Library of Congress · Vt** XXI.IV*6,111. NEW-YORK, TIUUSDAY, OCTOBER -H WM. PWCB TWO Cl.-NTS....


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BY THE TR1BL at A8flO^OX,^ M,R_f

I ^.Tii-tJ^^f.^Kn _BW.T-B-L wBiiflujr JJggJ*I A VERY LAROE "JKJ^%^W*« *21 "-publiihetJeTerj SiTranAT Bobbibbm^* i |or,'*»nu_,_ r-lv-n-e- tM-g^**g'0S bo-A* (nd,1; Tea Copie. for *.l»i / *'*n'T fl2(l; Twenty.y itrger num-i *t th* rtte of.,*V, ?l_|__v .er nuuiber tt

STfirr-r^it^^'il^'S-iion. Notklng ln*crted far le*i .»u **>.

TIIE 8Ei-I-W__k.LY TRIBt'NEtlllrflalbiii Tttt- - and tmmuittmmimTthMt.!Ifl!*raaa_Bi lUo^lat flfl|ll-1DiflWaa flM - '.

THE NEW-YORK TRIBl'NEJoR T.I tLOfrnkH C1RCI LAJIUNB I-bri.-ed on tne depru-ture uf ratl, M_l Ste.rnfr^r flv«-

gpccml JXoticcs.Flftb Kfnatorlal Dlatriet.-Kegular Republic-i cta-

*********** pKHU, L1TTLE._^Baafirif-B-iaatltBta Poljtechule Ai»K*eiation.i'l *tl«t *t if °"¦»*. i" th* Caa. er Unlflfl Building, THIS

iTh..'.a.yi EVENlNO. Oct 24, at 1, o' S*' Th* Ci.k Motion in Sieim-Engtue-," aiid " Iiiitruuientifar la*Ci_B.. ilw8oil." *d_i_lon tree.Mitii.iuu .QuN ( ...AMBKR-i, Kec. See, pro tem.

"fl. _-*_L BbbbIbtb Tf JAIKA LOD.iE. No. 24)1, K.AA M., aie reaioeited to Di<«t in their rooni st 1 p. m. TO-DAV to Btttrnd the funer:,l c our latta b.'th-r R.T. DOl'O-

_.AS.'hlGHAKll Ba-ARf, S.,r. i ,

¦ QfMfli "Maa* "ni-rtini. at Fort l.reene,IN r-1 Pl'iiKT OK

THT. riOPI.T.'S I'NION NOM1NATION8,On TUI RSDAY, Oct.24, at 3 o'cloek p. tn.

The Hon. DANlKL 8. DIGKINSON*4Vill poiitWely addreiai tl.a n t.Bf,



llun. lAMKS IU BPilllEY.iluu. MO.-'ES K. ODEI.h.

Hon. LUt'.lUT. II.,Hou. WI1.I.I-.M l I'RIIS NUVKS.

kk ILl.I.kM M. >'.i ...

tnd ct).? cia'ing.iiaheJ i;<*akeu.A ___.> flfl UVtkX

Wi.l b* in ortl*rof the KiecctlTf Committee.

J. i*. T. -JiilAV.r \N. tbilmnin.

Repuhll. >in County ConveiltlaB-.Thii ConTention**riUn:.*t M tfl* iii-i'ui.lican H' idqiia'.'-.». rnn-er cf Druadway acd 23d-it, on Till RshAY EVKNINO. Oct 24 at.'c'elack. ¥. A. CONM.l.NG', ( hii.-..

IfBTTlt O. Watti, «,....-.....Joa*. J. flBABT, 5 3*nat*rt*a._.Acvcnteenth Wai-.l Ilepuhlir-an Asaoclntton.-

Au BSioumi- uiajeting of the AaiCi .i-iou %*.-Tli be held at liiueoln Hall, No. J69 El.t Hot aton.f THIS (TLur-d.4)t\ KNINU, Ort- 24. at 1) o'cloek proe.-ly.

J. B RY EKSON. I.t \ iut I're*.. Acling Tretidf at.Ch... H. l.BOTBf. Secr.taiy.Sa-.-ouU Kepuhiicun AflBiinbly l>

tcf'-tin. of the Coi.TMiniou i. !J at No. .6 Caatre-it. ca tbert.: lat af tbfl '.'d day tt Octobei, f r thfl parBOM of i ominai'ng acwMliiUte for A«,eioblT. on motioa cf i'etc,ef the 1 Vth Ward. JOSUl'li BIIECK. tiq.. of tht- \ Ith Ward,wM'-illed to the Chair. and Ihoiim* huair ivai ap{H>ir.tcdSecreUry.Ou motion of Timothy MeC.rty, etq (« lirtitutfd for Owen

Connell), aud ta.onded by C. A. NfHd.g *.'.t proceed tobailot for a cfudidutt-. Ob coanUag ti e li Jlota fcui Murphy-eeeived 11 Denit P. SnlliTau, 4 Con.tautine Uouohoii. t,

VV t.ereupon, ou inti-.ion of Mr. i'r ;a- aou, it waa rariolTe.itlii' D. T. 8U1JalVAN, ..*». ba <.tl*.d 'he noniinee of thia-on-eiit.OD. JOStl'll URUCK, t baarmtu.Tuuait Shaw, St-cr.ary.Ihf Pilleealh tAiird Acpuhllean ..aaoriatinn

wi.l rnt-et a-. Brovan'i .... I tti t. o

THIR8DA Y EVENlNO, ti.e iMth intt., at K o'cloek.J. kk itfo.s Obbkn, l-ea-. _. li. BLAKE i'reaidrnt.

Thr Nobb of Connf.-ricBt hold their next a_M_| atlbe TifUi-aT. Hot-:, THI ( il ur.daj, Y.\ i.MNO, at 8 o'ekek.

I iiiieu* of CoDuecticat and ti.tir Ueiteiidanti are iu.iie,. luBtta-nd.Theredmertal btnner v.-ili be pre««Dted to the fitli Rerrf

¦aent To DAY. Thoae wli.-de.ire to juln lu the exco.tionUid Uie rrremorile. will lea.e Jimea'-alip, for Carun Buciiii?hain -il llar.tei'. Poit-t nnd the Long laiiud iUlllo., at liau aud rrtumi.ig, reich the ^ttv it 3:5B p tn

R. li. McCIItDT, Chairmtn.Cb iHiaa Oon p. Rfa-rftirr.

Brgiular DeB.ocrallr llBiBBrkionilBflllonOlSTKll T. BROOKLYN.K*r Baoator llid Liitrict.Bro... >n. TR.k.Ni IS fl. bl'l.SOLA, tue chaoipiou of the4ft.Teran.ent.

Far Hberitr,FREDER1CK L. VI I.TE.

Hrecltlyn Yoana MeB** Cbriatiau Aaaoeintinu.nn __onn_iJOHN B. OOUOH,





Wili perfor in aelectiom of Munc from 1 to B o'lioc k. p.eriou*to tbe Lertare.Ticketi ib -.-rat, *acb Reierred Settt 50 centi.4 au be aibUirifJ at

BABCOtK'rl Bookitora, No. JM*, Tultan-tt.ROSE't* Bookitore, No. ll'

lltivviier'a BBd the I'lnilnm


Tb* p'le* of onr 8TANDARD KEItO^E^'E Il.I.I .\II-

NAT1NO OIL bai been 61ILL I I RTHER r*duceJ to meet

the it arkit.

Altboufb thii Oii i. 81 PERIOR TO ANY OTHKR, It will

b* a*ld attbe hmtkm PRICE a» tb* EXI'LOa-IVE OILS aow

lagenr.l ata.

J. 11. BHUNDAQi: _ Co.,Not. ¦ tnd H BI'RLING-SLIP

.fferraatllf Lihrary Aflfloriatlon, t InaneeIT*.l'*tf'-,.The arTHLia-ement. are now per'acted foi f ia.ii.:-i:..u "iia>.:, w.idr-r hr'tc.a.i lear-iie:., and at Trrv rt-r'i, edttttt, in '.he MODERN LANOI'AGES, MATIlEMA'l ll.S,BOOKKEEriNO, PENMANSHiP, I'HONOORAi'H Y,Ml/SIC, DRAW1NO. Ti,'.(M I TiON, OYMNAHTK S,HORSEBANSIIIP. 8KAT1NU, ka., kt. Kor tenm *udfurt.rr uilorn.Iion, re!ereute n.ay l.e luide to tlie 8i.h*"iiplicn Book., aow open at tbe Library, Aitor-pL, and DownT»wu Odi.^a No. Liberty-.t.

THADDEUS V. TABER, CbilrmanCian Coir.

**aapfl, t'nndlra, HtarcluSTAPLE AND FANCY.

J. C. HILL'S SON'r?,(foT_«rlT W Hull k Soa),OflIce No. Paikr.w,

tppaiile I'irk Koimtain, New-Yo. k.oCrr to tb* trade


AN UNSERPASSED ABSORTMENT._Ta OrasaUU.-The proprietor of that weli e.iabliabad

**d liToiile irtkla, TUE SHILLINO BENZINE (uied fortn*tantly rea>OTi_| oil and greaae ipoti from illk aud woolan

flood. wllhoui tht »llght*«1 injury to eoler or, Bflflfltepetta hii caotion ln regird t* lellmg a countarfelt articlewbich aai laiely been tet afloat. Th* title, *. well aa all com-

Blnttioa* of ii, it t Tiluabl* trtda-maik.wl.l. h lt hat co*t minyfl.,.nd dollari to craate, tnd aU laterference tberewilh whitw legally itt.pped, if pirtiei coatinue aft*r raa,icaabla nntiieTh* follttt inforoiation l* tow b*ing coll*ct*d at to who doet*ad who to** oot aoil tb* gf-tilae SHILLINO BENZINE*v**ong tha trade, aad ti_ public .hill hat* th* advau! ir-. ofthia iBfonnati.n through th* prr*. tt tu early diy. Pirtit-wba b*Te innoraiitly aold tba i-ountar.'elt trtlcl* will he placedta the llit et <.ilari leJling tb* gantiu!*, li thay at one* Bflfl!)tbe wbo)**a. ag*Bl of tbeir intentlon to .*:! lu futu.e tb* gau-4J-* *a_f.*4fl7-

Sele Wboleitl* Depot, No. 162 Broidwiy.Secor.d Edition.

Tbe ItittlejabB Libel Buit.-Deaitt (' Litt.'*->huagun.1 Hortt e Ora*ley.daniigei llid *t fl_ ,00Ca.tried it Ibelal* Otwego Ciiauil bafor* Judga Baroo, acd fuily raport. d lor?THE TIUBLNE by J. L. Croaby-ii publiihed in a Beit, tonipflct pf..pbiet otf . paga., tnJ for .ile it thii offica. Pricfl 10aaala. Altbough tba greatbulk *f _*eTid.n.colloctedfor theataffBie w*t ral*d out by Judge B., yet tiie openingon tlut itdeIry I8AIAR T. WILLIAM8. **q., giftit good idea of Itaf.aractv aud of tbe groundi of onr di.i iteem of tb* New YorkAffUiatioa of 1«IW, lt* ffngineen, and tbeir initrumrnt*. Th*taOmpiot Jodg* BACON aad ti. comnienti tiirreon by JOHNB. POBTEE, eaq., et Albtny, d«*erve aud will locimind thaaUenlion ot lawyar. aod juii.t*. And wboerar wtuta to aee

wbafeTare*- be*aid igilmt tha dafendant in thii ioit by »n*m pwitk. ai.d genartl adTeiiary, uho knowi that Lei.»irt ui be aaiwared, muat b* irUihed witl. the autnuiiu; np luith* riBtotUT br tb. Hon. HP.NRY A. KOHTER. TliecroM-at^-'lr*.!**** *7 **** **«*ta-*d_it by lbe Hou. CHaVS. B., ii. .w * rratault aooi* ootewortby *»_ *_ta. Aa po-^"^ .

lW a*^i_l4,*r* .*-" M^'MU-»»'' formerly, ..d aa tb*!!!_,_4W.,,.,.f }?*¦" . MbJ^ *l*ad..iiug lnter«.t, va. bell...neet-y »U Imi ta_a weiU, leatnng aad pr*aiiT_a

Vfllnablf* f**r»le> To-Dny..Srtenty nine Taluabl*LOTB <u t..(b, 77tb, 78th, TDlb, 81ft, iJid. KMth. andi' tb itiTtnd 01 Mb aud .th-flva will be told T< l-MOKROWat tha E-chaiig*. by A. J. BLEECKER SON fc Co.. to-

.ether witb .** Water Rliht on the Hudton RiT,,.Sea advcrli*emc_t iltued " \\ illl-i. Cltrke.

illilitaro _\-tic-6.V. 8. MltT.BiliO OflfMB, No. 79 Whiti *....!

Oct. H, 1....I. SAll of the Army on RrcraUina Ber-

Tlcr fo. RaiK.uieuta i.. thehel.t wikl.i.g to i.nd l.r ward i«

crniti, mutt n.ake reqab.ioai fflf toBUBpaitatl**ial, thiaoBScebefore 3 p. m.,aaa *|-cia! tra'.n willlw dl.patrhed .-.rh da;ut4D. m. I). B. SVCKET. lmpfCtoiCeneral.* l flflflfll U. 8. A. Muiterlng OffierT.

l.lKht CaTalry.-Tl.e Ut Regiment U. 8. Lancert.wl ,ch Itortania-g in tbltoity. 1« rapidly ti mj up. CoLSM0LIN8KI, lo vvhoiii ltintruit.-d tha forn.ition of itby t .e

Wer l)ej.»rti.iei,t, li a frtflffln of liigh*Miiiituiy terrcd itt the roli.h. Krenob, aud Eugliih itrrTice, andi« favorably h..o»i. in tl.e iiiilit-rT ciicln of thote nountriet.The headqnartera of the Regin.ent ii tbe War UepaTtmeiitWafhiugton. D. C. a branch of wbich it at No. 1 l'ark pl.ce,e-l-flf <.l Broadway. New-York. Ifl rli.rge of Ac'.ng Adjutantl.ieut r. Y-. M.-'l IOHK. io whom ali coniiminicatiorii en theh..iinMi of tbe Riciment froui the loyal Sl.te. aie. fl be addre.ed Qflflfllflflaflfl "iil.ii.g to iai.e .-ompa-iiea nf 45 m.u

eaeh, will recelve 1 ir.t Llflflt.fltrt.i, aud in grade, tothelotr.fl .-io.i-ci.rii .nion. Pitfatfi Brobitioiit of rni.i-.arybonon, aie ofi -rod ma r indacfii.ent*. and gueianteed ipeeJypromoti'.ii. I'ay ior ptlva'.e., 8 11 per i....i.tli._Noilei* BECRI IT1NO f*r thfl THIRTY-BBVRNTH

REOIMENT .Thii gall.n'. Refciincrt, now tb* AdvanceOuard of tbi Army of the, il raliing .ome moregondni-n. llecrum wiil *. lv tt th* coinerol A.uily aud Thompron-ti.. .r iu Ih* CHy BflB Fflf- All Peiertert from thiaTlesimrn- tr.> ordered to report to Lieutenant J.MBfl L.l.l'.N'.A.N. TM- DAY. Bt order o.

Li i.t. (rl. JOHN I'.URKE, Commanding..iiy.Kiithtli Ki-Kliiient.-C\MEK"N HIGIi

LAND R1FLE8 will r. unp, Bllvflt l.uieinto qu-.rten at Cainp dritfiD, Stapletoa, Stu(e:i liland. ThBcanip haa a cleau ai.d worm bul.iii.>(. prei.iitiiig tl.e hn'quarurt in the State. with everj rr.|..i.- d n.i'.itarT aBOflfl.Bfl¬ BobalUfi» bol«.f flflt.orto lo i.riuit for tnit iegi-

r.-;...rt tn .! e M .;..r, A. C.Cutlt llr.,.,1uarteri. NoIW flth-ffc, or theii tppfllBBBBflfl Wtfl Bfl BflflOtlti Ker-iullBflflgfllfli oi.ipaiue., w_hifl* to obtain a good poiitiuu, wiliat.ply aa ahovo. By order._. . i

I). GRI.F1N, Colonel. Stap'.ctoa, S. I.P. Tmi v, Ad.ntant.

I'MIB:. STATKk M. IIKH.M. OfFII B, jN".'. ' Wl.l't-.t New-V..rk. Ort.-1 1 l.l

Thr Altrntion uf Ofllci-r-i ofthe Volunte. r Hir-vice ie iu:tiiig ior iu tbe i. callod ro lha foilowii.g pa-4_r*[ili af Uflflflffll Order No. 8'!. dated War Depart.i-ut, Ad.itf t (l. i.eiai't Otl .e, Wa<hington, Oct. 4,

(IfllCfl) i of (I.e rolunteer .erti e ie-1 npon reglmtntalre ruittng i TTice willmek* ou' line* flfl.flHfl roll* fl re-

cruitt enlutedi tho hr.t of wliirli will be eent to the Adjutant(Jenrrel of ll.e A.n . th- .rcond to tl.e Ailj .tai.t Oenrr»l oftt.. liiate to wMeb tti,- rcfimrut b*l ngi. and the thlrd to theton ii«::diiig oihr.-r of lha Tflglmilt " Mmter ln roll. ran heobtained by anplicetion al th.« i.lfice. I>. B. SACKF.T. ne.-al V. 8. A.. Muiterinf-Otf.rer.I iiiiid Mate* Mharpahnoirrn. (ol. Brrdan.-

iii.u.g thit favoiite corpa, a..y applyII. I). TY1.1.R. at the Cm.ip flf R.nd.zToiit Uir

baarhflfl. a.r flfl aa. Fatty Lndicg. .Ba cou>p*ny will b*tiioiou^hly equipied Liefore leariug raaip.

_\"f«j Publications.CHEAP BOOKS!

BOOKS AT TRADF 8ALF PRICKSThe cheer-it plflc* in ih* world to buy Booki i. at

T. K. PETERSON fc BROTHERS,\o. ^0>. (he.tnut »t., 1'hiladeliblB.

Any per«-n wantlng anT botki at all. in any .inauiity, fiom/ -. .1 thouiar.d txoki. ht.l twtter amd on

lenat once to T. B. PETERBON l BROTHERB.No. MeOWflflBfl H I'.iliadelphii, who have th* ler,.. -t Bfll L, ard will iiipj.l}- tbi-ia cbavpei thau any otberbonie ln tho world.

i-e.d for one of our o.r l.vr tru, twenty. or Mty dnllari to flf ln a letter. md

w.i'e w n.t kindt of booki you wi*h, tnd they will be packeda) d Bflfl to yon at w ith circulari. ahowbilli, fco., gfflti*.

Aildr. ii au o.'deii loi any bouka you i_»y w aul at ali to iher^-i.-iert,

T. B. I'ETi.RSO*4 k BROTHER.,No. -ri Ch. it, Pbiiadelp-la,

And thf y v IM re-elTe Imu edi.te attention.

FflB llilB IllfTkil.fTll.-f.*« fXCIM'STATIOX cf NriaAM-BOII.KRS.

1 llflC*VBBBABB ErrBi~rt: Raa..v vl aau Fkbvb.tTU.N aiTBOTT I.VJIBT .-a KnifllTil."

H. N. WINANS, Boi No. 6 P. O., New Yoik.

Jrtr PfBLimaii.hJrKllMATOKKlKEA, or Sf-flNAL W__J_-kj NKS8. ite-ort* on fljflflfl and other di*e**e. ut Uie flei-ntl O.rit... by tl.e artli.g Sureeon of tl.e llowtrd Attociati. n.

I'biladelpbia ali- Kepf.rti on the NEW ItKMF.IHI>> fnrincb diietMM ea.ilo'eu in tbe I)i.|*tia*ry of tbii Ini'i' .liflBBaai to the at!lict*d oy mail. ln .e.led iett.-r en.elore., free ofcharfe Addr.**, Ilr. J. SKII.LIS HOUOHTON, Ii..w_idIbbubBIIw. No. 2 bouth Ninthit., 1'hlladelphU, Pa._IT_E NEW-TOBK TB11.i M..


On tbe of September. 1861, f_> NEW YORKWtEKLY TR1BI NE commenced tbe twenty firat yeax ofita; TIIK DAILY TRIBUNE being tome month.

older and THE SEMI-WEEKLY TUIBUNE aomnwbat

yoauger. For mo.e tban twenty yeara, tbia journal bat laboredin what itt rondtu ton bare felt to be tbe cauie of Humai.lty,.liittice *nd Kreed-ur, ciideavoririg to meiioratr tbe condition ofthe oppreited and unfortunate, to honor and eucourage utefulrxertion in wbatever apbero, and, to proir.ote by ail tneani

tle inortl. intelleitual aud material adTancemrrt of our coun¬

try. It hat abned to be rigbt ratb.-. than pupulai, and to eijiotiteaud comuiend to-day tbe trutb that otbeit may notbe wlllingtoarcept till to-L.orrow. Ia pun.iiug tblt courie, ii.liti.ei baredoiibtlrii been made ard fti.lli con.iuitted, but. baving Uaiithingt mcited our reideri to tlink and judge for themtelTf*Mfl.B r.dopt blindly our own or othert1 conclutiont, weI.. laveae moy falrly clalui for thit jonrn-I the credit ofbariugqnalidad itt reaiieri to detect and eapoaa even itt own erron.

To detalop the uiindi of tiie young by tba mott general,tboroiigbaiid practiial Ed'jcalloii, and to encourage ai.d itiinuiatei'iodnctiTe Indu.'ry, llnouijh fire granU of I'utll. Landtto Mflal tettlertaud ri.ltivBton, at alao tl.rou.jh tbe protoctlonof imaiature or pec-liarly eipotrd hraDchet frotn too powerfifcr...fu conipetition. are among tbe aima to which thli jour.i.l1.1- tuhered tbroLgli good ki.u etil repoit. and w liirh lt .tea*-fttje pniaflflflfla (.' An.crlcan patrir.tiim and pbilantbropy.A. lo the ( ivil War now deiaitating out country. we bold it

tohavn ori_inated in a Rebellion uiore wiD.tun, wirked, lneaciitable.tbeii wu ever o.-foi* knowu.a Itehellioti ln the Inte.

t't ol the I'-vt aaai.rt Ihe inany.a Krbulliou dealgaed to raiiebl.fla tbe w'Blii of ra.te a_d tlghteu tbe cbalm -f oppreaiion.HaV.gdo.I all wecoi.ld without a turrender of vital principletoBvoidttli War, aud wUiiitied tb* forbeartnee, uirrkn.iiaud long-iubehag wiii.-L ibe Federal Oof.-n.meut toughtto avert lu borror. vve hold II our clear duty, wlth tbat ofev.-ry other clti.-en io ttai.d by th* uatio* and iti falily rlotm rul-ri, acd to a*. ond witb all our energiet tbeir rfforti totipb'ld th* Union, tbe Conitltutleu, and th* lupiamacy of tbeLaw l. Aud, tlioug. tha Rebellion baa becouaa, tbraugh u.ur-

pation, de.-eption, lerroHiiu, acd apoliation, fearfully itrong,we iieiieve the Ajneiicar. Republic. far atrouger, and that tbeunauimoLi, r.rueit oflorti ol loyal bearti aud handa will Iufflf* iti oT*rtbrow. But ot. a'l quettiont atle. tlnf the objrett,tlie toope, and d'.tat.ot. ol tl.1. moit eatr.ordinary coutnat, weriefer to thoae whon. the American People bar* clnthed wilbaiithority, boldlng u.ilty of purpoae and of action indiapeu**ble lu ao grave an i-uiergerry.

In a rriiii like tl.e prriei.t. our coiurnni mutt be largely en

grotaad with the enrreut blitory ofthe War for tbe Union, andwitb .lucidttloui of itt more itriklug in. idei.n Ws aiiall not,howaver, remit thal attention lo Llteratura. to Foreign Agrin.Itiiial I' to Cropi, Muiketa. kc. fcc, wbichbaa already. w* truit, won for THK TKIBL'NE an bonorahlepotRlon amoug iti otou.porariei. Our maio *bje4t ii and ihalibe to pioduc* a comprebeuiive new .paper, from vbich a caieLl rr.der may gl'-au a Tivid aod faithful blitory of tbe time.,not mnelj in tbe domaii. of Action but iu tliat of Opbiioa al.o.A. our lai.ilitiet fot lii.'ormation lurieaae v. ith yrtn,me an imnrnvement iu the cooter ti ol oar journal ilperceptible, and tbat. in the variety aud fiillneat *f intelligenceaftorded, we may tlil. hope lo " n.ate e*rh day . erltic ou tbrlait." In thii bope, we aoliril a cot.tlnuanraof tbeganeiouauieatiire ot patronago ar. ..rded to our journal.

TKRMS.DAILY TRIBUNE -.111 iaeue* per am.u...).86Sr.:.!!-WEKKLY(J04 i_ue.pei antium).l|;tWEEK LY .12 l**a*t per Bflflfl.).82To Civut.ttmiH'eakly: Two copin* for 8-'l fif* for

$11 iiI ten roplei lo ont aidrett for tk'AOt aad any largercimber at tb* latter rite. For a rltib of tweulj ,an extra eopywill bo -»r.t. lor a cluh of forty v-eaeudTa* UatLi Tmibimi.i'i. one year. Tl.ree cop'.at for 83: eigl.t copiri f.r 810, acdany larger number at tne iat* ol 81 eaeh per aouuu, Ilepapri to he addie-ted toeacli Toclubt of Tweuty,we aer.d an eitrn topr.Twentrropiet tu oi.e tiddrti, lor 820, wilb one eztra lo

him wbo tendt ut the cluh. Foreacb club of One Huudred,Th* Daji t Tiik.m will i.* *ent gritit for oo* y*ar.

\V bflB drfl/lt can be promrad lt n mui b tafer than (e ren.itBank Billt. Tbe ef tb* Foat Offit* and SUle tboiald iuill c.t-a* b- plainly written.Pavrueiit alwava ir. advtn-e.AddreatTUE 'TRIIilJNE, No. 154 Ntttan tt., Naw York.

^TEEVOUS, BPECIAL Dlr-KAMOS, MAK-I HIAOE, kc.-liyC. I). H*«*..m>, tt. 11., ex Prob-ttor

tl Special I'athoiogy i'n tl.e Byraruae Medlcal Colleg", N.-wYork. Price 81. OODKREf, Bookieller, H31 Bioadway.ROflfl k TOUSZT, 1.1 Na_Bu-at., RICHARD80N, 1 \...... f

IM l'< »M_\_^AWi^-^l.i*aTa_KPKlSK8.-For aay daalred IN. ORMA'i'lON about the RATES of

All\ ERTIfllNO la Cltv or Country Papera; or th* eoat ofLHHTRIBUTINO (IIK l'LAB8*u.oog peraona in auyeleneiA butlflata ibroughoi.t th* L'ulted Sutet, addreaa OEO._OV\EH_/:M1Luii..i.iiiioaAg*iil, l-oiU.'lbkf Ntw Ytig.

¦.piIE BOOK FOR TIIK TIMES.Yot year* no work ba* bten pulli.hed in tb* I'ni'.rd

Stitea wbleb bu called forth the public *tt-ntloo la ,.. high i

ilegrec- no work whicb bu rei lfed io antnlrneuily the biirh-eit ineoniiumt of tb* eutlre Preii.ind no work wbich bu

been t* itrongly Indoried by dii'.__i,l*hed cilUen*. a* the

great Nitknul work pnbllihfd by IAME8 D. TORREY of

New-York City, under the title


A HUtory oftha Rli* and rrogreii cf tbe lUbe'J.on, aid Con-

**Cutiv«NairatiTe of Eveuti and Jncldnit' from lha

hut I'.tgei of tha MMM ejaiuit tle Repuh-li* down to the clot* of tha eonniiA,

togtther with th* Impoitantl.oi' md El-faCtt

from R.nnrkitle

Speacbti.Tbe aboT* work li icdorted by

Gov. JOHN A. ANDBEW of Mut,

MiJorOfnrril JOHN A. DIX,


CoL FRANK BLAIR, Jr., of Mo.,

Hon. N. P. TALLMADOE of N. f.,

Hou. J. SUERMANof Ohio,

Hon. J. HOI.Tof Kfntnrky,Oov. E. D. MOROAN of New-York,

Hon. 8 8. COX of,

Oot. I. WAS1IBI RN, Jr., of Ma..

Oov. E. FA1RBANKS ef Varmont,

Hon. BENJ. WADE of Oblo, and otberi

It li benitlfully pilnted ln ltrg* octtTO, tnd, ln order ln ea,

commodatr lll cliliei of readeri. lt ll publiilf-d ln three f Jl-

tlooi, tU:1. In Wrakly parti of 32<">c*nti.t. ln SemlMonth'.v prjli cf6l |ige., at..*" c. BU.

3. Io Monthly part* ol IU pig**, it.40 eent*.

Bubirrlberi wiihlag nrt to be tronb'.cd by weeklv, etr., pay-mfoti, maf tl for tfo W.r-kly or fir* S.nilMonthlynuaiberi, or fl for Ire Monthly norr.beri. Tbe piiUg* per.nirter li far th* Weekly fJIMcn f_ renli, for th* Setol

Monthly 9 centi, ind fur the HflBtbfl '¦. eatti, to be pal 1 quar

terly ln advanae at tbe Pott OfTr* of tlie aubiciiber The

poitagf for iltigle nuuiber* I* for ti.e Weekly 1 . ent, f >r tbe

8a_1 Monthly 3 eent*, and fur th* Bonth!y 6 reul* Cily.ubtcrlberi will reeftva lb* tiun.ben by caniert, fre* of

ehtrg*. Competrnt Agtot* wiiited ln *T*ry couritr.

FRD K OERUARD,Oeneril Agent foi th* Pi.bll ition.

No. ol .1. (Poit Bot No. flBflflNew Yoik (ity.

AOME Of THI* OPINIONflafl tbk ri.'. ob tiib ii ota

" Tbli hlrtory li to hold aa ereL hlgh.-r poaltlan of ofla.Ina*. than any tan.e rel.tioa of fieti eouiJ po*.iu:y aii.ile | Iflfor I'. I. uot only wrllle.i ln a f.'r.b vl|< ruui, eutetUii | flBflcoud.urad itjle, but It hu tl.e poitttae hi.toti.-ai elemeet iolt, clearlT BBl.B_| B lha ligl t "'. I (oi:.preur-llllta ku... iedgeof lll Ihe ficti lnip"..i!!e of being reari.rd by aay t .

.periil ttudei.l, il. th. t .tHag it.d ,li"i' .,: pfillarai ol pirll¦an if tion and laylog brfui* th* reader a leai .leaa. at ia.. i of ereut. aa ,.-!i are l'i,t B_Bl] ui ler.t,od.Ten by inoit wbo altempt to unravel them. but wl.irh lnthea* page* loae all lh>- n.jatera. kVe I'limt enU-rtalB .

doubt bul tlial every »i!l flfl frmMmi tttttim hu t.irh a Taluable accouut ta tht* prunila** ianeal tbaur .!,'! i-reat itrttt/ie r tbe lupport Bt.> G ier: nieot.whlclilbe Vlr.l'jendeut of th* *o rail-d Mm then. flflfl. flflt¦dnllted to be oue of tbe muat IflBflflaflM Uie woild hu e Ter

pioduc.-d ".Boiton Cuiiitator, Aug. 31, llfil.

" Far bf rond Iti prumlaei, tbli HittorT of the War I. awork BT*r)body ihould uruie. It i. tn* 1ant importantcempetidlum of farii ai.d ocinrence. tourMug thi. lebellloulhat will eTer appeer, *. lt Ii rouiplete i, d perlert. A go.uia.-er,t for tbi* wotk enghl 10 Macurr huudredt of tabaerilier. inthu city ml couuty.".Pite rio)*)'auardlau, N. J ,8*pt. b, 1.1.

" An nobi.ied or unpreiudir-ed hiitor. of erertt whieh tre(taitliug tbe vaorld, It would la-arr-ly I... eipected rould baeoinpll'd ind puhllitien immediitely t.p'ti Ibeir oca-urraoea,tl no uiiii, itlde fr. n. Ih* Intrreit br. miy percotiailT take lnlbe conteat rould flt her all tbf u.iteii.l ficti Bfl l ircutnitanrn upou bo'.b .idn et the .j.ieition ird flflfll boih nertl.-*Ifl the .t".g|le. Nevertln-'f-.i, tbe people demand and flrfl**Live a hiatory Of even |u,| i eveule. To aali.fy ihla demand.rveril |nr!le. biae ilieidi rnti ml l!,.- h.-l,l, but nonnof ll.enihave ya-t come ." uear our Idea ot what ia it tbia time v inteji. ln.- thflpab..*ta of thi. aoik." .Pontiac JackiounoMich ,flafli 12, IaCI.

" After ¦ eireCa! atin.lnatloii. we are preptrrd to prouounrethii work avah.thia tc.|iiltltinn to et, ry librny. aud ludi.laetiat,;, to eTery ona. llll imtructiTe BM flflt.IB-W, flBflof lucilfulable .lafl to aii who tt ial. to preieiTe a nect hia¬tory of the itirrlng eTenti ofth* tlniri. Our word lor it tb*money eipend.. Iur tbi. work wili be well cipeuded.Maund City Garrtte, lll Hept 12, 1SM.

" Wben 'hii gfgintlc ifheria to luhTrrt out (>ofarom»iitbu i,eei, il.r.Ui.d, BTerybadir wil1. waal eaak t Mflat] of tl.awliol* tflur, vfl.ici. be ein like dou n ind read, aud laat Ifl hii.Ut.BB. It . lll l.e wor.h twiie ita roll to have tt btnd aa a

uiriiii of referenre, to ae* who played a p*it in tbli great Nfti.,nai aee wbat WU wbo-aand va hen.*'.CoBiU.eicia! Reglaler, Sandmky, Ohio, Btpt. 2', 1.1." It li ¦ work for tba tirr.rt. aud ought to go Into lbe hit.dt

of aTary ei-.izeui it li gotten up ia in iltrn lira manner, indratinot flli lo Intereit all who may mb.cii! >¦ lor it. lt 1' Bflhuinbuf.a work got up to calch lbe people.but a*),iit.rv. ard ahould be inererv llbrary.".IV yiudo'.t Pi. tor,I'pper, O., bept. '20, IMl." It il eertainly better than luy liuillir w*rk ever yet ieen.

It ii ai.thenti. it.d ili,,u!d bc iu tbe b mt!. of ar.ry biui iu lhaNottb." -Cint innni i'reii, Bept. IR, 1.-...1.

" It li jutt lurb a work t* efery one will dftira lo reiJ. injln fiet ll iudl«pei,».tle to tll va ho wi.h to he mloiuied in rela-lion to the biitoi.c ereuti of tlie dav.'1.Sidua-y Jouiaal.O.,Hept. il, imi.

" It la no l,un.bog, no eitchpenny iffilr. but a work ln ar-n.rdii.i-.e a ith tbe Tinportanre of lha lubjatt, md wa caa iudona it-".Plymontb Itoek, Mit. Bapt. fl. 1.1." Tba nar.Ut* Ii wrltl.ti witb great terteneii, f.lrneaa and

abillty, and it lu eirellenl t-umi.iidlum o> larli for lh. gener-il reader md tba portion of Ihe work already flflBBfltaBfld »ffordi eridrin n lhat th* tui of tbe lulhor -till be thourotigl.lyparformed, .nd tbat tha work will be of aaarfl preient lulen-ittnd of great talue to the hii'.ontil itudeut lu fut'.ie. .BoitoaJournal, Atfl. ., INI.

"It ll nol a mere jo'.ing dnwn of B.fltfld fir'l or nawiraaperpangraphi, but a rleir itatainent, maiegaiil, plain and f.ncibleiar.guite of tbe < itrugg'a, pertectly rellable, .ud iulan.ely lnt«r«*tlng. Everr pat.iutir cltlreu ihau'.d pror-urethi* publiciilun, md thua luve at i.iud ¦ perfei t re oirl of Ibed'.lngi of thii I.i! wir, eond.-uieil, in e.iil.I,, and rellibla.".l'rop.e i 1'ifit, king.toa, N. Y.. Bept. 12, flfl," Tbli r*a!ly eirallent work hu taken Ba by .urprlie. We

acarrely thought it poi.lbh that tt.y one could wftre, frumIhe taugled web flf curret.t ereuti, a couuecied md walidlgriter] nirntiie of tbe great reb. Illon u il rontitned intheie pige, H'lturr here tread. in the itepi of eveati. IV e

6nd eTa-rytLlng. tt far a* tbe nutuben cirry ui, ari*nged ia

order, full ind complete. Thr price of ten ceuti f.-r rnu-h nuni

ber il io ttifling thtt «Tery oi.e mty now poatr-u hlru.elf ofwhat will it one* a rurrent ntrrttive aud a lutiug biitory of ll.e iii.portint itruggle ln wh'. I. the country ii eugii."-Weekly l iaiiou. Mitb., A, pt. ii, 1-1.

" If you har* not iftn flfl publlcitlon. go tud ie* and buyIt, tnd continue to do ao during Iti publicitlon, an I you will

Satiui.ik worth pre*erT_(.".G*i_iee \al!*y Tiee I're»t,lept. ., 1.1." Thoae who are not Brffl.fl tfl foiget to-mormw whil li In

everyh'idy'* moutb to-diy, i,,d rariieitly try lo imdar.ln.dfrom tbe flflt of the put wbat 1* our raaf po.ltii.n at prr.e'it,ai.d what we are lik.-fy to come lo in tl.e, will tind tln.publicitlon uo amall lielp.".N. Y. Chuicb Journal, Bept. H,¦_," Tli. work hueit.hllih.dll. rapulation u an la**flflBBM*

rrcord af the moat important en lu our natioual hlitory.".Boiton Lreuing Tr_*cript, Oct.!), 1.1." Non* wbo lake an Intereit in the preient painful itat* of

lbe country can do witbout thii peii. i, tl.".Boilon PUot,Sa-pt. 14, 1861." Thii periodiral eogbt ladeed to flnd iti wiy Into tbe fmi

ily of eT*ry loytl citaeu »f tbe I'nion.". Boiton PUot, tiept.W, IML


The IflB*.rfhfll bai Jntt recelred from Enro].e. and now <ffert Jt tale al tery low prirei, a fait attorlmeut of BOOKS,bOth new and old.Amrn; tl.em are Im worka ofthe L.tin nnd (Ir.-el Fathert,

l'la..!ci, Ih-olofy, Une Arti. I'oetry, Ilrati.-v, Kr.-ch »."iItalian Claiibi. lii'liography, Anlbpiarlea, Biegrapby. lUral.iry, Hiiterr, l.tngetgei, \ oTu:.a and Travcli, Natuial HB-tory. Booki of Engrsflnga, Pifltt-fl (Jalleriet, kc Alio a

Tety larre a*t*f.-*nt f Ki./li-h Law Booka.Cilalojpiri el th" ii-ve will be ii.ued Irom time lo time, and

tent to aay ahlie.a rratii on applicatlou toT. W. BE-VE, Im! rtrrofPookt,

N... 13H K.ilton it up .t.i.',Brtw-en Na*-au and Broadway, New-York (Jity.

\I.MK. DEMOBE8T'" QUABTERLY MIR.all llnilOK KASHhl.NS, wlth ipt.-.'.lid fcBgratingt, Faab-b.ii l'l*'r*. ...I fall-.laed I'.trern. a* i .-Tery where. Al.oOBAMD Ul'-NIM. of PA'li'ERNS a. No. 171 iiioadway.DATRIOTIC PACKETS of UNION BTA-1 TIOMt.RY and PORTRAITS of all Ihe PRB8IDENT8*f.BMBflBapflbM-j. Kv.rybodywan.ait. Itrlall piire. 2.xwortb WV. Agent.' ai.d Boukaa-llet*' pn.litf Urite. Al.o, tiikiu-a of t i.i'.ii flUtloBflty. HASklNS fc Co.,. Ueekman >t

Col.. E. D. I1AKF.R..A nflj fini* CASDrBOTOORAPH of (be la e Col. E. ll. BAKKK, alaiu

October 21 IMI. price M enti. i.nt by mtll fn* nt ehflfaa.BoALLIBTBBh BKo N... Tfl Ch.-Bflfl-at, Khil*.

OI8HOP McILVAIKE..Wfll ba readr T< >-I> flORROW iiiti.iM'lRI) I'liOTOOrtAl'H of theRifi.i ll*T ( ll IS. I- MClLVAlNE, I). I). I'rie fl aflflta,geai hy m*il fre* af ihar.e fc BKO.,

No. ttaiheitnuML, Phlladelpl.ia.

DRICE $l-AMEKIi an nu 1.11:_ ai;i>.1 DtDii s HOBBE IfOt-TOR.Prtefl 81.Pii.ef-1 BtriflTBFI.OWF.fl OARDEN I'IRK.CTORV.

*»nt free of it* e. ('. M. SAXTON, No. tb 1'ark-row, N.Y.


eipoiit-g Ihe fa..riee of Pbj*io|o?i»t*. aud tl.e un. >-Cflirfultre-iniei.t cf I'hyilcltni loapcc__l .llieu.i, at flnt bral, butby neglect and improper tieattneiit, ptoatratiug tbeueivo.ilytieni, and 'eailng botb n.lcd end body a total wreck. 50theditl.n. 4i«. | -yei. II lillottratic-t By M. Larm..nt. I'arit. Lo.iil n ai.dNew-.ork. I'hyi. im and Snigeon. No. Iil7 Broadw.y(.ip.iair-) N. Y. M.llfdbT Rl.'liardaon, f<T *l. No.» ,K..nhTrni*y No. 111 *t II. DflXterfc Co No. IINa.aa.l tt., ai d le Wilt, No. 1 K inkfoit at. New-York. Tlietawmm**hflflff fff eori-g tl.I Bf r* ft m I* . lo.p. m. Wfl con, .r wlth tbfl foU-W.fl fflPflt-'» l-flfl*n_-B*lid_gl)r. ..8.IONTto theafflh ed: D.ipatcli. A'lt., (Vurrier detElateUrili, Deookrtt. /eltnig, Me mai Berl*w, fcc

Artii'sr ii!.i..\t...\.>".OOK-TOBK BTATIONERT and NTWS EMPO-

H!i *(, No. 831 I!bo.« nw»T.At thii e-ttt'.ihi.ent ran alwayi b* haJ tbf foll.wlng Boi

ton ai.d i'biladilphlapaper.:Bo.if.n Jounal. Iler.l.i. Trtntcript, 8*tiird*y Efecing Oe-

/etr*. and Cocimerclal BuUetin (glTing tailum ai.d ch nge.ln boalne**).

Pbil.delrhiaLe.lger Pre.. «nd Fo.elgn ai.d Am*rir*r. New.pep.e tnd Perlodlca't tre

keptronitaiiliy ou htnd. Foi 1*1* b. ilngl* BflflabfltS, oi lere. dor mti led toitbtctlben In any pait of tha city o. extra rbarf*.

N. It Bark fluanbflff af "he pilcclpal p*ri*dlaafl, Newtpa-periand Bflflflfl.aa aiw.v. I hand.

NO.'J. No. .-'.BEADLE'S

D1MF. UNION BONIJ BUOK. No. 1A rollecdon of tbe laleat a. d u ott popjjar I'atiIfltfl 8ongi.

Pliie Trn ( i.r*.A if HEAIH.E'.** DIME BOOKS are kept for aie hy

Boekarllen, Nrw. Drtlcrt, ( ui.tiy M. rrh.i,t*, and Ai.nyflutlira.

AddreeeBEU'I.F 4 (.'.. P BB-MB, New York.

T^-_ACIIEI-a*._-_ CnI'MHV MI.I.CMANTSJ. itpt i*d wi'i. BCHOOL BccKS Mfl BTATION-RTa flfl fflflHf.ftfl* IfltTflB net prirei. Any orderf l.truitrd 'o

i..y are will b* f»lthfully *r-4 piomptiy alten.led to. PlflflMirr u.e t ct J kflflBfl*. CflflB.flfflfll Not* l'*p.r 11[¦er irum. oi I.'c perparkageof 5q-ilrea; Letter Piper, flrom-lp*rream B* Blj Hull EuT»lo|>r«. *.! pe- I..* ..«,.! m»aiu l tupr.ied .I'l. Herumn r*.* .' S'l p* rre*i. a..ldfor 81 " IOHN H. I-NOLEY. BBBfll.oi to C Shepard k C* Nr. ll-'i Pflltflfl B., i.-it d or to theold K-.d of C. S. t l.... N. V._IMI'OIMANT t«. BRA-B8 BAND8, TB00P8.

I. I' la part* bT 11 B IKlllWOR III, maaufaf*lur*r of Bih* la.UuoienU. New York.


tWuni FiMUoi. Now Rm lv




it rt i.i.itti. i* rtflrBLBT roaai it tbb ibihi.tb aeflB fl.





0..: n.l.a rlben who d«ilre to tec'ire ind |.;e*fif* a re-

poit of thi. rrniatkalle trial, will do w-e.l to procute oar

pampl.Ut edition.I'ric* 10 centi ner copy: 87 per I0O; (by mail 88.)

pATRIOTIC and SECKSSION KNVI'.I.OrESI >t 01 e rent eaeh.Ov*r I,_i4) tarietiea, oentalnfag all tbeu*w detifut, coiored and plain. You rn. order 25 up to um.

I UA*. A. MILLER, No. 15 Anu-it, N. Y.

-jtjtioiictn and lantn Q3oobt.

AQOOD TITINO..The lat.iv Indrlil.le Marking PF.NCIL. B "i P. Uwren, e, 77.,

a-.d An ri k It.inei, 41 Jobn it. J. J. Merritt, L

Ml*. BROWN, iMBorter afaALL k|. OF

Itl.ADS ANI) FANCY GOODS.Pticei tu iuit the tuuei.

Pepol.No. ggg Pe.*l .1.


I I'TTER, TOWF.R k Co.,No. 7 lUekman tt., N. Y.Kt. 89 New-Detonahire .!.,


U)Ck.-nig Carbs, &t.

A T Ihe OED STAND, No. 160 llowerv, cornprBroon.eit.J. H. JOHNHTON k Co.-WKDDINO and

V1S1T1NO ('Aitl)S, k> ., latnt itylet. .peciiuent by mail,ai.o, WATlliES, JEWF.LKT, BILVER and PlaATEDU ARES, all ofthe beit qualltiea and at low pricea.

AT WM. EVERDBLlT" .**( >\s..WaddiMCARDS, ef tbe latett dylei. at No. lllFaltou it, M. Y.


jBnrning /lni5, (Dils, *Cf.

KEFINEI) I'ETROLEI M ILLUAIIXATIXUOIL.Reeeived direct from tha nianufacturart, and for

tale ia quaulittei to iuit, at the Tery loweit market r.t*., by.-( llll'.l M.I.IN BilOTIlERSk Co.,Noa. 17.. and 171 Wiiliain at, .Naw Vork.

_Co Cct._I A.RGE i'('i.MSlli:i) HOUSE TO LET m1 1 BROOKLYN. for a term of year*, -_iti. STABLE andi.ARDK.N ait.hrj. l« tbe aoutb-eait _»rnir of Clinton andJoral.n.on tti. Th* Houte it four itoiln to hight, wltb an

Etta-.iiioi. ttoiiet bigh, and it elegantly fuiiibtlied; ha.

8aa and water; on tbe Iint Moor tre three laire uarlori and u

inii.-. rooin. Tl.e tltuatlon of thi* property, being ln thecbol.e part of th* .ity, ii adini:*.! hy a!l who know it, and tbegi'ii-n Im tinc vttietiei oftbe dilb-teul kind. of BflflflThepreml.eiwlilbe 1*1 onlv (-. a piivtte t-mlly. lnquire ofJOHN HAHJ.K-T, No. Wl W.ll .t, New \oik.

rpo LET at NEW-BRlii11T<)N, Btalee Ifll*X and.A well (urnlihed HOUSE of lOwoomt, beti.le, laundry, Ac.: ln etery refp»ct tuitahle for a rr.itee!laiiilT diilai.i e, w itliin 10 miu'ile.' walk of the lerry ianiiin-.Rent .>Bfl to Itt May, and arrai fementt might be made torIviiger oi uup.iicy. Apply tt No. ffPine-.t., Neiv-liork.

I'oaid and {looms./ * I.N'I I.KMKN and tli.-ir WIVKS, ... SINGLEVl OENTLEMEN, ctn be accomaiodal.-d wltb BOARD atNoa. I'.l and i'..l, oppotlle SI. John'i Park.

-ooi axib fonrib.

OWNER8 WANTED-F.-r tit.. HORBE8bb_a (OW, found aatray, by tbe F'rrj-rly . i*rk of tb. Mt

li. pc.i'tu ]".. .'. i, No. i tikk-i .;.

Inotmction.4 LOBZO PLACK. A.M., |-T_*_palof lll l>-i\ BOM RIVER INSTITI TR, at CLAVERACK, N. k\.

id.nta NOV T'.MIJER ltt. for a term of iweuty-otii. i'ernii Hoiral tad Tnltt >. l-i nmmon Entiiib Iri-iudl.'.f .Milit.ry Drlll under ta .-xp*rien.;ed orlicer, irl>)

ii ye.u. ,-iiiperior tdvintifei f,>r YO' NO LADiES Pi-mBaatB, I'rem h and l-'.ngliili. Wiite lor t cattlogue.

ATUTOB of rxptrksoee, having some tinifBIMr. ii. >d, wonld kIt* luitrurtltn in CL1A8SIC8,

MATTlFMATICfl (elementiry ind id.tnred). BlOIIEBENGLUH. ke.; or would lleidwitba Pupil Bffp*C*.tflfl. Tcrma inoderat... Addiei* A. B., Box Ao. IM,Tribune Office.

BE8T SU8TA IM: 11 BOABDINQ SEMI-NARY ii. llieSUte. * lll) p.-r vetr. Brick bnihliti.i. Tor

lidiel md geirtleiuen. Ablett 'el. !ien in lll dejiirtrnenti.kkiti-er'IVrni, De- .V. AdilreiUbe KfT. JOSEPHE. KiNG.T.irt K.iiTardln.t.tute, N. Y., 011 the Sinttoft and Whit.-n.illKiilroid. _*HOAItll an.l FBENCH at PrO*. M1EL *

PEZANDIK, No. 10 l'nlon.ia.u»re. Kcfer.-o.ei re-,1 ,ned.


OKNTi.KMEN.Noi. 4H ind M Baa 21-1,.,. _.», Midi.on Pirk.Boirdi-ig and Diy K,-hool.1-la.airal and cou.infirltl.14

,, Aineii.a.i.. ". freneh, l Oermin, 1 Bpaiiiib. Tbereit a Fii.uary Decir'.m'-ut; alao, e Ovniuaaitim. Kor completedt.ila, Mtneiof |rupi!*'iitrentadnilugthe Iut aix ye*rt V.1- e 'h- pro.ptM-tn*. Pn.f I.IK < HARL11.R, Dire. lor

kk ul ne rropeneal onTUKSDAY, Sept. 17.

PLA88ICAI. and ENGLISH 8CHOOL..V' IAB kk -1--.HI M iflOl*. A. M.. hi. REMOVEDtoNo.ifOT'.lit 2Bb.. l'enontl In.trnctiou by tbe Piituipal. Circ.ilari it l'ar.ei'*. N* Mfl opmitraj, ar.d it tlie Kcl.ool.

COl'Nlk.l.lf ('(>I.I...<;)\'11. S('ll(!(lli.,ttf rt

nnmiiil adTintag.-i iu titiiAlion, eue of 1. -ei,, ar.d fr.-edoiii fron, iujiri'. . t A liuiited nnuber of Pl I'll.Swill lie rei i-iTe.l Into lb" f.imilv *' the I'ri.iclptl, a'ld ted 111 !.:..Pa Cl***.*1 flt l_.*-B__MB..a Tl:efr. ileat aie ia t iknn |o BJ "I" thoae <>f improper HiOIll cl.iraatar. Military drill *n,l oiiri(,;lue, mit hut kii.d, willbe af.-si re o.Tbe 1. hool. for circalflf* flt "ther iof'.riiittion od-

ALKRT'D < OX ROK, Prlm'.ri-.l.( ornwill, Orange CoiintT, N. V

JOH- Mai Ml --I.N '¦ Ir.-neh, Kiiglisb, and*" (**__..I St HOOL waa ifopei.ed <ept. 9 et N.>.VARroa.iwty, r.).,:»r of 2<ith at. ibe Prinnry Depirtm. ntwill ba uuder ll.e cbarge of a lady wlio ba. U..i|ht for 1. year*in uu* of.,,ir be.t ai-ii'ioia ( ir.-uiiri it Lo-two*.1, No. 411BroaJniT. I', No 8. Broa.lwaj, md at tbe Btflflflj.MOlMAIN-Vir.W SKMINAKY, at _I_H-

KII.I. I.ANDISG. ,utbellud-n,OP-N8 Nov 4.

A few Bov. will be rea-eleed Into the (imlly of tbe Princi-[*!., whflf* tbev ,-in eiijoy the couifoit. of a pleauut honir,wltli thorouih diaf tpline ai.d lualrticlioi,. r.u.yle ad »t I '. -O N. I' 111 NN F.Y fc Co.'». No*.M md :.0 Walker tt at JOHN BOYCE k BttK'A, No. UI'ei:l it., or ol tl.e I'rln. Ipela,


MHI'NT v\ASHI\(.TO\ r'ourtb -t. on iVuhingtonviuare,

cornar ot .Macdongal-it. (1 l.ARhE k KANMNO, Reilon,witb tiT.-lve Al.l.tillta,; ].n pirei puiflof lU lf*4 ,01 .*¦*li-n ar College.

Ml*-S lil_ANr"M»vlaii»' DEII'/f. tai 10mMOFTAI-FRXNI II i.i.i INOLI-H BOARI'IM'

aad DAY BCBOOL, No. MBaal l-tli it. Tlie be.t Prct*-.vr*ind Tearher. ara *:._«*ed. I tuti 11,-t o,: jiven .11 .pa- ial l.r.gli.b braii, -i,n, nr in oftha Lauguajea.

Ml>> SiKAH tlEDOWICK** SCHOOL forflOTfl, to Dodworth'i BBB building, en:. Ith ttt. and

2' 'ha'., r-ntrin.-e No. 1.134 Broadwir.

MU. <',:<il.'(.i; ('. -NTHON' ( 1.\>S1('ALH1K..CH and ENGUHH BCHOOL (wtth 'iy.

ni-i ua and Pnaaialatj D*p.iim*nt), No*. D'UmdS'J Broad-aay. .-orner lllo-at., opeaa Sept i». 4'irfilan lt Randolpb'.,Nn. 0.: at Cbrirteru'., No B3 Broadway. .nd 11 tho BcfiooI.DAKKEB an.l BKRTHET" "CLfl-flli M.1 I BBNCH inj l.NOI.lfill HllOL. wit., i'riruary Deprt ui -t.i and Ojmu. um, No. ^J E. Ilat-al., roruar n! Broav)-aay, w.ll reopeu ST Pl". '.. T'renrh ii ipoktn ln ona dt.trt-Bient. 4 iiru.aia at l.iickw,.<xi . lino'.kl, r.


.Mii.NI.'Ak, .-e,,t. ., in, at No. l.lfl) Biiradwiy, MMMMlMth ind B_ tt..

Tiik IKVINQ iN.-rin n:." TaujloMfl,N. Y will romnieare ita 4.1th avini uui.ill a.-tilon on

FRIDAY, N..T I, 1, l.i BOYI .. r. I .. ,in i.n JAMESM. kk IIITT.HEAD. No. 117 N*_*a-.- .0 miof A. B. II. M. A ot bt ial,Ire.,1, g tue

_Prlwlpal. D. 8. ROWE, M. A.

I Tr-VEKSITY (IKAMMaT. 8CHOOL Mtat\J Sept. fl wub IBBBM ei.tuelv renovat.d and rBfurr.iihed,

it thr Jinitor'i. I8AA1' FERK18. Cbi.i. I iiit.-nity.

*ftl*_M ,KI* nSAB i.n- BaaiB, TflttbmT*W I tjee, f W -hlug. T urni.bed Room. md uae of Book.,in Ihe TKRi.l '.SiiNVILLK ACADKMY, . t.i.t..u.BCHOOL for both aeia. and all tttt. W.!l-!'i.ri,i>lied,iiltiiim lutnrview. with the rr.n, ipii dunug Ofltl Bfll .'llowe li T'erry'i Hookwore. No. 7U Hoirery. fYoir. 3 to 4 p. m.,daily. JaMKS OUVflfl.

iUuoiral Jneirninrnls.

BIBMOBE*- .'cl.'l.r.t.'.l I'r.'iii'liin l'lVNiiS,the boat ln ii*.-. at price, to ai:tt the t'mei..Splendid

PJino for*. IMI. Manufic'.ory No. Ai Bleecker -rt.


Wareronm.. No. 1194 Broadway, New-York. Piinoi to Rent,Old Pli..'* taken ili t-ii-htnge.


I.A IT.D H LL IKO.N Hl.k.ME (illA.ND tnd SUL'AllEPIANO-FORTE8, N*. 421 Broomeit.What evrriliody mj. muit be true. Eretybody uj-, tlier

¦re the but; tliarelora thry muat be 'h* bnt.


OKOAN8..CHUBCH OBOAN8 tor Mia, atpiirea to auit tbe llinea. routaining 4, ri, aud 8 itop*.

witb pedali. (iotbia tiiei. VVaiiaiitrdaupeiior in toue audwoikiiimaliip. VV. 11. DAk IS, Di.ilde.-. No. 40 Downin^ .1.

AVK.N, BACONfl Co,,Min-ifn'tiireri of

GRAND AND SQl AIIK PIANO-T'OP. I Bfl,lu Ttety V ari.-ty 01 Scale. aud P*tte:ui.

kk_.ia.oini, No. 1. Giiiid-it., in-ar Braadeay,Niw Vo:k.

rANrKI>.Tlir.!« S-l'Oj\n-l__N D J '1-N08for i I'ich tho ruli wili be piid hy

E. A. DAOOETI, No. 481 Broadwiy.

Giilcfi bn 'AUltlOlI.

ALBEBT 11. KICOLAY, AnctimietT.--Wlull TIIIM DAY (TbiiridAT). Oct. 21, at 12. o'cloek, at fhe

-toark Sileiroom, No. M k\ Ulitm-aL, a good vinoty of CITY1N6I RANCK aud ll.kNK SI'Ol KS, BONDB, aad otberBecuiitie. n.ltable for ii.Teitment. Kor full partirulart n-e

Thtt WorlJ. The Conir.ier.lil AdTeniier, and Tbe Eveningl'oat I'alal.-.g'i. . > *n be ohtainad at tiie Saletroom. Nt-alreguiar t.le .m MONDAY. Ortober Th_ _

A. M. Mbkwit. Aurnoneei.

BY BANG.S, MEUWIN A Co. living BuilJ-inp. No*. N94 and .6 Bro'dw.y Solti ol Book* St*-

tio..*ry. firturfi, W.,ikaof Art. Kaucy Uoodi. r-'urnil n.-. 4.-.

tTrjaiucs for -Uisiitcflo illcn.

AN ni-tivo MAN vvanti- in a buaitietw payinnt8 0<><)to fl 10,000 perauniim tt*orlitlon tnd loritinu

uue.r.ptionible; only tNIO required for litlf Inte.nt. ¦< a

rood mm ii more de.irrd thin money. Apply lt the OEiN-ERAL ADT'.NCY, He. S.I2 Broadwiy, op itairt._AN__NEBOETIC BU8INE88 MAN tvanU


Could loan a little money on good aeruiity. Addiei*, withpnii a.ra, POSTED, Box No 114. Uertld Oflica. If ihirpera leply tb*9 ui»y g*t icor. heaL_(10i NTKV STOBE for SALE, CH_AP*-*-Oim

oftbe bett ,tn.di in kk a.Uhe.ter County; good HOL'tTi,lorooma. J Teneiiieut UHtsiEB, lot 1. bT 125 leet; titlepetle.11 p.iet *2,SO0; 4<l,i»)rtih. Fmit, ipiing, Ac, all Ingu "d oidi-i tt *.',. un; lt Vkeit iMount Vernon 14 miletout on liirlem Railroad. Tika- K a. in. Uiin from 2bth at. and4th*v and ii.iiuiie of tbe proprietor. No ag.-nti need call.


J. 8. YOBKE.


I'A I.I.I. .-()!.! .S:\itll -.earf >rone yi-ar;i.ellgli(,c'.)t'A|-.i'i.liflcrd a large prolit, tud «,re ]u.t whit weaeed ll..-*e

time*. Apply. wltli .t.u.p, to T. O. T.ldkVALD, Provldenee.

$1 i^Lflfl 1'Elt MONTH made hk enterpriaiii)*X*9\t dOEMTfl ..-iliiig DOWNER'f" PATENTIW'.MMEn ai 1 rlllKI.D, for band teaviug. Proleart* the la-ger and niuliia beaitiful bem. Samole. tent on rereiptui... cenf Addre** A. II DOkVNKll. No. (12 Broadway._

D.A man to iartflfltuully with the adve.ti*. r l:i a

ry plaBAint t'ASH Bl!8INE98. from which OJU.iiXl pera, ia.BJ h* rt.Uardi No agent* or h'linb'ij. actli:. d. lnVi-i.t utlcit lt) a »' li i>4iu 11« J V- U. »| li Wgll J.'d il.

.*-¦»> IUMI WANTKI*ff *tP%\y\y\Ja thi. t,iiu etiuul


A'->l-E*TABLE rounj? QirtflaatoabHbbbtion a*CHAM!)ERMAITlandriF.AMdTRF.SS oiiidaHAMBBRWORK end WAITINO; ba. the het't of eAtmr. 1'-rieii-ea. Call at N*. 20 Wett-Ith-tt (2 113)

A >ITI AT10N Wautid in 1'rooklyn by flrr p 'sl.le Oerman Oirl ai CHAMBEKMA1D aafl

Bl tM-a'REM. SI.* undeittaudt dre-iu.tkuig, hue waalilafland irounml and msttt got-d Eag'.i b. Apply ai ,«o. Mi FUPba* »v. liiooklyu.

A RE8PECTABLE Proteatairt Woaiaa w.-heaa iltna'ion at I'LAIS OOK la wiUing todoboa**-

woik lOi a wi ate itmily it .'. *'¦'' ". u _-B8 aod Ironerfthe oett o: eity re! ir*c i Bll *t No. 414 Itb-.t., b«twe«a

.nd IA n.i., iu th* rear.

Wi.\ 1 EF.Uv it r.-a'-ccta-l.' WottflB, ¦ Bitaa_>tion a* good GJOK and firtt-rate BAKER; the be.t ot

reierence f Ver. lroin bar lut place. t_ll for two daya at N*.iii Eaat BBfl, between aTfnuei B endC._WAMhl..Bv a refl|MH't.-tlilr* jroaaf W->ma*.

atitiiaiion at COOK aud LA-BDRE-Si itau .legaiigBoker: no o.jectioii to the counti) can furi i*h the beit ofci'y iflflfflBflfl. Cau be ntti for two dayi at -15 W**t 17tb-it.

/ lOVEBNESr...A aiiiinliori wautid bva l-irlB\J eiprnenr.*liiite*rhln«aiRESlUENT OOVKKNESfOor at A.SS1STANT TEACHER. Can g_r* a tnoroe.h En*li*fceotoae, l> tto-.s iu Kiench, aud on ll.e l'iauo. .Vddu-** Mi*a S»W.. Bo_ :;o. i .17 Trtbuue Olbee. N. Y._WANTED.A Situan.n l>> h nmeetab-i

Protr.tni.t Woiian aa NI'KSE ca take eharge of abflhf in.iii id hinb hai no ot_*ction to tiaveL Can be ae*afoi two dayt tioin l" to 4 o'eloek, at Lar preient ewployera,No. fl E..t ."th tt.

ABOOKKEEPER, with uiie.\c_ptionabl<5 ref-ereu.ei. detiie* EMi'LOYMENT at a rttty moderatfl

aalary. Addre.. BOORK.XPRR, i'ribune Oflice, Boi lwO.

ABI MiAM E "I" GOOD , SERVAMTSREADT,fl moderate wtze*. for olty or country 4>*r-

nian, Englitb fteotcb, Irfth, the Lar/ett Inttilute aaflHome. No 1 !|8 1 itb-it.. c rner of flih-av. Condaeted byMxi. .LOYD. lioud place**iw*y« ready._if B1.KTiT CIJARGE..-__*V-kNT8 witb .x-

eellent city referencee, and a* all pricet, rtn be piocureflbflfl of B.BTfBM No. l'i Baai ll'h-it l.atwcen 3d and 4th avs.Your patronage i. reapectfully tolbited.

\\rAN r___l >7_TiTdMl_.'I1LXG NEW!.EM-" PIiOYMKNT! EMPI.OYMENTI-Maleand Fen.alflAgrnttwaatfdinevery town and ctty iu tb* I'nited State*j? 20 to + '.ii per iionth ran b* n.tde, and no humbog. Bi.aine.flee*y,r«ipect"hle and all don* at home. It requirei no eapl.l,iinl will U't interfer* with otb.r nuployu.ent. Thi* ii aobooL-ageney. nor bmnbugof any kind. No perton will regregbarUgeflflt lr -bii informiition, let bii emplorment be wiiatit mty. Full part iruiart given liell wbo inclote'TKN CK.N I'S,and tddreit HARvEY BROWN Co., Amoikeagh, N. U. .



A(iEN'TI.i.M \ N aged 35 ai»li4*8 to MARRYa lady ox *e_aing tor ial potition, wea'.tb, and loTahlo

nu.iiea. Co.ieipondent. nitb RASSELAS. Bta'ion A,i oit Oti re, wiil d«nicai-*t* bit itiiceiiiy, bigb tociai po*ait.or.. and real wi.rtbineta.

BALL, BLACK & CO.Noi. btjb and bT. Broadway

Exiuiivr-agentaforI'AKR'ri AMERICAN CAMP CUEST


BOILK.R.Oll aaaa * th. army t'.d ntrj aieinvited to ezamine theahevflit o r -ir e. They will b.idtbe arrang.-rnent Tery completfland ror.du. ir* to their health acd eomfort in tha camp. To*CAMP CHKSTcont-naaJlneceakiirv Kit. hen Uten-lli *.i4Table Farn!'.,re. and 1* cor-etructed tb h"!d. betidtri. aCOOK*INU RANOE and BllILER made ol tbe beat Ruaaia iron aaflveiy duialil.j. The Bciler wili hold ten gallona. and tbe Ka.mcan bfl j*ed for frvfng boL'ing and itewlr.g at the tame time.Tbe bo«. roi.Uiiilrt everything aa V>t*. meaiurei 11 iuchefl

long, 11 inrhea wide, '..J inca*ed**p. and the diuientlout of tbflitanga ate tbfl aame, and weigbf leta Iban btt it).The reci.mmendaiiont gifen hy the i'reiident. ex-PreiideBt

I'iilinore. (.. n Mantfleld, MAj-Oeu. Wool, Quartermaater*(ien. Meiga ai:d ottier cuipeteiit Military authoritie* will bw.iittik-innt *o iniine* other. to poaieet Uiemielfea of tb**e in-Ji*I)»..i .uie ariicl** of eomfort. Ordera tent to BALL,BLAl K k Co., tbeSole Agenta, will be prompiiy Ulsudsi_-_

C1AKPET8 and OlLCLOTHS..luatead ofJ golnt to expentiTe ttorei on Broadway. tLU th* larg*

. ¦oreoi HIRAM INDER30N, No. -i Koweiy. MedrJiioal.rpett, Druggett. Mttt, Mitting. . »ery law pricei. Alt* Ha. per y*rd; All-U oul Ingrain Carparti, SOc. pe*yarl All g.m<lt ;uarant**d.

COMPRE-3-ED BFLLE'IS, Minieaud RuundPAI.f.S. o. tbe Taiia.i. iliet. a*w regulation oftbeU.8.

!Ord..ance Department. niautifacti.ifll by luproTrd __.cnine.j-,in.| !..r nlr by tb* New V..ik Shot and Lead Co., PETE&i.AYLOii Preiident, Noa. 6J ind 8- Ce-tre-aL


Neat. Coovenient and Cbaap.Can be aet up in a f*w mluute*: fi/et aod ityle* t* euit aay

'«.:.,. oi..le lo order. State, rouutj and indiriduai patent-.iahll for aale. Apply I*

A. DERROM.Steaci Caipeatry, Palerton. N. J.

Refera fl H. V. Buder l o. N. Y.; Coopst, H*wltt k Co.,N. \. S*nd lor c-cuiart.

Dr reu in'LiioFs"i-oots.--A. c. tut-ni InlWlflltT will aeli. THIS DAY, at lOJ o'eloek,

i<i tt. a liar a.or-ment of freah imported BUL-BOf-l ROOTS from Ilaaxlemia Holland, contiitiog of Dya-.i lha. Tili-t, Narci-tu, OUdiola*. iri*. Croeut, kc, U lotflto iuit purcbatert._D.H'Ki'SIA. CONSTIPATION, aud kindrcd

di*e«.*i. effe.-tiiallv cored by daily uting DAVY'aRVALENTA CRACKF.RB. No dnigt rcquired. Bflflfl l.y ISAAC M.OAY, Variety Cracker hu-et, Sa^- rirculaf.

AKDWARE, METAL, and IRON BU.SI-NKBfl I'Ai'Klt. bought and aold at lowoit ratea by

P. W. OALLACDET, Note Broker.No. 11 Pine-tt. near Broadway.


IAMJ-S TYLEB (hlfl <>f No*. laal 4 Mulbcrry-tt.), intormi hi* frienda aad th* publie that he haa remoTe*.

hi.Aw.ilng. Ha*, -.eking andCot Bottoia Manufactory t*No._C7 Canal-at, tfclrd door frou. Mnlberrv-it. He liat alfooonnect-ed wlth hii e.tabli*iini«nt * Bed and Bedding Store, Ilorte audMtrrh* Malt Bip. Feed Bam. etc. etc, cou¬nt tly ou bflflfl. II* vv.'Uld farticularW call the attri.tioa o( and otheii to hii newl* bitented v entilttlng Keed B*g,whichgivaiiutii uuir-iaai aantfacueu. l«u whoieeale aud

M8B._l OJSQ isi-AXD POTTEBT Dfi-J-^nPIJl_ toi W*ter*nd Sewer* ( l.inmey Top*, Oardou laaea,(ireni Hi^.re nnd Kloorinjt Tiie., kr.

KDWARD H. UU1NN, No. H8 P-rl-tt, N. T.

^TLEITlAX BOOTS.Now ready, for theProm*nad* and Fieid. made of Grain Calf. Enarooied,

ard Al!l**tor Leat her. wilh wide aud heavy Engli.h Sole*.Bl'aaufa. tured by Bl RT fc T1.KUI NE, No 27 Park-row.



Laliei'BALMORAL BOOTS, tbe Wi.iter favorie, i* toldat t'.e low prtre of fl2 bb.a dollar lei* tbaa tbe uiual eharge.Ladiet' ( ONORESS GA1TERS, at 81 eaceilent aafl

nioit terriceible artlcl*. ¦____._.Ladiet'OAITERS, the chetf-it trtlcle ever fut-nlthedat the reuiarkibly low price of*l 50.Boyi', Miii**' and Chlldren1* SHOES proportionately low.Kiirllrnrr, d'.rai.iiity aud cbeapne-i a-e ibe eliaracteiitticfl

ofourlabii.t- Viit C\NTRELL'8,No. Ml Brotdway, between llth and llthata.

PI.'OF. C. DTlfATlMtJXi), M. D., No. 058JL Broadway, np ttain. Medical aud Surgieal Adfi.-aaflIflflflN-fl from .'a. m. to 2 p. u_., and ti to 8 o'eloek OTeulng.

IJKl.l.HA.M FARM Xmvtown Pippin APPLESfor aale, pi. ted ly hand, aweated and pnekrd for a_port.

ia i.r. a, nt*, in barreli, bojea an.i half barrela, will keep ninemoiiiha. Ap|.|y to ROBERT L. PELL, Eaopua, UtftML'ouuiy, N. TT, or to ,

M. A. J. LTNCH, Commiitton Merchant,No. 4 Erie Buildingt, Duane-at,

ifbere aauiplei may b* t**n._DATENT .MICA aai F1BUOFS

CF.MF.NT ROOFINO. ..Tl.i* unrivtiedItOoKlNO MATERIAL ie adtpled fl every

"or.n *nd variety of roof, new or old, and if ooequeled foflarabtllty. beanty, and cheapneia by auy eompotitiou ln ut*.

K.MI NT f.r SALEby the barrel, with printed inittuctiooaior u.. Suta and Couaty M.^ypjj v*$***k ^

No. 207 Broadway, New-York.


1. iu.1 M Hiiitie-tt., ne. Broadway late 45 John-it.j BraucBOrtic-t, 120 Bro-dway, N. Y.,and 1. Pierrepont-tt, Bfookly*.oilllM''S ol PRODUCE, FnrfB. Poultry,^ Ganie. Pntter, and of all aiticlet Uable to injurv from be*8i.i tro't will bnd i-ointy and advantage trt forwarding by onr

Etpret* Lineof Patent Refrtgerator C*n, between tbia eitym/hf.118*1 l«reful and pro.npt attention |Wen to pur-c!ia»e of ordert and tale of i-ouiimunent* or ttorage of ian.* iflo.rcoinii o.I:oBflCflflBDg-Hoiitei. Kcfrigeratort for famillea.ctra, vetieli. markela, commia-iriiU. ke., tor *«!* .«.'° *_*der, bytUeLYMANREFRIOElUTORCo., No. IW Waab.iiigtuuit., N. Y._.

TO PRINTER*-,.Foor TABLE-RACKS,and five iaige SORTS-CASES for 8ALE cheap. The-

Ta'-le-RackiaudCa-etarelti .x.relleut condition. !¦«.»..f.te eaeh Ra.k. Inquiie ofJ.O.l OOLEY *«-*.*No. I Bat.Cfl tt., Tribune Buildingt, N. I. CUy-_tk i FIKE Freach Calf Dr«a BOOTM at*TP 4- JONEKB, No*. 10 and 12 Aan-ft.:Jt!**. .» ** .**. «**

peleou Top tnd Donbi* aola \\^terpj»*l*_B^*4*___-(.>»>- NEW-YORK LAFNURV- 235WitlO CIT.ZENS k STRANOEKJ[V^^f^ts]K,«---_i^^ttB\\\mlo^^^J-Sj^ai-llfl-B«l ~«.rncdfr*. *f eh-fla
