Lemon detox


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Lemon Detox How To

Have a lemon detox if you want to lose weight and cleanse your body inside and out.

People eat more processed foods these days. These foods contain a lot of refined sugar, additives, preservatives, and have little or no nutrient content. A regular diet of instant foods is not good for your body's natural waste disposal systems.

Only fresh foods that are high in fiber (like fruits and vegetables) help ease the elimination process. One way to boost the natural detoxifying agents of your body's internal organs is to undergo a lemon detox diet. This type of diet will also allow your systems to rest from the strain of digesting solid foods.

The lemon detox diet contains mostly liquid and some solid foods. Within the detoxification period, you shall be drinking a glass or two of purified water mixed freshly-squeezed lemon juice and some psyllium or bentonite clay everyday.

The length of time for your detox will depend entirely on how your body reacts or on the results that you hope to achieve. Usually, a full detox diet requires at least seven days; but may last until ten days.

Here is a relaxed version of this detox program: Drink a glass of lemon detox beverage in the morning and another one glass in the evening as substitutes to breakfast and dinner; but eat a full meal at lunch. This may last to up to one month.

You also have a choice of having a lemon detox diet for one whole day each week. The best day would be Friday night to Saturday afternoon. This is the easiest to follow and may last for up to one year. Be assured that this also gives satisfying results.

Here's a recipe for lemon detox beverage. Use hot or cold purified water. In a tall glass mix: 2 Tbsp of 'Madal Bal Natural Tree Syrup'; 2 Tbsp freshly-squeezed lemon juice; a small amount of ginger or cayenne pepper powder. Mix thoroughly and drink.

Whenever you crave for anything to munch on, mix a glass of lemon detox beverage. You should drink 6 to 9 glasses of this mixture every day.

After several days of sticking to the stringent lemon detox diet, you shall be rewarded with a body that is completely cleaned and rejuvenated. You will also have a satisfying weight loss of 7 up to 28 pounds. The amount will depend entirely on the length of detoxifying time.

You should start introduction of solid foods slowly and within a span of three days. Begin with some fresh fruit and vegetable juices on day one; then vegetable soups on the second and third day.

This informational bulletin was written by Pedro Maia, who is consideredby many as an expert in the field of Detox Diet.
