of baptism do we have in mind? Does it involve total immersion in a pool of water?

    Are we recommending a formal ceremony with witnesses present to offer their unconditional

    support? Are we suggesting that a celebration would be appropriate afterwards, complete with

    affirming toasts and platters brimming with food?

    This baptism is private. It is of the light. It occurs when you become aware that your light

    being is complete and wholly separate unto itself. The consecration of that being is possible

    when you are ready to commit to its uncompromising interconnectedness with your Earthly

    existence and your unhesitating surrender to the work of spirit that both aspects of your Self arepursuing.

    A multifaceted manifestation of your most enlightened consciousness is being formulated in

    much the same way that an embryo grows in the womb of the mother. But rather than giving

    birth to another soul in an Earthly body, you are creating another aspect of your Self that will

    exist separate from but still be connected to your physical body. It is inextricably at one with

    your spirit and simultaneously independent of your physical body.

    When this light body is completely formed, you have a number of options. You can ignore it,

    pretending that it does not exist at all. In this case, you will have no relationship with this quiteextraordinary you. That would be a pity and quite a loss.

    You can try to become comfortable with the idea of having a distinct light body, much as you

    may hope to grow to love a stepchild or a new daughter-in-law. You can tolerate it like a

    peculiar office mate or an intrusive fellow passenger sitting next to you on an airplane. But that

    does little to fan the flame of spirit within either your physical being or your light body.

    Or you can celebrate this remarkable new you when it is wholly itself and also part of you.

    This commemoration acknowledges the existence of a loving being, affirms your desire to makeit integral to your life and joyfully sings the praises of the Creator who made it all possible.

    This is a solitary celebration, a baptism in the waters of your most fluent relationship with spirit

    You can originate it with candles, in the light of the moon or under the rays of the sun. It

    matters not. The central aspect of the baptism is the welcoming of your being into service,

    alongside you and apart from you, as you walk with the Divine at your side.

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    Light Body: Metaphysical Transcendence through a High Vibration Vessel of Being.Copyright 2002 by Gates McKibbin. All rights reserved. Page 11


    Imagine feeling as comfortable with the firmament as your home as you do within the four

    walls of the location you call home on Earth. Then remember that the outer vibratory

    dimensions are and always will be your true home the place of your birth as a unique spirit

    and the energy field you return to between lifetimes.

    The limitless firmament is far more extensive and complex than the microcosmic glimpse of it

    that you see when you look into the sky. Think of a parking space in proportion to the total

    landmass on the planet. If what you see in the heavens were a parking space-sized piece of

    land, the infinite remainder of all that is would be proportionally as immense as the planet.

    Even that example is misleading. Creation is infinite. How can a segment of anything even

    something as apparently large as your universe compare to infinity?

    Your actual home, then, is within the vibratory essence of infinity. And because it is limitless,

    so is your ability to reside within it. If you have unlimited capacity to be present in all that is,then you have unlimited capacity to be. Period. The transcendence we are describing will

    enable you to exist this fully while you also expand and grow as a human being, with a starry

    firmament directly above to inspire and comfort you.

    To go further, imagine what you will experience when your unimpeded consciousness travels

    far into the realms of all that is. You are a fully present being in distant vibratory dimensions.

    Then you return to reintegrate this fullness with your life on Earth. You may not always be

    aware that this is occurring, but you most certainly will have a sense of greater calm, patience

    and kindness. You will be more capable of true surrender and less fearful of threats to your

    immediate security. You will thrive, whatever your outward circumstances, because your innerknowing reminds you that being and becoming transcend doing and having.

    When you contemplate the vista of the firmament that provides such a beautiful context for your

    solar system and universe, relish its perfection. For it is as magnificent as any other aspect of

    creation. Its ebbs and flows form a larger pattern of harmony, and its wondrous aesthetic sings

    of celestial joy.

    At those moments remember that this firmament is only an infinitesimal fragment of the actual

    home that you occupy. The rest lies far beyond what your physical eyes can see and what yourrational mind can contemplate. It is the whole of eternity, with no beginning and no end.

    Because you are integral to it, your being has no beginning and no end. You derive from the

    One and eventually will return to your Source after timeless moments as a separate spirit, as

    brilliant as any star in the firmament.

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    Your capacity to embody light and do the work of spirit is expanding rapidly. You may wonder

    how this is possible, after decades (and lifetimes) of incremental progress punctuated by

    sporadic regression. What has occurred to enable your capacity to unfold so swiftly? Is this

    just a temporary condition that will leave as quickly as it arrived?

    The rapid growth in your capacity to vibrate at the higher frequencies is not a gift that is

    carelessly given or arbitrarily taken away. What may feel to you like incremental progress in

    the past few decades has in fact been quite forthright, given the larger frame of your many

    lifetimes on the planet. You have come a long way, most specifically during the past few years.

    You have created a durable launching pad within for your explorations into the outer realities,

    even if you have not been particularly cognizant of it.

    We have been watching and guiding where appropriate a critical mass of people committed

    to transforming the planet in alignment with the Christ light and the everlasting love of theCreator. You have done your own work as a member of this group of spirits in human form.

    But the fact that others have done so as well is a deciding factor in our ability to proceed.

    It is not an accident that your expanded capacity to develop and occupy a light body is

    occurring at such a pivotal juncture in the history of the planet. Your global civilization is

    nearing a crossroads. The question is whether you take the path of light as a means of living

    together in community or escalate the influence of darkness. More than ever, the experiences

    you will have with your light body can contribute significantly to the potential for a planetary

    shift to the light. You need this capacity. The future of the planet warrants it.

    You derive this new capacity from the Divine. It is a blessing that carries with it many

    responsibilities. You are more than worthy of the task ahead.

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    Your culture has identified a number of freedoms designed to keep your society strong and

    resilient. You define the true nature of those freedoms and the degree to which they are

    exercised by the way you live your life.

    In that context, contemplate the freedom of being a body of light, able to constitute a belovedpresence apart from your physical body. Then consider the corollary that this light being can

    thrive independently and then become totally inherent in who you are on the material plane.

    The wisdom and experience that both manifestations of your spiritual essence can bring

    together are almost unprecedented, although long ago it was possible on Earth. You will be

    wise beyond your life experience as it is perceived within the framework of this or other


    Freedom is a precious principle because it enables people to think and act according to their

    own values and priorities. It stimulates diversity and shatters the stranglehold that those with anarrow prescribed ethic would otherwise initiate. But freedom exists not in service to

    individual gain. It arises because of faith in the capacity of the individual to make choices that

    balance personal and community benefit.

    When the concept of freedom stretches throughout all of creation and when you realize that

    with your light body you will be able to experience freely the relational dynamics of other

    realms you might be tempted to undervalue the freedoms necessary in the physical world.

    You may assume that since you can rise above prevalent problems on the planet every time

    your light body goes elsewhere, nothing more is required of you.

    We have not given you the capacity and the freedom to be unrestrained in your light body so

    that you could escape the travails you are facing globally or turn your back on your

    responsibilities as a planetary citizen. Actually, we have the opposite purpose in mind. Remain

    focused on what is right in front of you in your neighborhood or across the globe. The greater

    your ability to understand alternative approaches to living together in accordance with spirit, the

    more you can make that potentiality a reality on Earth.

    Freedoms contain inherent demands that must be honored in word and deed. Rights carry with

    them responsibilities to serve the greater good. It is not a one-way street, with benefits flowingto you regardless of the circumstances of others. You are simultaneously free and at one with

    all other beings. Whatever you think and do affects mass consciousness. What you believe

    influences the collective as much as how you act.

    Use the enhanced freedoms available to you through your light body to gain greater empathy

    with those who do not enjoy even a modest degree of freedom. Bring the light into your frame

    of reference every hour of every day. You are free to do so, and for many reasons, you must.

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    The Greek god Mercury was a messenger, the bearer of tidings both welcome and unwelcome

    between the worlds the gods occupied. Some of his messages averted disaster; others fueled the

    perpetual conflict in which the gods engaged. The aftermath of Mercurys messages had no

    bearing on his competence as a messenger. Rather, they were a function of what the gods did

    with the messages he communicated.

    In your solar system you will find the planet Mercury. Astrologically, Mercury rules

    communication and transportation. When Mercury goes retrograde, people face unwelcome

    delays, overly emotional conversations and verbal misunderstandings. Your term mercurial

    refers to the tendency to shift ones attitude or perspective without any apparent reason but the

    impetus to change it.

    Your role will soon encompass one not unlike that of the god Mercury. You will not be just an

    explorer with a well-designed and equipped light body. You will also become a messenger,uniquely qualified and prepared to bridge what you are experiencing and learning on your

    distant sojourns with contemporary global circumstances.

    Being an effective messenger requires you to be forthright in your communication without

    alienating others with your language or intentions. Do not hold back if you have something

    important to say. Speak your truth clearly and unemotionally.

    Remember, however, that the focus must remain on the message not the messenger. When it

    shifts to the person delivering the message, two unfortunate tendencies arise. First, the ego

    nature of the messenger and those apprehending the message becomes more dominant. Thisgreater emphasis on the ego can overwhelm the message. The power of what is being

    communicated is sacrificed to a fascination with who is communicating it. That is most


    Second, and even more troubling, is the possibility that once the ego of the messenger takes

    charge, the message becomes distorted. This distortion may begin as a minor adjustment in

    language or emphasis, but it rapidly devolves into self-serving communiques that bear little

    resemblance to the originally intended message. We see this so frequently, we urge you to use

    your discernment whether you are the messenger or the recipient of messages transmitted byanother.

    Your role as communicator has never been more important. Think broadly when you consider

    the act of communication. A choice to be compassionate or benevolent communicates a

    message that has just as much impact as an exhortation to behave that way. When you are a

    nonjudgmental, forgiving bearer of the light, you are a messenger of spirit in the most exalted


  • 7/30/2019 Light Body



    Divine grace has made it possible for you to be born into your current lifetime and to embrace

    the challenges and blessings that have presented themselves to you so far. Divine grace is now

    offering you an incomparable gift one that is born of joy and also laden with responsibility.You are receiving this gift within your most soulful inner glade of understanding. You have

    never been more ready. Nothing has ever felt more familiar to you, even though what is

    occurring may seem almost inaccessible intellectually.

    We have no doubts whatsoever that you will remain worthy of this gift. It is being offered to

    the very few, and each of you has already exhibited how you will serve spirit with this gift. We

    see from our perspective of timelessness what you call the future. In it you are functioning in a

    third dimensional reality, albeit in an abbreviated way. You are disengaged from the tugs-of-

    war of mass consciousness, living apart from urban areas and finding your communion withnature. You are also experiencing a perpetual state of bliss.

    Your physical body is in the world, thriving in an experimental zone we call planet Earth. You

    tend your garden and share delicious repasts with friends and fellow travelers. You contribute

    to the greater good through your work and your social altruism. You love deeply and celebrate

    the extraordinariness of your life exactly as it is. You have a deep sense of abiding grace,

    whatever is occurring in the world around you.

    Interestingly, your light body may become the more active of your two vessels of being. It is

    almost as if your physical body goes into semi-retirement as your light body comes into its own.The two are quite compatible, really the sage in the material world and the lightning quick

    intergalactic traveler who returns frequently with memories of remarkable adventures. Imagine

    being both. That is the complex yet crystalline unity that you are approaching. It is a gift of

    grace, a consecration from the Most High of your profound spiritual essence.

    Hold the light within as you would a cherished token of love, for it is that at its most

    fundamental level. The light derives from the Origin of All That Is. It pulsates with spirit as it

    is manifest throughout Creation. It derives from love everlasting and carries that love with

    every emanation of light.

    You are that light. You are the recipient and bearer of Gods grace. Share it generously, treat it

    respectfully, imbibe it joyfully, see it in all that is. Know that this grace defines you now and

    throughout eternity.

    In love we bless you, in the name of the Divine. Amen.
