Letters sent by Ralph M. Lewis, Secretary (1933).pdf


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Known os "THE ANCIENT, MYSTIC ORDER ROSAE CRUCIS" throughout the v/orld


R O S I C R U C I A N P A R K S A N J O S E . C A L I F O R N I A . U . S . A .

T h r o u c h R e l e a s i n g   t h e  

i n n e r - S e l f  . M a n R i s e s  

t o   a C o n o u e s t   o f   

L i f e s B l e s s i n g s

cp uiu j J an, 19, 1933

 W.C.U. Bldg.,

Room 722,

Quiney, 111.

Dear Mr. r* cpuui l

Just three weeks ago, in re3ponse to your request, I sent 

you the booklet, "THE WISDOM OF THE SAGES."

\Vlaen you asked for the booklet I know yo u were sinoerely  

interested in attaining HAPPIHESS and PERSONAL POWER. You were 

ambitious to achieve the desires of your life, whether they te 

spiritual, intellectual or material. You reaohed out for the 

 prornised help of the ROSICRUCIANS in the hope that you would find  

the key to release your inner powers and realize your secret  


YOU WILL NOT BE DISA PP OI NTED . The key to self-unfoldment  is the invitation in that little l)ook. Men and wornen in all

 parts of the world have been led by it to a study of the natural

and spiritual laws and through these laws to understanding and  

 mastery of life.

I wish you could sit here at my desk this morning and read  

3ome of the letters that lie before me. Letters that PROVE what  

the booklet promises. Letters of new hope, new life, new suc- 

oess! If you could read the stories of aohievement that flow in 

from every c o m e r of the globe you would not hesit ate to A.CT upon  

the invitation we have extended to you. You would not lose a 

single moment in accepting the opportunity presented to you with  your copy of "THE WISD OM OE THE SAGES."

Here is a letter, for example, from Dr. H. Gordon Hargett 

of 1417 7th Avenue, Fort Worth, Texas. Dr. Hargett is a special-

ist and well known in the city where he lives. In this 

letter he says: "I am more convinced than I was a

year ago that the Ros icr ucian teachings and simple 

system will reveal to the sincere seekers the great  

truths that will enable them to perfect their lives

K  n o w l e d g e   o f    t h e L a w s   o f  L i f e


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,fI have tested all of the simple laws explained in your in- 

structions and have put them into regular practice, and find that 

they never fail, especially the law of ’Ask and ye shall Receive.'  

I find in the Rosicrucian Organization everything that will make  

life better and more prosperous and happy. I have been able to 

go through the business depression with no worry and it is remark- 

able how I haT;e been helped from unseen and unexpeoted sources 

ever 3ince I adopted the Rosicrucian methods, and have followed  

you r advioe and he lp .1'

Dr. Hargett has tested the simple fundamental laws of success  

and finds that THEY DO NOT FAIL. What a message this letter car- 

ries for those who fight against a worid of obstacles and adverse  

conditions without apparent progress! What encouragement for 

those who appear to he tied down by some invisible, strange power  

which seems to hold them back from the happiness they seek! What  

a lesson for those who look OUTSIDE OF THEMSELVES for the cause  

of failure when all the while the real trouble is lack of under- 

standing of simple fundamental powers which lie within themselves.

Perhaps you are one to whom the application of the Rosioru-  

cian teachings in a material way makes no appeal. Perhaps there 

is a longing in your soul to know, to fathom the mysteries of the 

universe. To you, perhaps, there is no greater joy than MENTAL  

 AND SPIRITUAL CONQ,UEST. If so, then the puré mysticism of the 

Rosic rucian principies will intrigue you. It is only the ignor- 

ant who wrongly associates mysticism with superstitions of past  

ages. True mysti cism is the seeking of the knowledge of infinity 

through man to God. Even the greatest MODE RN DAY SCIENTISTS ARE  


Recently the "Nev; York Times" interviewed Sir Arthur Edding- 

ton, scientist and astronomer, who expounds a MYSTICAL COSMOS.

Says the "New York Times," "He is the my3tic among relativists.  

 Mathematical equations proclaim to him not only the glory of God,

 but the crying need of mysticism. There is notonly a world of

the senses to him, but an unseen world, which can no longer be 

ignored." Sir Eddington says, "Physical Science cannot give us 

the whole truth. No one should even believe that a leaf i3 green.

The leaf sends out waves that splash on the retina of the eje with  

the result that we see green. But what is sent out from the leaf

to produce the sensation of green no one knows. We behold these

innumerable suns rolling on: trees, flowers, oceans that heave in

storms. What does it all mean? We cannot answer in terms ofleaping electrons and mathmetical equations. So when we seek 

the meaning of cons ciou sn ess, we find that it is about a spirit, 

within which truth has its shrine.

"We cannot say that the atom has a will of its own. But I 

BELIEV E THAT THE MIND HAS THE POWE R to affect groups of atomsand 

even tamper with the odds of atomic behavior." Sir Eddington

further states, "I believe that the mind has the power to set 

aside statistical laws that hold good in organic matter. The

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course of the world is not predetermined by physical laws. It 

raay be altered by the uncaused vclition of human beings."

This is the vie w of a modern, mystical soientist. MYSTI CIS M  

IS ALIVE TODAY. It is alive in the Rosicruci an teaohings and it 

continúes to afford explanations about ma n ’s bein g and the uni- 

verse in which he dwells, that physical Science concedes as the 

nearest approach to truth.

To further reveal the growing tendency among prorainent people 

in the world to recognize the valué of the spiritual powers of 

 man, allow me to quote the words of Charles P. Steinmetz. He was 

one of the most critical scrutinizers of material laws, a master  

of electricity and the other hidden, secret powers of the material  

universe. He seemed almost Divine in hi3 ability to create arti

ficial lightning. A distorted, crippled, and grossly unpleasant  

 being to look at, physically, one would have been inclined to 

 believe that with his personal regret at G od ’s gift to him of a 

crippled figure, and with his cióse study of nature*s material  

forces, he would have been so steeped in materiali sm that the 

spiritual powers of man would have meant nothing to him.

Yet in answer to a question as to what would be the next great 

field of research and revelation for the human mind, he said, ”I 

think the greatest discoveries will be made along spiritual lines. 

History clearly teaches that spiritual forces have been the great

est power in the development of men and nations. Yet we have been  

 playing with them, merely, and have never seriously studied them  

as we have the physical forces. Some day, people will learn that 

 material things alone do not bring happiness and are of little 

use in maki ng man and woman Creative and powerful.

Remember, those who now enjoy the success, and mastery you 

covet did not achieve these things by accident. At one time they 

had nothing more to guide them than the opportunity that is now  

offered to you. A copy of "THE WISDOM OF THE SAGES" fell into 

their hands, and they responded to its invitation. They united  

with the Rosi cru cia ns, READ and APPLIED the simple, easily under- 

stood lessons sent to all members of the Brotherhood, and FOUND 

THE KEY to Health, Happiness, and Understanding.

 What these men and women have done YOU CAN DO. Have you 

the determination to make the start, to grasp the opportunity, 

to work out your destiny as they have worked out theirs?

Por your convenience we e n d o s e another invitation. Do not 

lay it aside. This appl ication may be the turning point in your  

life. The present is NOW. The future YO U can make.



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( U N I V E R S A

Q R A P H A D D R E S S : '

Ui q C A B L E ANO  TEL E-

A M O R C O )

L O N G D I S T A NC I E T E L E P H O N E S i

B A LL A R D 8 2 9 0 . 8 2 9 6


Known as "THE ANC IEN T, MYSTIC ORDER ROS AE C RUC IS" throughout the world

A Non'Sectarian Fraternity Devotcd to the Invcitigation and Study of the Higher Princinle* of Lifeas Found Expressed in Man and Nature


R O S I C R U C I A N P A R K   S A N J O S E . C A L I F O R N I A . U . S . A .

 A Special Communication  

to the Seeker of Light

Respected Seeker:

Perhaps you were curious when you wrote to us.

If so, we are pleased. Strange? No; for curiosity is an 

indication of the exciting of your interest. Like a magnetic 

attraction, something pulled you toward the Rosicrucians. There 

was a sympathetic bond even though but for a moment. It might have 

 been a word, read or heard, a leaflet received, or a public an- 

nouncement seen. What concerns us both, NOW, you and ourselves, 

is why the bond has not become stronger.

Having had your interest centered on SELF-ADVANCEMENT and  

the method whereby you may attain MASTERSHIP OF LIFE, why have you 

not availed yourself of these? No longer interested? Hardly. Our 

fundamental interests do not change so easily. May we assume that your hesitancy in bringing into your life the profound and helpful  

teachings of the Rosicrucians is for one of these three reasons:

1. That the claims of the Rosicrucians are pretentious 

and extravagant. That the organization is not capable  

of aiding the student in the way and with the means  

 proclaimed, and you are perhaps dubious.

2. That circumstances and conditions which seem uncon- 

trollable are limiting you— limitations in finance, in 

employment, lack of privacy, or doubt as to the neces-  

sary time for the hourly period of study.

3. Perhaps you do not sense at the moment the ultimate

 purpose of the Rosicrucian teachings. Do you ask  

yourself these questions: "What will I accomplish

 by the study of Rosicrucianism? How will my indi

vidual life be benefited? What will I add to my under- 

standing that will successfully improve my spiritual, 

intellectual, business, and material status?

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Frankly, if these three reasons can logically be removed  

to your satisfaction by the Rosicrucians, there could be little 

objection to your being one of this world-wide Brotherhood. We 

can and will remove these three reasons to your satisfaction.

I. First, the Rosicrucian Brotherhood for years has been known  to historians, writers, and prominent teachers of the profound  

laws of life. Hundreds of books have been written about the 

Order. It is not a newly organized, fantastic society, spring- 

ing into existence today and dormant tomorrow, having neither re-  

sponsibility ñor concern for the welfare of its students. It does 

not pretend to be a worthy school or university, actually lacking 

in facilities or complete staff. It is not represented by an in

dividual, expounding impossible claims, here today and gone to

 morrow. There are now, and have been for years, hundreds of 

eminent men and women who are students of the organization. The 

Brotherhood is equally known and recognized by thinkers and by 

the practical business men and women who have contacted its 

lodges and Grand Lodge. Its buildings and staff and its outer 

activities are known to such institutions as the post office, 

telegraph companies, Chamber of Commerce, and Better Business  


II. As to the second reason, if we, each of us, you and I and  

thousands like us, were the acmé of perfection, had ampie wealth,  

knowledge, time, and happiness, the Brotherhood could offer us 

naught. But it is comprised of men and women who lack one or 

all of these, and it is the duty of the Rosicrucians to aid 

them to attain it. So, if you are faced with the lack of any  

of the above conditions, that is your qualification to enter the 

 portáis of the Order.

III. Man has in him the unión of two planes: One from whence  

he carne and to which he will ultimately return; the other, the 

 plañe of his daily world. To deny one is but to half live. 

Rosicrucianism recognizes these two planes ; it aids man in solv- 

ing the mysteries and phenomena of life, free from the creed or sect. 

But on the other hand, it prepares him to MASTER his PROBLEMS of 


This may be interesting— yet you wonder. Can you test 

these things, try them before affiliating with the Brotherhood?

You are tolerant, ready to be convinced, and HERE IS THE OPPOR- TUNITY.

The enclosed leaflet will explain to you about the maga-  

zine, "The Rosicrucian Digest." The wonderful articles contained  

therein will present to you the PRACTICAL principies of the Rosi

crucian teachings. This is an exclusive magazine, not sold on 

all news-stands. We permit those who are thinking of affiliating  

with the organization, yet hesitating, to subscribe to it BEFORE  

 becoming members ; and later, if they wish to become active

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students, they are privileged to have the subscription price applied  

on their registration fee for membership, according to the explana- 

tion in the enclosed leaflet. This is a genuine opportunity to be- 

come better acquainted with the Rosicrucian teachings. Renew your 

interest in the better things, the important things of life through  

the pages of this magazine. Hoping this may be your key to the 

chamber of inner membership in this Brotherhood, I am 

