Lessons in Waiting



This is a magazine meant to help those who may be frustrated or confused as they wait for God to intervene in their lives. It is a collection of writings that showcase lessons learned from waiting on God.

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Lessons in

A collection of writings from Shereese Alexander

Winter 2009




The Joy of Being Slain11

Leap of Faith 4

Vegas 8

C o n t e n t sA Note from the Author......................3

Leap of Faith...............................................4

The Desert.....................................................5

Insects and Throns.................................6

Waiting: A Crossword Puzzle........7


Holding Pattern.....................................10

The Joy of Being Slain....................11


Things to Come......................................13

A note from the author...

For the past several months I’ve been on a journey…a journey of waiting. sounds weird, I know, so let me explain from the very beginning. As a child I chose not to believe in the existence of an

all-knowing, all-powerful, personal God. I felt like there were too many unanswered questions and too many contradictions in the popular Chris-tian faith (not that I had read the bible for myself to find out). I was also a very depressed lonely kid. I didn’t have many friends and I struggled with suicidal thoughts. This world and my life seemed pointless. I felt as though I was a burden at home and I thought that the world would be a better place without me. When I was ten years old my father committed suicide by jumping off of a bridge. That completely turned my world up-side down. I suddenly became aware of a deep emptiness that I had inside of my heart. Instead of drugs or boys I turned to school work in order to

try to fill that hole. But my years of effort left me feeling as empty as ever. It was like trying to fill the Grand Canyon by throwing grapes in it. Nothing that I tried could fill the void.

one summer’s day I went to church with some of my friends. There the youth pastor called for anyone to stand up who hadn’t been “saved, sanctified, and filled with the Holy Ghost.” I had NO idea what in the world he was talking about so I stood up. There I said a prayer to “accept Jesus into my heart.” That prayer actually didn’t mean anything to me so it didn’t mean anything to God. Nothing changed in my heart or mind. But I continued to go to church because I didn’t have anything better to do. one night on my bed I said to the lord, “I don’t know if you are real…but if you are real I want you to know that I’m sick of this life. I don’t want it anymore. But instead of me taking my life I’m giving it to you right now. You can have it, do whatever you want with it.” The next day at church we were singing a song to God and tears steamed down my face as I felt the hole in my heart become completely full! And I knew that it would never be empty again. Nothing in this world could do that! It had to be the supernatural hand of God! It wasn’t my empty words but my sorrowful heart that allowed me to meet God.

since then God has taken me from a young fatherless girl living without hope to a highly educated microbi-ologist. God took me from being a statistic to being an anomaly! God blessed me with hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11); He took my life and made it into something amazing. But even more stunning than His external blessings is the turn-around in my heart and my character. I went from being bitter, angry, depressed, and lonely, to being joyful, loving, patient, and satisfied. I am a completely different person than I used to be and it’s all because of what God has done in me. Jesus died in my place for my sins so that I could have fellowship with God and know Him personally.

As the years pass I long for more of God. I don’t want to settle for a mediocre life and a mediocre death. Instead I want to live a radical life for God, full of His love and power, fighting for those who are lost to be found by Him. I want to be passionately in love with this God who so fiercely loves me, such that others see it and want it too. This journey of waiting is one way that I’m being drawn closer to God. I hope that by reading over some of the lessons that I’ve recently learned you too will long for God and be drawn closer to Him.

Shereese Alexander

H is heart races, sweat streams down his face, his breath catches in his chest as he looks out upon the vast chasm that stretches on endless-

ly between him and the open doorway he must pass through. He knows that turning back is not an option. so with clenched eyes he hesitantly extends one foot and makes the decision to step off of the cliff. At that moment a bridge miraculously appears beneath his feet showing the clear and sturdy path he must take to enter into that final chamber. He has done it—he has taken a leap of faith and now he can rescue his father from certain death!

on oct 1st, 2008 I felt a lot like Indiana Jones did in his last Crusade. I knew that God wanted me to take a year off from my program and postpone get-ting my Phd in order to realign my career plans with His. I knew that God had a job set aside specifically for me that would help me understand what the next step would be after getting my degree. I however, as-sumed that this job would be waiting for me on oct 1st. I thought I would lose no time between leaving my program and beginning a new fantastic job. But after countless applications and job fairs I found out that I was so wrong! God had more in mind than blessing me with a new job and further direction for my future. He also wanted to refine my character and draw me closer to Him during this time.

This was a major leap of faith for so many reasons. I had never really done anything other than lab work in my adult life, nor did I want to. I had no idea of where to start looking for jobs—or what else I was qualified to do. Also I had debts to pay of and no savings to speak of. on top of that, I would no longer be receiving any income after oct 1st unless I could get another job quickly. Well, I’m glad to say that God has supplied my every need during these past few months. I’m sur-rounded by favor on every side! I’ve even been blessed to be able to travel across the country to visit family and friends and go to a wedding, without it costing me a dime! Truly, God is faithful. like Indi, turning back was not an option. And when I jumped I didn’t fall but instead became steadier as I have depended on God for everything. And like Indi, my faith must grow so that lives can be saved. God has so much more for me than this but I must first learn to trust him with everything I have and with everything I am.

God has not forgotten me. Instead He continues to teach me lesson after lesson about myself and about Him. I hope that you too will leap, not just once, but daily as you pick up your cross to follow Jesus wher-ever He might lead you.

L e a pof

F a i t h

� Lessons in Waiting

T h e D e s e r tBelieving in God’s faithfulness is easier said

than done. We all know the sunday school an-swer to the question, “do you trust that God is

big enough and cares enough to take care of all of your needs?” Most would answer with a quick and resound-ing “Yes!” but most of us live like the exact opposite is true. We save, we horde, we plan, and we manage our resources in order to supply our own needs all in the name of responsibility. It is incredibly important to be a good steward of all God has blessed us with but it can also become a crutch that we lean on instead of leaning on God. This was true of me. I was a model of “responsibility” yet I seemed to trust in God for only those things which I couldn’t provide for myself. rent, bills, groceries, I could take care of all of that using my paycheck. But I needed God to supply my wants, not my needs. When I leaped into God’s hand I realized just how helpless I was all along. All I had was an illu-sion of control; I can’t supply my own needs anymore than I can cause the sun to rise.

It was in this place of confusion, doubt, fear, and apprehension that God reminded me of the Israelites in the desert. After �00 years of slavery God brought the Israelites out of oppression in egypt with signs and wonders. He displayed His great power and His great love for His people before sending them to march to-wards the Promised land. Now God, being all power-ful, could have made their journey across the desert last one day, or one week, or one year, instead of forty! But He chose not to. Why not? Moses explains it by saying to the Israelites,

“Remember how the LORD your God led you all the way in the desert these forty years, to humble you and to test you in order to know what was in your heart, whether or not you would keep his commands.” –Deuteronomy 8:2

What was true for God’s people then is true for God’s people today. sometimes we go through trials that will humble us so that we can see what’s really in our hearts. We may think we trust God but we have no idea how sincere that trust is until it is tested. In other words, we can talk the talk but can we walk the walk? It is in our desert experiences that we find out what we are truly made of.

Another thing that struck me was the fact that des-erts are pretty un-enjoyable to be in. They are hot, bor-ing, lifeless, and just down right uncomfortable. Yet while they were in the desert God’s people had shade to keep the cool in the day, heat to keep them warm at night, water to clench their thirst, and bread and quail to keep them full. so they really didn’t have anything to complain about. Although the desert was uncom-fortable and unfamiliar God still supplied all of their needs. My situation was no different. I was (and still am) uncomfortable in this uncharted territory. At times I feel like this desert must be endless and my Promised Land just a dream. But then I remind myself that God is faithful and has continued to meet all of my needs. The moral of the story is that God is able to do abso-lutely anything. Just remember that there is a time and a season for everything. There’s a time to be in the des-ert and a time to be in the Promised land. If you wait on God you will not be disappointed.

Lessons in Waiting �

Insects and Thorns

one of the most important life lessons I’ve learned from living in my new basement apart-ment in Brooklyn is that spiders don’t die of

neglect. They don’t die because you hate them either. They die because you smash them! I had to learn that the hard way. I initially moved in during the hot sum-mer months and began my slow unpacking process. A few days into it I started to notice a few small spiders spinning webs below the window sills. I thought it was gross but harmless, after all spiders are everywhere anyway. The spiders seemed to multiply overnight! It got to the point where I would come home and kill dozens of spiders a day—in my shower alone! At this point I knew I had a problem. But still I procrastinated on eliminating these creepy crawlies. one morning I found a gigantic centipede in the sink and it was shining with blue and green fluorescence. WHAT? What kind of creature is this and why won’t it die?!?! But what happened that evening was the last straw. I walked into my bathroom (to do spider killing) and saw the largest most disgusting roach I’ve ever seen in my life sitting in the center of the tub. My screeches and squeals from the centipede were nothing compared to my reaction in the bathroom. Now procrastination was not an option, every living creature that did not pay rent in my apart-ment had to go.

I killed and removed any bugs I found, I sprayed the entire apartment with insecticide, and I sealed ev-ery crack and crevice I found in my house with foam insulation. Finally I was rid of insects! My approach to the spiders reflects my approach to certain circum-stances in my life. When it comes to handling prob-lems, confronting someone in love, or dealing with sin issues I have a tendency to want to plug my ears, close my eyes, and pretend like these situations don’t exist. No problem has ever been solved by ignoring it. Just like no spider has ever died from being ignored.

Just in case the insect lesson wasn’t enough, God gave me another lesson through a splinter. As I spent twenty minutes carefully trying to remove this thorn from my flesh I thought again of how I deal with un-comfortable circumstances in my life. splinters are painful and irritating and they cannot be ignored. Ac-cordingly, a splinter could represent a situation (job, relationship, etc) that is a constant source of pain and discomfort. It may take time, patience, and great care to resolve it. Whether it is a spider or a splinter the re-sponse is the same; don’t ignore it. Face life’s problems head-on while asking God to guide you and give you wisdom. This will help you to live at peace with others (as far as you’re concerned) and experience the free-dom of a clear conscious.

� Lessons in Waiting

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W a i t i n g :A Crossword Puzzle!

let’s look at some biblical examples of people who waited for long periods of time for God’s promises to come to pass.

Answers on page 13 Lessons in Waiting 7

VegasA short time ago I was visiting one of my best

friends in Washington state. We had a long fun weekend together full of activities. This

was my birthday present from her. she thought that it would do me some good to get out of New York and away from worrying about my amassing debt and my non-existent income. Because I literally had no money to speak of she bought the plane tickets, paid for all of our activities, and even gave me enough money to get from the airport to my apartment once I returned to New York. Ideally I would have liked to travel with plenty of money at my disposal in case of emergencies but this was not an option. If anything went wrong I would only have God, and nothing else, to fall back on.

Well, something did go wrong. I arrived at the air-port with plenty of time to spare. As I sat and wrote in my journal about the trip I noticed I felt a slight chill. It wasn’t too strange though because it had been snow-ing that day and the airport was air conditioned. It got closer to the time of my departure so I made my way to the terminal. Before the plane started to board I no-ticed a woman sitting across from me who was clearly not feeling well. In a matter of minutes several para-medics surrounded her and began asking her questions and taking her blood pressure. I didn’t know the airport had paramedics…I thought to myself. Then I got on the plane to Vegas where I would catch my connecting flight.

God blessed me to have a window seat on my flight (southwest has open-seating so you cannot choose ahead of time) so I excitedly leaned against the win-dow and watched the moving scenery. Then I started to notice that the chill I felt was more intense than it had been before. I figured it was because I was next to the window so I simply asked the flight attendant for a blanket. By the time our plane touched down I’d had three blankets on along with a coat, sweater, beanie, and scarf. once off the plane I rushed to the bathroom 8 Lessons in Waiting

to try to compose myself because I was violently shak-ing from the chill I felt. I wasn’t sure if I could endure the �hr plane ride followed by the 1hr train ride and 20min walk home to my apartment without passing out. Luckily my connecting flight had mysterious me-chanical issues that made it incapable of arriving on time (thank you God!) so there was time for my friend to help me make up my mind to get medical help.

like déjà vu the paramedics took only minutes to arrive. Turns out I suddenly had the flu. I was not fit to travel so I had to be taken to the emergency room and treated so that I could make it home to rest and recover. Seeing as how that was the last flight of the day I would have to stay at a hotel overnight. All of this wouldn’t have been a problem except for the fact that I had less then $30 to speak of and everything I needed cost money. What in the world was I going to do? I kept asking myself this over and over during the long am-bulance ride to the hospital. In the hospital I went back and forth between the waiting and treatment rooms for questions, shots, and forms. I was so desperate for God to help me that my vision was constantly blurring with tears.

“God you’ve gotta help me! I know you can and I know you will—but I don’t know how. I don’t know what to do. I need your help! I don’t know what to do.” I kept repeating this prayer over and over while trying to come up with a plan. But I just couldn’t. I didn’t know anyone in las Vegas. I was stranded and I was totally and utterly dependent on God to do something that I couldn’t. I called my best friend in seattle to ask her to help me with the only plan I could think of but my explanation came out through breathless sobs. All those in the waiting room took pity one me. one offered some tissue, another offered a ride to the airport the next day, and a third handed me a $100 bill to help with some of my costs! I was overwhelmed by God’s faith-fulness in meeting my needs through these strangers (which made me cry more). Finally a woman chimed in

and asked me what exactly I needed. I told her that all I really needed was a place to sleep for the night and a ride to the airport the following afternoon. she told me that she would take care of everything!

Her boyfriend came to pick her and I up from the hospital and then she checked me into my very own room in The orleans hotel/casino. It was awesome! This large room had two queen beds, a little office space, a living room area and a large gorgeous bathroom! I also had a view of the strip of famous hotel/casinos! Then this couple took me out to dinner. The following day they took me out to lunch and then drove me to the air-port. I will be forever grateful to these two samaritans who blessed me so richly. But also I will point to this moment as yet further proof that God intimately knows and cares about the details of my life. When there’s no where else to turn but God, you are in the best possible position! With less than $30 to start with I was able to stay in a nice hotel, eat delicious food until I was full, get to the airport, and have extra money in my pocket! I arrived home safely the next night. What are the odds of that? This story is impossible without God!

All this time without a job or an income made me believe that I was trusting God with everything. My experience in Vegas showed me what it really meant to trust God with everything. I was stranded in a strange place with no friends, no money, and no plan. But God took care of all of the details. I couldn’t help but notice though how I still had the comforts of my cell phone, ipod, and luggage. What if I was stranded without any of my belongings? Then I would really, really know what it was like to trust God. What if I was stranded, without my belongings, outside of America where the people didn’t speak english? Then I would really, real-ly, really know what it means to trust God. I’ve realized that knowing and trusting God is an eternal endeavor. No matter how much you think you know, you can also go deeper. My advice is to never stop growing deeper, and to always expect God-sized miracles in your life!

Lessons in Waiting 9

H o l d i n g P a t t e r n

My favorite part of flying is landing safely on the ground. There is always a sense of relief and excitement to finally be at my destina-

tion and to be in one piece. But one of my least favorite parts of flying is anything involving waiting; waiting to board, waiting to take off, and especially waiting to land. Have you ever been stuck in a holding pattern, cir-cling the airport until your plan has clearance to land? This can be an extremely frustrating time because you can actually see the end of the journey below but you are powerless to reach it. At the same time however, being in a holding pattern can be incredibly fruitful. As one of my friends pointed out, this is the best time to talk to the people around you. If you are like me that is the last thing you want to do. If I attempted to imi-tate Jesus in this situation however that’s exactly what I would do.

This is the special time in a flight where people have nothing better to do but get to know one another better. everyone is awake, no one is listening to music, using any electronics, or reading anything anymore. It’s perfectly normal and natural to strike up a conver-sation as you wait. Who knows what might happen? Hopefully the conversation can be used to encourage

and bless someone. The cool thing about this is that there may be other people on the plane who overhear the conversation and are also blessed. God can use you mightily when you are in a holding pattern!

during my season of waiting I’ve come across other people who were in similar situations. They were fellow passengers who were just waiting to land. This was a great time to encourage and build one another up with the words, lessons, and testimonies that God has blessed us with. And just like on a plane, our stories are reaching more people than we know. every time we share a friend’s testimony to another loved one or stranger we allow them to “overhear” our conversations from our waiting season. Then they can also be blessed and strengthened. Constantly sharing with others all of the things that God has taught me helps me to grow in my Christian walk with Him. I recommend that you share your life with others in all seasons! Then when you are sad you will remember God’s goodness and re-joice, when you feel forgotten you will remember His faithfulness and rest assured, and when you wait you’ll remember His patience and persevere.

“Praise be to the God and Father of our lord Jesus Christ, the Fa-ther of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have re-ceived from God.”

--2 Corinthians 1:3-�

10 Lessons in Waiting

10 Things Worth Waiting For

DessertTax returnBedtimeThe weekendSpringVacations ChristmasAnswered prayersGod’s provisionJesus to return

The Joy of Being Slain

let’s be honest, sometimes waiting is painful. If we surrender every aspect of our lives to God and ask Him to keep us on His path you can

believe that He will! Typically that means He will shut doors He does not want us to go through and open doors that He does want us to go through. Waiting can be especially painful when you know that it is God’s will for you to be still, therefore you can’t do anything to speed things up. But waiting is a necessary step for all living things. seeds don’t develop into plants or trees overnight. Babies are not born immediately af-ter conception. There is a waiting period in order to ensure that the final product is mature and complete. James tells us that perseverance in the face of trials makes us mature and complete spiritually (James 1:2-4) so we should therefore rejoice whenever we face trials. I know from experience that this is easier said then done! But Paul admonishes us in Philippians 4:4 to rejoice in the midst of trials. That means that God has commanded that we rejoice—how cool is that?!?! And if God has commanded us then He has also pro-vided a way for us to obey His command.

There are lots of other things in life that require waiting periods. recently enlisted troops don’t go to battle immediately; they must first learn how to fight. In order to be effective in the spiritual warfare that is con-stantly surrounding us we must also learn how to fight! olympic athletes don’t simply wake up one morning and win a gold metal; they must train for years before they can even compete. We too need to be trained dai-ly by the Holy Spirit in how to serve God with our lives. Before a pearl is formed sand must undergo an enormous amount of pressure over time. When gold and silver are refined they must be boiled repeatedly in a furnace in order to remove the impurities. Both of these processes are painful and time-consuming but they produce beautiful objects of great worth. similar-ly, our refining process can be painful and drawn out but invaluable to us in the end. God has already given

us our worth—He thinks we are worth dying for! Now the Holy Spirit is changing us from the inside out and making us look more like our beautiful lord. After all, if the Lord is making you wait it is for your benefit and His glory (Romans 8:28). That means it is a good thing. In life there are plenty of good things that are worth waiting for!

Lessons in Waiting 11

Faithful Lyrics by Brooke Fraser

There’s distance in the air and I cannot make it leaveWave my arms ‘round about me and blow with all my mightI cannot sense you close, though I know you’re always here

But the comfort of you near is what I long for

When I can’t feel you, I have learned to reach out just the sameWhen I can’t hear you, I know you still hear every word I pray

And I want you more than I want to live another dayAnd as I wait for you maybe I’m made more faithful

All the folly of the past, though I know it is undoneI still feel the guilty one, still trying to make it right

So I whisper soft your name, let it roll around my tongue,Knowing you’re the only one who knows me

You know me

When I can’t feel you, I have learned to reach out just the sameWhen I can’t hear you, I know you still hear every word I pray

And I want you more than I want to live another dayAnd as I wait for you maybe I’m made more faithful

Show me how I should live thisShow me where I should walkI count this world as loss to me

You are all I wantYou are all I want

When I can’t feel you, I have learned to reach out just the sameWhen I can’t hear you, I know you still hear every word I pray

And I want you more than I want to live another dayAnd as I wait for you maybe I’m made more faithful

12 Lessons in Waiting

Things to Come...

What does the future hold? I have no idea! But God does and that’s all that matters. I’d be lying if I said that I’ve gone through this

waiting period stress free, doing nothing but singing hymns and spiritual songs. At the moment of writing this I’m starting my seventh month of unemployment and I have no idea when God will open the door and give me the job that I know He has for me. There have been A loT of ups and downs. There were times when I thought I would lose my mind for fear of not knowing what would happen next. Trusting in God blindly is not one of my strong suits. There were several times when I threw tantrums because I felt like God had abandoned me and forgotten about me and my needs. There were times where I felt like such a failure because I got re-jected from this company or because I never heard back from that company. There were times when I thought I might literally die from boredom. But there have also been times of spontaneous worship. There have been times of excitement and appreciation as I freely gave tithe offerings to God from what ever money I was

blessed with. I now have several more testimonies of God’s power, love, and provision for me personally. There have been times where I could actually feel my-self grow in character. There were times of laughter and times of joy. All of this is to say that no one who knows God is alone in this process. God Is still involved and He DOES still love and care for you even in the midst of waiting and in the center of trials. But don’t take my word for it—try God for yourself! I dare you to take the leap of faith into God’s arms and His many plans for your life. There’s no better way to live then in the center of God’s will and there’s no better way to die but with no regrets eager to stand before Jesus and hear Him say “well done good and faithful servant!”

“We wait in hope for the LORD; he is our help and our shield. In him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in his holy name. May your unfailing love rest upon us, O LORD, even as we put our hope in you.”

–Psalm 33:20-22

Lessons in Waiting 13

do you have a testimony about God’s faithfulness in your life? Feel free to send your testimonies, questions, comments, and concerns to:

