“Let your house be a meeting place for the rabbis, and cover yourself in the dust of their feet,...


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“Let your house be a meeting place for the rabbis, and cover yourself in the dust of their feet, and drink in their words thirstily.”

Yose ben Yoezer (2nd century B.C.)  

The word, “Rabbi” literally means: My


How are you like the Master?

In what areas of your life do you model Him?


When people see you, do they realize that your Master, is

Rabbi, Jesus?     

From ancient times, God has wanted His people

to be holy as He is holy (Lev. 19:2)


What better way to instruct them in how to be holy than to

walk on earth as a rabbi.

God has wanted to raise up disciples who would

become like Him!Are you sitting

at the feet of Rabbi, Jesus? 


The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.

Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it.

Matthew 13:44-46 

As We Sit At The Feet Of Rabbi Jesus

We discover we can find the truth about Jesus

through a variety of ways.

As We Sit At The Feet Of Rabbi Jesus

We discover commitment to Jesus will never occur

unless we encounter Him.

As We Sit At The Feet Of Rabbi Jesus

We discover it is not enough to simply encounter Him we must recognize the great value of our

discovery. This realization enables us to risk all without


As We Sit At The Feet Of Rabbi Jesus

We discover we have a problem determining value regarding the things of this world and Jesus.

As We Sit At The Feet Of Rabbi Jesus

 We discover joy precedes

one’s response to discipleship

As We Sit At The Feet Of Rabbi Jesus

 We discover there is a treasure worth far more than all that we

have or could ever hope to possess.

As We Sit At The Feet Of Rabbi Jesus

 No sacrifice is to great to live in God’s will and experience a

discipleship relationship with Jesus as our Master. (Phil. 3:8)

