Letter/ article/ leaflet/ speech/ report/ website/ email Young children/ teenagers/ young adults/...


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letter/ article/ leaflet/ speech/ report/ website/ email

Young children/ teenagers/ young adults/ adults/ local community/ professionals

argue/ persuade/ advise/ inform/ entertain/ instruct etc…




Fix the TAP before starting a response

Writing task:

Write an article for a magazine aimed at parents. Argue the case either for or against teenage children being allowed to have a television in their bedrooms to watch whatever they like, whenever they like.

A magazine aimed at your age group has invited contributions for a series of articles entitled ‘Someone I Admire’. Write the words of your article in which you describe a person you admire, and explain your reasons for choosing that person.

A local newspaper is campaigning to ban teenagers from the town centre at weekends. Write a letter to a local newspaper editor arguing your point of view.Begin your letter ‘Dear Editor,’





Fix the TAP!

Write a magazine article for teenagers which persuades them to improve their health.

Some people think it is wrong that primitive peoples and their communities are disrupted by tourists and TV crews and that they should be left in peace. Write an article for a travel magazine which argues for or against this statement.

Write the words of an article for your school or college magazine in which you argue about the value of visiting places such as museums, castles and heritage sites.

Write an article for a careers magazine in which you offer advice to students on what to look out for when applying for a job.





Fix the TAP!

Your headteacher has decided not to spend any more money on buying interactive whiteboards for use in the school classrooms. Write a letter persuading him or her that interactive whiteboards play a very important part in education.

Techniques to use in your writing:


List of three

Expert Opinions






Technical language

Tone of voice

Emotive language


Simile/ Metaphor

List of three points/ reasons

Numbers, facts or figures

An assessment/ belief/ viewpoint of a professional (doctor, psychologist, nutritionist, teacher, role model)

Something which illustrates/ supports a point

I, me, my/ you, your/ they

Sentence toolkit- vary sentences

To get the audience thinking

Several words together which begin with the same sound

Language relating to the subject

Something about the use of language to show a feeling or thought of writer e.g humour, anger

Words, phrases or imagery to arouse an emotion in the reader

Repeat a word, phrase, idea or action to emphasise a point

Simile: comparison using the words ‘like’ or ‘as’Metaphor: comparison saying something is something else

Anecdote Short story to illustrate a point

Useful sentence stems:


List of three

Expert Opinions






Technical language

Tone of voice

Emotive language


Simile/ Metaphor

There are many reasons for this: ….,….,…. .…..,…. and…..

According to a survey carried out by…., …% of… think…/ …% of… have/ Half of…/ A third of…

Research has shown that…/ Health professionals have found…/ Leading expert, (name), claims…

For example,… /such as /for instanceThere are many … : ….,….,…..

I, me, my/ you, your

Sentence toolkit- vary sentences

Who…? What…? Where…? Why…? When…? How…?

Battling the Bulge? Stop smoking straight away!

Word association activity.

It is disgraceful.Surely this is wrong?

There are appalling beatings and acts of violence on a daily basis and at weekends the streets are more terrifying than anywhere else.

We all know…/ Come on,…/It’s about time…

Simile: like/ asMetaphor: is/ are

Anecdote Last week I…./Recently,…/ (Name) is a student/ victim/ child…







ower of three

motive languagehetorical question


ndermine opposing view


irect address


List of three points/ reasons

Words, phrases, imagery that arouse an emotional response

Questions to get the audience thinking- they don’t require an answerNumbers, facts or figures to emphasise a point

Criticise the other viewpoint

Short story to illustrate a point

Involve audience using personal pronouns and shared experience

Being over-the-top to get a point across

S ay again Repeat an important word, phrase or idea for emphasis

Section B: Writing

Answer both questions in this section.

You are advised to spend about one hour on this section.

You are advised to spend about 25 minutes on question 5.

You are advised to spend about 35 minutes on question 6.

Question 5 Write a letter that you hope to be published in your local newspaper. Inform the readers about the problems in society today and explain what local communities can do to improve these problems. (16 marks)


Your address (top right)Date (top right under address)Their address (on left)Greeting (Dear Sir/ Madam/ Editor,)Purpose for writing (anecdote)1st Key point (signpost vocabulary/ topic sentence)Range of sentence types? ASLEEP SQUATTERS devices?2nd Key point (signpost vocabulary/ topic sentence)Range of sentence types? ASLEEP SQUATTERS devices?3rd Key point (signpost vocabulary/ topic sentence)Range of sentence types? ASLEEP SQUATTERS devices?Closing paragraph (solutions/ required actions)Closure: Yours faithfully, (if don’t know name) Yours sincerely, (if do know name) Sign off (your first and last name)

Formal letter Checklist:

HeadlineBy lineIntroduction: Topic sentence (wwwww?)Viewpoint clear?1st Key point (signpost vocabulary/ topic sentence)Range of sentence types? ASLEEP SQUATTERS devices?2nd Key point (signpost vocabulary/ topic sentence)Range of sentence types? ASLEEP SQUATTERS devices?3rd Key point (signpost vocabulary/ topic sentence)Range of sentence types? ASLEEP SQUATTERS devices?Punchy ending/ viewpoint reinforced

Article Checklist:

Article plan


Introduction: Topic sentence (wwwww?)

Topic sentence:

Topic sentence:

Topic sentence:

Key point 3

Key point 1

Punchy ending:Viewpoint reinforced:

Topic sentence:

Key point 2

Headline:By line:



Question 6 There is evidence that many young people are not eating, exercising or spending their leisure time properly and that this is damaging their health and life chances.Write an article for Living Today magazine which persuades young people to improve their diet and lifestyle. (24 marks)

Higher Q6

Before you start: Plan


Introduction: Topic sentence (wwwww?)

Topic sentence:

Topic sentence:

Topic sentence:

Key point 3

Key point 1

Punchy ending:Viewpoint reinforced:

Topic sentence:

Key point 2

Headline:By line:


HeadlineBy lineIntroduction: Topic sentence (wwwww?)Viewpoint clear?1st Key point (signpost vocabulary/ topic sentence)Range of sentence types? ASLEEP SQUATTERS devices?2nd Key point (signpost vocabulary/ topic sentence)Range of sentence types? ASLEEP SQUATTERS devices?3rd Key point (signpost vocabulary/ topic sentence)Range of sentence types? ASLEEP SQUATTERS devices?Punchy ending/ viewpoint reinforced

Article Checklist:



Question 5Your local council is holding an awards ceremony called ‘Amazing Local People’.Write a letter to your local council, naming someone you know for an award, Explaining why they deserve to win.Remember to: • write a letter• use language to explain. Try to write approximately one page. (16 marks)

FoundationQ5 Answer both questions in this section.

You are advised to spend about one hour on this section.

You are advised to spend about 25 minutes on question 5.

You are advised to spend about 35 minutes on question 6.

Before you start: Plan


Introduction (anecdote)

Topic sentence:

Topic sentence:

Topic sentence:

Key point 3

Key point 1


Topic sentence:

Key point 2

Question 5Your local council is holding an awards ceremony called ‘Amazing Local People’.Write a letter to your local council, naming someone you know for an award, Explaining why they deserve to win.Remember to: • write a letter• use language to explain. Try to write approximately one page. (16 marks)

Your address (top right)Date (top right under address)Their address (on left)Greeting (Dear Sir/ Madam/ Editor,)Purpose for writing (anecdote)1st Key point (signpost vocabulary/ topic sentence)Range of sentence types? ASLEEP SQUATTERS devices?2nd Key point (signpost vocabulary/ topic sentence)Range of sentence types? ASLEEP SQUATTERS devices?3rd Key point (signpost vocabulary/ topic sentence)Range of sentence types? ASLEEP SQUATTERS devices?Closing paragraph (solutions/ required actions)Closure: Yours faithfully, (if don’t know name) Yours sincerely, (if do know name) Sign off (your first and last name)

Formal letter Checklist:

Foundation Q 5

Question 6“Young people today waste too much time watching TV and playing computer games.” Write an article for a magazine of your choice arguing for or against this statement.Remember to:• write an article• use language to argue. Try to write approximately two pages. (24 marks)


Before you start: Plan


Introduction Topic sentence (wwwww?)

Topic sentence:

Topic sentence:

Key point 3

Key point 1

Punchy ending:Viewpoint reinforced:

Topic sentence:

Key point 2

Question 6“Young people today waste too much time watching TV and playing computer games.” Write an article for a magazine of your choice arguing for or against this statement. Remember to:• write an article• use language to argue. Try to write approximately two pages. (24 marks)

Headline:By line: Viewpoint:

HeadlineBy lineIntroduction: Topic sentence (wwwww?)Viewpoint clear?1st Key point (signpost vocabulary/ topic sentence)Range of sentence types? ASLEEP SQUATTERS devices?2nd Key point (signpost vocabulary/ topic sentence)Range of sentence types? ASLEEP SQUATTERS devices?3rd Key point (signpost vocabulary/ topic sentence)Range of sentence types? ASLEEP SQUATTERS devices?Punchy ending/ viewpoint reinforced

Article Checklist:

Foundation Q 6

Colon: list .: ------, -------, -------(replaces such as/ for example)

Have I used it? Have I punctuated it?

Verb startBeing /

Having} ………..,………..

Linked .;and / but

Three part sentence, and .

Embedded clause ....,...,...(additional description)