Lesson 6 Notes


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Lesson 6

The Actions of Allah

Objective: Objective of lesson 6 is to realize how things come to be

i.e through the actions of Allah ta’ala, and how this should bring all of

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creation in a state of thankfulness for the Creator and Sustainer of

the worlds.

Everything exist through His Power through hisPower all things come to be, and Allah only brings to be that which

he would knew would be.

Allah causes things to be

Things can only come to be through the Power of Allah ta’ala.

There is nothing obligatory on Allah he can do or choose not to do.

Allah is not answerable to anyone there is no co-sharer , partner to


Everything besides Him, children of Adam and jinn, angels and devils,

heaven and earth, animals, plants, and inanimates, substance and its

quality, as well as things perceived and things felt, are all originated things

which He created by His Power(according to His will) and before they were

nothing, since He existed in Eternity alone and there was nothing

whatsoever with Him.

So He originated creation thereafter as a manifestation of His Power and arealization of that which had preceded of His Will and the realization of His

Word in eternity, not because He had any need or necessity for it.

Adapted from “The Foundations of Islamic Belief

by Imam Ghazali” : http://www.masud.co.uk/ISLAM/misc/ghazali1.htm

It is us who are in complete need to Allah ta’ala.

Review formal definition of La ilaha ila Allah the one need of no

other whom all others are in absolute need of.

Once we realize all Allah gives us mainly everything we have. This

should brings us in a state of Thankfulness ( SHUKR) to Allah ta’ala.

Many virtues of trait of thankfulness found in the Prophetic Sunnah see


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242. Chapter: On the excellence of praise and thankfulness 

Allah Almighty says, "Remember Me – I will remember you. Give thanks to

Me and do not be ungrateful," (W2:151; H2:152) and the Almighty says, "If

you are grateful, I will certainty give you increase." (W14:9; H14:7) TheAlmighty says, "Say: 'Praise be to Allah,'" (W17:110; H17:111) and the

Almighty says, "The end of their call is: 'Praise be to Allah, the Lord of all

the worlds.'" (10:10)

1393. Abu Hurayra reported that on the Night Journey, the Prophet, may

Allah bless him and grant him peace, was brought two glasses, one of wine

and one of milk. He looked at them and took the milk. Jibril said, 'Praise be

to Allah, the One who has guided you to the natural way. If you had taken

the wine, your community would have erred.'" [Muslim]1394. Abu Hurayra reported that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless

him and grant him peace, said, "Every matter of importance which is not

begun with, 'Praise be to Allah' is defective." [Abu Dawud and others]

1395. Abu Musa al-Ash'ari reported that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah

bless him and grant him peace, said, "When the son of a slave of Allah

dies, Allah Almighty says to His angels, 'Have you taken My slave's son?'

They say, 'Yes.' He says, 'Did you take the darling of his heart?' They say,

'Yes.' He says, 'What did My slave say?' They will say, 'He praised You and

said "To Allah we return."' Allah Almighty says, 'Build a house for My slavein the Garden and call it the House of Praise.'" [at-Tirmidhi]

1396. Anas reported that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and

grant him peace, said, "Allah is pleased with a slave of His who eats

something and praises Him for it and drinks something and praises

Him for it." [Muslim]


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Reflect on the high rank of the prophet Muhammad( May Allah bless him

and give him peace) still wanting to be thankful servant.

One of the biggest reason to be thankful is for the gift of repentance

Without Allah we are nothing nor do we can nothing.

Whatever we have or are given we should be thankful to Allah in all

of our states good or so-called bad.

Those who are thankful are beloved by Allah ta’ala.

The studying of Islamic Belief ( Aqeedah) should bring change and

closeness and conscience of Allah in our everyday life.

We should realize who is the creator and sustainer of all created things,

and we should be thankful for all Allah ta’ala gives us daily.

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