Less Talk More Rock


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8/10/2019 Less Talk More Rock

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Thank you, everyone, for this opportunity to briefly break my New Year's Resolution, and to share the stage with Frank Lantz, one of thefathers of my game design career.

So, last year I ranted against social game developers. This year I'm ranting against myself.

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This is me on stage last year before giving my rant. I'm a pretty awkward kid, and sharing a stage with such incredible people doesn'treally help that.

But then I said some things on stage that people responded well to. And in six minutes I went from feeling super awkward to feeling...

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-let's say I felt pretty good about myself. But you know what? FUCK. THAT. I'm not in this industry to talk. I'm in this industry to MAKEGAMES.

Which is why these are the only two minutes I'm spending on stage this year.

It's always easier to talk than act. And I've gotten into the bad habit of overtalking and under-acting. And I need to stop.

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I need to stop telling independent developers to take risks...

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...when the biggest risk I've taken in my career is leaving one big company, for another big company.

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And I need to stop telling people to make passion projects...

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...when the last time I put something personal out into the world was 2008. And it wasn't even something I'm proud of.

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Over the last few years I've actually spent more of my free time making slides about making games, than I have making games.

I miss my craft. And discussing my passion is just not the same as performing it.

Which brings me to my new year's resolution:

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I need to re-learn how to love my craft. That means shutting up for a while. At least until I have something worth saying, or somethingworth playing.

But ultimately, talk is cheap, and it's high time I shut up and dance.

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So, thank you, Eric, Jason and Chris for this honor. Thank you everyone, for letting me rant at you. Now, if you don't mind, I have somegames to make.
