Library of Congress€¦ · {'^iotocrs.Br Mm* Seba Smith. Eachleaflet is atiny scroll Ales»oa...


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{' ^iotocrs.Br Mm* Seba Smith. ^

Each leaflet is a tiny scroll

A les»oa that around the heartShould keep the dew of youth ;

Bright missals from angelic throngsJn every by-way lejt,

How were the earth of glory shornWere it of flowers bereft!

They tremble on the Alpine bights,The fissured rock they press.

The desert wild, with heat and sand,Shares too their blessedness;

And wheresoe'er the weary heartTunis in its dim despair,

The meek-eyed blossom upward look---. jInviting ft to prayer!

"Niagara Falls-How to nee them-Corre*[>Oa'!>*i!tv of The Tribune.

NIAGARA Fall.!, June 23, 1S13.

In nothing is the go-ahcaditiveness of our

people more signally manifest than in their man-

nerof visiting'Niagara Falls. Arid in no otherinstance perhaps, could the exercise of this, inthe main, commendable trait deprive the travelerof so much real satisfaction, so much elevatedand elevating enjoyment. It is no greater follyto undertake to sleep with one eye open, and

hope thus to rest and refresh tlie body, than it isto kurry by the Great Cataract and hope to beenabled to" understand and appreciate all of itsorand and impressive character. The truth is.xnost of our people are too enterprising to be re-

flective, too much in a hurry to be philosophic,too practical and laborious "to indulge in andcherish those more refined and exalted sentimentsof the soul which redeem-it from the dust ant:

vindicate its immortality. ?

Thousands of persons" arjrive at the Falls aboutII o'clock A. M. from the Eabt or West, leaveat hall' two P. M. dine inuhe meantime, then goon their way rejoicing i^nd discourse to theirfriends and acquaintances of the bublimity o!

Niagara! The man who went physically througha college building from front to rear, was as well

acquainted afterwards with the belles-lettres am:

sciences, as these gentry are with Niagara aftersuch a visit.

Doubtless the spectacle is impressive, at thefirst glance, from any point whence a good viewi« obtained ; but how much more bo when viewedfrom various points and under different aspects '

Of course you will not expect me to attempt a

description. When I see such an attempt I amreminded of a young man who first looked uponthe horse-shoe lall from the southwesterly comer

of Goat Island. At the first view, clasping hishands before him, he exclaimed " Great God !".then pausing a moment and dropping his handswithout parting them, he added " Amen !" as

though he had felt at once the impotence ol

languuge to express his emotions, or describe the.scene. Yet I may be permitted to say that hewho does not see Niagara in the calm and quietof early morning when the column of spray isrising far and majestically into the skies, as if itwould present its inatin orisons at the very gate jof heaven, while neur its top the fragment of a

rain-bow is traced by the first rays of the sun,

"being now, as in the older lime, a sign of peaceto all below;.he who docs not. see its waters

flashing, and foaming in tlie splendors of themeridian sun, or grow dark beneath the darkclouds of the storm which gathers above, whilethe deep under-tonc, the sublime bass of the fall-ing sheet is made, by the increased density olthe atmosphere, more fearfully impressive, andTOUTS lorth an awful prelude to the music of thecoming titorm ;.he who does not induce the

ferry-man to row him up into the foaming caldronthat he may feel and realize, the mighty pulse ofthe great deep beneath him ;.he who does not!go out to the end of the timbers of the old terra-

pin bridge, and, hanging immediately over thefearful chasm, gaze loug and directly into it, andwatch the troubled wutera as they pile themselves fhigher aud higher and send up less and lessof spray, until the foaming mass breaks by its?own weight and again tho great cloud comes upfrom tlie bottom and conceals the whole ;.hewho docs not ascend the tower and alter feastinghis eyes by gazing upon both the horse-shoe andAmerican Falls, and the long line of fearfulgulf below, then turn and feast them a^ain witha view of the mimic falls and the " leaping rock'*in the rapids above, and the calm waters andpeaceful country still beyond ;.he who does not

grasp the whole transcendent scene from Table-Rock;.he who does not go to the top of theterrace above Lewiston, to the Whirlpool, andwhen at this latter place, down to the watee'sedge, where he can see the great ruffles of waterrolled high above, and large trees fifty or sixtyfeet in length and from two to three in diametertwisted about in the curling waters as if theyware the merest play-things, here sucked downend-wiso far out of sight, und anon shot up again,more than half their length out of the water, thenfalling once more upon the surface to continuetheir ceaseless evolutions;.he who does nut duall this time and again.and study, contemplateand reflect upon these things, does not. get ac¬

quainted with Niagara.But my letter i6 getting too long : yet I cannot

promise that you shall not have more hereafter,of the same subject; not however until a fter 1have visited the great valley of the Mississippi,whence I purpose to return and tarry awhilelonger amid this enchanting scenery..Yours, &.c Robt. Ramble;.Chicago.Its Site.Tike Prairie. Crop-,, Jtv.

Correspondence of The Tribune,Chicago, (Illinois,) Jone 1$, 1843.

This city is situaled on the West end of LakeMichigan, at the mouth of Chicago River, whichmakes an excellent harbor. The River is notnavigable more than a mile from the Lake ; butrunning through the middle of the city, as itdoes, makes it very convenient for loadmg andunloading merchandize, the store-houses %elhgbuilt immediately on the wharves. The numberof inhabitants at present is estimated at betweenseven and eight thousand. The city is laid outmuch after tlie plan of Philadelphia, the streetsrunning a straight line, North and South, andEaaj and West. Lake-street is tlie principalStreet, being about a mile in length, and ha*.some good four-story stores on it, built of brick,although most of the buildings are frame. Thedwelling-houses are generally very neat..all uithem being painted'white, and "most of themstand with tlie end to the street. Churches areto be found here of nearly all denominations, andthey are very well attended.

1 am stopping at the American TemperanceHouse, kept by C. W. Cook ; and it is about thebest Temperance house 1 ever put up at Personstraveling this way I would advise to call at theabove house, where they are sure to be well satis,fied. The table is furnished with Mackinaw troutnearly every day, trie best fish found in the Lakes.From the Observatory of this house you look as

far the eye can reach on the prairie, as level as thelake itself. Last evening the prairies were on firein this neighborhood ; but, in lookitig this morn¬

ing, I find it has been extinguished. There areno fences, and cowe and horses roam where theylike; pasturing costs nothing. This State wiLturn out as large a crop of Wheat this season asehe has for many years past; it looks uncoiu-

raonly well now. Corn will not amount to much.Quite an enthusiastic meeting was held here on

Saturday evening to make arrangements for thecelebration of the Fourth of July.This city is supplied with water from the Lake,by hydraulic power. The land being so low, eel-lawt cannot be dug more than four feet deep, whichib the greatest inconvenience of the place. Fami¬lies have to pay from $8 to «75 a year for theprivilege of using the lake water;.rather a hcavvtax, wüere it is so plenty as here.

Every tiling in the shape of Politics is quiet.At the proper time Illinois, I have no doubt, willnot be backward in doing justice to the WestskmStatesman. Yours,£ §<

MORNING LINE.For Albany andTrov, und intermediate landing.. From the

_ BSM.f.-«>tbf Barclav-ttreet The newJow-to«m*«Steamer EMPIRE. Capt. 5. R. Roe. leaves THIS MORN*

^he^low nressnre tteamboat TROY leaves TO-MOR¬ROW MORNING, at 7 o'clock. ",Foi Passage apnly at the office, foot cf Baiclay-street, or on

^NoTtck...All Goods, Freight. Baggage, Bank Bill». S .

or'anv other kind of Property, taken, shipped, 01 potranrhis Boat, must be at the risk of the owners of such WJeos,Freicht. Baggac». kc:_ |« Z&n


... 1 OR A L BÄ N V A S D T R 0 V--jjrnj-^A- ....,.».....t J ..,<«¦«:. To- splendid st-ain-r DIA-;..y"-SCTC'>iON'!), '.'apt. A. Fl--"-:, will have \.w-

Yc^New Pier. lot of Barclaj st.) TB - AFT El».NOONat7o clock. ... 1 , it.

Passengers taking this boat will not ue detained upon the hex draft is so Sight that she can t.ass at any time of tide.

If re.iue.ted. pas :g-i . « .II be lauded at the \\ estera De-.K)f Albany, always in time for me Morning 1 ram.

For passage or freight, apply to the. Captain «n board, or toT. J. Hall at the othce ->f said boat, foot of Barclay-stTrie above boat will L av- Albany oa aiternite days, footol

Hamilton-it, at 6 o'clock, P. M.

<---n'. \ v" :-K'NOP01A'--FAKK "v.k-_^JDUI ED FOR THE YEAR 1843..New

^ÄCn^S^'l-' ': orition Line Ii A < Di¬rect. Fare 25 cents. No charge t--r Berths. Deck_;ilit cents. The new indjcommodious steamboat NV.V.'-JEK-SEY. >.\\<:. R. H. Fury "ill leave the pier foot ofBarclay-Nivv-York. every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 7o'clock, P. M.For freight or passage apply on board. Freight taken !*ss

than tQWrbOat prices.The New-Jersey i- forni bed with elegant state-rooms, and

"or speed and accommodation is not surpassed by any .'¦.<.¦¦

boat on the Hudsou River._je-* tf

awrt~~ "FOR ALBANY, TROY and inter-faisssrAOm- ra Ij ti ;d«c-The le.idid low pressureaaZHSSBaasteainl SWALLOW, Cant. A. McLean,will leave the foot of! TCl&a -.. THIS AFTERNOON, atj o'clock. , ,The above is a substantial Boat, fitted up with eletatit !>.>!..I'oerns. and for aCCOrnmc»dar*.oti 1., unrivalled on the Hudson.::

tcv^i . --PEOPLE'S LINE OF STEAM-IgMfeMaJS BOATS FOR ALBANY THROUGH DISES2SZSEEH\ I T DAILY, at 7 o'clock P. M. From t:.e Steamboat Pier between Conitlaud and

?The laevr^and corrrmodious Steamboat ROCHESTER.Capt. A. HoughtOM, wi I leave the Steamboat Pier betweenth? foot of < ouxtlandt and Liberty-streets, Monday, \»ed-iesday and Friday evexang^eatTo'cJock. , ,,Steamboat Smith America, Capt. L. W. Bmnard, will

e^ve Tuesday. Thursday a id Saturday eyenmgsat? clock.Steamboat North America, Ca- r. M. II. I rp«dell, landinr

.t intermediate places, will leave Menfiay, Wednesday -uic

Friday afternoon at i o'clock. ... . .,P»»i,.«..-r» taking tlita L'.r.e of Boats will «11.»

it. Albany in ample timeto Mke the Morning .*aij> oJ Oars.101.he fcast or West. Th- above Boatt are new and subs! inüal,re famished «nh new and elesaat State Rooms, *.:d loripeed and accommodations we unnv ded on the Hudson.Tor passaga or freight ipplj on ooaid. to P. C.Sdiultz at th«¦dice o:, the w harf._oäT^T INEW ARRANG EM ENT.-Fareisri-'.V .ami Freight reduced..New York ?.nd Bostonf5XS3ffi5&K.uli'..i.. Line, via Norwichund Worcester..(Troin Pier No. 1 .Nor::, Riv tol Battery place, DAIL\ ,

Sumlays excepted, ai i o'clock. P. M.TheLine is composed of the following splendid steamers,

viz:WORCESTER. Capt. J. H. Yandv.rbilt.CLETöPATI. A. Capt. J. K. Dcstaj».NEW H WEN, Ca]:. Lkfevrx.

The CLEOPATRA, on Mondays, Wednesdays and 1-ri-

The WORCESTER, on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat¬urdays...* Passtngsra foi Boiion will be forwarded by railroad,

immediately on the atria.-*! of the above bunts at Norwich,oul will proceed without change of cars cr baggage^f£7" From Norwich. Merchandise for Boston will for-¦raided by Railroad, without change of;crates, and arrive inBoston the Dav af-er l-av ing New York.N. B. Samples. Light Packages, ice. will be forwarded

with Extra Dejpa;c!i, by reuuest made known to the mbscii-bar. D.HAYAVOOD,

Freight Agent foi N. l'. tk B. S. B. ü. R R. Line,at the I >tfi.-e on the Wharf.

Where *!l information in regard :o Freight, to or from L\<^-ion may l*e obtained: also of

D. B. ALLEN. 39 P. - b slip, up m.nrs.FOR SAG-HARBOR..The steamboal THORN "ill

leave Norwich every morning, (Sundays excepted.) Fatethrough from New-York to Sac-Harbor 52 60.Ne freight received after half-past ! P. M.N. B. All persons are forbid trusting any one cn account

of the above boats or owners. aplStfaarapj iMGtRNTNG BOAT FOR PEEK-[ii^rA^v^C!SKILL. Y-nihncl, Grassy-Point, Sing-Sing,ÄSSKSSSS^Tai *wn, Dobb's Fem-. Hastingsand Yonk-ers..Breakfast and Dinner on board..The new and splendiditeamcr COLL'MBL'N, Capt Win. H. Frasee, will leaveNew Y<n k from the foot of Chambers rr>. t. every morning(Friday's excepted.) at 7 o'clock;asd returning leave Peekskillsame day at I2i"o'clock, P. M.; i-r-i't Sundays, when »liewill le.iv;- Peelukilia'Co^clock. P. M. Lauding at the foolof Hammond street each way. Freight taken it reduced ites.Notick.AU good*, freight, baggage, bank bills, specu ,qi

my othar kind of prop* rty. taken, shipped, or put onboard thisboat, must boat the risk ol the owners of such goods, freight,baggage, kc .

[c/ All persons arc forbid trusting aay 6in. ou account oflaid boat 01 owners. jell

rTvwi -FOI« fcLUDSON and intermediate\L-*J&i .4 Landings..The Steamboat WESTCHES-.^CTEyiTSSSTKR; Capt. Waü H, M».u.i will h ive thef.otoi Cellaret., the ensuing season, ever; Monday, Wednes¬day «nd Fiid.iy at j o'clock, P. M. cotiuectiug «t Hudson withthe Hudsou and Berkshire Railroad, the cars of which leave onthe arrival of the boat. Returning, the boat leaves Hudson onTuei*d«y, Thur»d*y md Sunday, at >. o'clock, P. M. cron th**arrival ol the cars;, touching both ways at the intermediatelandiuus. For freight or passage, apply on board, or to

STORRS &. S1 EPHENSON, 99 West-et.This boat has been put in complete older, wiih an additional

number of State-Rooms, .uol will be found as pleasant andcomfortable a boat aa any on the user. Tins boat tows nobarges.

T!:i> boat is now ready to receive freight, and will leave onFriday, 7th April. ap5 9m

rt^l * «NEW YORK A X11 KINGSTONi-ssHÄ-iV*^. ST EAM FREIGHT AND PASSAGE>nZl.jgjjg,LINE.Foi Kinststonand Delaware and Hud-son-Canal.Steamboats NORW1I H md EMERALD.The NORWICH, Capl du JoH.-vSAiii t ls, will leave New-

Yor'-. foot of Warren street, ev< r, Wednesday and Saturdayat 5 o'clock, P. M.Will lestve Kiiigstcin (Rondout) Lauding every Tuesday

ami Friday, at 3o'clock. P. M.The EMERALD. Captain John Ketchvm, will leave

New-Yo.-k. foot of Murray str««t, every Monday and Thurs¬day it 5 o'clock. P. M.Will leave Kingston (Rondout) Landing . very Wcdnes-

day and Saturday at 3 o'clock, P. M.For fn ight or i«uaaage appl 1 on board._"ih30 tl

Mtansn . DT. POWELL !c CO.'S LINE FOR^.-'"A.jNKWIIUIIGH, Landing at Caldweil's. WestiEr2SSC2»l,.iit.t and Cold Spring.The ite imboat HIGHLANDER,Capt.TL Wardrop, wiII leave the pi< fool olW.u-reai-street . every Monday, Thursdaj and Saturday, at 1 o'i lockP. M. Returning, will leave New burgh every Monday at 6A. M. and Tuesday and Friday at j P. M. Foi freightorpas¬sage, apply to the Capt tin ou board.Bagg ige and freight of ül di »criiitiöns; bank bills 01 specie

put on board, must be at the risk ol the ow ui rs thereof, unh ssa bill oflading or reci ip;-. be sicue,! lor th- same. all

«srarr . NKW A I. \l A XGEÄ1ENT. .ÜUDr.Zj SON and NEW YORK.For fn ight md ; -

SSsentrers.The new md elegant steamboal 0LUALB1A,Capt, Thomas P.Newbeiy, will leave Hudson >iNew Yorlrevery Monday; Wednesday, and Friday, at sixclock, P. M. on the arrival of thi Hudson md Bicrkshir- '.road ('.::.>. and touch At mtermedl it- landings keWIUIOKleave New York every Tuesday, Thürs md Satilidaa.romthefootofCedsi^.-ie.: CASSISmorning, 111 time to take the l..<i:r,;i,i ,.nM f,:r Boan}nri I. rril0,inn!".eu. inquire in Hudran cf Hl BBE1PrtVii ,. ,n Ne« York, of SVYDAM. REED *ou. at tue ioJt ofLiberty street, Niirth River, oi ou board atel£her^ace._ alBtl' JEREMIAH BAME.

fl**l, asFOR .YEWRVKGI!-Landing atrMlp7fT%MM|Caldweil's, West Point, Cold Spring, Co.:

*all, and Fishkill Landing.The steamboat JAS. MADISON. Capt Chas. Halstead,>vil! leave Warren-street pier ..u;>- Tuesday and Frida)iiO"ii at i o'clock.All Baggage, Packages or Parcels, Bank Bi!i- or Specie, pulon.board this boat w ithout being entered on tin book or re-

teiptedibr; must be at tlie risk of the owners thereof. ai: ti

NEWARK AND NEW-YORK.Faie onlv 12J 1 en:.

{^.'y.'.' ss5es The splendid steamei PASSAIC, Capt J.Gajfy, on aud after June 'j will run a> follows:Leave New-York from the toot of Barclay at as 10 o'clockA. M. and at ) o'clock.P. M.Le..v e Newark from thi foot of Centre street, at 71 o'clock,M.aud at U P. M.

_rC**' Frelxlu corned r.; verv low rates. jej tf

^>T iTI.N [.-1 A N FERRY, fböiSÄ^feSSSR? of Whitehall-;..Ti-.- steamboats ST AT-. I i mill IBsg| £N tsLAjfrjiriand SAMSON will runloiiows until further notice :Le.av New-York, 8.^*.5-6.7.Statten Island, 8.9.It'. .j_0.7Leave Staten Maud and NWi oxkevery hour on Sun 1.-v B.Excursion to Fort Hamilton, (Sundays excepted.)-Leave Fort Hamilton71 A. M.. returning from New-York 3iAlt freight shmped is re.nme.ltobe particularlymarked, andis at the nsk of rl-.e ow twr> thervof. ilio

^ELIZABETH-PORT AND NEW..... _^VORK Fc-RUYCOMPANY.-Se:,^,. md^Stt^MtrwATER äifiBdv daily from Eiir ibeth-Port to V-w-Y- -il .¦ .¦ ¦". \Brighton and Port-Richmond «cl trip. :"!do^-B

tSPRING ARRANGeNI EN p.On and alter April b:h, 1843, to June Ut 18!tLeave Kltr.' Leave-N«w-Vor£At 6i. 8. and 11 o'clock A. M. At Ki and 101 o'clock A MAt 1 .and i o'clock, P. M. At t and 6o'clockP Mp> St ndav. l>^ S| mxav.At 8 o clock A. M., ;ui»t 121 At 10 oV!-* k A. \1 and 2iand 4i o'clock P. M. and 6 o'clock r v1SUMMER ARRANGEMENT.

Oa ami after the 1st day of June, is-,3.Leaw Elizabeth-Port: LeaTe New-York:At ül. Sand II o-clieck A. M.lAtÜ, Hi and 101 o'clockA M.At 1, i and Si o'clock P. M.IAl 2, i and 6j o'clock P.M.On M npav, On Si m>\tAt R. 10 .xnd 12 o'clock A. M- At *. 10 and Hi o'clock A. MA: I. and 6 o'clock P. M. At 2. 3l and 6 o'clock P. M.N. JB..Passengers for Westfield, Scotch Plains, Plainileld,Bouud-Brivk, Somerviile, E.a-»ton and Schoo!ey's Mountain,

oy the El:r.;bet:i-Mwn and SomerviUa R..!lro'id Cars, will'eave >ew-\ork in tite 81 o'clock l»o4t in the morning, and intne 4 o c.ock boat* in the afternoon.Passengers from the 81 o'clock boat wül least; S*irervjl!e u,.'.ages lo: Easton a:irl for Sclwaoley':. Mountain on tiieajriv-!)1 the cars al Sonu rvjlle.Tlie Horse Car w lil leave the front of the Union Hotel Cjttar-.**<>{ an hour previous to the departure of each boatAll.baggage »r th-* risk of its owner apl.S

r t. r^i N EW VORK AN I; E R LER Ä i LK OA iEXTENDED TO >1 IDDLETOWN. Orang,*. " a-> ui^ a a-' .'i u'l'Uk. * v. »v aiii.'

Count}*..On. "and alter Thursday, June L th.-.Regular Trains will run between New-YorkGoshen and Middletov u daily (Sundaysexcepted)a*follows:bor ivassengers, leave foot of Duaiie-street. at 31 P. M. bvtteainboat ARROW, Captain A. H. Schalt», taking the Can

t Pie.-mi.iu, and arrive a: Goshen at 81 o'clock and Middle-own at9o'clock: P M. Returninir. leave Middleiown at CAM. and arrive at Nsw-'Jiork at 11 A. M.An Accommodatior. Lin* for Freight and Passengers leaves

New-1 ork as abov»a: 6 A. M .and arrives a: Goshen at IJ;-.lock aiid Middletown at 1 o'clock P. M. Retaining, leaveMidd'- tovm at ii P. M.aud arrive in tlie city about It.For Freight, leave New-York at 6 A. M. and .arrive a: Mi.i-

JJetowu sjiiir day. Returainig; leave Middletown at l P. Mand arriva hi New-York same night.

H. C. SEYMOUR, Sujvriatsndent-May 2i:h, 18iJ. m38



F A UK. FOR TP.'?. $24.The splendid tow-pressure steamboat BL'FFALO. Captain, will leav- Bt.fF^lo for thr *b.,xe p.'iuts.onFriday July Ä1, nt 10 o'clock A. M-

Tnti evcu-sion presents .. rare «-...!-.rtnnity to those who haveuw«r .. ivited Green Bay and Like Sni-rior to do *o. at a price10 moderate, tint therxi-m»« is within thr reach ofalmost any.-:«. Passengers will hax- an opportunity of visiting theIndian Settlements, the Foils of St. Man*, and thr beautilulscenery iround the Coot »f Lake Superior; «4 also every oth-er point in that region, of interest to die cmiou* and scieatiac |traveler.Thr Baff.alo hxx under-on- thorough repairs.and for acr*m-

tn-Uti-t.s is u'.t surpassed hv acv b***.-»n the we«.-rrn waters.

Every -;:-:;tion will b- j<aid by tl»e otlicrr, ol thr boat to tue

comfort and pleasnreofthoseon board.A good P.-.t:d of Music will accompiny thr Ficnrsion.For Bertha or Star- Rooms, apply on board, or at tii* orr.ce

of CHAS M. REED, Water-stre-l. Buffalo,je22 3w_\_

siv-jrr . ~F< 'UKTIL1 »F JULY.Excursion toi*-=sdaa-~3 PERTH AJIBOI md NEW BRUNS-^±ir^a7Ä WICK from BARCLAY-ST. WHARF at9tr< !..rk. Th- fast and j leasaol steamboat

RARITAN, Capl Isaac Fisher,Will an Excursi.Hi 10 Perth Amboy »nd New Bruns-wicli on Tnesday. Jul] '¦ having the foot of Birclay-strr-t :t

} o'clock, takingthe nüt^d: passage, affordim: pleasant newsof thr Bay and Hmbor, thr Narrow*, the Public works.:the;Quarantine Sandy Hook Light-House, kc..landing at PerthAmboy; and procei-d dir-r: to New-Brunaw irk.Returning, leave New Brunswik at < r>«-:\>r? 2 P M, ahn

Perth Amboi at 3 o'clock, passing thronch die inside passage,thr Sound Kilns, tec.arriving in New-York at i past I.Fare for tri* whole excursion, 50 c-i.ts.Family and Pleasure Parties will find :lu* the most pleasant

and healthful Excursion on the Thr Rantan nis am-

pie aecornrnodation* sufficient to afford genrral satisfaction;The hours <>!' departure will b- punctual._-?~~


MOMRV.lL. !The Neu Su imer LADY OK THE LAKE. Captain ». J.Tavlor. and the new Steamer ST. LA WREN; E, CaptainJ. V .¦: i lev. form .a Pailv »r»" between backetts Harbor.Osweroand Lewisn» i aching at the mouth ol GeaeseeRiver :¦ *h wars.leaving Sack»?t« Harbor at 11 o'clock A.JLOswego at S<A lock P. M.. Rochester at in o'clock P.!arrive at LewistOu in time to reach:Niagara Falls or Buffiuom breakfast the next morning. Returning.leave Lewrston at

i o'clock P. M.. B » bests it 11 o'clock P. M., Osweso -tC>.o'clock A. M., an l arm- at Säcketts Harbor st half-pas'tJ"clock A. M. .. ,

'!*!... new Stramrj ItOCHESTlSit < G. S. >Vrck»,aod the Steamet ONEIDA, Capt. R. F. Child, form s DailyLinebetweet Qswego; fonaston and Oedensbtirgh.and run inconnection wi'Ui the above Steamers.leaving Osweco at f>o'clock A. >J (on the arris al of the boats from NiagaraFallsand Lewiston,) Kingston st 11 A. M.. md urnve_at Oxdensburgli the samt aftnnoon. Rrturnun..I-msv Djdrr.s-burgh a: 10 p. M., Kingston .::3A. M-,and ani*rat Oswegothe same afternoon in rime for thr Strnnrrs for Rochester,Lrv ist hi, Niagara Falls tud Buffalo.Paisengen leaving Niagara Falb and Lewrston by this line

ol Steamers will arrive at Montreal, di:-t t. in 3G hours.Steamers leave LeAviston daily for Toronto ind H-.tnihon,

on ths arrii d of tii- Lady of die L :kv «nd St. Law rence.

A LLNE OF NEW ("ANAL PACKETSLeave'Syracuse every morning and evening förOswegpi andarrive in time for the Steamers hound t» Lewiston, r.iasriraF.ills, Kingston and Ogd-nsbuivh : and leave Oswego everymorning and evening pu ihe;arriyal of.the Like SteamersTorSyrai n-e. and arrive in time for tii* morning and evenmgCarsfor Albany:

FARE, INC LUDING BOARD,52 50 from Syracuse to RochesterLanding.Si on " " " Lewiston; .. .' *' Niagara Falls.53 00 " .' " Burial...

A. MtTfsoj», Urica. E.B Allen, Oedensburgh.T. S. Faxt'.n. Uti.M. S. Farwell, Utica.itBtJTTERFlELD, UtiCiL H.FlTXKCOH&Co.,OsWegTJ.HeigtT VVmite, Urica. BuonsotIi Crocker, dp.'.v.-.May, 1843. _myZHm -..d l)\v.


I^\3L_ CENTR AX RAILROAD %3»**J%tS2£=S5tt Iffnll Line. tSZZZZJSrzz*The cheaj-est, safest and most expeditions roRte tothe west,

being i! hours 'iui«*t>er than the Lake :oü>.The Railroad Cars leave Dh oil dailj [Sundays excepted)

at ft o'clock A. VL.arrive at Jackson, 80 iniir>, same day at 2:. M |^*ve J icks«»i ai i P. M. in Coaches, arrive at St. Jo¬

seph v S P. M. next day; !>-aw St. Joseph on ibearriva] ol the

>r..;-. s. in Steamboats, 6S miles to Chicago, and arrive it

one A. iLThis route was establu>hed ai a greot expense m-1812, and its

success warrants the proprietors in extending the I-n.I t

1813. A new Steamtejat of270 tons burdien Mrldi ¦ povt'erfnlLow Pressure Engine,will take the sdaiee of the SteamboatHuron ii, July,[T^* Extras altVays ln readiness.Office in Chicago it the General Stage Office. In Detroit

a*. theUnilroisd Ticket Oilier.T. W. WELLS, Art. Com. C. IL R.V.. TILLOTSON St CO S. !'E. B. St S. WARD, S, B P

j Jackson, May I813.__niyfjSrneoÜ.p>Wlrv. Ml «H R IS AND ESSEX RAILROAD.'<*2£xJ ^KW-Vi HIK NKWA11K AND MORRIS--..^-Vy - rOWTCi~~~~~ ...¦iNlvn irba>'ceme>"t.

L- lvc New-Yorki Leave Ntwaik Leave MorristownB o'clock A. M. i ft o'clock A. ,M ! Tfo'clock A. M.1 " P. M. b " P. M ( 21 - P. M.P»Me.ncer> by the momlti? train to Moriistown rtiTivr there

by 101 o'clocV, when stages n ill \»-. in i^ailiness to convey themto Schooley s .Mountain, Washington. Belvid^re and Lastoir,aUo to Stanhope, Spart», Newtown, Millford and Owegb.

Pass^iiu-'-is uoni Alorristowu willarrive in tiir>e tu Uk>- »hrmorning and < vening trains from New Vbrk for Philadelphia,N. B.Bj in arrangement Jtlst made die cars oh this road

run direct to^ and from Jer»ev City in connecrion widi thetrains of tlie NewrJersey Railroad of die same hour, therebyavoiding any changeof j».«s¦>rs or baggage as formerly.Thr M; Si K. Railroad having recently been relaid with the

heavies! II tail, is now in complete rur.nni*,' order, and offersone_of the most attractive and incturesque ex«-!!:^!«!!!» tu th«vicinity; as well as... commodious and expeditious cöu) eyani ..

between Ne« irork and MorrLstOwn f>r passengers and Ireiglit,which will be takeu on the most reasonable terms. Office Aithe foot oft ourdandtstreet, wlieiein agent >villnltvays feinattend oh e.

RATES OF COMMUTATION ER AN N! M.Nt wark to Morristown.J',n

M idison and Chatham.S'.io', Summit.S-V)

Milleville.?tn" Oian«e.S25

jet9 tf[RA POPP. Snperintendant.^ pf>NEW-Vi 'HKli EAST! >N, Pa..PeoÜSf&Si 0- Liu-. Far* $2.1.Leave Plw N .. I, North.^Kfwg^.River at Ri A. M. d.sily. (Sundays'ex-.Ear.Ma.cepted.) by steamboat to Elizabt th-rort; or leavethe foot of Courtlandt str-> t at 9 o'clock, A. M., b> Nrw-Jer-s-\ Railroad to Elizabethtown, there connect with the trainof cars for Somerville; coaches thence (only 34 miles,) arriv-in; it Easton it G o'clock, P. M. For seats apply to A. DHOPE, Merchants' Hotel, il Courtlandt st.N. B..This route, on accottn* of the ihort distance bycoaches,« ommends itself to the nablic.<>,ny>' removed from ?:i t,i 11 i.'»urilandt street.

~^ NEW-Y! .!;..;SA I 71 SCOOLEY- KlOUNTAIN.ÄSS^fea^gj4u a S i EASTON. t^ggSS

.-.l. Lenve die foot of Gonrtlandt meet daily (Snn-r\< epteu) ai B o'clock A. M. By Raili >ed direct, with-

out-Change of cars frOiRJefse^ t lit) t,. Morristown, thenceby j>o-t coajches thrtngh Wendham, Chester, Schooley'sMoruitain, AnwrsOiirTown; Port Lolden, Washington toE Washington a dai'y line intersects to and fromBelvidere. Foi i«eats apply to J. HILL, at J. Patten's Com¬mercial Hotel, 73 < onrtlandtAtreetN. B..Extras furouhed at.the shortest notice by applying

to N. B. Luse. Uniled States Hotel, Morristown. jH Jm*

dfe FOR LÖXDÖN--Resrular Packet of the^Vt^v 'st July.The splendid Packet ship VICTORIA,-ü.«» E. '£.. Morgan, mästen will s.ui as above, her regulaiday.Having w-iy sup-rmr accommodations for cabin, 2d cabin,

and steerage i'.^^r.s^r«., persous wishing to embark, shouldmake early application to

rOSEPH McMURRAY,if!'! Tine strent. corner *?f South.

Persons w ishing to send for their frieed«, can have thembrought putby the above shin,or any of the regular paikrt>.bv -»ppivi- « is above; (if by lettrr. post paid.) j21.U- UNI FED LINE OF LIVERPOOL PACK-

r.TT'V LTS.Packet of 1st July..Ti - well-known, fast-..Vps£i,ii-.-:and favorite packet-ship OHIO. Captain H.L><>n. will Mil punctnalh asabov«.The-äccomrnodarions of this ship for cabin, second cabin

ami steerage passengers, cannot I* snniassea: her betweendecks, which are very spacious; are fitted up w ith a degree ofcomfort uneqp <:-J b> anj other tucket in port. Those aboutvisiting the old country, cannot tail to be pleased with the ar-rangeme its made i"i :'>-ir comfort. The prtcv of passage br¬ing remaikably low. those wishing to seem » berths should notfail to make early application on b 'ird foot uf D-s^r stps-t, or

to T. TAPSCOTT,13 Peck slip, corner South street,

v. Persons ivnUnng to smd foi their friends, can have thembrongiit nt in firs! class American packet ahi|« sailing fromLiverpool weekly, on favorablererms. jr2>i

^j. FOR GLASGOW-!»ÜJket of 2d July.«2^03 T'* ' Klass.fasi sailing packet-ship WARSAW,-lüäsi-' Hawkins, will pun«-tua!l-. i« ,bovr, and hasvery cornforublr aceommod ititius lor cabin, second cibin andsteerage passetigers, who will b- t.d.en at a redsonable price ifearly applicatiou be mad- on bo.ird, foot of Dov-r-st.. or lu

W \ J. T. TAPSCOTT, i.: Pe k Iii'.Cornerof South street.

Tenons wishing tu >end for dieit friends to come direct fromG-Lsgew-, have now an opportunity of doiig so,such a* mayu igain occur this season. Drafts can also be obtained forany amount, payable in every post town in Scotland. Applya> above. j,-27

FOR.LIVERPOOL.Packet of July 7th.Tlie packet ship PATRICK HENRY, J. C'. Delano,

-v-r-i. roaster, will sail u ib ve her regular day.r or treig.,: or pis.s.ace, h iving superioi accommoJations.ap-ply pa board, foqti t Maiden LaneTortoti

; :l n ^ v k\v M1 NTURN k CO. 78 South-st.<,J VT* 'DEPENDENCE. E. Nye, master, willsuccecsl the Patrick Heurv. and sail August Tdr-her regular

_jeI6_Ä^uFl:H EONI>( >N. Packet of Julv 10th;»T>p_. ' !¦ k-t ship QUEBEC, F. H. Hebard master,-Sc^i-«:!1 sail isnh rernlarday. For ft right or pas-s ige, tu; mg superior acepmmodations, apply on hwrd. footol Maiden lane, or to GRINNELL, MINTURN i CO.

J^._Tg South street.

£t£ OLD. ESTABLISHED Emi^t Passeneer Office, 61 bonth st. NVw-York-R-cular Line of

-jcrest-i^Ckrts.. I lie suhsenbrr contumes to briugont iiersonstrum any next ot Great Bntam and L-rLmd. wI.mT may been-paed by Aerr&eads here, byjbe reguhrline of Packet Shiia.

I sailinc every sis days from Liverj^ul. Prfsons sending lortheir .n«uds m*y rely that Jiurcaw will be takes to hare themdttpMcned wrtbout delay ,a Liverpool, and will »Iwavs eo-J«*vor to merit a Co.;:;,..,^c- ..f the ,,ttblic («twnage, whichh-s been. «o liberally bestowed for raauy v-ars ivtst; and thoseremmittmg mopey c;m hayr Drafts. rWyabkt a: all the Batkiinn Branches tnronghout the united Kingdoni.For farther i^utjcalars apply (if bv lrtl tt

j J&l_JOHN HjMpjljjtjN^i^rk^pit FOR SALE.The fast sailme copr«red and»*^rj. copper fRsteoed ship NEW ENGLAND, burthen^as Wns, or about JSOUbbU. oil; built at Sle<iford,

., ol live best mirenals. and prrvious to her last voyage

« is cu piririy ,.»e.-haulcd, and sheathed aaü couiiered withheavy London copper; has a full inventory, including wha-Ung seeraad bcits. and abent 1200 bbls. oil c^sks andshooks.."sails and rigging in good order, and cm be fitted for anotiirrvoyage**a very light exj^nse. Lies at Judd's wharf. Forlurttirr particulars inquire ol

aitixxci.L%\UNTURN ItCOi.J« M 71 South st


.""!nno LET-Cellar No. 3 Centre Market hn-1 gnirear^mr^llers office. No. 5 Hall ot Recorfi^jjg1i-a Tfi LET.The second story of the Tribunep?B Buildings. Possession given immediate.}-, and rent

»*mc4erate. Arol7TtQMcELBATgt TrfW office^FOR EXCHANGE.A house and lor. now

erecting in Avenue C, rear Se*enth-soeet Inquire oiejeKtf J. D. HOYT.cor. James and Madw ß-sts.

TU LET.Thr" two story l>wr!L;ns HouseNo. 315 Fourth strreet. four dt»» west of Broadway-\IaV be s~-n between 12 and 2 o'dock: Airly to

;'¦ GRINNELL. MINT FUN ^ o. 7S South st-

TO LET.The two story House 54 North

-^.r^Tl-t^ House and iv« Building No. 195

^"^»y^e^DlCT 8t beebe. 81 Nassau-st.w a DESIRABLE COTTAGE RESIDENCE

FOB sale.Beautifully ittn ited the banks ol Uu>

J^lfi'Hudson rirer about 3& miles from the city. Them >undsconsist ofabout 25 ar-es -d" land in * high state ofculnvatioB,with suitable outhouses, tine fruit, fcc. For pafflC"1**5'apply at No. -fTS Bowery._,_-~Jr* TO LET.The Folldins No. UDoyeMtreet,

Cdmptrolltrs Office, New-iork. June 1/, 1313._ ju,>e4 FOR SALE in the City of Newark, N.J..

A Hon,- and Ciacre, öfLand, situated in Sou^-Broad..^ii.;:-...- \ 172, within fir, .» KmlS f*walk ol

p ..., ,1, \ht rear, ted well finishedthron --hour. Also, a goodrmil .. Sic attached t» the premises.. t<ji .. '«

,«uurto 1. NICHOLS, corner ol William andw^h&^Ä or of WM. PAUL, on the premise,.^MK'K SALE in .V.rwYtlk" Gnnn. one ot

mostdigiblerimaaons foracoenm residence whichSn^befound in Fairfield Conn. Ii is situated oiyhe

,, r, J i ,ji - from r> »teamboat larding at South Npr-äÄtSf Norw 5E and about half , » be-

;.Vi'vvillas. Also, at th- ir.nction «f th-; N-w-Vork and Boston turnpike* ith the main road leading throughthe town. The homestead consists of eight acres o trie verj, 's: rate h,,l in a high state of cultivanon, on which standsa?omfor»Oi>dwellins House, a Barn newly covered, sndothei0 r bSug., with an excellent weU ol « ite,.- the honse.Al"o rvrenty-sis acres ofgood land tu ga «d audition !«

. nail, from fe homestead . am! two otm i pieces ... about >

aa seach ami* rroni'ic. 1 henroperty will be sold t age "u

n-'^,a-Ke tosuit purchasers. For further parnculars mquireof the subscriber, living on th-;. premises or o t»e, .- \v.

n'., rti pearl-st S w. Benedict 128 F niton-sty or M. u i-

£ J' , ;v-irV--r. james benedi; tN.VW.1u. «......,-. April 2. 1ki1. rwyW lm«__*iw*. \ FARM F< 'i; SALE, of Lboui ninety

acres on Staten Island, idjoinintj navigable water, in

2!t£u.Richmond I ounty. Inijttire it No. 9 Ann 13 2w_

FAHM Voll SALE Vi ry cheap lor cash, otJfl ».w .'-changed far city prn't-rtv. titty a eres of land. barn and other outh.-nses. new, in Sant.-gi «. ¦-.

ne,r the canal and «»^^^SJKföT & beebe._m6ti;_&l-i^iVb-

/RfcA FARM FOR SALE in \Vestchester Co<s£8l :. miles from the ' it} Hall, J: miles from the Steam-ZTÜ boal Landing ai the village ol Vonkers, on tin main

ri id to Eastchester. (adjoinina the Farm ol tlielate vvin.1 .nes.) md 3 nob- from tlie Harlem Railroad Depotat W il-liar-./ ßridzp, containing 53 acres. 18 ol as Inch is good w.I-land. Said Finn is «eil watered by never-failing streams.andhas a beautiful prospect ol the surrounding country^ a hand-som-cottage house, 31 feet square, with piazza in lioiit.c».

with grip- .. rooms, pintnes and hail on the lirst floor,and kitchen adjoining; 3 nnished rooms and ..pen garret iii th.attie. a handsome tlower-garden and Uwainfront-Ol thehous*_a .Barh; Suble and other onx-bniWines^alsoja. goodApple Orchard, With a variety/of oilier Fruit, consisting-oPears Peaches, Phims C'neirie-.. üo.-«eb-rjie., two kinds ot( dr m't Strawberries, two kind. ..Il It»i|berries, Stc. I ¦¦:

ritrthcr liartlculars, inquire ot N.X..Whitehead, cor. ol l.lmand < anal-sis. N'.-w-York,... of the snbscnber on the"'Jpj^2T . J. I. »> III 1 fc.HK.AU.

COUNTRY- eOLLEGTION&-j. Dickinson,Attorney at La?r. V»rilkes-Barre. Pa. avill attend witl

riromptness and fidelity, to all business entrusted to hi* ca«in the County of Luzerne and in the uljoining Counties.References in the City oi New-York:i reorge N. Titus, F.s.j.Messrs. \V"et:n.)re U t o. comer of Yeeey and Washington

streets. H.Ebenezer Platt, Cashier of the LeathW Man ecurersBankinyl'j <iw **_TVTARTTN GAYLORD. Tailor and Draper, haiJ-yA removed from No; 3, John St., to No, 76, Nassau st.w ith J. K. OOvVtlman. where he is receiving his Spripg ams<&iniet zr"id., which he will mik- up to ordei In tshionablistyle, [suits furnished in twelve hours notice.) H&vipggreatl]reduced his expenaes,h« v\ill be enabled tö sell at redHCeipricey ; ami h- solicits the favors of his frifruli ana too publictowhom be feels grar.Tnl fdrllie lib- ra! patronage he has her-tofpre received. His m is a goo<l article, punctuality iltilling crd-.-rs. foVv t.r-.'fs. and cash on delivery. a24 tf.

piÖPuPORATiPN NOTIC^Public notice iiVy/herebv given to^ thöownerpt irwuera} ocftiiiaiil or pecupants oi" all nouses and lots, CTjnrtt^eo or unimproved lands»ffec'ed th -rebv. t^al '.he iollowing risseismeni has been coinpietad by tlie Assessors', .and are lodged in tlie Street Cominissiouei's Officeforjg5amirlatipn by all i>ei»..i.s interestedvir: For paring 1 Ith street between Ut Avennu and AvenmA, embracing lots OnTItblstreet between the IstAT^nüeaniAvenue A, we*t «i.le, betasegu 10th 'n' 12bi street. Alliierspii» whose interests fr* «"T-cled by the above named asses

ir.ent, and "F* a':',- opposed to the same, or either ofthem, ar.

reye.-.ted to present their objection? in writing to the und. r

ligoiat the Street Commissioner's office, withiu thirty dayifroip the date ofthis tio'tii e.

JOHN ewen. Street Commissioner,and ''hairman f the Assess irs.

Street Commissioner's Office, June 12, lf.n> je!3~Bv Spcei .! \i poh'-rr- -.

Joseph gillott, Pen Manufacturer to thtQuefeu..Cau+iow;.The high cbaiaet-i oflhesaP nsl

Induced the attempt, on the par: of it veral.dtsrejrtitaMa makerto practice a fraud not only Ovott Mr. Uillött,_bnt also upotüie public. An.inferiot article, le-^ring the misspelled rianwth'is. Ojllota omitting the final t, ii now in the market. It cureadily be detected by its unfinished appearance, and thever]common style in which it is put un.Observe, the gennine Pens are ^11 marked in full," Josepl

Gillott'* Patent," or "Joseph Gillott, warranted^ and tha;e ell :ro.i» a fac simile of his signatti--The above may be had. wholesale of HENRY JESSOP

91 John etreeti corner Of Uöl'j. jyli lv

pipoRTANT rü Housekeepers..Rob-JLerts nttproved BROWN SOAP, mauufacturcdat No. 241Cherry st..'I his article is no humbug, but just who. it L^'re-pres-nted, .md is warranted: numerous eäuerimen^; ha.i beeimade but nothing has eter been so «>.--:. .,s fnjs j,is superior for Washins all sörl-i of Woolens, Linen«, t.aces.\F:sliiis. «"alirces, Silks, \e. &.c. rendering them perfect]}sweetand clean with much less labor than any other ?..For washing Calicoes and printed Muslins, especially it sirrnsses my otiwr article. FlanueU ;n&y be washed and th?useol this wrj, ,r|thout the Fe«- fear ofshriuklug. FoiWMn,n5.'.<sKin it is equal to aiiv Windsor Soap, renoerint.i soft and white, ft Contains nb injurious ingredients and i-warranted not to injure citle-r t-xture pr c^loi. If used as direeled thi« Soäp süpeTced« s the niECessitV of b iling ttr bleacliuig.^Tie follow in;: certifii i: afroa Papfessors Galeyl.m<Stewart, wlo have u.;d the article in tlieir families aniltliorortghly tested its peculiar virtues, are ..Io.ik juilicient t.remove all doubt or prejudice and ensure a t r 1:

Nkw-Yokk. May. ir.13.T. Roberts.Sir: I have examined s|>ecimens ofyour Br.«

Soap, and ha*e u.-ed it in my own family with the most difficult articles of housekeeping. I hair distributed tpeclmensamongst such acquaihtances -as I considet cpminrtenl judges itthe niitter and tt.e result i* th it the Soap, in t'ic eslitnatlOn olthose who lla^e med it, it all tin' It piirpotti be.

Yonrs, L. D. GALE. M. D.Haring inade use in our families of " Roberts' ImprovedBrown Soap,55(late"Eriedz's German Soap,1') fu|ijtatisfieal of its entire anperiority w any other, and confideiitljrecommend i: u wholj} preferable to any thing of the kind u

use..New-York, May, !«i s.HAS. A. LEE, M. D. Hudi n /.

JAMES STEW ART, M. I)._je2Jmeoa'J_Abdingdon S-juare.g& dra FTS on england. 1r e la ND,^Tt^f ic ..Persons about remitting money to their friend!

ysic»=i in the old country, can b>- supplied with .Ira!:, pi. i-hie on demand, w ithout disc-iunt or any other charge, in sum-

£2, £3. X5, £10; £20; £;/), or auv amount at the ot Ireland. Provincial Bank do, Meases. J^n-s BultSon & Co.. Bankers, London, I B.irn.-d & i o.. Exclian« andDiscount Bank, Liverpool; Fastem Bank of Scotland; Green-ock Banking Co.: Sir IVm. Forb-3j Hunter & Co:, Scotlanda::d the branches In every post tow n throughout England. Ir.--land, Scotland and Walesvwfiich drafts will-beforwarded bjthe steamer ( aledonia that leaves Boston on the i«t Julv, by

W. J. Ss T. TAP3COTTat their General Passage Office, 13 Peck slip, cor. South-st;

j N. B. AI Betters from the country he post paid. j22a RRANG e M ii N tsf< m .TAP-^tjyrSCOT'TS GENERAL PASSAGE OFFIC E..

-Äsra. i bes ibscnbeni le-g to call theattention of their friendsand the public generally to their superior arrangements foibringing ou* i'-assengers from, and remitting money to anv partof ENGLAND, LRELAND, SCOTLAND or WALES,in the magnificent Shii* comprising thewbw link or bivcjtjrooL packets, viz:

Ship ROS( M'S. 1100tons,Capt. Collins," SIDDONS. irjAu tons," SHERIDAN; 1*W tons D.-pey'ter..¦ GARRICK, 1000tons; Skidder,New .. HOTTINGUER. Küo tons. Bursley,ROCHESTER, lot* tons. \Y.lh0u«eNew " LIVERPOOL, 1150 tons, Eldridge." NEW SHIP. 1200tons-.

Sailing Horn New-York on the 16th and 25th. and Liverpoolon the 5th and !3th of every month, and with other fi:-: cUsilockets sating three tim.-s per month, makes five ship.month from Ljnrerpool, or on- evrr\ »i» d»jthereby nreveu'-mgthe possibility ofnnnecessanrdetentiou.Passages direct from London,Bristol and Greenock, to New-» °_rk;.. ^,i0 from Literr.ool to New-Orleans. Mobile, Savan-nah. (. tiirle,-...,;. I'hliade.j.hia. Boston -and Baltimore, ind tilevanous ports of Bntisn North America.

In aireases where the pasties sent for decline coming thepassage money is promptly refunded, without deduction^Passage fr#m the;Tanous seai^ru of Ireland and Scotland toLiverpool can also le- »ecur-d.

Tie- Regular Packet» wiil continue :o run as follows viz*To Lo> do> on the 1st. luth and 2»th of -ach month.To, 7th. 13th, 16th, 19th and 25th ofeach mouth.

wlklv'EW*°HLE-v:f5- Mobile, Savj.>-naH and ChirlestonBy any of which passages can at all times be engaged a: rea¬sonable rate-.Those.wishing to obtain Drafts can be topplted with anvMt^cSont ' * u,,1*'4rds» Payable on demand, witfc

BrIa^crHe';LA>D~"TL!! Na:!0nal 411(1 Provincial Banks and_In S< oTt-a-s^-The Eastern Bank of Smtland s;r \ym

In L^.lsm-TIw tvciuuif:- .and Discount Bank Liver-t"-'->^'«-J"n^B.iIt. SOU&CO. Banker,. London, andBrauche, pa all thr princijsaJ towns.Orders from the country attended to per first parket.!> arther particularsmadr known on apphcation (if hv let¬ter, rvr^t pud,) to W. J. T. TAPSCÖTT. OPeck Sfiö.Ul!'-_Coruer South »t. New-York ''

JOSEPH H FOSTER, mTd. Surgeon .Den-'J tut, nas r.-movrd trom Nu^^r^JVo. lij^fi-,^ [n2 ^\Term1llion.-10 cases Chinese, for saie"bvV GRINNELL. MINTUR.N St Co! 5

.-._7a Socth-Street.

GS eonstant ^ppivi^they mills it Hohokus for sale cheap. Aprdy st No 50 Bbj-veMa»tloraiPearUtreet.of A. C. ZABRI5KIKStore No. 81 Pearl and 75 Fulton st. TOLÄLAPply at 50 Beaver-st. or 618 Broadway P' pmy. A- C. ZABRISK1E.


prpr/YiNi; extract,Ce i<ir enre of Pulmonary Consumption, Chronic CÖttghs.

nronr'hilii Soreness of the Chest and Lungs. I V'j <«.'"'

< \TrK rV*tand ytanth, Whooping Cough, and alldfsor-jtn which arc eausettby an inrp-.irr $ta'e or uneauau~ea.T,ionCef the Blood, such as Scrofnla, Rheuma***}S-i p\TesTUiTer Complaint. Mercurial Diseases, Scald

^^ih^^^0^Y BALSAM' is

a«iVrmrlM WES RSeU pirveuranaCO«

I^J-Sfr ErW» possesses the.s*me alterative

i in public offices many years ^^^ gFA n< c bth- n«iDear Sir-The bottleof"Brant's Indian P {.V<WcÄÄ..-.i n,V'rov>.n.,nt which my health derive? trm. Wfl* Mo,?« rn.towr.t(.r,.rnn-.i-...^a .V.tht-,an;e time 1 Will give you

roomw% very bad conch, and under the Doctor's care-

, the first of November, IWl, I was ittacked.more.e-v"re y than usual with eoiigA and /eeer, which continued on-

titthe finof.Mav. 1842. before mj complaint abatedsoasto; Luvme « h-av-mv room-! was under the n-' r, for th*mo,t p^rt of th. ime, to take cadiafrtic medicines u orderteh v- an- thins pats mkbowels and ifter the ^«f^f*!attack began to abate, I h id e« appetite for food, and what

did take did not digest weih I expected.! h ve been stacked.. i. Is usual, this fall,as soon .., cool weather commenced,

and was piepnnng to be as tin cOTftned to my room, w henJ re¬

ceived the first bottle of the -'Balsam, which I am confident,anddo verilv believe, has prevented me from having t.e .x-

pected attack this past fall. It ke, nsmy bpwds in good healthy,.r,l,.r.ive, mi'a good appetite and stomach t.-r my lor*.en-ibles m« to sleep well, and prevents me from has ing those ner- disagreeable sensations that Used K h a .-, and whichhave heretofore kept maawake rainy a Ions and tedious night. ind I say to y< a. that i would not be without it. on any ic-count whatever. I am now able to t ike charge'-'ol and attead.o nr.- business. .»tit and in doorsj-Withoutmuch morr regardto the weather dianif it were the summer*-

xours truly, JOHN DUNNINGGen. Dunning wrote May 22d. 1813 : My health is .good for

i man of my ace and constitution. ' Brant's IiuUan Ijat-u. hi-s k-;pt me from having another tit pi sickness the lastwinter; and my wish is, that people that ire afflicted withdiseased lungs; would try-it as t liavedonei tor I am certainthe\- would not be disappointed in its benencial eUecu.

The following persons u*.*d . ,_,


Di-*r Sik: Agreeabletb your request, 1 hand you the foblow ing statements of facts in r.-!ation to my disorder and pre-sent health. ,, . ,

About four yearsagolwas very severely attacked wits*

Kky,i.-ki. m in both rriv legs: they were inflamed from j ustbelow the knees to the feet; they swelled to » prpdigious^izejud for nearly a year weretaw like a piece of fresh meat I hey

' continued, alter the inflammation was somewhat sitMiieu and

the rawness abated; tb br intensely t>.... mo ivere oi dark redor i unileish color; large ulcers woiüd < ome into th.-tn. wlucnwould break everyTev« days and discharge a watery-humor,sometimes in quantity from half a pint to < pint iday. andleav: holes in the le-,. wher- some of tlo uh-ers vverelargeenough apparently to put a finger in. I have been obliged_toke-p them hand igeilj in order to ke« r them from swelling, fpiabont two years. Lliaveemployed several skilful physicians,who hive prescribed for me. mo all of them, ifter prescribinsfor me without b^ficiaieftect«j have told me that nothingwould ever help me. lapplietl to v French P.x-rnr who ad-rertised to cure alldiseases bf tlie skin! hi- examineu one pimy leg,, enn shook Kis */»».'. saying, " My dejjrsir, I can donothing to help you, those legs » ill run von off some oi thesedays." Thus Iwas situated when I lies ui to take .Bu.v>i s

hi>i\>- I'miiYi-.ti Kxikact.' Wlien I commenced takingthe Purifying Extract. 1 had but little hope it vvonhl heofmy benefit, ;l, 1 had employed, so in«.,, diUi r nl physiciansand taken so many reti^dliä Sitnout beneficial results; buthad übt aken Lite Purifying Extract only \ few days when 1found that the smarting; stinging and burning sensation, w hichhad always annoyed me. bev'.ui to suh.ide.iud. after il.-w d.ivsmore, those sensations wer« no hn-.g.-i felt. The mt! immuionbocameless nnd less daily, so much so, tii it :.">w I am enabledto takt <i/f tA« bandages w hu h 1 have been obliged to v'-"r foiabout two years p«t. ThettlcerS have|aH beal mdhav«not hurst ovjtD or dlschljitetJ ..; -iuse i tirst began to take thePurifying F.-:r .^..

I hUo !.. .-ii itl'ii'ted with i-hrumafi,m lor uKUtt thirty) years, aud it has constantly, during that time, been in myjoints: <o much so, as to keep thein weak, painful &H lore;but since I commenced t 'kins the Purifying Extract, 1 havenot!.ii troubled with .! in ieii.f; and my joiuti are frep from it, or the effeits of it. as ihey vVere irVhb , I v.'.sa a

bov. Vonrs, truly. KZI! A KNAPP 73 il.rk»-st.Sold by Ji I..VYALLACE, in mine-st., New-York:

WM. BOM). II Lbpenard-street, N. V.; THEODORE( LARK. It>3 (Varl.comer ' hatham-streeta, N. V. ; JOHNP. WAKKMAN. Maiden-laiie ; SHERALAN'S, 18Courtlandt-street; comer of Greenwich.Sold, wholewileand retail, by the proprietor M. T. V.'AL-

LACE, at 72 Hicks-trp-j. BrtftJIyn. je26 Jrn

[N CHANCERY, Eighth Circuit..The BaohJL Commissioners of the Stati ol New-York vs. the B'ankolBuffalo...Notice is hereby gnen, pursuant to-anorderof thiCourt of Chancery datnd the 21«» day of February; !Si3, thaidie subscriber has been duly appointed I(-ut':' -:..|^r

i ty and ellects of .the snvt ItSURdrBi 8a. .. liiat bysaidordeiit is reftttWib o.ftne-Mastere of this Court lesiding in thtcounty <if Ene, amongst other thin?-, to take ind state m ic-count of all the demands ol any rwsCriptioii igainst the saidBank of Buffalo ; and to enable tho teaid Master to t.«k» andslate said account, and for die genendT-uri - contemplated b)the statute, all the creditors of th-9 slid Bank of Buffalo artrequired to exhibit theiraccTOntsrclSinia and d mands againsithe said B <nl« of Buffalo, to James Crocker^ Euihire« the M is-ter hai'ing said relcTCnCein chirr-, at his officein die cityolBuffalo, by the 13th day of Septeinber riekt, and o, com« p-.rtieito this suit -. and in default thereof; they w ill be precludedfrom all benefit of th* ,1-cre- vvhi.;li shall b- made in this anil,and from any distribution which ,:>sil bs raati .....ier such deer--. Buffalo; March ue 8tn, 1813.

IRA A. BLOSSOM, Receiver of the Bank of Buffalo,.low - ' hocki it. Master in i Ihaiionr. mlili dtSlS

ECONOMY AND I-'ASI11( '\..To tlu><rwho study economy..The subscriber, In accottlancewith the times, ins reduced hla .-ui^-i.-r imitation

tioiesRin H its on lhr,bodles, to to* etxtreme low price ofS J Ja. T1»; .lr^vr ¦"' en elegant dress Hat, aud will comparetdvautageously with^hats sold la this city at$2 50 and $3, ande. trranted to give satufitction; Also, constantly manufactu¬ring iur ami silk bats ol the besttjualicy, latest patterns, and ,,ithe low est city pric-s for cash. An assortment of Velret, mdCloth Caps ceustajiüy oo hand. J. \V. KELLOGG,je7 lm_ l32Canal-stj rnri^' ijf Thohipsonrcgf H?ii:s. ma rs.-i.E«\\v m s and palmj.r^\LKAF ÖATS.-Men's, B ind I hildren's, trimmedr/^4> md nntrimmed, u ill be sold lumsu illy low, wholesaleand retail, to close out a lot now on hand, or wpuld be ex¬changed for Furor Silk Hits. Also at the same place maybehad a &eneial assortment of Boots and Shoes at wholesale*Low for cash is the motto. Please call md examine.

GALE X ( 0. 260 P.-arl-st. 1 S. Hotel Buildings,j-l tm* <. irnerpf Fukou .«t. N. Y.

5CRIBNEK Sc CO..u- up head yet, and sellinuBoots x Smo-s cheaper tl, inevei, .it tli- great I atharincIt el ind Siu.r market, 73< atliarine atreet, corner ol.Moiiro- .f. The subscribershaving .-<|>. mtases that but

_few- in the trade possess,

is; sledge therrsi-lves (.if jonCall ?pantiiem) tb give youmore for', onr money dum you can get at any other store inthe city.* Pleasecomeand see for yourselves.(Vine on- come all.come i.r man thou,

Greit bargains for -.11 are ready now.P.S..Country merchants and others in rhe trade can fine

iorrie tall bargain, at this ste-r-. l leaje recollect 73 < lath irint<rr«er. comer of'.l Im

Sa^. HULL'STRUSSES.- .\tö Ruji-^vl"ured Persons..Persons afflicted with rapturesvJig) Mroay rely upon the best instrumental aid thet^^T WOrlll affords, oi, ,. ||, it the ,.,{?..,., No.

1 Vesev-street, or to either of the agents in the principal townsin the United States. Be careful to exaa ine the b.->ck pad -jfHull's Trusses, to see if the-, ar.-emloi .-,1 ',y Dr. Hull in wri¬ting. None arc genuine, or to be r» lied upon asgood, without Ins signature.Many persons have undertaken to vend imitations of Hull',

celebrated '1V«'.-.* and .thousands are imposed upon iu couse-iiiemy.. Tliese imitations cannot be relied uin>h; tiiey area ideby uu.kilful mechanics, and are ^o better t!iau die ordiu-trv Trusses.Roonis h.»v>. h-en fitted up at No. 1 Ve-,wy street, exclusivelyfor hdie-,, having a separate entrance from the busmen depart¬

ment, w here a female is iu rn.t mi mend snce to w iii ui>on fe¬male patianM *21 tf

THE SUBSCR [BETv takespleasureiu announcing to the public, that after years. of study and labor, h« has perfected his ma-Ichint ry for the manufacture of Horse Shrms,m which he novs offers at die price of horseI shoe iron in bar of equal Quality; diussavinjnthe.expense o( n kuig, (which amounts infIalLcascsto the first cost of the iron.) Be-/ jide.<. the shoes are mor- easily fitted to thehoof, and in no d inger of| ricking.tilt hole?all being punched it 'he (.r-.».<- distance fromthe edge. The quality ol the iron is al;owarranted jup-riorco any heretofore used for that purjiose.AllpersOUS -!-sirou? of testing tii* go at value :nd superiorityol these ov-r hmd rnad« shoes, b> i«ading S5 by mail or other-

wu»j, 100 lbs. assorted shoes wili immediatelyV forwaided.warranted to suit die section of country'for w-taich they areordered;by applying to the itibscri!>er at the works, or torWIowr, Si ( .... VVarrvns; Hart Ik Lesi»y, J. C. Hetrtt iißro-';-o, 1 ro) : Lea ii EenfCir: St Co, lolm Ti n .. u a I; Albany;Vr;;'.'", & N»w-York; Chvfiv. Smith. Boston: A. M. &3. W.Jones, Philadelphia, indE. Pratt&Brother, Baltimore,where farther inlonnation mav be had on the subject.Troy [mo and Nail Facrorv.ApnH. HENRV tf


N'>. 6 Siiruce street.EÜTISH LOOKING-GLASS PLATES of ?u-l«enor and beauty, 120inches bv 72. in size and

..-.-rr-tnd POLISHED PLATE GLASS FOR VVTN-uu v\ S, which will not <¦;¦.> mg- their coloi or becom. mistv:ind GERAIAN LOOKING GLASS PLATES of thesiz^of IOt by Sj to 33 by 22, Co: sale bym215«n ISAAC L. PLATT.

JA UZE WIR E WINDOW SI LAD ES.Manu-* ! tc:ur*d tojDrderfor Parlor, Basement, Orfice and *tl>erWindows. Hall-doors. S,:reem, frc. bv the suosc.-ibers. ob¬struct the view s frum the street into the room and keep out lu-lectt, at the * uoeume admit all tl»e air and light aa well as ar*rfr« view to all i^iing in the street from the roomVR p LEE.Sii O. N.». 18 Factorv-street.N. B..Persons sending tiieir address will be calle.1 On if re-

_je21 tf

QALCINED PLASTER.-The subscribers,iVr^fordiesaJeof Prosnect Mills superior qnaUty I rdsupply '^ ÜQ lMd an*'^ CC«tt«Uy rece.vkg a full

Plfent^^'t?1^ fil!td at ihon ""flee and theiia^^S^^ W'th0Ut ntz* "-theROBERT P. BIXBV ic « 0.3ParkJUnr,

; -ilLi.-_opposit^the Astor House.

PS^ rFBB»?R H0SE F0R CRÖTONWA-a i t~t... i he public are respectfully invited to examine thearticle as irianufactnre'I by the subicrib-r ThXS y oi^SSSSSSSf^ known, ami ^ilehe^;.'uU- Zu,*) ??} »«s better than any other, he warrants its mn?l .rinr JS^ Ül* l)iess"^ of die Crotou Water. Itdian the generality of this kind of ho»e, andj sold a. low prices. A fair discount made to Plumbers.i-ln C. L. ROSS, 121 Maiden Lane,Jei<' '.ween Pearl and Wafer-streets.


TO THE..DEAF! JIEAR YE '-S.-juae'sAcoustic Di"|" an urgently recomnw-nded to iho* »f.

tlict.*! with Deafness, as » Certain cure for ttuit frtmi-l.tnt,-.Numerous trance* of »» tOeacv*n constantly comm* tothf knowledge of t)i« proprietor. On- who has 1( . ..." BVf,.ir the bottle w u hal exhausted, my beving «M f^,^ed; lor ÜM 11*1 ten days 1 m«*e heard *s distinctly aaev,,r--_Another, deaf far teu year*, says: I have rrcnrrd »o machbere-ht from it that 1 tin induced to recommend it to r!l n-rriends.B Other* hare be-n entirely restored, trrm »J.>m '

written testimonial h«s been received, Pri.e $! p,, bcttlSold bv A. B. x D. SAN US. 79 Full n-st., A. B. SANDSSi. 1 0. No.273 Bro > : iy. corner ol I hambrrvst.. atii n

SAN DS Sc t 0.. No. 77 East Broadw iv. j^j, lBJuXIbeautitül head of Säj5TtäT"beA (,.1,1 farThree Shilling».Read, iOwn Judge.Th. HanForced to Grow. Sto| ;.d FnUine,undDandruff Cwd bv »STi cent bottle of Jones'Coral Hair Ratonrm. TWcabe r.o donghl (ain*opx the .-.^iM-->r scientific) that tbu .without excepnon, tlie mostLeffiCMioMartubew .Wird b-«cience for the purpose. « J nave I itNy <AUini >v>r»| 2in5n>i |. rsoru who. il'te.- i:<nig tins, luve Iprtnd it all« j, .-.^tented to be. Let persuus giveil on* tru!. \u but three*hii.lings.we .ix.nre them they *i ill be, well sati-tieo. Yob tna«N-liev.- when these persona give;their names. and eertifr rj*above are the qu ditie* of Jones' ( oral Hair Re,:or»t:vr

Mi. W. Hopkins. 92 rung st. N\ w York.Mr. Phillips, l 'ß Broome.ror. of W.-oiterst.Hon. Judge Edwards, of Philadelphia,Mr. J. Pearson! Navy Yard. Chailestows.T. Power, grocer, Fulton it. Brooklyn.

We could offer fiftyOther names ofnersotu who luv» f jajjjthi> all it i* represented ; but if the above 1» not enough »«!thing will convince except one trial. It is sold at th* ,tir'. ^the American Eagle, 82 I hathara st. N. Y. and bv thei«ikBb'.in Philadelphia, by Zieber, cornei ol 'lhird »nd Dock in-

1 or next to the American Hotel, Washington, D. C.;iB Bo.'ton. 8 State st; in < harleaton. S.< ., R7 Kmg$r;in AlbVaTj7 St/.:-.:; in Brooklyn, 139 i uttou st. Ag .:.

other cities. jij l2,>

Printers and hinders wareroomsNew. 23 in<l 11 Gold-street. Xew-York..Aptif, ma


PRICES GREATLY REDUCED..The"HOE" Pr«..iug Pres.,. Machine and Saw Manufactory, 1:1 coosaqnecc*of the addition of new and improved madimerymdmranxfoami the reduction in the cost ol materials and labor, a.-? n+bled greatly to reduce the prices oflhcM Pr-vse,, am) dfteis'and BiiKi-rs'm-.terials gXMjnuU i J< ,e,.''l be rceabytfSnewly printed Circular) to ** hitn [he? beg ieave m n.fPriThis Esbbiishmenl is iflill und« tl* persoail »iif ricttc.

deuce of Richard M. Hoe and Robert H-v. and they a«BP,their f; lends th it notwithstanding the great uductien in pricesall article*manuftctnreil by thuEstablishment shall r*t»uithe high reputation winch they haveJiitherto sustained, hw ill also Iv theircoiistant mdeavor to improve the o.«dnyofthum in every particul ir. They (latter theinselves. alw.tatttheir old friends will not onl y pouDuue their favors, tutthitPrinters generally « ill appreciate their eudeavorstofunii.ilti,- very best articles at barely remuneratingprices.Orders frbto any paxtpflha cum.try p-r all arfeles w-e-ik

Printers or Binders, including Typ*, Ink. Paper, etc., »iU Üexecuted with the greatest care and promptitude, and on theb.**t terms.Jobbing work and repairing will be -'on- at the lowest pant-

ble iirices, with every attention *!<*. «peditjqn. ,

X. IJ..All s:r.i.i'-s niaiiufactured by tms EtnabusbsaBB}will be stamped R..H0C & Co., so that person* lioin tb^zlmay uoi be imposed ui>ou with spunoua aitides, maiieiaiou.taaon oftheirs. .

Printers ofnewspapers who publun this aavertnemeat,wttathis note, three times beloie the liist of july nest, and send of-,

oftheir papers to us, will be entitled t payment of tkair billon buying lour rimes th- amount ol it. i29tf

TTrASILiNOTON ELIXlR.i\ Bufeand tastirij\> en;.'lor tlie r.»er out Ague, Dysentery', DianhAt,Summer Complaintand Bilious Cholic. Theabove rantdjis now offered with confidence by the Proprietor^ Agent, EM. GU10N, 127 Bowerv, comer of t irand-sticet, and conmöf Third Avenue and Fouit-n' r. F- r »udencnof itsfirtrj s read the following: Extract ol a latter fromG.W,Allerton, K. ;.. Alderman of the Twelfth Ward: '*I.pui

.. is. ..if your Elixir and tried it on an old man n> aar

employ, who had used all othei reJnedies w ithout effect; hehad becorneso rery weak that he could scarce rise from hitbed. I gave hiiBitne üiiir:ahd it *as astonuhlog to ste tugood eßectsou th--öd man: it revived.himimmWlsidfcaiain three >i ivs. with lieing * little v. ak, lie was able to tlo liiaordiiiart w..rk. My family,, afterthe *ty man h*d lr<n >isoon relieved, used the Elixirakoj and iu ;a:!i ca^ to health:

.. h-».vo in * severe ittack ol Dysentery in my Umilychecked it in using one dose qf^the^Euxir- ,

"A poorwoman in m> viciuity who had trieil all iMtuatlremeilies without eiiect foy Fever and Ague of fiveuMDUu'sr mding, « is instantly relieved alter u .iog about 1 «ine-alsufull of the Elixir, and has not been troubled with theAjw

I since.'' ! I :Extract "fa ittcr Iroin I t¦ <..'

" New-Yohk, April I. II5U."I have nsesl the Washington Eli\ir in several csseidf

Diarrhtea in my famil) the past \ ear, w it la immediate trip'- hievef] case; I have no hesitation in recommendiug the Elixiris 1 safe and efficacious remedy in similar attacks." Price Si.

New-York, April ?*, I8i3.E. M. Guinjr: Dear Sir.You will please to inform the

public thai ' have vied the Wasblutjrtlui Eli?.ir forasevoeaVta< k if Ui irrh * > ai Hi iii iÜoulns iince and w»cnrea,#luione dos« in less than ah hour. I have not had it since. 1*1«used it in a case of my daughter, who was very tjttertrvai-tacked, and one dose cured her in less thin an hour, ana shih is nevet had it since; the ;.aar in ab-a-st fo tr "lonths -jiiic*:

You. b-'tsen AHNEST FINE;P. S.. In all cf».... r Ir najti fallt. m3 uli

A c40öd shavinosoap AT LÄST^Tö¦£a- make a Good and 1.'sting l.ither.The Saap this iicomposed of it tlie old Nnples is kept iu store 13 ro

>ears before it is imported. Those who have used it wellknow iu w orth, ami th H it is the very;best v)iii ijver made

diavinu ¦ttihalt»s;a thick, tjGjn lasting, easy lather,saftta>ing tb th» bealc and healing tO:lhe « is now furifi'*!.beautifully scented and put 111 neat shaving j r» for U)e,»r3.I and 5 shillings each, by T. JONES, at his Perfumery Es¬tablishment, sign of theAmerican F.igle, 82 Chatham st. N,Y.j.and hi these Albany 57 State at.; in Philadd-phi 1, at Zeiber's, corner ol Third and Dock st; in Boston, iState itj iu Brooklyn. IW Fulton st. j!3 lm»

MORISON 'S V E(! ETA BLE U N IVERSaIMEDlClNE3.*-Caution to the People of America.«

\Yehe.reby ".run. that Messrs. FIRTH St HALL, offrank-ItuSquai .>,.-. kork, are$Ur onlyGENERAL agentsfor tue United States of üneeical and that DeidierJI^tXTfiSrtErmjiRjp Mo.-1 nor GjjoHGi: T.-.vLon. our!lateBg*uaiare in any wK) authorised to_vend aJV1orisoii'8 Vegetable L'pi-versa] Medidnea. As many imitations are in circulation, tliii. autiou become, highly necessary. All nersora aelling otuMedicinal . in tlie I Inited States must have the auihoiity ol'tlwbefore-named Messrs. Firth i* Hu u

(Signed) MORlSONi MOAT & Co., Hygoists.British College«fjdealth, tfew K ¦. ?. London Jan.^WJ.TJ'» above en/'.in, trS*anarii;g Iron the Britiiii of

Heailii, London, will be hailed with the warmest eutnu»i-asm by the friends of the Hygeian System, inasinurh as itt-iois to ej-;n>s« eu./ uppnsr th* worthless counterfeits whicahave been extensively circulated by those who are as destitat»ofmoral nrineipie, as they are ignorant of ike " heiliiiL' ait."'I'he invaluable mtdiciue* of. the British College may be ob¬tained in th; 'r Original purity of several gentlemen YiliohaT«taken agencies ii.»ral .!' Mi- different States, trlioss naTmi\u\] be fouud in the "New V'oik Courier and Enipuiier/ .Thej can be had also in the original packages of th* follow¬ing sub-Ag" nr.s, viz:

Mi-.srs. Paul Pöll & Co. 96 John st.H. H. Schieffelin St.Co. 101.and lot; Johti st.J. C Whitmore, Esq. 45 South stIsaac Snell, 190 Greenwich sL

" Peter Hampton. 1*«) Canal .f., New Yoikcity.Messrs. lost Ji Lewis, Jericho, L. I.

R. D. Bard^ell, Troy, Ne* tosh.Mra. ODodlTfr.lftipA, &Mr. VV. II. Binti-, Rochester, doMeasra. CornweJJ 4t Butler, Pokeepsie N Y'. W. J. Stvle,. Rhinebeck, do

FIRTH at HALL. General Agents,"Mtr No. 1 Franklin squanv

¦pRUPTIONS OF THE SKIN, MUSQÜ1T0EJ.i BITh.S..A clear Completion, free from EriiptioflorUirtiinuement maybe had by all, bv usiug a reir.-dy nnwwell known to beOqeof the most sbrprising inventions of theage It 1: ira.|. äl^ppöf j S«.au»if.i soap calN ttJItalian Chemical Soapraa it entirely eradicates every tnpüon, such as pimples, freckles, blotches, scurvy, sail rhmCJ,r.u,, morphew, sunburn, or disfigurement of the ski", imi art-lug to the lace, body, neck or arins a beau'iful hea! by clear¬ness. No misrepresentation is offered* One trial wilfsnffieeto recommend it to all. It changes the color of dark, sunburntor yellow skin, to a fine healthy dearness. It has r-ceiveil theipproval ofdie Medical Council 0/ Pan's, who call it a "m»-ro |e, 1 wonderand a blessing.'.' (have teen this c ne seteraj<. o| eruption that persons have spent hundreds of dolhion to cure 11, vain. It is sold at 50 cents a c ik- by T. Joiieittbis perfumery establishment, sign of the American E'gle,S2Chatham ttrei t, N. Y;; and by tl)e^e Philadelphia,by Zieber, corner lhird and Docksts. neat to the AmericanHote Washington. D. C; in Boston, 3 State street; icCharleston S i r;: Fingst.; in Albany. 57 State St.; laBrooKly-Ti. 139 Fulton. Agents Wanted i'iali the other!3 lm*


Sun ofSdoooe arise I thv rays are wanted in Medians.

SYSTEM OFTHOSE who have thisdistressingcomplaint can

be rapidly re-.torvd to health by the timely us^of B'.i John rhomson's Vegetable Pnlmeoicon, which u sa£r*58 r*

*ar. and effectual. Relief i, obtained immediately. Fursa-*b>J,V;J()HN THOMPONtatJöBroome-st. ^ ...

THE SICK MAN'S GUIDE TO HEALTH .Tl* thirdedition Ol this valuable little work of lö p-ige» just kW?lor gratuitous dutribution to the »ick, and may be hadI by t*"

or- .n Dr. JOHN THOMSON, 3-13 Broome-.t- S.\ ¦

j j22 3tis3tOs*

All pers.-ns who thall s*U or deal u Strong at SpnWW«Ciquors.except imi>orter« or distillers, selling muf MJf"Vimported or distilled by them, in ,juantiti«-bovefiveg«liMss-without having tint obtained a License foi suchIrom the Mayor, and the respective Aldermen .at-i A«»s»»»Of the Wards in which they severally reside, are »«Wlaw. tor each to the iienalty of $25; and Id case ol n*

tailers, to the additional punishment (by indictm-ut) 01 as»

vud impnsoiimeat. Tavern and Excise License PfSrrib; issued at the Mayor's office. City Hall,bew«B«JgWof In and 2 o'clock, on the days prescribed as lollow-.loreatarespecthe Ward:

1st Ward, Monday, I9tli June,2d do Tuesday, 20th do3d do Wednesday, 21st do4th do Thursday, 22d do5th do Friday, 23d do6th Co Saturday, 2-lth do7th do Monday, 26th do8th do Tuesday, 27th do9th do Wednesday, 28th do10th do Thursday, 29th do11th do Friday, 30th doI2th do Saturday, 1st July.I3rh do Monday, 3d do14th do Thursday, 6th do15th do Friday, 7th do16th do Saturday, 8th do17th do Monday, 10th do ,37" Persons now holding License:; are requested to ^rocar

them when applying for a renewal; also, specially req*K*to apply within the time as above, to avoid the penalties cl »«law. By order. . ,

MONSON CLARKE. Fir.t M«shaVVNew-Tork, MaTor's Otfice, June 15, 1813._j>lWWJ/QAA BOXES first quaüt^"alrrily Soaölbr «alei-^VVlowfojcashbY F. F. EDDY.« Old Slip. «jUÖ
