Lesson 53 Lesson 53. Listening 1.What happened to Kunta in this story? 2. What do you think happened...


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Lesson 53

Lesson 53


1.What happened to Kunta in this story?

2. What do you think happened to many of the black people on the ship?

He was caught in a forest in Africa, put in chains and sent by ship to America.

About a third of the black people on the ship died during the journey.

Careful readingPut these events into the correct order. The first one has been done for you.( ) The ship arrived in a port( ) He was tied up and carried to a small boat.( ) The ship sailed for two months.( ) He heard some women and children crying.( ) He was then chained up in a castle.( ) kunta was caught in the forest one day.( 1) Long ago, people in Africa said it was dangerous to walk alone in the forest near the coast.( ) He was chained up in the ship.( ) He was hit on the head.( ) A few days later he was put on a sailing ship.( ) About a third of the black people had lost their lives.










Discussion1.Why do you think women were caught as well as men?

2. What were conditions like for the prisoners on the ship? (para 5 &6)

3. Why did the sailors come down to where the prisoners were kept?

If women were caught and became slaves as well as men, they would produce babies (young slaves).

Terrible * no light; food and water once a day only; nothing to lie on except hard boards; diseases and death.  

To carry upstairs the bodies of people who had died and to throw them into the sea over the side of the ship.


A free, hard, simple, but happy life.

A free, kind and happy man.

What kind of life was he living?

What kind of man was Kunta?

In what situation was Kunta after he was caught?

He lost freedom.He was in chains.He was on a ship sailing to America.

Everything was unknown to him.

Journey into the

Unknown Who are these white people?Why did they catch me?Where are they going to take me?What are they going to do to me?Are they going to kill me?What will become of me and the other black people on the ship?

“Unknown” means “What will happen to Kunta ahead!”

On the other hand it was a journey into:

Hell, Death, A Dreadful World, Slavery

seized in the forest

thrown into a boat

taken to the castleput on a sailing ship



carried by

black men


were held

hard boards feverlittle food

and water







Homework Find out what Transatlantic Slave Trade brought about to Europe, especially Britain and Africa.(Suggest typing “impact of slave trade on Britain and Africa” in the search bar in www.google.com)

where he was being taken, why he was being taken, what was going to happen to him, what was to become of the captured, etc.  

Understanding of the title

What was unknown about Kunta’s journey?