LEWIS-CLARK STATE COLLEGE Processing Syllabu…  · Web viewlewis-clark state college. business...


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COURSE TITLE: Word Processing (Word 2013)COURSE NUMBER: WRPPT 200-02CREDIT HOURS: 1 to 6SEMESTER: Spring 2015INSTRUCTOR: Molly MacGregor-Cole, ProfessorOFFICE: SGC 200DOFFICE TELEPHONE: 792-2380E-MAIL ADDRESS: mmacgreg@lcsc.eduOFFICE HOURS: Monday/Wednesday 10 a.m. – 11:45 a.m.CLASS SCHEDULE & LOCATION Tuesday/Thursday, 10 – 11:45 a.m.

SGC 215PREREQUISITE: WRPPT 100 – Keyboarding, or equivalent competencyREQUIRED TEXT: Keyboarding and Word Processing, 19e, Lessons 1-110. Van

Huss, Forde, Woo, and Robertson. Southwestern, Cengage Learning, 2014

REQUIRED MATERIALS: Memory stick, the first day of class


Because this class is using a new program, instructions and activities may change throughout the semester.

Check answer keys for format before turning in documents. KPDO 2 checks words but does not check format.


This course is designed to provide instruction needed to meet curriculum requirements in the area of word processing for students completing a degree option within the Business Technology & Service Division. Within the environment of a self-paced classroom, the student will strive to achieve a high level of skill in processing error-free documents. Mastering this level will allow the student to perform word processing tasks successfully in the work world.


In this course, students will participate in lecture, classroom instruction, and independent and individualized activities. These methods will allow students to develop their keying skill and speed, to develop and maintain healthy posture and habits, to learn formatting rules, and to use critical thinking and problem solving when applying appropriate formats to business documents.

The daily schedule includes:

performing a minimum of three timed writings during the class period: one at the beginning of class, one directly following break, and one prior to leaving the class. If students are having difficulty obtaining the required speed for the credit they are in, more than three timed writings each day will be required to be successful. If students are keying in the 50-60 words per minute range, only one timed writing per day is necessary.

Additional timed writings are available in the Skill Builder sections of the textbook. Skill Builders are listed in the Table of Contents. To access these timed writings, click on the clock on the main KPDO menu.

performing tension-relieving and relaxation exercises (as assigned) following break to develop healthy habits to carry into the workplace.

printing out a report of the lessons after the credit is completed. To print the report, go to the Main Menu, Click on Reports, Summary Report, and print. Turn in the report to the instructor before taking the test.

completing ALL assignments for each lesson and turning in all assignments listed in the syllabus as EACH is completed. You may skip Communication activities, Internet, and Email Activities.

correcting imperfect documents until the documents are perfect.

asking questions when unsure about a process, but only after carefully checking the textbook for the answer.

using the sample formats in the reference section of the textbook as a guide for formatting business documents.


When correcting documents in KPDO, the errors will be highlighted. Scroll down to the bottom of the document, and the specific errors will be listed.

With turning in a document with page numbers, headers, or footers, the document must be printed in KPDO and in Word. The above features don’t appear in KPDO.


Earned Variable CreditsWord Processing is a six-credit class. Students will receive a credit after completing all of the requirements for that credit. Three credits are usually the maximum that can be completed in one semester. Planning the semester well is imperative for the student to complete the registered credits. If the student cannot complete all the credits according to the timeline on Page 8, the student must drop at least one variable credit.

Timed WritingsAs the students advance through each credit of WP 200, they must increase their speed, keeping accuracy. The required speed is listed on the turn-in assignment sheet for each credit. Three different timed writings are required for each credit. Timed writings must be for three minutes with three or fewer errors.

Textbooks and KPDOThe students will have purchased the Lessons 1-110 textbook, which includes KPDO. This program is accessible online so that they can complete lessons at home. To use the program at home, students will need:

A PC with high-speed Internet connection, Firefox or Internet Explorer browser, Microsoft Word 2013 installed on your computer, A password and username for www.cengagebrain.com An access code for KPDO which correspons to the book you are using,


the Course Code from your instructor Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for Office Version 4 Flash Player KPDO Plug-in KPDO Word Add In

TestsAfter completing all exercises and timed writings, students must:

1. print and submit the Timings Report 2. print and submit the Summary Report, which lists all completed exercises.3. schedule test with the instructor, and4. study and practice for the test.

E-mail AccountYou are required to use LCMail powered by Google for this course. All announcements will be sent to your LC Mail account. Please do not ask me to e-mail you at another address.

Instructor Expectations The students should work consistently and constantly to achieve a high level of skill which is directly

related to later on-the-job performance.

Students should carefully follow the instructions for each document. Reading carefully the first time is more efficient than having to go back and make corrections because directions were not followed.

Students should call in if they cannot be to class on time or if they will miss a class.

Students will begin work on the assigned computer within five minutes of class starting time. If students are not at their computers in that first five minutes, students from other classes may use the computer, and the tardy students lose their right to the computer that day. BE ON TIME! If a student has repeated absences, the computer assigned to him/her may be reassigned to another student for more productive use of the computer.


For the assignments turned in, an assignment with no (0) errors receives four (4) points. An assignment with one or more (1+) errors will be returned to the student for correction. The student will make the correction(s), staple the original and the re-do together, and turn them in to the instructor again. One re-do is worth three (3) points, and the second is worth two (2) points.

A grade of “C” or higher must be earned on each component (turned-in assignments, timed writings, work ethic, and performance test) before continuing on to the next credit. When the student earns more than one credit per semester, an average of these grades will determine the student’s final grade for the semester.

TestsThe only time limit is that it must be completed within one class period.

If a student fails the test the first time, one redo of the test is allowed. The highest grade possible for the redo test is a C. If a student fails the test a second time, the entire credit must be repeated.


Grading of Test DocumentsDocuments will be scored as follows:

Errors Grade0-1 A2 B3 CMore than 3 F

Progress and success depend on attendance. If a student has repeated absences, the final grade for that semester may be lowered one grade level for every ten hours missed.

Any student found using another student’s assignments and/or doing assignments or timed writings for another student will receive an “F” for the number of credits for which he/she is registered for the course. These credits must be repeated during a later semester for the student to receive credit toward completion of his/her certificate or degree.

Credits will be earned as follows: Course grade:

Completion of Lessons 26-35 1 credit Turned-in assignments 25%Completion of Lessons 38-47 1 credit Timed Writings 25%Completion of Lessons 50-59; 76-78 1 credit Performance Tests 40%Completion of Lessons 61-67 1 credit Work Ethic 10%Completion of Lessons 84-87; 90 1 creditCompletion of Lessons 60-110 simulations 1 credit

Grading Scale:

3.5 – 4.0 = A3.0 – 3.49 = B2.0 – 2.99 = C


1. Use basic commands and functions of Microsoft Word 2013.2. Format and key standard memos.3. Format and key block and modified block letters and attached envelopes.4. Format and key two-page unbound, left-bound reports, and multiple-paged reports.5. Format long references and title pages.6. Create tables using the Table function including shading, formulas, merging and splitting cells and adjusting

column widths.7. Format and edit tables and apply left, right, center, and decimal tabs.8. Use SmartArt and WordArt.9. Key from rough draft using proofreader’s marks.10. Revise and edit documents.11. Format two-page letters and memos.12. Learn special letter parts and envelopes.13. Prepare memos from templates.14. Use alternate table formats, perform math calculations, and sort.


15. Convert tables to text and draw tables.16. Insert tabs in tables.17. Format business reports with preliminary pages and section breaks.18. Format reports with endnotes, footnotes, and hyperlinks.19. Format documents with graphics, columns, and other design enhancements.20. Format reports in columns.21. Apply watermarks.22. Format agendas, minutes, itineraries, news releases and labels.23. Add comments to agendas.24. Track changes of minutes.25. Create mail merge documents, edit the data source, and sort and filter records.26. Merge using Access or Excel as the data source.27. Apply custom design elements to documents.28. Create and use bookmarks.29. Incorporate Excel charts in newsletters and Word tables.30. Create index, cross reference, and table of contents electronically.31. Create, run, and edit macros.32. Create, use, and protect forms.33. Add and remove buttons from the Toolbar.34. Create styles and templates.35. Create master documents and subdocuments and edit subdocuments.36. Create online resume and newsletters.37. Compose and format employment documents.38. Create outlines in reports.39. Format reports with styles and embedded objects.40. Create simple Web pages.41. Key a minimum of 50 words per minute on a three-minute timed writing with no more than three (3) errors

by end of six credits

CONSUMER INFORMATIONIn 2008, the federal government required all post-secondary institutions offering federal financial aid programs to provide key data to both prospective and current students. To comply with this requirement, Lewis-Clark State College has developed a consumer information page, which may be accessed at http://www.lcsc.edu/studentconsumerinformation/

SPECIAL ACCOMODATIONSIf you need course adaptations or accommodations because of a disability, if you have emergency medical information to share with me, or if you need special arrangements in case the building must be evacuated, please make an appointment to talk with me. Students who request special accommodations should present a Faculty Notification Form from Disability Services which is located in the Student Counseling Center, RCH 111. Doug Steele is coordinator of Disability Services. If you have questions or concerns, please call extension 2211.

STUDENT RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIESStudents have the responsibility for knowing their program requirements, course requirements, and other information associated with their enrollment at LCSC. Students should review the LCSC General Catalog (http://www.lcsc.edu/catalog/) and the LCSC Student Handbook (available at http://www.lcsc.edu/studentservices/contactus.htm) for more information.


ACCIDENTS/STUDENT INSURANCEStudents participating in LCSC classes normally must look to their personal health insurance policy (Student Health Insurance Plan or comparable private coverage) should an accident occur. In the event of an accident, please seek medical help, if necessary, and report the incident to LCSC Security (792-2226). Fieldtrips or other special student activities may also require students to submit a signed participation waiver (forms can be obtained from the supporting Division Office).

ENROLLMENT VERIFICATION/ATTENDANCEStudents who are not actively pursuing their classes may have to repay part or all of their financial aid awards depending upon the circumstances.

ACADEMIC DISHONESTYAcademic dishonesty, which includes cheating and plagiarism, is not tolerated at LCSC. Individual faculty members will impose their own policies and sanctions regarding academic dishonesty. Students who are accused of being academically dishonest may be referred to the Dean of Student Services for official disciplinary action.

ILLEGAL FILE SHARINGStudents using LCSC’s computers and/or computer network must comply with the college’s appropriate use policies and are prohibited from illegally downloading or sharing data files of any kind. Specific information about the college’s technology policies and its protocols for combating illegal file sharing may be found on the Dean of Student Services’ web page (http://www.lcsc.edu/studentservices/).

CULTURAL DIVERSITYLewis-Clark State College enhances and promotes the free exchange of ideas in an environment that celebrates the dignity, worth, and contributions of all ethnic and cultural backgrounds. Regardless of race, color, age, sex, religion, national origin, disability, veteran status, or sexual orientation, you will be treated and respected as a human being. http://www.lcsc.edu/culturaldiversity/

CELL PHONESI expect courtesy in the classroom. Please either turn OFF the cell phone or change the ring to buzz (for emergencies) prior to entering the classroom. If you are called and feel that you MUST (for emergencies) use the cell phone, please look at the telephone number but do NOT answer the telephone until you have exited the classroom. In addition, talking on the telephone in the classroom at any time (even after class) is considered discourteous. Please use the telephone OUTSIDE of the classroom.

LEARNING RESOURCE CENTER:The LRC, located in Sam Glenn 218A, provides a computer lab and tutoring services for students in professional-technical programs.  There is also a scanner, copier and printer available for student use.  Because it hosts study groups and encourages students to assist one another, the LRC is not always a quiet lab, but it does its best to contribute to your learning experience. 

STAYING HEALTHY:In order to control the spread of germs and illnesses, BTS has provided hand sanitizers and Kleenexes for each classroom. BTS expects that you will clean your hands when you enter EACH classroom


TIMETABLE FOR COMPLETION OF CREDITS(Dates differ for Monday/Wednesday classes and Tuesday/Thursday classes)

One Credit Two Credits Three Credits**Jan 20/21 Begin Jan 20/21 Begin Jan 20/21 Begin

February 23/24 All work must be completed and graded prior to testing

February 25/26 1st test completed; 1st credit earned

March 2/3 All work must be completed and graded prior to testing

March 4/5 ½ way thru March 4/5 1st test completed; 1st credit earned

April 6/7 All work must be completed and graded prior to testing

April 8/9 2nd test completed; 2nd credit earned

May 4/5 All work must be completed and graded prior to testing

May 4/5 All work must be completed and graded prior to testing

May 4/5 All work must be completed and graded prior to testing

May 6/7 1st test completed; 1st credit earned

May 6/7 2nd test completed; 2nd credit earned

May 6/7 3rd test completed; 3rd credit earned

Must complete at LEAST one chapter a week to finish on time

*Must complete at LEAST two chapters a week to finish on time.

** Must complete at LEAST three chapters a week to finish on time.

*If the student does not complete a test by the due dates above, the student MUST drop one variable credit. The student MAY or MAY NOT continue working in the next credit, but the teacher has the

choice to grade papers or not.



Read and complete Lessons 26 through 35, Modules 3 and 4.Complete each step in all of the lessons, and turn in the items listed in the table below.


Module Document Page No.

3 28-d2 10130-d2 115


32-d1 12432-d2 12433-d2 12933-d3 13034-d2 13435-d1 13835-d2 13835-d3 138

After completing all exercises and timed writings, students must:1. print and submit the Timings Report 2. print and submit the Summary Report, which lists all completed exercises.3. schedule test with the instructor, and4. study and practice for the test.

Timings for Credit 1

Three different timed writings are required for each credit. Timed writings must be for three minutes with three or fewer errors.




3 minute 3 41+ A37-40 B32-36 C

Do NOT complete Lesson 31 and 36 Palmetto Event Solutions, Inc.

Lesson 37 is an assessment. The assessments are not required, but completing the assessment prior to Credit 1 test is recommended.

Communitcation activities are not required



Read and complete Lessons 38 through 47, Modules 5 and 6.Complete each step in all of the lessons, and turn in the items listed in the table below.


Module Document Page No.


38-d2 14839-d2 15440-d3 15941-d3 164


43-d2 17744-d2 18445-d2 18946-d2 19947-d2 20447-d3 204

After completing all exercises and timed writings, students must:1. print and submit the Timings Report 2. print and submit the Summary Report, which lists all completed exercises.3. schedule test with the instructor, and4. study and practice for the test.

Timings for Credit 2

Three different timed writings are required for each credit. Timed writings must be for three minutes with three or fewer errors.




3 minute 3 45+ A41-44 B38-40 C

Do NOT complete Lesson 42 and 48 Palmetto Event Solutions, Inc.

Lesson 49 is an Assessment. The assessments are not required, but completing the assessments prior to Credit 2 test is recommended.

Communitcation activities are not required.



Read and complete Lessons 50 - 52, 56 - 59, and 76 - 78, Modules 7, 10, and 13.Complete each step in all of the lessons, and turn in the items listed in the table below.


Module Document Page No.

7, 10

50-d1 21851-d2 22552-d1 22956-d3 265

10, 13

57-d3 27158-d3 27659-d2 28176-d1 37377-d3 38178-d4 385

After completing all exercises and timed writings, students must:1. print and submit the Timings Report 2. print and submit the Summary Report, which lists all completed exercises.3. schedule test with the instructor, and4. study and practice for the test.

Timings for Credit 3

Three different timed writings are required for each credit. Timed writings must be for three minutes with three or fewer errors.




3 minute 3 48+ A44-47 B40-43 C

Do NOT complete Lesson 53-55 Palmetto Event Solutions, Inc.

Do not complete Module 9.

Do NOT complete Lessons 60, 75, and 79 Hess Office Park documents.

Do not complete Lesson 52-d2. Composition activities are not required.



Read and complete Lessons 61 through 67 and 70 through 74, Modules 11, 12. Complete each step in all of the lessons, and turn in the items listed in the table below.


Module Document Page No.


62-d2 29563-d5 30164-d1 30665-d2 31166-d2 31667-d2 320


70-d2 33771-d2 34673-d2 35674-d2 360

After completing all exercises and timed writings, students must:1. print and submit the Timings Report 2. print and submit the Summary Report, which lists all completed exercises.3. schedule test with the instructor, and4. study and practice for the test.

Timings for Credit 4 of Word Processing

Three different timed writings are required for each credit. Timed writings must be for three minutes with three or fewer errors.




3 minute 3 52+ A48-51 B44-47 C

Do NOT complete Lesson 68, and 75 Hess Office Park.

Lesson 69 is an Assessment. The assessments are not required, but completing the assessments prior to Credit 4 Test is recommended.



Read and complete Lessons 84 – 90, Modules 15 and 16.Complete each step in all of the lessons, and turn in the items listed in the table below.


Module Document Page No.


84-d1 40984-d2 40984-d3 40985-d1 41485-d2 41686-d2 42086-d3 42287-d2 423

16 90-d3 44090-d1 441

After completing all exercises and timed writings, students must:1. print and submit the Timings Report 2. print and submit the Summary Report, which lists all completed exercises.3. schedule test with the instructor, and4. study and practice for the test.

Timings for Credit 5

Three different timed writings are required for each credit. Timed writings must be for three minutes with three or fewer errors.




3 minute 3 55+ A51-54 B48-50 C

Do NOT complete Lesson 88, 89, Hess Office Park.

Do not complete Communication activies



Complete all lessons in the following modules:

Module 10, Lesson 60 Hess Office ParkModule 11, Lesson 68 Hess Office ParkModule 12, Lesson 75 Hess Office ParkModule 13, Lesson 79 Hess Office Park

Module 14, Lesson 81-83 Hess Pet Center IModule 15, Lesson 88 Hess Office ParkModule 19, Lesson 105-107 Hess Pet Center IIModule 20, Lesson 110 Hess Office Park

Module 6 is an office simulation which offers students the opportunity to demonstrate their ability to prepare business documents for one company in a professional manner.

Do not complete “Compose Memos.”

Do not complete 19-d8 through 19-d11.



Module Document Page No.10 60-d2 28311 68-d2 32312 75-d3 36313 79-d1 38714 81-83, 14-d6 39814 81-83, 14-d10 40315 88-d5 428 19 105-107, 19-d1 50719 105-107, 19-d7 51220 110-d1 540

After completing all exercises and timed writings, students must:1. print and submit the Timings Report 2. print and submit the Summary Report, which lists all completed exercises.3. schedule test with the instructor, and4. study and practice for the test.

Timings for Credit 6

Three different timed writings are required for each credit. Timed writings must be for three minutes with three or fewer errors.




3 minute 3 58+ A54-57 B50-53 C

