life - Clover · dealing with Thanksgiving is...


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MANCAMP 2011October 20-22 LBC held its annual ManCamp near Columbus, TX. Guest speaker, Rick Holland, taught how God calls men to be ‘Wise Guys’ through the book of Proverbs. It was another encouraging time for discipleship and spiritual growth. Holidays 2011

As we have just finished all the Fall-festivals in our area and as the culture is crazed with celebrating Ha l loween ins tead o f Reformation Day (October 31, 1517, when Martin Luther nailed the 95 theses on the door at Wittenberg),

we now move into that time of year where we are bombarded wi th the commercialization of Christmas. You and I know that Christmas is all about Christ, but sometimes we can even get lost in watching all the Christmas movies and sipping hot coco on the couch by the fire. Now there is nothing wrong with that, but sometimes we too can become guilty of missing the point of Christmas.

That’s why the older I get the more and more I enjoy Thanksgiving. It may be becoming my favorite holiday of the year. No candy, no dress up (except for the kids who look like Pilgrims or Pocahontas), and no big deal. No big deal that is except to give thanks to whom thanks is due.

One of my favorite passages in the Bible dealing with Thanksgiving is when Jesus cleansed the 10 lepers (Luke 17:11-19). As Jesus entered a village between Samaria and Galilee, ten leprous men stood at a distance and raised their voices saying, “Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!” Jesus told them to go and show themselves to the priests and as they went they were cleansed. Only one of the ten took the time to come back and he fell on his face and glorified God giving thanks to Jesus.

I don’t know about you but often times in my life I have been more like the nine than the one. I have been more focussed on myself than on others. God forbid that you or I or anyone at Lakeside would hear Jesus say about us, “Were there not ten cleansed? But the nine—where are they?” The fact is we have all been cleansed from spiritual leprosy. We were all outcasts with a terminal disease and no hope of a cure. But Jesus had mercy on us. He died in our place. He was raised from the dead that we might have newness of life in Him. Are you thankful? Have you taken the time to come

back and thank Him? Have you verbalized it enough? Have you glorified God by falling on your face at Christ’s feet giving thanks to Him?

This Thanksgiving, focus a little more on others instead of yourself. Be thankful to God for His grace in your life. Be thankful for your spouse and how they patiently love you even when you are not at your best. Be thankful for your children, your parents, and your siblings. Take the time to verbalize this appreciation in meaningful ways. Thank God for Christian friends who love you, support you, and are there for you during hard times. Don’t let November pass you by without being truly thankful.

Our student ministry calendar is winding down for the year. After enjoying another successful volleyball tournament to raise money for missions and the give the gospel in the midst of a fun-filled day we are now looking forward to Thanksgiving. There will be the opportunity to serve again this year at t he Sa l va t i on A rmy i n Con roe on Thanksgiving Day. We also look forward to Christmas caroling which is a highlight each year. We praise God for what He is doing in our Student Ministries and I wand to thank you for all your prayers and support for making this an incredible year of growth and ministry!

TIME WELL SPENTby Kelli Ramey Women’s Ministry Director

As women we are naturally independent because God has designed us to be 'helpers'. He has given us

abilities to take care of people and things which can often times be what we depend on more than Him! Our abilities were given to us by His loving hand, however, sometimes we forget to ask the provider for the strength to apply those abilities. Are you as guilty as I am in forgetting to ask?!

A wise man once said, "A great pitfall is relying on the natural over the supernatural. 

We tend to rely on our natural gifts and abilities.  The more gifted you are naturally, the greater the potential danger of relying on those natural gifts and abilities rather than on God.  If your natural gifts can carry you, then you don't have to rely on God, hence prayerlessness!  Ask God to be put in the place where you can't do what God wants you to do without Him."

What a precious prayer! I believe it is in the heart of every follower of Christ to want Him to get all the glory for anything we might do or say.  But, how often are we guilty of not asking?!  And, we also battle with one who wants to thwart this plan.  Our enemy, Satan, will do anything and everything to cause us to rely upon our own strength and never ask God for anything! His greatest pursuit is to keep us from spending time with Jesus!

Unfortunately, this has been true of my life as of late.  I confess  to you that Satan has distracted me in the name of "busyness"!  I have allowed my "to do" list to control my life without the strength of the Lord to direct me. I have depended on my human abilities to get me by and my intimate moments with my Savior have been few, and far from intimate.  However, by His loving mercy, He has renewed our relationship! I thank the Lord that I had the privilege of recently attending a leadership conference in Indianapolis, IN.  And, God graciously  met me in my weakness there!   He convicted my heart of "not trusting in Him, of leaning on my own understanding and not acknowledging Him" (Proverbs 3:5-6, paraphrased). What a patient and forgiving God we have! He loves us and wants to commune with us on a daily basis.  Are you relying upon your own human abilities to carry you through each day, as I did,  or are you depending on the strength of the Lord to move you? He wants to spend time with you. Won't you let Him?

I encourage you to spend time with Jesus this season.  As the holidays come, it is easy to get caught up in the daily urgent needs of shopping, cooking, cleaning and celebrating. But, I challenge you to wake up each day wanting to sit at Jesus' feet..........the very One for whom we are "Thankful", and the One who in the form of a baby came to die for you and me!! Merry "Christ"mas.

THANKFUL FOR WHAT?by Adam Tyson | Associate Pastor of Student Ministries & Outreach

These 10 probing questions will help you look beyond your spiritual activity to assess the true state of your spiritual health. This book by Donald S. Whitney provides thought-provoking insights that will help you on your spiritual transformation journey. See how the spiritual disciplines--including prayer, worship, and meditation--can take your spiritual health from fair to excellent. Sold in the LBC Resource Center.







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11 RECOMMENDED RESOURCE Ten Questions To Diagnose Your Spiritual Health by Donald Whitney

SALVATION ARMY● Thanksgiving DayJoin us at the Salvation Army in Conroe from 10:30am-1:00pm to serve a Thanksgiving Meal to those in need.

TURKEY BOWL● Nov 26Join us the Saturday after Thanksgiving for a fun family times at our Annual Turkey Bowl. Game time begins at 9:00am and will be held at the old Montgomery Football field.

RESOURCE CENTER SALE● Dec 4-24This year, give the gift of spiritual encouragement and growth through the many resources found in the LBC Resource Center. There will be a special sale beginning December 4 for you to take advantage of. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to purchase Christian classics, new titles, music and more at a discounted price. For more information, contact the church office at (936) 582-1977.


Thanksgiving Eve

Communion Service November 23 | 7:00PMJoin us for a time of communion and fellowship around the Word of God as we spend a special time reflecting on the goodness of our Lord. The whole family is invited. Nursery & Toddler care provided.


8:00am" Worship Service 9:30am" Equipping Hour 10:45am" Worship Service 6:00pm" College Bible Study

● MONDAY 7:00pm" Women Of Excellence

● TUESDAY 9:45am" Women Of Excellence

● WEDNESDAY 6:30pm" Nursery/Toddler Care " WOL Club " (Pre-K to 6th Grade)" Truth " (Grades 7th-12th)" The Bridge " (Adults)

● THURSDAY 7:00pm" Ironmen

● FRIDAY 6:00am" Ironmen

For information on upcoming events visit us at

1 8 9 4 0 F r e e p o r t D r . | M o n t g o m e r y , T X 7 7 3 5 6




CHRISTMAS EVE FAMILY SERVICE7:00pm @ Lakeside Bible Church






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11 PARENTS‘ NIGHT OUT 6:00pm @ Lakeside Bible Church

Dec 24

Dec 17

Dec 3

Dec 2
