Letter to Kayla



Advice to a new missionary

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7/21/2019 Letter to Kayla

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October 11, 2015

Sister Kayla Calica,

I've shared this advice to all the missionaries that have gone out from our ward and I wanted to

do the same for you. I'm so excited that you're going to the Philippines! You're going to love it.

First, your experience in the MTC. You'll love your experience there, and one thing that can

greatly enhance the experience is joining the MTC choir  on Sundays. I can't believe you'll only

be there for 2 weeks so I don't know if you'll have this opportunity but if you do, take advantage

of it

Also in the MTC, you’ll probably be told to get two journals, one as your spiritual journal, and

the other to write about what happens on your mission. Your spiritual journal will be great for

study and your preparation for talks and lessons that you will be asked to give in various

meetings throughout your mission.

Next is the power of the members. When you get to your first area, introduce yourself to the

Bishop or Branch President, and all the other members of the ward/branch council (Relief

Society president, Young Men’s president, Young Women’s president, Ward Mission leader)

and let them know how excited you are to be serving in their ward or branch. Say hi and shake

hands with every member that you can. Hopefully you’ll be able to meet with the ward council

every week or at least once a month. You’ll report to them about your week (how many lessons

you taught and who you’re currently teaching). Ask them to hold you accountable for your work.

This is all in addition to being accountable to your District and Zone leaders, and your Mission


Love your trainer. Your mission president and his assistants have prayed and thought very

carefully about who would be the best trainer for you. I asked my trainer Tagalog questions all

the time throughout the day and would make notes in my planner. I'd also ask him about being a

missionary and would try and follow his example. That’s what they’re there for. Normally, you’ll

get a trainer who is in the middle of her mission and is excited to train and to be a good example

to you. If, however, you do get a trainer that is nearing the end of her mission or doesn’t

particularly have a strong desire to work hard, then y will have to be the strong one. Pray for

her and let her know what you are there to do, that is to bring souls unto Christ.

Love and serve your companions. You’re not going to like every single one but you should

still love them and pray and study with them so that you’ll both have the spirit as you walk

around and go to your appointments. I had to help a few missionaries who were having trouble

and it tested my patience but I tried to always be cheerful and just love them. My brother

Michael shared with me that he was having problems with one of his companions and what he

chose to do was to make his companion's bed every morning. This greatly helped their

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relationship and they were able to have the spirit together.

 As you walk around looking for people to teach, always try and see the potential in every

person that you meet. I always liked to imagine that the guys that I met could become great

Elders Quorum leaders if they accepted the gospel and were baptized. Remember, every one of

us that is alive already accepted Christ’s plan the first time. We just need to help them

remember, to recognize the spirit, and accept it one more time. You will of course love the

people you meet learn to love the Philippines even more. There will certainly be days where the

weather will be so uncomfortable especially in summer, but you just need to learn to love it,

haha. I remember walking out of the house in the morning after our companionship study and

just thinking to myself how I loved the sun and the heat. When you smile, it tricks your brain into

feeling happy, so you just need to be smiling all the time. You don’t have any real reason to be

sad You’re working in the Lord’s vineyard, helping bring to pass the immortality and eternal life

of man.

on’t be afraid of rejection. You might hear “No” one hundred times before you hear one

“Yes”, and that’s ok. You’re planting seeds every time you bear your testimony and open your

mouth. President Morgan has said, you might never know the extent of your influence as a

missionary. People will be watching everything you do, and it is important to know who you are

representing and whose name is also on your missionary name tag. Remember Him always.

That’s our promise that we make every week during sacrament, and you have the opportunity to

really live this promise every hour of every day for the next 18 months. What a blessing. The

Filipino people are so nice and generally don't like to reject so your obstacle will be to get them

to keep their commitments such as reading the Book of Mormon and going to church. I know

you'll be a great missionary and am excited to hear about your experiences.

I’m thankful for your example and your willingness to serve a full-time mission. I know your

family will be blessed for your service and your letters home to them will give them strength. I

know that Jesus Christ lives and that He is our savior and redeemer. I know that He died for us

and that He also was risen again. I know that He guides His church today through Prophets and

Apostles. I know that Joseph Smith was called as a true prophet and that through him, we now

have the Book of Mormon, another testament of Christ. I know that the book is true and that we

can grow closer to God and to Christ by reading it and living by its teachings. I know that we can

all return to live with God in heaven if we all continue to keep the commandments and our

temple covenants.

Christian Johnson