Let s stop hunger!


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Let’s Stop Hunger!

Social Entrepreneurship on Poverty


Abraham Chan

Jonas Tang

Tei Yee Giap

Timothy Moses


O “Poverty is often defined in absolute terms of low income –

less than US$2 a day”- World health Organization

O Out of a world population of 6 billion a staggering 1.29 billion

are living under the terms above

O A social entrepreneur whom we are on the other hand are

defined as “person who establishes an enterprise with the

aim of solving social problems or effecting social change”-

online dictionary.


O Poverty is the greatest epidemic in the world, affecting more

than AIDS, or malaria combined.

O However, the most startling paradox is that poverty can be cured

unlike medical conditions such as HIV

“Poverty is NOT AN ACCIDENT.

Like slavery or Arpathied

It is man-made and can be

Removed by the actions of Human-beings”

~Nelson Mondella


O It is inhumane to witness millions, upon millions suffering and

dying under their unfortunate and most atrocious circumstances

of poverty

O Hence, we as social entrepreneurs would hope to evaluate

measures implemented by an organization such as UNICEF

(below), which aim to curb poverty, to comprehend how such

solutions can benefit the greater good of humanity


O Otherwise known as the United Nations Children’s fund, UNICEF

is a United Nations Programme aimed at eradicating poverty by

promoting the health and well-being of children.

O Relying largely on contributions from world-wide governmental


O In many aspects, UNICEF provides humanitarian relief for


Efforts undertaken by UNICEFO In terms of healthcare, UNICEF distributes immunities and

vaccinations to close to 40% of all children in developing

nations. This is in a bid to ensure that many children would be

able to gain supplies to obtain basic health care, a common

problem encountered due to poverty.

Efforts undertaken by UNICEF

O In addition, UNICEF seeks to increase literacy as an integral

measure for personnel empowerment of children living in

poverty to move beyond the poverty line as seen from its

numerous donations to school funds in developing nations

(refer to “education- statistics below)

Efforts undertaken by UNICEF

O Economically, UNICEF seeks to conquer malnutrition, a by-

product of poverty within children, by providing donations to

local communities while working with various local communities

and international charitable organizations while ensuring that

children would not get affected by nutrition contamination

through the USI.

Efforts undertaken by UNICEF

O In addition, UNICEF disseminates information, conveying

measures and advice to many policy-makers across the globe

to address measures by which children could survive and

thrive, curbing the issue of poverty through Sector-wide

Approaches to Programming (SWAP)

EvaluationO All in all, we have noticed that UNICEF undertakes a

comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach in countering


O While UNICEF seeks to provide for the basic well-being and

nourishment of any individual…

O UNICEF addresses this issue in retrospect too, by spreading

awareness of poverty and facilitating measures by which it could

be curbed


O In conclusion, our research has proved to be highly

fruitful. While being able to emphasize the impoverished

state of so many across the globe, this research has

better helped us appreciate the significance of various

methods to counter poverty

O Hence, we would like to specially thank google images

for the various photos, the official UNICEF website and

a myraid of other internet sources for the provision of

statistics and information.
