Let’s Get Healthy



Let’s Get Healthy. What are the 6 essential nutrients? . Carbohydrates Fats Proteins Vitamins Minerals Water. Carbohydrates. The body’s most important source of energy Examples: Sugars, starches, fiber, fruit, veggies, breads and pastas. Fats. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Let’s Get Healthy

What are the 6 essential nutrients? • Carbohydrates • Fats • Proteins • Vitamins • Minerals• Water

Carbohydrates• The body’s most important source of


• Examples: Sugars, starches, fiber, fruit, veggies,breads and pastas

Fats• Found from the bodies

of animals and some veggies.

• Fats are an important source of calories, and they insulate the body from heat and cold.

• Examples: Vegetable oil, butter, meat/poultry, cheese, ice cream, eggs

Protein• Vital organic substances

found mainly in animal foods.

• Proteins build, maintain, and repair body tissue

• Examples: Eggs, meat, dairy, cheese, milk, poultry, fish, nuts, seeds

Vitamins• Organic substances that assist in the

chemical reactions that occur in the body.

• Speed up the reactions that produce energy.

• Examples: Fruits (citrus), veggies, milk, egg, cheese, fish, meat, wheat, OJ

Minerals • Inorganic elements

that the body is unable to manufacture are widely distributed in nature and have vital roles in metabolism.

• Examples: Calcium, iron, Sodium, Magnesium, Iodine

Good source of calcium

Good source of ironOther examples: red meat, seafood, liver

Water• the body’s most essential nutrient, vital to

EVERY body function.

• Regulates body temp

• Transports nutrients and waste throughout the body

• How much water makes up your body? 70%

The Food Pyramid

How much should you have each day ?

• 6 oz. of grains, such as pasta, cereal, or bread

• 2 and a half cups of veggies• 1 and a half cups of fruits• 3 cups of milk (calcium)• 5 oz. of meat and beans (protein)• Oils are not a food group, but you

still need some for good health

Other important information

• 3,500 calories = 1 pound – To lose 1 pound a person needs to lost 3,500

calories more than what they are taking in

• EATING DISORDERS– Anorexia Nervosa- typically involves and irrational fear

of becoming obese, and resulting in severe weight loss due to self-starvation

– Bulimia Nervosa- typically involves extremely restrictive dieting and regular binge eating, followed by self-induced vomiting.