Leslie’s End of Year Schedule




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Leslies End of Year Schedule

Wednesday, Dec. 18

I have some appointments scheduled today and generally will be in my office from about 10 AM to 2 PM (GE 124). Keep in mind, though, that I dont have all of the papers corrected yet. My last ENG 1A final exam was given last night. Thank you for your patience.

Thursday, Dec. 19 / Last day to turn anything in

I will be around from about 10 AM to 2 PM (GE 124). If you need to drop something off and cant find me, please go to GE 206. I will have a box on the counter (labeled RICE / 1A). This will be available until 5 PM.

Friday, January 3

I plan on being in my office from about 10 AM to 2 PM that day (GE 124). Please feel free to drop by. You can also pick up your papers and get your final grade at this time. If you dont want to drop by, you can also email or call that day.

I will probably also be on campus on January 6.

Note: After the week of January 6, I will not be available until the start of Spring Semester, Monday, January 27.

FYI: Grades are due by January 6 / Students will receive grades on MyWeb by about January 8.

Questions/concerns about your final grade: Contact me through email right away.
