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ISSN 0160-8029



Number 3, Winter 1979 Editor: Robert M. Hiatt



AACR 2 Published. AACR 2 Implementation Plans ALA AACR 2 Introductory Program Retrospective Name Authority

Records wi th AACR 2 Information Word Division on Library of Congress

Printed Records Romanization Tables Rule Interpretations Revised Corporate Name Head-ings


The Free-Floating Subdivision t t~olonies" 12 Form Subdivisions 12 Erratwn . 16


Classification Policies Relating t o Literary Authors 16

Classif3ting Congresses 18

Subscriptions to and additional copies of Cataloging Service Bulletin are c ~ v c ~ i l - able upon request and at no charge from the Cataloging Distribution Scrvice. Library of Congress, Building 159, Navy Yard Annex, Washington, D.C. 20541. - Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 78-51400 ISSN 0160-8029 Key title: Cataloging service bulletin

CONTENTS ( cont 'd)

Book Numbers Shelfl ist ing the Various Editions

of a Work


Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 3 / Winter 1979 .-


AACR 2 Published.

The Anglo-Ameri&n Cataloguing Rules, second edition, was published. on December 7. Orders from the United. States and i t s posses- sions may be ad.d.ressed. t o

American Library Association Dept. 50 East Huron Stree t Chicago, m i n o i s 6 0 6 ~

!Two issues w i l l be available:

ISBN 0-8389-3210-x (casebound) : $15 ISBN 0-8389-3q-8 (paperback) : $10

ALA w i l l . also s e l l t he unbound. sheets fo r $12.50.

0rd.ers from Canada may be addressed t o

Canadian Library As sociation 151 Sparks St ree t Ottawa, Ontario KIP 5E3 CANADA

fo r the two issues

ISBN 0-88802-121-6 ( cas ebound) ISBN 0-88802-122-4 (paperback)

Orders from the United. Kingdom may be addressed to

Library As sociation 7 Ridgmount Street London WClE 7AE ENGLAND

f o r the two issues

ISBN 0-85365-681-9 (casebound) ISBN 0-85365-691-6 (paperback)

AACR 2 Im~lementation mans

The Library of Congress has reviewed extensively the Anglo- 'American Cataloguing Rules, second. edition,to ascertain ways i n which the costs of implementation could be reduced both fo r the Library of Congress and, fo r the l ibrary community a t large. This review has con- centrated on the amount,of change i n two areas: forms of headings and automated. systems. Below are the resul ts of the review and the Library of Congress's decisions.

I. AACR 2 Heading Changes

A. LC has looked carefully a t the rules and has determined t h a t three changes (one expl ic i t and. two by example) are of such minor importance, but of major consequence, tha t it plans not to follow the ru le and. the implications of the two examples e i ther i n revising older head.ings or i n establishing new headings a f t e r 1980. The Br i t i sh Library and. the Nation& Libraries of Australia and Canada have agreed t o these changes on a preliminary basis.

1. Department. Appendix B, "Abbreviations, " does not

. ~ 4 CatCloging Service Bulletin, No. 3 / Winter 1979

authorize using the abbreviation "Dept . " i n headings. Since any machine f i l i ng problem would occur only rarely (the abbreviation i s used only i n m ~ n g l i s h ) and since the abbreviation helps t o reduce the length of other- wise longer corporate headings, LC plans t o continue t o abbreviate "De- partment" i n English language headings.

2. House of Representatives. Tech?li.cally, ;tPe U.S. House of Representatives should, not be shortened to "~ouse . However, since there i s no confusion as t o which chamber of the U.S. Congress ' '~ouse" refers and since, again, using "~ouse" reduces the length of otherwise longer corporate headings, LC plans t o continue to use the shortened form.

3. United Kingdom. Although "united ~ingdom" i s the cor- r ec t term fo r the jurisdiction now formulated as "Great Britain" (which name i s not applicable to Northern rel land), the major consequences of such a change, when there has been no apparent dissatisfaction with re at Britain," make such a change seem unwarranted. Therefore, LC plans t o continue t o use re at Britain."

B. ' Persons established before 1981 who have writ ten pre- drrminantly under a t l e a s t a f i r s t forename i n i t i a l t ha t has been f i l l e d out i n the head.- w i l l , i n general, not be changed to reduce the fore- name(~) to an i n i t i a l ( s ) . Exceptions w i l l be made f o r persons represented on American imprints and fo r "famous" persons regardless of the or ig in of t i t l e s . A l l headings established a f t e r 1980 w i l l , however, r e f l ec t the provisions of AACR 2. Under AACR 1 fullness of personal name headings was not consid.ered a matter of superimposition.

C. In assessing the changes result ing from AACR 2, LC has identified. several categories fo r which needed changes, although desirable, do not significantly af fec t the f i l i n g arranganent and consequently the users ' access. Therefore, LC, in general, plans t o continue t o use such headings tha t already exist ; the AACR 2 provisions will be applied t o newly established headings. Categories of such headings are

1. reduction of a second forename t o an initial:

Abrahamson, Max William not changing t o Abrahamson, Max W. (W ~ i l l i a m )

2. deletion of an unused second forename o r forename i n i t i a l :

Capet, Marcel F. not changing t o Capet, Marcel

3. addition of a hy-phen between forenames o r compound surnames :

Dautheville, Anne France not changing t o Dautheville, Anne-France

4. repositioning of "ca. " i n dates:

Pann, Anton, 1797 (ca. ) -1854 not changing t o Pann, Anton, ca. 1797-1854

5. changing from a nonsystematic to the ALA/LC systemat- i c romanization:

Maitra, Arun, 1936- not changing to Maitra, A m u p , 1936-

6. deletion of twentieth-century flourishing dates (such headings a re revised when actual birthdates become

Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 3 / Winter 1979


Hu, Chien-min, f'l. 1974- not changing to Hu, Chien-min

7. retention o r addition of a term to show fhe heading i s a corporate body:

BFA Educational Media not changing t o BFA Educational Media ( ~ i r m )

8. deletion of an unnecessary term of incorporation whether used by the body or supplied by the cata- loger:

Press Association, l t d . not changing t o Press Association

9. deletion of "pseud. ":

Cecil, Henry, pseud. not changing t o Cecil, Henry, 1902-

10. correction of language of addition:

Louis Antoine, Father not changing t o Louis Antoine, p'bre

ll. atpansion t o a fu l ler form of name:

Alcdzar Carrillo, Rafael L. not changing t o Alcdzar Carrillo, Rafael Luis

12. addition of a geographic qual i f ier i n a nonconflict si tuation:

Bicentennial Committee on Kistoric Houses to Bicentennial Committee on Historic


13. reduction i n hierarchy on Far Eastern headings:

Chung-kuo kung ch'an tang. Hsi-pei chung yang ch%. Tiao ch'a yen chiu shih

not changing t o Chung-kuo kung ch'an tang. Tiao ch'a yen chiu shih

14. elimination of a cataloger supplied addition of place of residence o r f i e l d of interest:

Albrecht, Friedrich, of Leipzig not changing to Albrecht, Friedrich

15 . capital ization of corporate acronyms/ init ial isms :

Amacam not changing t o AMACOM

16. addition of quotation marks t o headings :

Symposium Astronomy and Our Lives r0ay

not changing t o Symposium "As tmnomy and Our Lives Today"

Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 3 / Winter 1979 s--

17. elimination of t i t l e s of honor, address, or nobility that are not used by the individual i n the works:

Bryant, Arthur, Sir, 1899- not changing to Bryant, Arthur, 1899-

18. expansion of abbrevlations " ~ p . and "Abp. " :

Ruricius I, Bp. of Limoges, d. ca. 507 not changing to Ruricius I, Bishop of Limoges, d. ca. 507

11. Autcrmation Changes

The Library of Congress has m y z e d AACR 2 for changes necessary to the MARC formats. In general, changes to the formats appear to be minimal. Two indicated. changes, however, are major, requiring the development of a capability to handle nonfiling characters. Although the use of a technique for handling nonfiling characters may be developed la ter , the Library of Congress, to reduce the costs of the changes to be made i n 1981, will

a ) continue to place t i t l e s of honor and. address anre re, Lady, Lord, Mrs., and Sir) following the person's forename(s):

Gilbey, Walter, S i r instead of Gilbey, S i r Walter

b ) delete i n i t i a l ar t ic les except i n the bibliographic de- scription, t i t l e proper through series area:

Verdi, Giuseppe, 1813-1901. Trovatore. Balen del suo sorriso

instead of Verdi, Giuseppe, 1813 -1901. Il. trovatore. Il. balen del suo sorriso.

It s e a s l ikely that th i s w i l l also reduce near-term costs for other a u t m t e d systems as w e l l .

111. Early Notification of AAC'R 2 Headings

Beginning with retrospective conversion of authority records (see below), LC has begun evaluating i t s authority records to determine which w i l l need revision based on the above guidelines. In the e ~ l u a - tion, the AACR 2 form of m e i s being added to the a u t m t e d authoriw f i l e as a reference, explicitly coded as the AACR 2 form. Current head- ings that are also valid under AACR 2 or that are AACR 2 compatible are also being explicitly indicated. A t intervals as yet unspecified those headings to which an AACR 2 reference has been added w i l l be distributed to the library community in one or more of the following forms: machine- readable tapes, printed l i s t s , cards, or COM l istings. Such l is t ings would contain a t l eas t the currently used form of heading and the cor- responding AACR 2 form.

IV. Training Workshops

Last f a l l , the Library of Congress indicated t o the Resources and Technical Services Division (RTSD) that it would be w i l l i n g to con- duct several workshops on AACR 2 for the American library community prior t o implementation i n 1981 i f RTSD would assume the necessary administra- t ive responsibility and local arrangements. The RTSD Board of Directors i n June approved the Library's offer. Current plans are to hold a pre- conference workshop in New York followed by four or five regional work- shops. In addition a workshop prior to New York and i n cooperation with the Federal Library Cannnittee i s being considered for librarians i n the Washington area. A l l workshops would extend approximately 2 112 days and

6 Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 3 / Winter 1979

would include a general session on the history, organization, and basic 7 principles of the code (AM introductory program); more detailed sessions

on the Library of Congress's application of the rules (options and inter- pretations) and i t s methods for implementing AACR 2 and closing the cata- logs; and sessions on the rules' provisions as a n l i e d to specific media.

Because key LC staff w i l l need to devote considerable time to the preparation and presentation of these workshops, the Library wil l be forced to l i m i t participation of staff i n other workshops, institutes, etc.

ALA AACR 2 Introductory Program

According t o information available a t the time of this writ- ing, ALA will hold a preconference inst i tute on AACR 2 sponsored by RTSD prior to the summer 1979 ALA conference i n Dallas. A t this inst i tute approximately 300-400 librarians preselected i n cooperation with ALA's Council of Regional Groups w i l l hear presentations made by some of the key figures involved i n the revision of AACR 2 and w i l l view audiovisual material prepared both to present introductory material and to i l lus t ra te the provisions of AACR 2. SmlL training sessions w i l l also be held within the course of the institute. With the training gained a t the in- s t i tute , participants w i l l be expected to ass is t i n regional and local meetings on AACR 2 held during the period before implementation i n 1981. This ongoing introductory program has been organized and d.eveloped by ALA's AACR 2 Introductory Program Committee, chaired by Doralyn Hickey. The audiovisual package (including videotapes and slides or filmstrips) i s expected to be issued by ALA Publishing Services.

Retrospective Name Authority Records with AACR 2 Infomation

On October 10, 1978, the Library began the preparation for conversion to machine-readable form of existing name authority records i n the Ehglish Language Section 111, Descriptive Cataloging Division. Catalogers i n this section are preparing for conversion a U name authority

rz% records that have not previously been added to the automated name authori- t i e s system but the headings for which are needed on records being cur- rently cataloged.

The i n i t i a l hrplementation by a single section was decided so as to t e s t the procedures developed for both descriptive catalcgers and MARC input and verification staff. Additional sections are being added on a phased basis.

&chine-readable retrospective authority records w i l l differ f r m such records for newly established headlngs insofar as the only source citation w i l l be the work for which the heading was originally es- tablished. In addition biographical or historical infomation found i n certain sources cited on the manual authority card WELL be combined into a single epitome note. Once converted to machine-readable form, however, retrospective records w i l l be handled as any other record; that i s , any additions or corrections w i l l be made i n full.

With the retrospective authority records, coding for AACR 2 also began. Such coding for new records w i l l probably begin i n early 1979. In essence, i f the heading i s i n accord with the provisions of AACR 2 or i s AACR 2 compatible, a c0d.e indicating the situation i s pro- vided i n the record for the heading. I f the heading i s neither AACR 2 nor AACR 2 compatible, a reference i s added and appropriately cod.ed. In the l a t t e r situation the heading i t s e l f i s not assigned a rule designa- t ion unless it has been used on a se r ia l record. In this case, as the result of CONSER agreements, headings wil l continue to be designated ALA or AACR 1, as appropriate. In a l l cases i n assigning codes, AACR 2 or AACR 2 compatible win take precedence over either ALA or AAm 1.

P-- Cataloging Servlce Bulletin, No. 3 / Winter 1979

Word Division on Library .of Congress Printed Records

I n Cataloging Service, bu l l e t in 123, comments were requested on the n r o ~ o s a l tha t the Library cease the dividing of words a t l i n e endings- and the r ight jus t i f ica t ion of margins. Comments received were generally favorable, and the proposal wlLl be implemented. However, im- plementation w i l l be delayed u n t i l other higher p r io r i ty work has been completed. The Library appreciates the expressions of in teres t shown by those who responded,

Romanization Tables

For Indic languages writ ten i n the Devanagari s c r ip t fo r which no rmanization table has been developed, the values i n the Hindi t ab le (cf. Cataloaina Service, bul le t in l l g ) a re applied.. These la,ngages a r e Awadhi, Bihari, Braj, Kashmiri, Maithili, Pahari, and Rajasthani. The values of the Bengali table, with one additional value from the Assamese t ab le ("wa"), a re applied to Manipuri. For Dogri and Lahada, the values of the Panjabi i n Gurmukhi sc r ip t table a re applied..

Rule Interpretations

Qualifying Corporate Names Even i f There I s No Conflict

This directive pertains t o t h e qualif iers explained i n AA 6%-B. See the rule, however, t o answer any question a s t o which qual i f ier should be used.. This directive only provides some advice on when a qual i f ier should be used and. thus must be used i n conjunction with the rule.

AA 65 provides fo r the addition of a qual i f ier to corporate names only i n cases of conflict o r near-conflict. Even when there i s no conflict , however, add. the appropriate qual i f ier to a corporate name (ex- cept as noted below) i f it i s judged. l i ke ly tha t a conflict may a r i s e i n the future. This judgment should be made whenever the name lacks dis- t i nc t ive dements; do not search reference sources f o r confirmation. Ex- amples of some indis t inc t ive names a re

Central Training Council i n Child Care College of Science and Technology Computer Hardware Management Center Ins t i tu t e fo r Rapid Transit Ins t i tu t e of Strategic Studies Mining Research and. Development Establishment National Earthquake Infomation Center National Ins t i tu t e of Health Administration & Education National I r r iga t ion Research Station National News Council National Productivity Board Office fo r Humanistic Research

I f there i s doubt as t o whether a name i s one of t h i s indis- t inc t ive type, add the qualif ier .

Unless there i s a conflict, not add one of the qualif iers provid.ed, i n AA 6 5 ~ - ~ t o the names of business firms.

"~nused." Subdivisions

According t o a pre-AACR policy, certain corporate subdivisions were not established. Instead, the heading fo r the parent body was used whenever the subheading would have been used. Usually an unprinted ref - erence was made i n LC's catalogs from the unused subdivision t o the head- ing f o r the parent body. In the ea r l i e s t period of t h i s practice the unused sad iv i s ions were only l i s t e d on the authority card, fo r the parent body.

Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 3 / Winter 1979

Whenever one of these unused subdivisions i s encountered i n current cataloging, establish the subdivision and use it henceforth i n

F a l l cataloging, leaving the existing entries as they are. Make a special explanatory reference between the two headings, using the following text:

[Heading fo r previously unused subdivision] For publications cataloged. before

[current month and year, e.g., Sept. 19781 see [~ead ing fo r parent body]

[~ead ing fo r parent body] For publications of the me of subdivision]

cataloged a f t e r [previous month and year, e.g., Aug. 19781 see [Heading fo r previously unused subdivision] ,

Make a combined reference from the parent body t o the estab- l i shed subdivisions when referring t o more than one subdivision. -


[Heading fo r parent body] For publications of the subdivisions l i s t e d

below cataloged a f t e r [previous month and year, e.g., Ailg. 19781, see the headings fo r the subdivisions: [List of headings f o r subdivisions]

Private and Off ic ia l Ccnmrmnications of Chiefs of State, etc.

Connect headings fo r chiefs of s ta te , etc., (AA 80A) and eccles ias t ica l o f f i c i a l s (AA 94, 9 5 ~ ) t o the corresponding personal name heading with "see also " references instead of the explanatory references called for i n A4 123Bl. Use the following guidelines t o determine when t o make the references:

1 ) when enterii the o f f i c i a l heading, make "see also l' i =r cl-crr~es between the personal and. o f f i c i a l headings. Establish the personal heading fo r the "see also1' reference i f it has not already been established;

2) h e n entering under the person,

a ) i f the official. heading has been established, make "see also" references between the two headings;

b) i f the o f f i c i a l heading has not been established, establisn it and make the "see also" r e f e r a c e from it t o the personal heading only i f the item cataloged. i s not clearly the work of private author- ship.

Off ic ia l Headings Not Including a Person 's Name

I f the work i s entered under an o f f i c i a l heading tha t does not include the name of the person (AA 80~-D) , make an added entry for the person i f the person i s named i n the formal author s t a t a e n t .

Imprint Elements Stamped o r on a Label

I f any element of the imprint area i s transcribed from a stamp o r a label , apply bracketing conventions as i f the infomation were printed i n the i t e m (see AA 132.) . Make a note t o indicate t h a t such information i s stamped o r expressed on a label .

Imprint staxped on verso of t.p. Publisher from label on t.p.

Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 3 / Winter 1979 n

Literary Form

For monographs tha t a re belles l e t t r e s , bracket in to the body of the entry the term fo r the l i t e r a r y form appearing i n the i tan only when the t i t l e i s misleading. Do not consider t i t l e s of l i t e ra ry works misleading simply because they are fanciful . The bracketed ex- planation i s wanted only i n extrene cases, e.g.,

Divorce proceedings : [poetry] Sermons fo r Easter : [play] Laws of the Dis t r ic t of Colmibia : [novel]

I n cases of doubt, do not "explain" a "misleading" t i t l e .

Apply the same conditions t o record i n a note the term fo r the l i t e r a r y form tha t does not appear i n the item. However, as an ex- ception, record i n a note the l i t e r a r y form of the monograph being cata- loged i f the publication contains one o r more l i t e r a r y works by one author and one o r more of the following symbols appears below the LC card number: AM, C, AE, J, K, NE, SA. Make the note whether o r not the form i s identif ied i n the unlform t i t l e and/or the body of the entry. Base the note on the following l i t e r a r y forms: drama, f ic t ion , poetry, l i t e r a t u r e (used fo r a publication containing works i n more than one form). The note should be worded according t o the catalogerts approximation of the publication; the words chosen d,o not necessarily have t o reproduce one of the phrases l i s t e d here (e.g., " ~ l a ~ s " instead of "~rama") .


I f information concerning the d is t r ibutor i s printed o r ap- pears on a stamp or l abe l anywhere i n the i t e m , t h a t AA 1 3 8 ~ 2 applies and include the d is t r ibutor i n the imprint. In applying the provision f o r distr ibutors, do not record those d.istributors tha t a re remaindering an edition, are secondhand dealers, o r ac t i n some other capacity as out le ts fo r only par t of an edition. Distributors of these types a re of no bibliographic significance. I f i n doubt as t o the signi- ficance of the distr ibutor statement, record it. n

Recording Bibliographic Details Prior t o LC Binding

Formulate volume and i l l u s t r a t ion statements i n the colla- t i o n area and. i n notes based on the item as issued by the publisher rather than as bound and shelved by LC. For example, i f LC binds a separately issued. "mlume 1" and "volume 2" of a monograph i n one physi- c a l volume, "2 v. " is the correct volume statement, not "2 v. i n 1. " How- ever, i f i n another case the publisher issues a monograph as two biblio- graphic volumes i n one physical volume, then "2 v. i n 1" i s appropriate.

In se r i a l s cataloging, avoid the use of a "v. in," "no. i n v. ," etc., statanent; instead, formulate the statement i n terms of biblio- graphic units only (e.g., "v.," "no.")

I l lus t ra t ions should also r e f l ec t the characterist ics of the item a s issued, not what the cataloger can predict. For example, i f maps a r e detached from the item and are randomly inserted, record the collat ion a s

355 p. : 10 maps (3 fold.. col.); 23 cm. Three maps inserted.

not 355 p. : 10 maps (3 fold. col. i n pocket); 23 cm. ( 'k is l a t t e r example i s correct only when the i t e m i s issued with the maps i n a pocket.)

For loose-leaf works tha t are subsequently bound by LC a f t e r the works have been completed, re ta in the loose-leaf statement on the card.

10 Cataloging Service BuUetin, No. 3 / Winter 1979

For example, i f a loose-leaf service originally issued in three binders m i s bound by LC i n 4 volumes, record the collat ion on the revised record


3 v. ; 23 cm. Loose-leaf fo r updating.

(1f the item y s originally cataloged p r i a r to September 1974, record the collat ion as 3 v. (loose-leaf) 23 em.")

As an exception, f o r ephemeral and "made up" se t s lacking a collective t i t l e , base the volume and i l l u s t r a t ion statements on LC's copy and bindlng.

Variant T i t l e Notes

[N.B. These provisions do not apply t o ser ia ls ; fo r these, see Cataloging Service, bul le t in 112.1

"A note may be essential . . . t o show a variat ion from the t i t l e page t i t l e appearing elsewhere i n the work . . . ." Although the source may contain more than one t i t l e , record i n a note only the needed variant t i t l e , not t i t l e s already given i n the description. I f the variant t i t l e appears i n a source that meets the c r i t e r i a f o r an added t i t l e page (as defined i n AACR chapter 6 (revised), p. l l 4 ) , record the note as "Added t.pel'" I f the variant t i t l e appears i n another source, specify i t s location (e.g., " ~ i t l e on p. [4] of cover:"). There i s no s i tua t ion i n which the notes "Added t i t l e . " o r "'Added t i t l e : " a r e appro- priate.

Revised. Cornorate Name Headims


One F i l e

Former Heading Revised Heading

Acadia University, Wolfvllle, Acadia University. Institute. N. S. Ins t i tu te .

Acadia University, Wolfville, N. S. Library.

Acadia University. Library.

Lethbridge, Alta. University. University of Lethbridge.

Toronto. University. Library. University of Toronto. Library.

Toronto. University . Library. University of Toronto. Library. Reference Dept. Reference Dept.

Women's Ins t i tu tes of Nova Scotia. Women's Ins t i tu t e (Canada). Chester Branch. Chester Branch.

Women's Ins t i tu tes of Nova Scotia. Women's Ins t i tu t e (~anada) . Louisbourg Branch. Louisbourg Branch.

Yukon Territory. Treasury Dept. Yukon Territory. Dept. of Treasury.


One Fi le

T'ai-chung, Fomosa ( ~ i s t r i c t ) T'ai-chung hsien, Taiwan.

Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 3 / Winter 1979- n

T'ai-chung, Fomosa (~istrict). T'ai-chung hsien, Taiwan. Hsien Hsien i hui. i hui.


One File

B ~ O W I O V ~ Bohemia. Broumov, Czechoslovakia.

E e s ~ Skalice, Czechoslovak Re- Eeskd Skalice, Czechoslovakia. public .

Deuts cher Hauptverband Indus trie, Deutscher Hauptverband der In- Teplice, Czechoslovak Republic. dmtrie, Teplice, Czecho-


Ko%ice, Czechoslovak Republic. Vysokd zkola technickd v Vysokd skola technickd. Kosiciach.

Ko~ice, Czechoslovak Republic. Vysokd skola technick& v Vysokd zkola technick&. Katedra Kogiciach. Katedra fyziki . fysiki .

Kozice, Czechoslovak Republic. wsokd gkola technickd. Katedra matemtiky.

Vysokd gkola technickd v Koziciach. Katedra mate- matiky.

Kozice, Czechoslovak Republic. Vysokd ?&la technickd v Vysokd gkola technick&. Koxiciach. Strojnfcka Strojnfcka fakulta. f akulta.

KuZU~~, Czechoslovak Republic Ku&fty, Czechoslovakia (~dpado- (0kres ~alanta) slovenksf kra j )

~ei&y, Czechoslovak Republic. ~ezdky, Czechoslovakia.

Lidice, Czechoslovak Republic. Lidice, Czechoslovakia.

Rimavskd Sobota, Czechoslovak Republic.

Rimavskd Sobota, Czechoslovakia.

Rimavskd Sobota, Czechoslovak Rimavskd Sobota, Czechoslovakia Republic (0kres ) . (0 kre s )

Teplice, Czechoslovak Republic. Teplice, Czechoslovakia.

TEfsov, Czechoslovak Republic. flfsov, Czechoslovakia.


The Free-Floating Subdivision "~olonies"

The colonies of a particular country are designated collec- tively by headings of the type [name of country] --Colonies. Although headings of this type have been divided by certain topical and geographic subdi~sions, this practice was never standardized. In the future only those subdivisions selected from a special list (controlled by the model heading, Great ~ritain--colonies) will be usable under headings of this type. To explain the new policy, the note which appears in the intm- duction to Library of Congress Subject Headings, eighth edition, page xxiv, under the subdivision Colonies, has been revised as follows:

12 Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 3 / Winter 1979

Use under names of countries for works discussing collectively the colonial mssessions of these countries. - The subdivision Colonies may be sub- divid.ed f'urther by certain geographic and topical subd.ivisions , e . g . Great Britain--~olonies --- Commerce; Great Britain--Colonies--Africa; Great - - Britain--Colonies--America--Administration. For a list of subdivisions to be used under rname of country] --Colonies, see Great Britain--colonies. The subdivision Colonies may also be used topical subjects subdivided. by place, e.g. Postage- stamps--France--Colonies.

The subdivisions below will be listed under the model heading Great Britain--Colonies and are the only subdivisions now authorized. Since the only geographic subd.ivisions are names of continents, it is not possible to use the subd.ivision Colonies to designate specific colonies. All examples of the type [name of country] --colonies -- [name of colony] found in the Subject CataJog represent subject cataloging errors. For such works the name of the colony with the appropriate subdivision or the topical subject divided by the name of the colony should be assigned, e. g., India--Politics and. government--1919-1947 and Posta~e-stamps -- India.

Subdivisions Used Under [name of country]--colonies


--Africa --America --Asia -4 ceanica


--Administration --Boundxiries --Commerce --Constitutional history --Constititional law --Defenses --Description and travel --Discovery and, exploration --Econamic conditions --Economic policy --Emigration and immigration --1nd.m tries --Manufactures --Native races --Officials ard employees --Politics and. government, see Administration --Population --Public lands --Public works --Race relations --Religion --Religious life and c ~ t m s --Rural conditions --Social conditions --Social life and customs

Form Subdivisions

Since LC subject catalogers have been instructed to designate always the form of a work by adding the appropriate existing form sub- division, they have been given the following guidelines for assigning

Ca.taloging Service Bulletin, No. 3 / Winter 1979

a form subdivision when several headings have been assigned:

As a general rule, add the same subdivision t o all headings assigned to a part icular work i f a form subd.ivision i s add.ed. t o one of the headings. In rare cases, however, the content of a part icular work may make it inappropriate t o do so, e.g., when a work consists of a discourse on one topic and a bibliography on another. In essence, then,

add the form subdivision t o all headings, in- cluding topical, geographic, corporate, and personal name headings.

The use of form subdivisions under corporate and personal name headings was largely amided i n the past. In fact , a number of statements s t i l l appear in LCSH tha t expl ic i t ly prohibit the use of such subdivisions under such headings (e.g., the sentence i n the note under the subdivision Exhibitions i n the introduction t o LCSH that prohibits the use of the subdivision names of artists), A l l such - statements a re now obsolete. Form subdivisions should be used under corporate and personal name headings as appropriate.

Caution: The subd.ivision Historv mav not be used under a l l - -. . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - -

categories of topical headings (see Catalog<w sirvice, bul le t in 120, p. 12-14), and the subd.ivision Period.icals i s not authorized as an addi- t i ona l subdivision headings already d.ivid.ed by certain other form subdivisions. For example, [topic] --Congresses --Periodicals i s not a valid heading (see below fo r ad.ditiona1 information). In addition, some form subdivisions appropriate fo r use under topical headings cannot be used under personal name head.ings, e.g., [topic] --Periodicals, but [per- sonal name] --Societies, periodicals, etc.

The Subd.ivision "Period.icals "

Below are guid.elines f o r assigning the subd.ivision Periodi- cals t o individual ser ia ls . They introduce a change i n policy i n tha t m o s t s e r i a l s issued regularly w i l l now receive th i s subdivision. I n the F4, past only periodicals, each issue of which consisted of separate a r t i c l e s , s tor ies , o r other writings, were so treated. In addition, the guide- l i nes indicate tha t the subdivision, i n accordance with a long s t d d i n g policy, i s omitted when it comes in to conflict with certain other form subdivisions (see l i s t below). These guidelines supersede the informa- t i o n under Periodicals i n the introduction t o the eighth edit ion of LCSH, page l i v .

1 ) Use the subdivision Periodicals as a form subdivision under topical, geographic, or corporate headings.

2) Do not use the subdivision under headings tha t have been subdivided by the following form subdivisions:

Addresses, essays, lectures Amat ems ' manuals Atlases Catalogs Catalogs and collections Collected works Congresses Directories Discography Film catalogs Gazetteers Guide-books Handbooks, manuals, etc. Juvenile films Juvenile l i t e r a t u r e Juvenile phono reco rds

Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 3 / Winter 1979

Laboratory manuals Maps Observers ' manuals Outlines, syllabi , e t c . Phonotape catalogs Photo maps Registers Road. Maps Social registers mematic catalogs Union l i s t s Voting registers Yearbooks Zoning maps

In essence, headings such as [topic] --Congresses-Periodicals are not authorized.. However, the subdivision may be used. headings sub- divided by most other form subdivisions l i s t e d i n the introduction t o

n LCSH, e.g., Tuberculosis--Statistics--Periodicals.

3 ) Assign the subd.ivision to se r i a l s tha t appear annually, but tha t do not summarize the year. For se r i a l s tha t d.0 summarize the year, assign the subdivision Yearbooks-.

4) Do ign the subdivision t o publications tha t a r e issued. regularly : sd. form and, therefore, cannot be regarded as t rue ser ia ls , a l t l sy may have been treated i n the past a s se r i a l s f o r convenience, e.g,, J.K. Lasser's Your Income Tax.

Cammentaries on Individual Works

In Cataloging Service, bul le t in 116, p. 5-6, guidelines were presented fo r assigning subject headings to commentaries on individual k r k s . Because of a change-in policy,-the paragraph captioned om men- ,

t a to r versus author" has been revised as follows:

? Commentator versus author. Texts of individual works by one author a re often published together with commentary, interpretations, o r exegesis relat ing t o it by another person. I f the work has been en- tered. under the author of the or ig inal work, t r e a t the work as an original work, o r an edit ion of the original work. Assign no author-t i t le subject entry for the work commented on unless a substantial portion of the work i s devoted to commentary (perhaps a t l e a s t 2% of the volume). I f the work has been entered under the commentator, t r e a t it as a commentary, always making an author-t i t le subject fo r the work cammented on.

City Dis t r ic ts o r Quarters

Establishing the ~IWC. Establish as a subject heading the name of a c i t y d i s t r i c t o r quarter tha t is not a ;iurisdiction following the principles of AA 73B and 76 as follows:


Enter a c i ty d i s t r i c t or quarter i t s own m e i f the name i s dist inctive. Otherwise, enter it as a subheading the name of the c i t y i n which it is located. Make a see reference from the al- ternative form i n e i ther case. I f the d i s t r i c t has been entered.under i ts own m e , qualify it by the name of the c i t y as established. That i s , i f the heading f o r the c i ty i s qualif ied by a larger jurisdiction, add the same qual i f ier t o the d i s t r i c t name:

Y@ section, Nara, Japan

I f the name of the c i ty is not qualified, do not qualify the name of the d i s t r i c t :

Beacon H i l l , Boston

Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 3 / Winter 1979 F,

I f the name of the c i ty has been qualif ied by "(city), " add it t o the name of the d i s t r i c t (note tha t t h i s i s a change in practice and super- sedes the statement i n Cataloging Service, bul le t in 122, p. 16) : e

5hgdalena Mixhuca, Mexico (c i ty)

Assignment of Headings t o Works Involving Specific Topics. m e n a work involves a specific topic as it re la tes t o a c i ty d i s t r i c t o r quarter, assign two headings, one t o bring out the topic in connection with the name of the c i ty a t la rge ( th is heading may be e i ther of the type [topic] -- [ larger jurisdiction] -- [ci ty] o r the type [ci ty] -- [ topical subdivision] ) and. another to, bring out the name of the d i s t r i c t .

1. Minorities--Massachusetts--Boston. 2. North End, Boston.

Do not use the name of the d i s t r i c t under a topical heading. I f the f i r s t heading is of the type [city]--[topical subdivision], apply the same sub- division t o the name o? the d i s t r i c t .


1. S a n Francisco--Dwellj 2. Telegraph Hill, San I

New York (city). Apply the aDove principles t o New York ( c i ty ) as follows:

New York City consists of f ive boroughs which often have been treated as independent c i t i e s , Subject headings f o r these boroughs a r e

knha t t an (Borough) Brooklyn Queens (Borough ) Bronx (~orough) Richmond Co., N.Y.

Treat the boroughs a s c i t y districts. -,

Education--New Y a : Bmnx (Borough)

New York (c i ty) - - ~ e s c r i ~ t i o n . \ :: Bronx (Borough) - - ~ e s c r i ~ t i o n .


In Cataloging Service, bu l l e t in 125, p. 20-21, a l i s t of codes assigned by subject catalogers t o the Type of Material and Nature of Corrtents Fixed Fields in MARC s e r i a l records was given. 'Although the l i s t provides fo r "g" t o designate l ega l ar t ic les , the following explana- t i on was inadvertently omitted from between Law reports and Case notes:

Legal ar t ic les . Use whenever a s e r i a l i s o r contains a collection of l ega l ar t ic les .


Classification Policies Relating t o Literary Authors

The following purposely amids the problem of PZ class num- bers. Although LC's current policy i s t o class an individual author's f i c t i o n i n English (including translations into ~ n g l i s h ) i n PZ3 and 4, the statement below i s meant t o explain cataloging principles of general application.

Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 3 / Winter 1979 -

Provision i s made fo r classifying works by and about individ- F ua l l i t e r a r y authors i n Class P by means of individual l i t e r a r y author

numbers. The principal factors to be considered i n determining the lo - cation of these numbers are the language i n which the author wrote, the author's nationality, and, i f required, the time period during which the author was productive. The simplest s i tua t ion encountered i n establish- ing an author's number i s the author who wmte i n one language only and was a c i t izen of only one country. For such an author a number wouldbe provid.ed under the l i t e r a t u r e of the language i n which the author wrote, with the poss ib i l i ty of further subarrangement by country and period.. Authors l iv ing i n the country most commcnly associated with a par t icular language a re classed with the general l i t e r a t u r e area f o r t h a t language. For exanple, George Sand is classed under general French l i t e ra tu re , specifically, 19th century i n FQ2393+.

Authors of a country other than the one most commonly asso- ciated with the language i n which they write may be classed by country i n the area developed f o r tha t l i t e r a t u r e i n other countries. For exam- ple, a number fo r the Canadian novelist Lucy b u d Montgomery (~~9199.3.&) is provided i n the subclass fo r English l i t e r a t u r e i n the area f o r English l i t e r a t u r e i n Canab. Many l i te ra tures , however, have no geograNic d.evelopment, may be only pa r t i a l ly expanded (such as l i t e r a t u r e of former colonies), o r may have special locations fo r collections but not fo r in- dividual authors. The l i t e r a t u r e of the United States i s the exception t o the standard arrangement of keeping the l i t e r a t u r e of a par t icular language together i n the same subclass. No special section fo r United States l i t e r a t u r e exis ts i n subclass PR, English Literature. Instead, sub- class PS has been reserved fo r l i t e r a t u r e i n English of the United States.

Authors Writing i n More Than One Language. I f an author writes i n more than one language, a number for the author i s provided under the l i t e r a t u r e of each language; no ef for t is made t o keep all the works of the author together. o or example, Vladimir Nabokov wrote works i n both Russian and English; h i s Russian Language works are classed with Russian l i t e r a t u r e i n ~ ~ 3 4 7 6 . ~ 3 and h i s English language works a re classed

P with American l i t e r a t u r e i n PS3527.Al5.) Translations and c r i t i c a l studies of individ.uaJ. works i n each case are classed with the or ig inal works. A collective cri t icism of several works i s classed according to the general emphasis of the group of works studied, e.g., a cri t icism of Nabokov's English works should be classed in h i s subclass PS number. General cri t icism and a l l bivfograpical works, however, a re classed i n one predetermined number tha t best represents the t o t a l l i t e r a r y output of the author, e.g., f o r Nabokov, the Russian l i t e r a t u r e number i s used.

Authors Associated with More Than One Country. After deter- mining with which part icular l i t e r a t u r e an author should be classed, the

count; of tha t l i t e r a t u r e under which the author's number should be established may need. t o be determined. Under any par t icular l i t e r a t u r e an author may be classed under only one country. The author i s classed with the country of citizenship, i f t h i s can be determined. If the author was a c i t izen of several countries, the preferred classi- f ica t ion i s under the country i n which the author's most productive years were spent o r under the country usually associated with the author by scholars i n the f ie ld . If no preference can be determined, an arbi t rary selection i s made. Once a decision has been made t o class a l iv ing au- thor with a par t icular country, however, t h i s number will usually con- t inue t o be used regardless of subsequent changes of residence by the author; an author i s moved from one place to another i n the schedule only when absolutely necessary.

For l iv ing authors whose works are being cataloged fo r the f i r s t t h e and about whom there i s l i t t l e information (citizenship is not known), t he selection of the country i s based on available information, such as ( in order of importance) birthplace, parentage, residences, place of publication of the work(s) being cataloged. I f t h i s information does not jus t i fy the choice of one country over another, an arbi t rary decision

Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 3 / Winter 1979 ?

i s made. Once the l i t e ra ry author nmiber has been established under a country, only i f new information becomes available demonstrating con- clusively that the original d.ecision was faulty i s the originally as- signed. nmiber cancelled and a new number established i n a more appro- pr ia te location.

Classifying Congresses

Normally i n the area reserved for form captions a t the head of many topics i n the LC classification sched,siles, there i s a class num- ber for congresses. In such a number are classed the collected papers delivered a t , or published on the occasion of, individual named or un- named congresses; reports of the proceedings and discussions, l i s t s of delegates, etc.; or combinations of both. Congresses may have as their main entry heading the name of a congress, the nane of a corporate body, or a t i t l e . Normally, however, those publications that report only on the proceedings of a business meeting of an organization ( i . e., they contain no topical information) and are entered under the name of the organization are not classed as congresses, but are treated as society publications and. classed with the organization i n the appropriate society number (the f i r s t subject heading assigned i n such cases i s the name of the organization).

General Procedures

1 ) I f a congress number exists under the topic, class aJ1 congresses, including ser ia l congresses, i n this special congress number. Do not class congresses with periodicals unless congresses are explicitly stated i n the periodicals caption, e.g., Class Q.

2) I f a congress number does not exist under the topic and there are not enough previously classified works i n th i s form to justify establishing a separate number, class congresses i n the general works number. Do not class se r ia l congresses with periodicals unless con- gresses are explicitly stated in the periodicals caption.

3) . I f a separate number for the form under the topic does not exist, establish the required number i f one of the following c r i t e r ia has been met:

there are a t l eas t five congresses already classed i n the general works number; or, one or more standard form captions already exist under the particular topic, although less than five congresses have been dassed i n the general works number.

Use i n the caption only the one word Co resses unless it i s a standard feature of the schedule to use other w f ? . g . , Class Q.

Special Procedures

1 ) Monographic works

a ) Class each monographic congress solely on the basis of i t s individual contents. I f a separate record i s prepared for each meeting, d.0 not attempt to keep the various meetings of a particular named congress together. Class according to the subject of each.

b) I f by chance different publications of the same named congress are classed, i n the sane number, the same Cutter number w i l l be assigned to each publica- tion. However, identical Cutter numbers are not possible for congresses w i t h entry under corporate body or t i t l e .

Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 3 / Winter 1979

c) I f the name of the congress changes, make no attempt t o keep the works issued the various names to- gether on the shelves, even i f the same class number i s involved. A different Cutter number i s assigned for each name.

2) Congresses cataloged as serials

a ) Class all open entry congresses, including ser ia l con- gresses, i n the congress number, following the pro- visions and exceptions noted i n "~enera l Procedures. "

b) Name Changes. If a new record i s prepared for the new ser ia l and it i s treated as a continuation of the old, the old and new serials must be kept together on the shelves by using the same ca l l number for each. I f there i s no continuation statement, make no effort t o keep the old and new entries together. o or additional information on se r ia l continuations, see Cataloging Service bulletin ~ 6 , p. 8. ) -9

3 ) Class works about an individual congress i n the same number assigned to the congress i t se l f (or the number that would be assigned i f the library had a copy of the actual proceedings, etc. ). Assign as the f i r s t subject heading the name of the congress.

4) Do not class publications of business meetings of societies i n congress numbers i f they contain no substantive information about the topic of interest to the society, but only cover business matters relating t o the society. Treat such works as discussions about the society, class- ing them with the number for the society. o or an explanation of society numbers, see Cataloging Service> bulletin 124, p. 27-28. )


Book Numbers

Since the publXcation of the Library of Congress book number (previously called author number) table i n Cataloging. Service_, bulletin 104, p. 7-8, a third l e t t e r table (no. 5 below) has been developed and i s being applied i n the Shelflisting Section. The following i s the full text of the l a t e s t revision of the table:

Library of Congress ca l l numbers consist, i n general, of two principal elements: class number and book number, to which are added., as required, symbols designating a particular work.

Library of Congress book nunibers are composed of the i n i t i a l l e t t e r of the main entry heading, followed by Arabic numerals represent- ing the succeeding l e t t e r s on the following basis:

1 ) After i n i t i a l vowels for the second le t t e r : b d 1 ,m n p r s , t u-y

use number: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

2) After the i n i t i a l l e t t e r for the second le t t e r : a ch e h,i m-p t u bU -Z

uae number: 2 3 4 5 6 7 4 4 -i-

3 ) After the i n i t i a l l e t t e r s €& 4 for the third le t t e r : a e i o r y

use number: 3 4 5 6 7 '9 for names beginning &a-Qt

use:. 2-29

Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 3 / Winter 1979 7=-

4) After other i n i t i a l consonants for the second l e t t e r : a e i o r u y

use number: 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

5) When an additional number i s preferred 0 f- 5 W-2 fo r the third. l e t t e r : a-d e-h i -1 m" rtq r& w z

use number: r b 5 4 6 7 b 9 (*optional fo?&irdqetter a or(b) 8

Letters not includ.ed i n these tables are assigned the next higher o r lower number as required by previous assignments i n the part icular class.

The arrangements i n the follawfng examples i l l u s t r a t e some possible applications of these tables:

1 ) Names beginning with vowels

Akernathy .A2 +es . ~ 4 5 Astor . ~ 8 4 A= .A3 A~pleby . ~ 6 Atwater . ~ 8 7 Alldrich . ~ 4 Archer .A7 Austin .A9

2) Names beginning with the l e t t e r S

Saint .S2 S&mlo~ .S5 Steel s 7 ScJhaef e r .S3 Smith ,S6 Storch s75 Sgaton .S4 southerland . ~ 6 4 SLurges .S8 sh-a& .s45 s ~ r i n g e r .S66 S&Uivan .S9

3) Names beginning with the l e t t e r s Qu

Q a g i r i .Q2 Qu_ick .Q5 Q x e s h i .47 Qu~bbe .&3 Qugist . .Q6 Qv Q9 Qu~ener Q4

4) Names beginning with other consonants

Ca_rter . ~ 3 ( 7 ) ~ i n d l i .c5(6) w e n . ~ 8 ( 4 ) Cecil . ~ 4 ( 2 ) ~ z r b e t t . ~ 6 ( 7 ) W r u s *C9(6) a g ~ a ~ .c45 crof t oc7(6)

( ) = i f using two numbers

5) When there are no existing conflicting entries i n the she l f l i s t , the use of a th i rd l e t t e r book number may be preferred:

Cakot .C3 Ca&Lahan . ~ 3 4 Carter .C37 c a 9 s .c32 camnbell .c35 ~axelJ.i .c38 Caff rey .c33 Cannon .c36 Cazalas .C39

The numbers a re decimals, thus allowing f o r i n f i n i t e in ter - polation of the d.ecimal principle.

Since the tables provide only a general framework fo r the assignment of numbers, the symbol fo r a part icular name o r work i s con- s t an t only within a Single class. Each entry must be added t o the w i s t - ing entries i n the s h e l f l i s t i n such a way as t o preserve alphabetic order in accordance with Library of Congress f i l i n g rules.

Shel f l i s t ing the Various Editions of a Work

The procedures used i n shel f l i s t ing the various editions of a work were f i r s t published i n Cataloging Service, bu l l e t in 122, p. 22- 25. Since several changes have been made, the procedures a re being re- issued.

Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 3 / Winter 1979

General Provisions e

Preferred fo r the shelf Device f o r achieving preferred order

1. Original edition. 1. Assigned f i r s t Cutter number.

2. Facsimile o r photocopy editions of the original 2. Same Cutter number as the or i -

ginal, plus the imprint date of the original followed by "a," e.g., 185%; additiondl. facsimile -or photocopy edi -

? t ions are assigned "aa," nab, 11 flab, f! etc,

3. Successive edLtions and 3. Imprint date added t o the c a l l reprints i n chronological number of the original . I f order by the imprint date of two o r more editions are pub- the publication being shelf- l i shed i n the sane year, the l i s t ed . Such words as 2d. ed., second received is assigned new ed., rev. ed., improved ed., [datelb, the th i rd [datelc, enl. ed., 1 s t Amer in- dicate ano s t s .

ican ed. t ion exi, ther edk

i l e o r p: - "


. h p r 5 n t date ( hot0 copy . . 4. A q facsim 4 3f the original edit ion of one or tnese suc- success~ve ea i t ion followed ceeding editions t o ifollow by "a, " "aa, " "ab, " e tc . immediately a f t e r i t s original.

5. Translations. 5. Original Cutter number fol- lowed by a number from the special table fo r transla- tions, preceded normally by number 1, e.g., original: - .Ah; kranslation in to English: .A413.

er numbe: .. . . 6. Abridgments, selections of 6. origii r ex- a single work, or condensed . pandea pre1-erauy oy a 2, versions. e.g., .A42.

7. Translations of abridgments, 7. Cutter of the abridgment, etc., selections of a single work, followed by a number from the o r condensed versions. special table f o r translations,

e.g., abridgment: .A42; translation in to English: .A42l3.

8. criticism. 8. Original Cutter expanded pre- ferably by a 3, e.g., .A43.

Identifying Successive Editions

I f there i s any indication, however doubtful, t ha t other editions have been published, it is LC practice t o process the work as an edition. The fo l lming guidelines a re used i n determining when a date i s added t o the c a l l number:

1 ) The imprint date i s added t o the c&U number i f there i s some indication i n the work--usually on the verso of the t i t l e page-- tha t it has also been published by another publisher. Since certain publishers, such as Pergamon Press and Asia Publishing House, a re known t o publish both American and foreign English editions, the imprint date is added t o the c a l l number of the edit ion tha t is cataloged f i r s t as well as t o subsequent editions.

sz- Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 3 / Winter 1979 21

2) I f a work i s published af ter an author's death, the im- pr int date i s added to the ca l l number unless it can be readily estab- 1ished.that the work a s published posthumously.

3 ) I f the work has an American imprint but the author i s known t o be British, the imprint date i s added to the ca l l nmber.

4) I f a British publication has been copyrighted i n the United States, the imprint date i s added to the cal l number i n anticipa- t ion of an American edition.

Selecting the Appropriate Date

1 ) I f the imprint date of an edition i s uncertain and i s bracketed, use the date provided: e.g., for [1892?1 and [ca. 18921 use 1892 in both cases.

2) I f the imprint date of an edition i s uncertain and two dates are bracketed, use the earlier date provided: e.g., fo r [1892 or 18931 use 1892, and for [between 1906 and 19121 use 1906.

3) I f the imprint date of an edition cannot be determined be- yond the decad.e or century, use the earliest date of the d.ecade or cen- tury plus the l e t t e r "z," which places the work af ter any editions that might have been actually published during that year: e.g., for [196-1 and 11%-?] use 19602, and for [lg--1 and [lg--?I use 19002.

4) I f the imprint date of an edition contains a date of pub- l ication and a copyright date, use the date of publication: cog., for 1966 [c19641 use 1966.

5) I f the imprint date of an edition contains a date of pub- l icat ion and a printing date, use the date of publication: e.g., fo r 1969, 1971 printing use 1969, and for 1970, top . 1973 use 1970.

6) I f the imprint date of an edition contains a date of pub- l icat ion that has been corrected, use the corrected date of publication: e.g., for 1966 [i.e. 19651 use 1965; and for 1966 [i.e. 1965, ~19621 use 1965; and for 1975, cover 1976, use 1976.

7) I f the imprint date of an edition of a multivolume work covers more than one year, e.g., 1826-1828, use the ear l ier date.

8) If the imprint date of an edition i s an opea &ry, e.g., 1826- , use the date provided.


If a work i f 3 a canpilation of individual works already pub- lished, the compilation i s treated as a separate work and i s given i t s own ca l l number. A new or reprinted edition of a compilation i s processed t o the above procedures. .

Class Numbers with Dates

It was the practice of the Library of Congress t o use succes- sive Cutter nmbers for editions classed i n numbers that require a date to precede the Cutter number, for example:

The imprint date of the new edition i s now added to the ca l l number, for example:

Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 3 / Winter 1979

I n s h e l f l i s t New edition

In applying these revised procedures, use the Cutter number of the most recent edition shel f l i s tedunder the former procedure and add the date to it; fo r example:

In s h e l f l i s t New edit ion

Since the date used as par t of the class number may vary fron one edit ion to another, editions of a work a re not necessarily kept to- gether, depending on what i s already f i l e d i n the she l f l i s t . As a result , the Cutter numbers fo r the editions may also d.iffer; f o r example:

In s h e l f l i s t New edition

The imprint date of each new edition i s added t o the c a l l number, whether absolutely required to distinguish editions o r not.

Cataloging Semrice Bulletin, No. 3 / Winter 1979
