Leven Lines 2. Stokesley Writers Anthology 1988



Stokesley is a small country town in North Yorkshire, about 12 miles from Middlesbrough. By the 1850's it had huge tradition as a centre for Printing and Publishing. In 1983, Maude Warwick, Tutor / Organiser of the WEA (Workers' Educational Association) arranged a class in Creative Writing in Stokesley, Ray Brown was the tutor and after that the students continued to meet as a Writers Group and meeting as a class every autumn term with a different tutor. The tutors were Peter Rushforth (1984), Andy Croft (1985), Trev Teasdel (1986), Eugenie Summerfield (1987) and John Bond (1988). Trev Teasdel produced their first anthology - Leven Lines 1 in 1986 and Eugenie Summerfield oversaw production of this - Leven Lines 2, in 1988. The Stokesley Writers became involved with the initiation of the Cleveland Write Around Festival. Daphne Franks, a local historian who wrote Printing and Publishing in Stokesley, was a prominent member of this Group.

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