Lesson 40 How can I get to the hospital?


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2020/7/30 1

Junior Free Talk I 少儿版定主题自由交谈I

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Topic SEVEN Places

Lesson 40How can I get to the hospital?



Teaching outline

Part A. Ask & Answer 问与答

Part B. Let’s Talk 说一说

Part C. Review 复习回顾


Part D. Fun Time 趣学时光

(2 mins)


TI: Teach S the sentences, the word and the phrase.

Part A.Ask & Answer

Go ahead along RenmingRoad, and turn left at

the second crossing.

crossing n.十字路口

go ahead along … 沿 … 直走

How can I get to the hospital?

(2 mins)


Go downRenming Road,

and turn left at the

second crossing.

The post office

is on your right.

TI: Teach S the sentences and the phrase.

Part A.Ask & Answer

go down … 沿 … 直走

How can I get to the

post office?

(2 mins)


Part A.Ask & Answer

traffic light 红绿灯

TI: Teach S the sentences and the phrase.

Go ahead along RenmingRoad first, and turn right at

the first traffic light. The

school is on your left.

How can I get to the school?

Part B.Let’s talk


(1 min)

go ahead along the river

go down the road

Look and choose. 看一看,选一选。

TI: Have S answer the question. Find the answer on the next page.

Part B.Let’s talk


go ahead along the river

go down the road

Key 答案

TI: Check the answer with S.

Part B.Let’s talk


go ahead along the river

go down the road

(1 min)

TI: Have S answer the question. Find the answer on the next page.

Look and choose. 看一看,选一选。

Part B.Let’s talk


go ahead along the river

go down the road

Key 答案

TI: Check the answer with S.

Part B.Let’s talk


traffic light

(1 min)

TI: Have S answer the question. Find the answer on the next page.

Look and choose. 看一看,选一选。

Part B.Let’s talk


traffic light

Key 答案

TI: Check the answer with S.

Part B.Let’s talk

(2 mins)


Look and click. 看一看,点一点。

Yesterday, Jerry went to the

post office. He went ahead

along Main street.

The post office is on his left.



TI: Have S choose the correct answer. Find the answer on the next page.

Part B.Let’s talk


Yesterday, Jerry went to the

post office. He went ahead

along Main street.

The post office is on his left.



Key 答案

TI: Check the answer with S.

Part B.Let’s talk

Read and draw the routes.


TI: Have S choose the correct answers. Find the answers on the next page.


Part B.Let’s talk

(3 mins)


Jerry goes down Renming Road

and turns left at the second crossing.

The is on his right.

Lynn goes ahead along Renming

Road and turns right at the second

traffic light. The is on

her left.


bus station Lynn


Part B.Let’s talk


TI: Check the answers with S.

Part B.Let’s talk


Jerry goes down Renming Road

and turns left at the second crossing.

The is on his right.

Lynn goes ahead along Renming

Road and turns right at the second

traffic light. The is on

her left.


bus station


Key 答案

Part B.Let’s talk

(2 mins)


Look and answer.


TI: Have S answer the question. Find the answer on the next page.

How can I get to

the book store?

Part B.Let’s talk


How can I get to

the book store?

Go ahead along Pear Street, and turn

left at the crossing.The book store is on

your right.

Key 答案

TI: Check the answer with S.

Part B.Let’s talk

(2 mins)


How can I get to

the bus station?

Look and answer.


TI: Have S answer the question. Find the answer on the next page.

Part B.Let’s talk


How can I get to

the bus station?

Turn right at the first

traffic light, and go

ahead along the Main Street. The bus

station is on your left.

Key 答案

TI: Check the answer with S.

Part B.Let’s talk

(1 min)


How can I get to

the hospital?

Look and answer.


TI: Have S answer the question. Find the answer on the next page.

Part B.Let’s talk


Go down the Main Street,

the hospital is

on your right.

How can I get to

the hospital?

Key 答案

TI: Check the answer with S.

Part B.Let’s talk

(3 mins)

Do a role play and talk about the direction. 扮演角色,说说方向。

Lynn: Hi, dear. Is there a hospital in your town?

You: Oh, yes. It’s not far from here.

Lynn: Now, we are at school.

How can I go to the hospital?

You: Well, go ahead along ...

Turn left at the … crossing.

Then, … The hospital is on your …

Lynn: Thank you!

22TI: Do a role play with S.

(1 min)

Part C.Review

Sentences 句子

• How can I get to the…?

• Turn / Go ahead along ...,

it’s …

• Is the … on my left / right /

next to …?

• Yes, .... /No, …

Words 单词

• go ahead along 沿…直走

• go down 沿…直走

• crossing 十字路口

• traffic light 红绿灯

TI: Review with S briefly.


Part D.Fun Time

TI: Have S watch the video and talk about Lynn.


(2 mins)

Let’s enjoy a short video!

Open video file Junior Free Talk I – Lesson 40

How to go tothe hospital?

2020/7/30 25

Junior Free Talk I 少儿版定主题自由交谈I

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