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Teacher Edition

Let’s MakePancakes Written by Emma Rossi

Photography by Michael Curtain


Text highlights• Follows the conventions of a procedural text

• Step-by-step instructions and labelled

photographs inform the reader

• Instructional language

Vocabularymixture, ingredients, self-raising, maple syrup,

utensils, sift

How to use this bookBefore reading: TalkthroughTalk through the book with the children. Encouragethem to predict the text from the cover and pictures,and to think about the information they provide.Direct the children’s attention to aspects of the textthat may challenge them. Support the children to dealwith these challenges by asking the Talkthroughquestions on each page.

During reading: Observe and supportObserve the children as they read. Encourage them tomonitor their own reading as they comprehend thetext. As needed, support children by assisting them todiscover and use reading strategies and cues to solveproblems and respond to reading challenges that arisein the text. Interruptions to the child’s reading shouldbe minimal and focused on a specified learning need.

After reading: Comprehension, returning tothe text, responding and writing linksTo further develop children’s understanding of thetext, select from activities found on page 12 and theinside back cover. These whole text, sentence and wordlevel activities reinforce the teaching focus of thisbook. Assessment ideas are provided to assist withplanning for further teaching.

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Published edition © Eleanor Curtain Publishing 2003

First published 2003

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Developed by Eleanor Curtain PublishingText: Elizabeth GoldingConsultant: Susan HillDesigned by Alexander StittProduction by Publishing Solutions

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ISBN 0 7253 2820 7Pack ISBN 0 7253 2748 0(6 Student Books + 1 TeacherEdition)

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Setting the contextProvide children with arange of cooking books.Children work with apartner to discover thefeatures of recipes. Ask:What information do recipebooks tell us? Who wouldread these books?

Background informationProcedural texts explain thesteps to make or dosomething. Recipe books areprocedural texts. They havea list of ingredients andoften a list of utensils aswell. Instructions usuallystart with a verb, to tell youwhat to do: sift, add, mix.

Introducing the bookHave you ever madepancakes? What ingredientsdid you use? What utensilsdid you need? What stepsdid you follow? Did you usea recipe book to help you?Allow time for the childrento share their experiences.

Front coverWhat kind of book do you think this is? Whydo you think that there are six photographson the front cover?

Title pageRead the title page, pointing out the namesof the author and the photographer.Look at the photograph.What is the boy putting on his pancakes?What topping do you like to have onpancakes?

Let’s MakePancakes Written by Emma Rossi

Photography by Michael Curtain

alphakids Let’s MakePancakes

Written by Emma Rossi

Photography by Michael Curtain



Let’s Make Pancakes Pages 2–3

TalkthroughPoint out the text features of these pages. Highlight thatthe photographs of the ingredients and toppings havelabels to identify them, but the photographs of theutensils do not have labels. Can the children name theingredients and the utensils?Do you know the names of these items? What utensils canyou see?

Observe and supportCan the child understand the format on these pages?Can you tell me why some of the photographs have labelsand why some do not?






Pancake mixture ingredients


2 cups ofself-raising flour

2 cups of milk



blueberriesmaple syrup

2 tablespoonsof sugar

To make pancakes you will need:

1 egg

1 tablespoon of oil

chocolate sauce


Let’s Make Pancakes Pages 4–7

TalkthroughLook at the photographs on pages 4–7, which show theboy making the pancake mixture.What is the boy showing us to do on these pages?Explain that this is the method section of the recipe.Notice that action words or verbs start each sentence.Highlight the photographs of the ingredients down theside of each page.Why did the publisher add these photographs? How do theyhelp us make the recipe?

Observe and supportCan the child recognise the verbs or action words at thestart of each sentence?Find the word ‘sift’. This is a verb. What other verbs or actionwords can you find?



Put the milk and the oil into a bowl.Break the egg into the bowl.


Sift the flour to take out the lumps.Add the sugar to the flour and mix.


Step 1:Making the pancake mixture

Pour the egg, the milk and the oil mixture into the flour. Mix it all together.


Stir the egg, the oil and the milk together.



Let’s Make Pancakes Pages 8–11

TalkthroughLook at the photograph on page 8.What is the name of this utensil? The boy uses the whisk tomake the pancake mixture smooth.Look at the photograph on page 9.This is the final part of Step 1.Why does he cover the bowl with a cloth?Look at Step 2 on pages 10–11. Discuss how Step 1involves mixing the ingredients and that Step 2 is cookingthe pancakes. Point out the hot stove.Now he is cooking the pancakes. Who do you think wouldneed to help him now? Why?

Observe and supportDoes the child re-read the text to confirm the correctmessage?I like the way that you re-read the text to check that youunderstood the message.



Cover the pancake mixture and let it stand for ten minutes.


Beat the pancake mixture until it is smooth.


Cook the mixture until there arebubbles in the pancake.Turn the pancake over and cook ituntil it is golden brown.


Heat some oil in the pan.Pour some pancake mixture intothe pan.


Step 2:Cooking the pancakes


Let’s Make Pancakes Pages 12–15

TalkthroughExplain that in Step 3 the boy adds the toppings. Look atthe photographs on pages 12–15.What toppings does the boy add to his pancakes? Whattoppings do you think he likes the best?

Observe and supportDoes the child use a range of strategies to work out anunknown word?How did you work out the word ‘syrup’?



Or add some ice-cream and strawberriesor blueberries.


Put some ice-cream and some maple syrup on the pancakes.


Step 3:Pancake toppings

Or you can make pancakes with the lot!


Or put some chocolate sauce, some nuts and some ice-cream on the pancakes.



Let’s Make Pancakes Page 16

TalkthroughDiscuss how words are not always necessary tounderstand meaning.Why is there no text on this page? Would text help you tounderstand this page? What do you think could have beenwritten here?

Observe and supportCan the child interpret the information contained in thephotograph?How do you think that the boy feels about his pancakes?





Let’s Make Pancakes

Being a meaning makerEncourage the children to supporttheir answers with evidence from thebook as they discuss these questions:What do you need to make pancakes?When might you need an adult to helpyou?Which pancake would you like to eat?Why?Is this the only way to make pancakes?

Being a code breakerExplore the following languagefeature:• Verbs used in the book: sift, add,put, break, stir, pour, mix, beat, cover,heat, cook, turn. Children can listthese verbs and add other verbs fromother recipe books.

Being a text userWhat kind of book is this?What sections does it have?Why is it organised in this way?What information do you learn byreading the words? What information isin the photographs?

Being a text criticDo all children get to make pancakes?Do all children like pancakes?Why does this book show a boy makingpancakes? Can girls make pancakestoo?

Responding to textProvide the ingredients andhave the children use the book

to make pancakes. Ensure that anadult (helpful parent or carer) isavailable to supervise and assist. Havethe children report on theirexperience and make suggestionsabout improvements to the recipe.

Children can make a set of recipecards for other simple recipes that

they know how to make, such asmilkshakes or jelly. Encourage thechildren to use the features of recipes(ingredients followed by the method).

Explore compound words:pancakes, ice-cream,

tablespoons, blueberries, strawberries,maple syrup. Children can add othercompound words from other recipebooks to their lists.

Writing linksShared/guided writingAsk children to discuss what fillingsthey have in a sandwich. Use thisdiscussion as a starting point forchildren to share their knowledge tothe group. Then write a recipe tomake a sandwich. Make sure that theingredients and utensils are listed, aswell as the step-by-step instructions.

Independent writingAsk children to create their ownamazingly new and exciting recipe forsomething that has never beencreated before. The recipe has to berealistic and should include a list ofingredients and utensils, as well asthe step-by-step instructions. Shareideas as a group to get the discussiongoing before children design theirown wonderful creations!

AssessmentCan the child:• Identify the different features of a procedural text?• Explain the meaning of instructional words: sift, add, put, break?• Explain how to make a pancake?

whole text activity sentence activity word activity

Let’s MakePancakes Written by Emma Rossi

Photography by Michael Curtain


Topic: Personal developmentCurriculum link: HealthText type: ProceduralReading level: 12Word count: 149Vocabulary: mixture, ingredients, self-raising,maple syrup, utensils, sift

Possible literacy focusUnderstanding the format of a procedural text.Identifying the information about makingpancakes contained in the text.Identifying the language of instruction.

SummaryThis book is a procedural text that shows childrenhow to make pancakes. The book includes step-by-step instructions that show how to make themixture, cook the pancakes and add the toppings.


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