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Something to think about before teaching:

Acts 13:35 is partially quoted from Psalm 16:10. We find that as a consequence of the fall, all earthly things will waste away and decay. We see this, also, with humanity. Sin was brought into the world causing decay both of our souls and the world around us. David, a man known to be after God’s heart, had corruption in his own life. He died like other men and was buried. However, Jesus, the promised one from David’s line would never sin. He would never see corruption or decay in the grave, as He was resurrected. Because of this resur-rection, believers are redeemed from this decay- the corruption.

Kids will learn that Jesus never sinned. He is the Holy One and pure in every way. His resurrection allows us to be freed from sin.

lesson three: holy oneMain Point: Jesus, the Holy One, never sinned.

Bible Verse: You will not let your Holy One see corruption. Acts 13:35

Bible Story: Paul and Barnabas at Antioch in Pisidia Acts 13:13-43

constructing: putting together what God says about the name-Bible Story -Crazy Contraption Tales -Building the Contraption

testing: applying the name-The Invention Lab -Craft-Games-Bible Memory-Express Yourself -Snack-Building the Name Cards -Building Family Time

Each Lesson contains:

Planning: Gathering the information about the name-Minute to Build it Game-Dr. Greenberg, the Inventor-Discovering the Design-Memorizing the Plan


Planning minute to build it game: sticker picker upper PP

Supplies: 3 red stickers, pizza pan, raw egg, 2 tables

Place the pizza pan between two tables, resting either edge on each table. (Slide the tables together, but not touching.) Place the egg on top of the tray. Place three red stickers on the right of the pan in a trian-gular pattern.

When the clock starts, player will pick up their pan with one hand and move the pan so the egg slides off and over the stickers. All 3 stickers must be picked up by the egg in 60 seconds with only one hand used to move the tray. The hand may not touch the egg.

Dr. Greenberg, the inventor PP

Supplies: white board and markers or chalkboard and chalk, scrap paper, general clutter, trash bag

Preparation: Have an adult or one of the kids practice being the robot in the skit. Mess up the office by scattering paper and general clutter. Draw a simple robot on the board. Place a piece of paper on the desk with the following written on it: Pancakebot, Frankenhappy, B2C2 and Alpha 8.

Dr. Greenberg enters the office.

What a mess! I just can’t keep this office clean. I try to keep it clean but it seems that every time I do clean it up something happens to mess it up. (Shakes his head.)

However, guess what? I am not one to sit and stew about such things. Oh no. Dr. Greenberg just designs a contraption to take care of the mess. That is exactly what I do. I did. I am doing. (Gets flustered.) See, here. (Points to board.)

I have invented my own Clean It Up and Make It Pure Robot. I haven’t come up with a personal name for him yet. Perhaps you could be of some help. I have a few suggestions. (Starts patting down his pockets.) I thought I put them in my pocket. Now, where did I put it? (Finds the list of on his desk.)


(Reads the names off the list.) What do you think of Pancakebot, Frankenhappy, B2C2 and Alpha 8? Let’s vote. (Go through the names and allow the kids to vote on the name.)

Now that we have the name, I will just program a bit here and there. (Frantically works on the computer.) There. Now, (say name of robot) come here.

The person playing the robot should enter the room moving stiffly like a robot.

Robot: Master, what is it that you need?

Dr. Greenberg: What do I need? Have you seen this place?

Robot: Master, you have not programmed me to see this place.

Dr. Greenberg: Really? Wait a minute. (He frantically works on the computer some more.) Do you see this place now?

Robot: I see this place. It is a mess.

Dr. Greenberg: Precisely. Please clean the mess.

Robot: I will clean the mess. (Picks up a trash bag and starts to throw everything in it.)

Dr. Greenberg: Wait! Wait! That is my paper I’ve been writing. (Pulls it out of the trash.) And that is the design I’m working on. What are you doing?

Robot: This is a mess. I am cleaning the mess. Messes go in the trash. (Robot tries to put Dr. Greenberg in the trash.)

Dr. Greenberg: Stop! What are you doing?

Robot: You are a mess. I need to put you in the trash.

Dr. Greenberg: Stop! Go outside and wait.

Robot: Yes, master. (Leaves the room.)

Dr. Greenberg: I have a problem. A big problem. I am going to have to work all night long to fix this mess I have made. (Sighs.)

discovering the design PP

Supplies: Box of design materials (Tinker toys, Legos, pipe cleaners, rubber bands, paper), picture of apple with “X”, sign “Holy One”

Each week our name of Jesus is going to have a symbol to help us remember the meaning of the name. Today’s name is Holy


One. We will have two teams try to guess what the symbol is.

(Choose two kids, one from each team. Show them the picture of the symbol. Instruct them to use the materials in the box to make the apple with the X on it. As they are creating the symbol, the teams can try to guess what they are making. The first team to guess wins.)

What do you think an apple with a big “x” on it has to do with Jesus’ name, Holy One? (Give the kids some opportunities to guess.)

The apple is often used as a symbol for sin. Does anyone remember the story of Adam and Eve in the garden? They made the choice to eat the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. God had told them not to eat from that tree. They disobeyed and brought sin into the world. We do not know that the fruit was an apple, however, tradition often will use the apple. Why do you think there is a “X” over the apple? This symbolizes no sin.

Jesus, the Holy One, has never sinned. He is the only one who never sinned. He is set apart as Holy- pure and without corruption.

Options: Display: Place the apple with the X in the display. Make sure to print out the name “Holy One” from the file to label the apple.

memorizing the plan PP

Read Acts 13:35 together:

You will not let your Holy One see corruption. Acts 13:35

Let’s say the verse again with some motions to help us remember it.

You (Point to the sky.)Will not (Shake head.) Let your Holy One (Make cross with fingers.)See (Point to eyes.)Corruption (Make an “X” with hands.)


investigatingbible story PP

Paul and Barnabas at Antioch in Pisidia, Acts 13:13-43

Supplies: Poster board, large markerPreparation: Write the events listed below- one on each poster board. Make them large enough for kids to see. Mix up the order and lean them against a wall.

Paul and Barnabas were traveling on a missionary journey. Their goal was to tell people about Jesus. One day they came to a place called Antioch in Pisidia. On the Sabbath day they went to the synagogue and sat down. They listened as Scripture was read. The rulers of the synagogue asked them if they had anything to say that would be encouragement to those who had gath-ered.

Paul got up to speak. He told the story of how God had led His people, the Israelites.

On these boards I have the events that Paul talked about. Let’s see if we can figure out what order they go in. I will pick two of you to come up and try to put them in order. The rest of you can help them by letting them know if they are doing it right or not. (For a large group organize this by having the kids clap when something goes in the correct place and saying “no” when it goes in the wrong place.)

Events in correct order:

Israelites were in EgyptMoses led Israelites out of EgyptIsraelites in wilderness for 40 yearsIsraelites given Canaan (Promised Land)Judges were over IsraelitesSamuel the prophetIsraelites asked for a kingSaul the kingDavid the kingJesus promised from David’s lineJesus cameJesus was found with no guilt but crucifiedGod raised Jesus from the deadJesus appeared to many people after His resurrection

When we look at the list of events, one biggie is Jesus being promised from David’s line. David was a man whoGod describes as a “man after my own heart, who will do all my will.” However, David still messed up. He was not perfect. He sinned. And when David died and was buried, he stayed in the grave. He did see corruption.


God raised up Jesus from David’s line and Jesus was perfect. He never sinned. He did not mess up. When He died, he did not stay in the grave but was resurrected. Our scripture today

says, “You will not let your Holy One see corruption.” PP

To be holy means to be set apart. God set Jesus apart to be resurrected for others’ sins. Be-cause of this, He can give forgiveness for sins.

When the people in the synagogue heard what Paul said, they begged Paul to tell these things again the next Sabbath. Many followed after Paul and Barnabas after they left and urged them to continue telling people about Jesus.

We can make the choice to follow the Holy One. We can also make the choice to tell others about Him like Paul did.

Prayer PP

Thank God for sending Jesus, the Holy One, to us. Thank Him for providing a way for forgiveness.


crazy contraption tales: cleaning contraptions PP

How many of you enjoy cleaning your room? How many of you wish you had a crazy contraption to help you clean your room? Or maybe one that just did the whole thing for you?

Let’s look at some contraptions that people have invented to help clean:

Maybe you have a baby brother or sister. You could always get them in an outfit like this and have them crawl around on your floor. Of course this only works if you have wood floors and not car-

peting. PP

No younger sibling? You can just do it yourself with these: PP

Of course, having a cat could be helpful: PP

There is a little device for those small cleanups on your desk: PP

Or how about those small spills on the floor. Just wear these shoes and you are ready: PP

Which one is these crazy contraptions for cleaning would you most likely use? Let’s take a vote. (Name the contraptions one by one allowing the kids to give a thumbs up or down on each one.)

We all make messes. Some of us might have messier rooms than others, however, no one keeps their room perfect.

It is the same thing with our lives. We make messes sometimes. We may try our best to keep everything perfect: to act perfect, to talk perfect, and to do things in a perfect way. However, we cannot be perfect.

Sometimes those things that we mess up with are sinful things. That means doing things that God does not want us to do. Things like lying, stealing, dishonoring our parents or being unkind to someone.

When we do mess up and sin, we know that we can ask for forgiveness. Because Jesus never sinned and died for our sins, He can forgive us. He will forgive us if we ask.

PP Let’s say our verse today to remind us, “You will not let your Holy One see corruption.”Acts 13:35

building the contraption: clean up the mess PP

Supplies: rags or paper towels, drinking straws, paper clips, (anything that kids can use to build the contraption), masking tape, water

Preparation: Tape off squares about 2 feet by 2 feet for each group. Spill some water in the middle of each square. If the floor is carpeted, put down a piece of wax paper or aluminum foil first.

Divide the kids into groups. Give each group a rag, paper clips, drinking straws.

Today we have a spilled mess for each group to pick up. You must use only the materials that have been given you to clean up the mess. You may not step over or reach over the line. Work together to come up with a contraption that can reach over the line and clean up the spill. Once the contraption is built, clean up the mess.

Many of you (all of you) were able to clean up the spilled water or the mess. You were able to do this on your own. Do you think we can clean up the mess of sin on our own? No, we can-not. Only Jesus, the Holy One, can clean up our sinful messes. He can do this because He was without sin.



debriefing the invention lab: Tin can robotSupplies: Tin cans (either unopened or taped around the open edges), glue, fun foam, pipe cleaners, duct tape

Create a robot that could clean your room. Use the tin can for the main body. Attach pipe cleaners for any arms or legs. Use fun foam and duct tape to make parts on the tin can. Be creative and think about all the ways the robot would need to clean. For instance: a nozzle that puts air refresher that smells like candy in the room, a long searching device with a camera to look under the bed for lost socks and toys.

Discuss the difference in Jesus cleaning up our mess when we ask (in other words forgiving our sin) and the robot cleaning up our mess. Think about whether or not we treat Jesus like a robot cleaning up the mess. Or do we have a relationship with Him in which we are listening closely to Him and becom-ing more like Him?

craft: pure snowflakesSupplies: coffee filters, markers

Make snowflakes as a reminder of Jesus, the Holy One, having never sinned. He is pure like snow.

Fold the coffee filter in half. Fold 1/3 over on one side. Fold 1/3 over on the other corner. Cut out semicircles, divets and other designs on the edges and the circular part of the coffee filter. Unfold.

game: red light/ green lightPlay the classic game, Red Light, Green Light. One player is the caller. The caller stands with his/her back to the other kids who stand in a line on the other side of the room or play area.

When the caller says “green light,” the kids run forward trying to tag him. When the caller says “red light,” the kids must freeze in place. The caller turns around as soon as he/she says “red light” and anyone moving must go back to the beginning. The first person to tag the caller becomes the new caller.


Discuss how the Bible helps us to know when we have the “red light” and when we have the “green light.” God has given us His word so we will know more about Him and how to live like Jesus, the Holy One.

bible memoryYou will not let your Holy One see corruption. Acts 13:35

Supplies: print out of Bible verse, scissors, brown lunch bags

Print out a Bible verse for each group of 4-5 kids. Have the kids cut out the letters in each word of the verse and place in the lunch bags. Shake the bags up. Dump them out and arrange the letters to make the verse.

express yourselfSupplies: Copy of questions for each small group

1. What does it mean that Jesus is the Holy One?2. What is sin? 3. What does it mean to be forgiven for sin?4. In our Bible verse, the word “corruption” is used. What does that word mean?5. When did sin come into the world?6. Jesus came from David’s line. What is true about Jesus that was not true about David?7. When we mess up and do something that is sinful, what should we do?

snack: crossed out applesSupplies: Apples, chocolate syrup and/or caramel syrup, paper plates

Preparation: Cut the apples in half lengthwise through the core.

Place ½ of an apple on the plate with the red side up. Using the syrup, make an “X” over the apple.

Review why the crossed out apple is a symbol of the name Holy One.


building the name cardsSupplies: printed card for each child, markers or crayons (optional)

Name: Holy OneSymbol: Crossed out apple

Verse: You will not let your Holy One see corruption. Acts 13:35

Give each child the card. If using the coloring cards, use markers or crayons to decorate them. Go over the verse together and review the symbol.


Supply List

minute to build it: ☐3 red stickers ☐Pizza pan ☐Raw egg ☐2 tables

Dr. Greenberg: ☐White board and markers or chalkboard and chalk ☐Scrap paper ☐General clutter ☐Trash bag

discovering the design: ☐Box of design materials☐picture of apple ☐sign “Holy One”

bible story: ☐Poster board ☐Large marker

building the contraption: ☐Rags or paper towels ☐Drinking straws ☐Paper clips ☐Masking tape ☐Water

The Invention lab: ☐Tin cans ☐Glue ☐Fun foam ☐Pipe cleaners ☐Duct tape

craft: ☐Coffee filters ☐Markers

game: ☐None

bible memory: ☐Print out of Bible verse ☐Scissors ☐Brown lunch bags

express yourself: ☐Copy of questions for each small group

snack: ☐Apples ☐chocolate syrup and/or caramel syrup ☐Paper plates

building the name cards: ☐Printed card for each child ☐Markers or crayons (optional)

Family Discussion:

1. What does it mean that Jesus is the Holy One?2. What does it mean that the Holy One never saw corruption?3. What is sin? Can we be forgiven for sin?

Family Imaginative Thinking:

Act out the story of how sin or corruption came into the world. Read Genesis 3 to make sure the story is acted out correctly.

Family Building Activity:

What if you had a robot clean your house? Have fun designing one using Legos, paper and markers or any other building materials. Does Jesus clean up our messes like a robot does? How is forgive-ness different than a robot cleaning up for us?

Crazy Contraptions: Building family timeMain Point: Jesus, the Holy One, never sinned.

Bible Verse: You will not let your Holy One see corrup-tion. Acts 13:35

Bible Story: Paul and Barnabas at Antioch in Pisidia Acts 13:13-43

express yourself

1. What does it mean that Jesus is the Holy One?

2. What is sin?

3. What does it mean to be forgiven for sin?

4. In our Bible verse, the word “corruption” is used. What does that word mean?

5. When did sin come into the world?

6. Jesus came from David’s line. What is true about Jesus that was not true about David?

7. When we mess up and do something that is sinful, what should we do?
