Life Is Tweet



Why in the world would you want to tweet about your personal life? Marci Vasic & tried to explain in 5 minutes & 20 slides.Video with audio is also available here:

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Tweet about your pets

Tweet about your kids

Tweet your social life

Don’t brag about how good you are in bed

OH: from girlfriend to bf:"You're cute when you ignore me."

OH: in line:"I praise Jesus for this liquor"

Tweet about your vacations

Tweet for a good cause

Provide traffic updates

Tweet about your cravings

Keep your bathroom escapades to yourself

Tweet about your passions

Bitch about how much your BlackBerry sucks

Nice Set of Floppies! #geekpickupline

Ice cream headache rays #crapsuperpowers

#wegotogetherlike hemorrhoids & mexican food

“Twitpic that shit”@batzukes

a5ray adamcw aljmac anntorrence Argyleist ashbuckles authalic batzukes bgundersen bradmccall Bunnieblog BWJones carysnowden cdroz charlieoliver codella cwareham cwsaylor DaemonMaker Dancin2the80s darthbender davidlesue dean diamond_mind dianebhartford dilvie dizzlepop dustin_bess dwterry eapaz extremehiker flahute ghennipher heatherpage heydebhenry hilaryetravels homerj79 hpebley3 iGoByDoc J_Gonnelly j37hr0 jacquefairbourn jantzie jarvie jdawg jdnorton jebro jeffjordan jeremyhanks Jessibella jinxidoru jjuvenal jodim JordanBrown jordanlebaron joshfaul joshgeeksix JoshSPeters jylmomIF KatrinaHayden Katywhompus kevinDwhite Knite20 LadyXanth LauraMoncur littleidea lolasmom lutesonline makeandtakes mdavid Melindir Merkprof mfreestone michaelmoncur mistyisalso NeilChristensen NewspaperGrl nicolesy NteeJ Oh2BeTall Paco_Belle photogirl66 randytayler rchickens RickGalan rjsaylor rmiriam robert_brady rottnmutt roxycross rubberpants sahans Saintless sarahbellum sarahbuhr senorpaco SisterSledge solysombra SqlAsylum startupprincess Sterkworks SunniD53 Sunnyhunt susanmercedes sushiThief sweetlifeinthe sweettoothfairy tangyslice taranaki tavish TheROLA ThomAllen tiffanytwisted tmcconnon todaysmama togreygreen tonafoster trenton WWJDinSLC youtah

Think before you tweet…

…but remember drunk tweets are fun!

Jessica Petersen@kittygutz

Marci Vasic@iamicram

Man, it’s hot in here!

Holy shit! A talking muffin!