Lesson 9 - weeks 25, 26, & 27


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(v) to make speechless with amazement

(adj) dumbfounded:


CLUE: to amaze

Simon Cowell is dumbfounded by one

of the contestants on American Idol.


(v) to follow; to come

as a result of or at

a later time

CLUE: follows

When a comedian tells a joke,

laughter usually ensues.


(n) a particular

period in history


historical period

My grandparents grew up

during the era of the Great Depression.


CLUE: flags

(v) 1. to prosper 2. to wave in the air (n) 1. a sweeping motion 2. a showy burst of music 3. a fancy line or curve

Plants flourish in greenhouses.

The star of the show made her

first entrance with a flourish.


CLUE: fortress

(n) 1. soldiers stationed in a place to protect it 2. military place of protection along with soldiers (v) to provide shelter to soldiers

The garrison controlled the only passage through

the mountain range.


(adj) causing grief or

pain; hard to bear

CLUE: causing grief

Our dog’s death was a

grievous loss for our family.


CLUE: to collect

(v) to save and put away, especially secretly (n) a hidden supply

Chipmunks hoard nuts for the winter.

The dragon’s hoard was filled with gold coins

and jewels.


CLUE: to cover

The bridge was inundated with people

before the fireworks show.

(v) 1. to cover, as with water from a flood 2. to load with an excessive amount of something


CLUE: indestructible

(adj) impossible to defeat

Iron Man thinks he is invincible,

but he has weaknesses like

everyone else.


CLUE: wanderer

(n) a member of a group that settles briefly in one place and then moves on to another

Many Native American tribes were nomadic.


(v) to stop from being

angry; to calm

CLUE: to calm

I was able to placate my friend

when I explained why I was late.


CLUE: pal = principal

(adj) most important (n) 1. the most important person or thing 2. head of a school 3. a sum of money owed

The principal objective of

today’s lesson is to use the

vocabulary word correctly.


CLUE: 1. to move back

2. to fade

Waves recede after they crash on

the shore.

The man’s hairline is receding.

(v) 1. to move back or drop to a lower level 2. to become fainter


(adj) showing no

mercy; pitiless

CLUE: merciless

Genghis Khan was reported to be

a ruthless conqueror.


CLUE: Give Up

(n) 1. something given up for another’s sake 2. an offering to a god (v) 1. to give up for another 2. to offer to a god

On Memorial Day, we honor those who have sacrificed their lives by fighting for their country.
