LIBERI, et al v TAITZ, et al - ECF FILER: Request for Judicial Notice of Larry Sinclair's Affidavit...


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  • 8/14/2019 LIBERI, et al v TAITZ, et al - ECF FILER: Request for Judicial Notice of Larry Sinclair's Affidavit and Exhibit A to Larry



    U.S. District Court,

    Eastern District of Pennsylvania Case Number: 09-cv-01898 ECR

    Court of Appeals No. 09-3403


    FOR THE THIRD CIRCUIT__________________________

    LISA LIBERI, et al,

    Plaintiffs Appellants,


    ORLY TAITZ, et al,

    Respondents Appellees.




    Please Take Notice that Appellants, Lisa Liberi [hereinafter Liberi]; Philip J. Berg,

    Esquire [hereinafter Berg], the Law Offices of Philip J. Berg; Evelyn Adams a/k/a Momma E

    [hereinafter Adams]; Lisa Ostella [hereinafter Ostella]; and Go Excel Global by and through

    their undersigned counsel, Philip J. Berg, Esquire, hereby submits this Request for Judicial

    Notice of the Affidavit of Larry Sinclair filed in the United States District Court, Eastern District

    of Pennsylvania, Case No. 09-cv-01898 ECR, Appellants (Plaintiffs) Case herein.

    Appellants request this Court to take Judicial Notice, pursuant to Federal Rules of

    Larry Sinclairs Affidavit is imperative to the Appellants case herein as it shows further

    libel and slander by Appellee Orly Taitz and the fact Orly Taitz has also filed falsified, altered

    Evidence 201, of the Affidavit of Larry Sinclair attached hereto as EXHIBIT 1.

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    and forged documents as genuine in Appellants (Plaintiffs) case herein. Moreover, Appellants

    have pointed out documents which Appellee Orly Taitz, Appellee Neil Sankey and Appellee

    Linda Sue Belcher have created; manipulated; and forged documents bearing Appellants Liberi

    and Ostellas names, while filing them with the Court as genuine, which further substantiates the

    necessity of a Temporary Restraining Order and/or Injunction. Additionally, amongst other

    things, Appellee Orly Taitz filed false police reports against Liberi and Ostella with several law

    enforcement agencies; and Ms. Taitz requested Lisa Ostella to lie to the Federal Bureau of

    Investigations to substantiate Ms. Taitz false police reports regarding hacking, which never

    occurred. When Ms. Ostella denied Ms. Taitz request, Ms. Taitz began slandering, libeling and

    threatening Ms. Ostella, her children and family. Again, this necessitates the need for an

    emergency temporary restraining order and/or injunction. These are further criminal activities

    against the Appellants and the Court.

    A judicially noticed fact must be one not subject to reasonable dispute in that it is either

    (1) generally known within the territorial jurisdiction of the trial court or (2) capable of accurate

    and ready determination by resort to sources whose accuracy cannot reasonably be questioned.

    Fed. R. Evid. 201(b); Easy Sportswear, Inc. v. Am. Econ. Ins. Co., 2008 U.S. Dist. LEXIS

    51402 (D. Pa. 2008);Nationwide Life Ins. Co. v. Commonwealth Land Title Ins. Com., 2005 U.S.

    Dist. LEXIS 24479 (E.D. Pa. 2005); In re NAHC, Inc. Sec Litig, 306 F.3d 1315 (3d Cir. 2002)

    [a] court shall take judicial notice if requested by a party and supplied with the necessary

    information. Fed. R. Evid. 201(d), Easy Sportswear, Inc., 2008 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 514002 (D.

    Pa 2008) at *2.

    It is firmly established that Requests for Judicial Notice are proper only to the extent

    that the noticed facts are relevant to an issue that is before the Court. The attached Affidavit of

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    Larry Sinclair is on file with the United States District Court, Eastern District of Pennsylvania,

    Case No. 09-cv-01898 ECR, which Appellants are requesting Judicial Notice of, are of the type

    that have previously been admitted by Judicial Notice in the Third Circuit. This includes

    documents integral to or explicitly relied upon in the Plaintiffs Complaint and the reasons

    Plaintiffs were forced to bring suit against the Appellees. The Affidavit of Larry Sinclair,

    which Appellants are requesting Judicial Notice of, are directly related to this within action and

    are relevant to the issues herein. In re Ravisent Techs., Inc. Sec. Litig., 2004 U.S. Dist. LEXIS

    132355 (D. Pa. 2004)

    For the above aforementioned reasons, Appellants respectfully request this Court to take

    Judicial Notice of the Affidavit of Larry Sinclair filed with the lower Court in Appellants

    (Plaintiffs) Case,

    Respectfully submitted,

    Dated: October 31, 2009 ____________________________Philip J. Berg, Esquire

    555 Andorra Glen Court, Suite 12

    Lafayette Hill, PA 19444-2531(610) 825-3134

    Attorney for the Appellants

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    Law Offices of :PHILIP J. BERG, ESQUIRE555 Andorra Glen Court, Suite 12Lafayette Hill, PA 19444-2531Identification No. 09867(610)825-3134

    Attorney for: Plaintiffs


    LISA LIBERI, et al,Plaintiffs,

    vs .

    ORLY TAITZ, et al,Defendants.

    Assigned to HonorableEduardo C.Robreno

    Case No.: 09-cv-01898-ECR

    AFFIDAVIT OF LAWRENCE W. SINCLAIRI, Lawrence W. Sinclair am over the age of eighteen (18) and not a party to the within

    action. I have personal knowledge of the facts herein and if called to do so, I could and wouldcompetently testify under oath.

    I declare as follows:

    1. I received an email from Dr. Orly Taitz a Defendant in the within action, askingm e to testify on her behalf in a discovery hearing set for September 8, 2009 in the matter ofCaptain Pamela Bennett, et al. v. Barack H. Obama, et al, U.S. District Court, CentralDistrict of California, Southern Division, Case No. SACV 09-0082 DOC (ANx).

    Affidavit of Lawrence W . Sinclair

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    2. I agreed to testify on behalf of the Plaintiffs' in Dr. Taitz California case,however, made it very clear that I would only testify to my statements and my Affidavitprovided to the Chicago Police Department concerning contacts between myself and DonaldYoung. I was assured by Dr. Taitz that she was only seeking my testimony pertaining toconversations I had with Donald Young.

    3. I arrived in California on September 7, 2009 and met with Dr. Taitz at her dentaloffice located at 29839 Santa Margarita Parkway, Suite 100, Rancho Santa Margarita,California. Also present was a woman introduced to me as Cynthia Davis and a young maleintroduced to me as Lucas Smith.

    4. Dr. Taitz left to go and pick up another individual and stated upon her return wewould go to her Law Office and discuss my testimony. Upon Dr. Taitz return, we walkedfrom Suite 100 to Dr. Taitz Law Offices in Suite 300 at the same address. Suite 300 wasidentified as "The Law Offices of Orly Taitz". We sat at a black lacquer table wherein Dr.Taitz began discussing with me what testimony she wanted me to give in her case.

    5. Unfortunately, Dr. Taitz wanted me to give perjured testimony over events whichwere not true and events I was not familiar with.

    6. After this meeting, Dr. Taitz was driving me to the DoubleTree Hotel where I wasstaying while in California. During the car ride, Dr. Taitz brought up Lisa Liberi. Dr. Taitzstated to me "/ have transcripts from a police officer on a phone call between Lisa Liberiand he r husband from jail saying that Lisa was going to put the word o ut that he r sisterwas a rate (you know what they do to rats in jail) to have other inmates assault he r sister"Dr. Taitz continued stating "You know Lisa Liberi had her sister killed and had it look like

    Affidavit of Lawrence W . Sinclair

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    a suicide" "Everyone knows Lisa Llberl was behind th e murder of her sister, even th epolice but they just couldn ' t pro ve it ."

    I. Unfortunately, Dr. Taitz did not stop with the above statements to me about LisaLiberi. Dr. Taitz went on further stating "My car had a hose that was tampered with thatcould have caused an explosion and I know Lisa Llberl was the one who had a friend o fhers do I t . "

    8. As a result of Dr. Taitz soliciting false and perjured testimony from me I refusedto testify on behalf of Dr. Taitz and I changed my return flight to leave on September 9,2009.

    9. Prior to Dr. Taitz statements about Lisa Liberi, I was aware that Lisa Liberi had asister who passed away from a self-inflicted accidental drug over-dose.

    10. Once I returned home, I prepared an affidavit regarding Dr. Taitz request that Itestify untruthfully and I sent my affidavit to Judge Carter with the U.S. District Court,Central District of California, Southern Division for filing in Dr. Taitz Case, see EXHIBIT"A" attached hereto.

    II. I emailed Lisa Liberi an d informed her of the statements Dr. Taitz had madeabout her. I also inform ed Mrs. Liberi about Dr. Taitz soliciting perju red testimony from mein her (Dr. Taitz) California Case against President Obama and the fact that Dr. Taitzadmitted knowing the Kenyan Birth Certificates she filed in Court in her California case, asgenuine, claiming P resident Obama was born in Kenya, were fake an d fraudulent.

    Affidavit of LawrenceW. Sinclair

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    I declare under the penalty of Perjury of the laws of the United States that the foregoingis true and correct. Execu ted this /f>*clay of September, 2009.

    LAWRENCE W. SINCL AIR, Declarant9 Spring DrivePort Orange, Florida 32129(386) 761-0606

    State of FloridaCounty of Volusia

    On this

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    U.S. District Court,

    Eastern District of Pennsylvania Case Number: 09-cv-01898 ECR

    Court of Appeals No. 09-3403




    LISA LIBERI, et al,

    Plaintiffs Appellants,


    ORLY TAITZ, et al,

    Respondents Appellees.


    CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE_____________________

    I, Philip J. Berg, Esquire, hereby certify that Appellants Request for Judicial Notice was

    served upon Appellees, this 31st

    day of October 2009 electronically and/or by first class mail

    upon the following:

    Orly TaitzDefend our Freedoms Foundation, Inc. (unrepresented)

    26302 La Paz Ste 211

    Mission Viejo, CA 92691Email:

    Neil SankeyThe Sankey Firm, Inc. a/k/a The Sankey Firm (unrepresented)

    Sankey Investigations, Inc.

    2470 Stearns Street #162

    Simi Valley, CA 93063Email:

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    Linda Sue Belcher

    201 ParisCastroville, Texas 78009

    Email: and


    Ed Hale

    Caren Hale

    Plains RadioKPRN

    Bar H Farms

    1401 Bowie Street

    Wellington, Texas 79095Email:;;

    ed@barhfarnet; and

    ________________________PHILIP J. BERG, ESQUIRE

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    Case: 09-3403 Document: 00319882503 Page: 7 Date Filed: 10/31/2009