Library Database Website search Elizabeth Bianchini


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Elizabeth Bianchini Library Database/Website Search


Elizabeth Bianchini Library Database/Website Search

Obtaining access to an online journal article can be done through a college

library’s website, databases or through the journal’s site itself. While searching for

articles for this assignment some articles were available with a full text and others did

not have the full text available. In the journal, International Emergency Nursing, the

article titled Nurses’ Perceptions of the Factors Which Cause Violence and Aggression

in the Emergency Department: A Qualitative Study” written by Shirley Angland attracted

my attention and attempting to obtain this article was not as easy as I thought it would

be. The journal’s website was user friendly and easily navigated. A link on the home

screen brought up a screen with a search bar, I tried a few search techniques, such as

entering the ISSN number, a few key words from the title, and the author’s name. The

author’s name gave the most success, it brought up the few articles she had written.

Clicking the link for full text brought me to a page with an error message in red stating it

did not have access to this full text article and to view the options below on obtaining the

article’s full text. The options were ‘purchase access to this article’ or a ‘subscribe to this

journal’, and ‘institutional access’. To obtain access to an article not available through a

database, such as CINAHL, the user must purchase the right to access it.

Accessing databases through a college or university’s library always gives

access to journal articles and publications with reputable authors and sources. While

most articles accessed through these databases give the full text of the article some do

not. Finding access to these publications seemed more difficult than originally thought.

While the original search gave plenty of articles pertaining to the broad topic of

‘workplace violence’ it did not limit the search to healthcare related articles. I found the

broad topic search was used to help locate a wide-ranging of articles in multitude of

Elizabeth Bianchini Library Database/Website Search

areas pertaining to work place violence. Using the “and” operator helped narrow the

search not only to healthcare related topics but more specifically the Emergency

Department. The narrower search delivered results with qualitative studies, journal

articles, to dissertations and theses. Using “and”, “or” and “not” operators help limit or

broaden a search. For example using the operator “or” will give more results with a

greater range of topics. The operators “and” and “not” will help narrow the search

results by including or omitting a certain topic

This particular search will help with building a brochure by providing statistics,

examples and possible solutions to workplace violence in the Emergency Department.

Reducing Violence and Aggression in the Emergency Department reflects on the

author’s experience with violence in the Emergency Department. It reflects on the

incident and is geared to helping other nurse’s deal with similar situations. Patient-

related Violence against Emergency Department Nurses reflects on worldwide

experiences to show the underreporting by nurses and the majority of nurses’

acceptance of violence while at work is a growing problem. Both of these articles will

help provide information through eyes of nurses to the public and shed light on a

growing problem.

1. Powley, D. (2013). Reducing violence and aggression in the emergency department.

Emergency Nurse, 21(4), 26-29

2. Angland, S., Dowling, M., & Casey, D. (2014). Nurses’ perceptions of the factors

which cause violence and aggression in the emergency department: A qualitative

study. International Emergency Nursing, 22(3), 134-139.


Elizabeth Bianchini Library Database/Website Search

3. Pich, J., Hazelton, M., Sundin, D., & Kable, A. (2010). Patient-related violence

against emergency department nurses. Nursing & Health Sciences, 12(2), 268-

274. doi:10.1111/j.1442-2018.2010.00525.x

Elizabeth Bianchini Library Database/Website Search

Elizabeth Bianchini Library Database/Website Search

Elizabeth Bianchini Library Database/Website Search

Elizabeth Bianchini Library Database/Website Search

Emergency Nurses Assocciation (ENA) is an organization of registered nurses in

the field of Emergency medicine. Their site provides current research, evidence based

pratice changes, networking, and educational tools to Emergancy nurses that are

members. In order to join, a member fee must be paid. They have a mission and vision

statement provided to the general public. There is a spot on the homepage for sponsors

and supportors to display logos and adverstisments. The domain for this sit is a “org”

because it is an orginzation. “Workplace violence research” webpage shows the current

articles and research, one article Nothing Changes, Nobody Cares: Understanding the

Experience of Emergency Nurses Physically or Verbally Assaulted While Providing

Care has multiple authors with verifiable credentials. This article was published in The

Journal of Emergency Nursing in January 2015. This article has references, multiple

sources used, with the article being reviewed by a credited checker, and research

methods being described in the article. In my opinion this site would be considered an

accurate and dependable site; their audience is an educated group of nurses looking to

keep up in their field.

American Nurses Association (ANA), like ENA, is an organization (.org); it has an

educated audience looking to stay current in the ever changing field of medicine. This

particular article found on their site is written by multiple credited professionals. It was

published in the ANA periodical in January 2013. It reviews their research technique,

along with a list of references with a variety of sources. The ANA site has sponsors and

advertisements in multiple locations. No strong opinion stands out to the reader in this


Elizabeth Bianchini Library Database/Website Search

Both sites appear to be frequently updated with new information. Both require a

paid membership and proof of license by the subscriber. These sites seem to be

reliable, they are an authority figure in the nursing world, fund and provide research

opportunities, give scholarships and support nurses nationwide. Both websites would

help build a brochure because it is reliable information. It helps give to provide a

dependable reference when gearing educational or informational materials to the public.

1. Wolf, L., Delao, A., & Perhats, C. (2014). Nothing Changes, Nobody Cares:

Understanding the Experience of Emergency Nurses Physically or Verbally

Assaulted While Providing Care. Journal of Emergency Nursing, 40(4), 305-310.

Retrieved February 20, 2015, from

Journal of Emergency Nursing&atitle=Nothing Changes, Nobody Cares:

Understanding the Experience of Emergency Nurses Physically or Verbally

Assaulted While Providing Care.&author=Wolf, Lisa A.&authors=Wolf, Lisa

A.;Delao, Altair M.;Perhats,


2. Gillespie, G., Gates, D., & Berry, P. (2013, January 1). Stressful Incidents of Physical

Violence Against Emergency Nurses. Retrieved February 21, 2015, from


