Lego Omniverse RPG Space-SW2


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  • 8/11/2019 Lego Omniverse RPG Space-SW2


    Basic Rules

    Space Rules

    Fantasy Rules



    Omni Intro


    The basic game is finally a simple stand alone, actions have been re-defined, hero's are a little clearer and squad

    cohesion is different.

    Watch for army and spell cards coming soon!!

    This is a game to be used with any building block system. I prefer Lego. This is an unofficial site. The site, game and any

    ideas here in are not endorsed in any way by The Lego Group.

    The idea in Lego Omniverse is a universal squad level combat game which is very customizeable and can take place in anygenre. At present we've developed Space and Fantasy. RoadWars is in the works, and we've plans for Adventure Cowboys,

    Pirates and Ninjas, and Police HQ.

    All rolls, unless noted are conducted on 1d10 (1 ten sided Die). The basic rules are designed to limit paperwork as much as


    This game was created by Joe Brandt ( and Mik Burns ( We began work on

    this a few years ago and have worked on it off and on since. We thought it was original when we created it but now it seemseveryone and his little brother has a Lego game. I wrote the text and crunched the numbers. Mik drew the pictures and came

    up with a lot of the cool powers and Hero classes. He was also the continuity cop when I took off into left field or made

    things too complex.

    The rules are rough, the grammar aint no great shakes and some pictures/diagrams are missing. I plan on continually

    updateing and correcting this so keep tuneing in.

    The Tables are pretty big so they have their own page.

    Later, Joe

    Lego Omniverse Game

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    Section B1: Introduction

    LegoVerse is a table top game of miniature combat designed to be used with Lego brand building blocks. This is the Basic book which gives an outline

    of the game play and general rules for combat. Other books will have more detailed text for each Lego World. Each World's rules are designed to be both

    unique to that world's technology, and compatible with all the others. This way they can be played together for bizarre situations. The Idea is to have

    miniature battles in a myriad of settings which can overlap and interact (UFO's crashing in the old west!!). Have fun

    Game Tenants.

    This is the Basic Rules section which should allow you to jump right in and start whacking. The Genre Rules and Supplements will build on these,

    increasing the complexity and possibilities.

    Section B2: Men

    In the game of LegoVerse, There are three types of Men. They are Men, Fighting Men, and the dreaded Elite.

    Men have three basic statistics which describe their abilities: Movement, Hit Points and Cost. Movement is the number of inches man can move in one

    turn. Hit Points (HP) is the amount of damage the man can take before being reduced to so much useless plastic (Vehicles and objects incur Structure

    Points (SP) instead of HP). Cost is the number of "Points" you must spend to use a man (Points are used as a relative worth of pieces in order to judge

    whether a battle is equally matched or not, 50 Points in vehicles should be roughly equal to 50 points of Men).

    The cost of one Man does not include weapons or equipment, which are described Section 5.

    See Table B1for the cost of the three types of men.

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    U titl d D t htt // l td t/ jjb dt/LEGO/LGBt ht l

  • 8/11/2019 Lego Omniverse RPG Space-SW2


    makes the appropriate ToHit roll as supplied by the weapon charts. If he hits, the targeted individual takes the hit and damage is subtracted from the

    unlucky schmucks HP (damage does not "roll over" to other members of the squad). If he misses, nothing happens to the target.

    Men who are at least 1/2 concealed by cover gain a -2 to being hit by enemy attacks.

    After all the shooting, Men with hand weapons who are in range and have not shot may hit. Shooting at a non moving object at point blank range w

    automatically hit.

    Man and vehicles are ripped apart as soon as they are destroyed. Scatter the pieces over the area that the item was destroyed in and remove half of illthe

    pieces from the playing area, leaving realistic debris behind. When a squad of men is 0..

    This series of steps is repeated for the duration of the game, until one of the players is totally wiped out. Fun!

    Men can use as many things as they can carry, however they may only use one thing per turn. The Basic game offers a sampling of weapons from

    different genres. he attacker must roll the weapons ToHit number or higher (as provided by the weapon chart) to strike a foe. Some weapons have a

    ranged value and can only hit objects within that range. Damage is the amount of HP or SP the weapon deals upon hitting, and cost is how much you

    gotta pay.

    Section B5: Vehicle Construction

    In the Basic Rules vehicles are very simple.

    A vehicle costs:

    1 point for every Structure Point (SP)

    1 point for every crew member or every 2x2 space worth of cargo

    1 point for every 1" of movement on land (20 inches is generally the max)

    2 points for every 1" of movement by air (50 inches is generally the max)


    If you are using Animal Powered vehicles use the Mount Stats below. A Mount may pull a 2 wheeled vehicle at 1/2 movement. Multiple mounts may be

    needed for larger vehicles.

    Section B6: Bases and Buildings

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    In the Basic game Buildings are considered impenetrable. Good for cover!

    Section B7: Heavy Weapon

    Heavy Weapons which are basically big versions of there hand weapon counterparts. The "Move" stat is the amount of movement deducted from avehicle if the weapon is to be mounted..

    Gaming Suggestions

    When you're first starting out, try playing one or two squads of five men each against each other to get the hang of the rules. Later, as you become more

    comfortable with the rules, try some of the more advanced Genres. You may want to impose some limitations on what can be bought so you don't always

    end up with a bunch of 100 pt supermen battling it out. For example, only one man in five can have skills and attributes, only one artifact per side, only

    one Heavy weapon (Plasma Gatlin) per squad, 10 point limit per man or 75 points for 5 men in any combination, etc.

    You may want to continue characters; try starting with a 15 point man (including equipment) and then at the end of each game the character gets one

    point for each man he kills to add to his skills (maybe equipment can be plundered).

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    Basic Tables http://personalpages tds net/~jjbrandt/LEGO/LGBtbl html

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    B1- Men

    Type of



    per TurnHP Cost

    Elite 5" 5 5Fighting

    Man4" 4 4

    Man 3" 3 3

    B2- Basic Portable Weapons

    Weapon Cost Range ToHit DamageMove


    Sword .5 NA 4 1

    Great Sword 1 NA 4 1 -1"

    Spear .5 HP+4" 5 2

    Axe 1 NA 4 2(C)

    Bow 1 12" 5 1

    Cross Bow 1 7" 6 2

    Chain Saw 2 NA 4 3(C)

    Revolver 1 10" 6 2

    Rifle 3 14" 6 3

    Blaster 2 10" 6 4

    Auto Blaster 2 8" 6 5

    Gatlin Plasma 5 10" 7 10 -2"

    B3-Basic Equipment

    Item Cost Function

    Archaic Armor 3 -2 to non energy damage

    Archaic Shield 2-1 ToHit (Non Energy


    Impact Armor 3 -2 Energy Damage

    Impact Shield 2 -1 Energy ToHitComposite

    Armor5 -2 All Damage

    Basic Tables

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    Section S1: Intro

    LegoVerse Space is the first installment of the LegoVerse World Books. The Space rules incorporate Blasters, Vibro Blades, Medix, The cultish

    Mechanix' Droids, Spaceships, Bases, Aliens, and the fearsome Psykiks!!! The system is designed to be flexible so you can include or exclude whatever

    sections you like; and, of course, this World Book can jive with the others for weird multiverse battles. Rock on.

    Section S2: The SpaceMan

    SpaceMan. The SpaceMan is the highest order of the Elite FightingMen. Both costly and rare, the very sight of these techno incrusted supersoldiers has

    been known to send mere men screaming.

    The three classes of normal men are; Men, FightingMen, and SpaceMen. Their stats can be found on tableB1.

    Section S3: Game Play and Combat

    Game play works just as stated in Section B3in the Basic Book, with a couple of additions

    The Advanced Game Turn is broken down into 6 Phases. Each phase is dedicated to a certain activity as described below.

    Phase1: You and your opponent should each decide on an imaginary line behind which your forces will be deployed. When the lines are drawn, deploy

    your forces in any fashion you choose. You can put troops on buildings, behind buildings, anywhere they can stand or lay.

    Phase2:Roll for initiative. The player with the highest roll moves first for the duration of the turn.

    Phase3:Using the movement rates of the models, the winner of the initiative moves one unit, vehicle or squad its allotted distance, then the loser does

    p p p g jj

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    ComOps are the members in a squad of SpaceMen that operate the communications equipment in order to keep in contact with the commander of the

    army. If the ComOp is lost, the squad can only move once every other movement phase, but can still fire every attack phase (note: this means if you have

    a one man squad he should probably have a C.B. or a Head Set). This rule simulates what happens if a unit has to make decisions on its own, without the

    guidance of a leader and his computer and advisors.

    CBs cost 1 point, and must be carried in the hand of the ComOp in order to use it properly. Comlinks cost 2 points but free up the ComOp's hands.

    Vehicles and Flyers all have built in radios.

    Some heroes may have the Leadership skill which replaces the need for communication.


    Medix are basically Mechanix for humans, but since Medicine is not nearly as important as TechnoStuff their advancement is duly behind.

    Medix are handy models to have on the tabletop. They must first follow these specifications: A Medik model must carry a medpac. This can be indicated

    by a case or an extra O2 Tank. Due to the extra weight of the MedPak, a Medik only moves four inches per turn, though he has six HPs. A Medik may

    only use one of his hands for weapons because he needs at least one free hand for on-the-spot heart transplants or skull replacements.

    Medix can heal 1d6-2 HPs (minimum = 0) on a success roll of 4-6 on a 1d6. They may make only one attempt per turn, on one patient. That is they roll

    1d6. If they roll a 4, 5, or 6 they may make a second roll to determine how many HitPoints they restore.

    Medix may have their bases specially equipped with Medik bays, this grants them automatic success in administering healing, though the amount of HP

    restored is still random. Medik bays cost 30 points, added to the cost of the base.

    Portable Medik bays, as carried on a vehicle, cost an additional 5 points added to the cost of the vehicle. This increases the chance of success to 3-6 on1d6.

    Medix cost 5 points.


    "Three laws of what??? Who the hell is Azimov??"

    So Quoth the Master Mek Mik

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    2 point abilites

    Pilot vehicle (RoBot may pilot any vehicle, but operate no special equipment or weapons))

    operate machinery (RoBot may operate equipment (loaders etc.) but no weapons)

    abort program for higher function (may replace any program feature one time per game (RoBots can have multiple abort abilites))

    3 point abilites

    Full Mekanik (RoBot has all Mek skills but can't repair Androids (There scared))

    Full Medic (RoBot has all Medik abilites)


    Androids are humanoid robots which can fight along side a regular SpaceMan. The members of the squad to which the Android belongs have great

    reverence for their 'droid and constantly repair and upgrade their comrade. This is mainly due to fear of reprisal from the Mechanix sect for damageing

    their "true beings of purest form". Because it is not human and made from synthetic materials, Androids are more durable and can move faster than can a

    normal SpaceMan

    There is one drawback to the Android, however, and that is that they are incredibly stupid. The Android has a limited consciousness and is only capable

    of following direct commands from members of its squad. If all humans in its squad die, then it must report to the nearest friendly thing for furtherorders. Some claim this is due to insecurity, others say it's loyalty and obedience. The Mechanix claim it's the the result of the 'Droids constant state of

    epiphany derived from pure, simple programming... whatever the debate, all agree on one thing, the Android is a fierce and deadly soldier.

    Androids, in addition to being incredibly strong and fast, may be programmed for specific missions which can last an unlimited time. The player does

    this by writing exactly what the android is to do for each turn until the end of the mission, at which point the program stops and the Android reverts to

    normal programming.

    For example:

    Turn 1; run to trees.

    Turn 2; wait for saucer to blow up.

    Turn 3 (first turn after saucer blows); run to wrecked saucer.

    Turn 4; run around saucer, kill the red guy with the pink helmet and violet boots.

    These instructions must be written out in advance, and can not be changed once set in motion. The droid will do every thing in its power to carry out its

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    mission. To ensure this, the programming player will reveal each move immediately after its execution to his opponent for review.

    Androids can be programmed with one if/then statement, or 'audible play', that can be played any time.

    For example:

    Audible Program; if the guy with the pink helmet ever moves, chase him down.Audible Program; if the walls get breached kill us all so we don't get taken alive.

    Any player disputes that can't be handled logically will be handled by rolling dice to find out who wins.

    When not on a mission, an Android must be in a squad, vehicle, or base with at least one friendly SpaceMan in it. If all of the humans in the Android's

    squad die, then the `droid will return to the nearest squad or base to receive new orders, at which time he can join a new squad. It is possible to have a

    squad of four androids and one human, if you really want to. The stats for an Android are:





    Armor-1 to Dam Taken

    Cost: 10 pts.

    They may carry one weapon and/or as much equipment as can be snapped onto them. Due to their ferocious strength they attack in hand to hand with a

    ToHit:4 and Dam:2.


    Psykiks or (PsyMen) are a rare form of elitist mana warping egomaniacs. The Psykiks are adept at bending the mental aura of the world and people

    around them to do their bidding. They are feared and respected by all other men, even the Mechanix.

    There are two types of Psykiks, Major and Minor. Their stats are as follows.

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    Major Psikik Cost:20 pts., Move:4", H.P. 4

    Minor Psikik Cost:10 pts., Move:3", H.P. 3

    Due to the weakness of flesh and the chaos of the universe, Psykiks do not have complete command of the psikik aura, so at the beginning of a battle

    they must roll 1d20 on table S1to see how many and which disciplines they can use for the duration of the game. A Major Psykiks gets four rolls on the

    discipline chart, a Minor Majiks gets two.

    Minor Psikiks may use any one discipline once each turn, Major Psys may use two. These disciplines are used during the special thingy phase. There are

    several psykik items and artifacts floating around which can alter the number and strength of the Psykiks available spells. These can be found ontable

    S2and table S3and descriptionsare at the end of this text.

    Section S5: Heros

    "There are many Men, But I am better than most"---Cpt. J. Tibberious Krik

    Heros are Men who have risen to the top, some times due to great deeds, but usually due to great egos. In essence the scope and cost of a Hero is

    unlimited. The Hero's enhanced abilities are due to breeding, training, or in extreme cases magical or mechanical enhancement. Attributes can only be

    given once and remain for the life of the hero. Skills are learned and can be added after the initial creation of the character. Some Skills are cumulative

    (this is indicated on each skill table).

    Attributes apply to anything the Hero does. That is, if a Hero has the attribute Agility, he gains +1 toall ranged combat. The Hero must have this

    Attribute when he's created and can only buy it once,

    Skills are learned abilities. They can be purchased between games to simulate character growth, and may be purchased beyond the base level.

    Combat Skills (specialization, extra attacks, etc) apply to one particular weapon, chosen by the Hero. If the Hero want's to be Specialized in more than

    one weapon he must purchase more than one Skill.

    Any Skills purchased beyond +1 costs the sum of the bonuses (huh? WHAT?? (that means if you want a +2 To Hit specialization on Battle Axe it costs 3

    CP (1+2). A level 3 bonus would cost 1+2+3 or 6 points) Get it?).

    Space Heroes can buy any of the skills and attributes found ontable S4and tables S5.

    Section S6: Hand Weapons

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    Section S7a: Vehicle Critical Hits

    If a vehicle takes 25% or more of its current SP in damage in one turn, there's a chance for the weapons striking the vehicle to cause more serious

    internal damage. If this is the case, critical hits are scored on a eight or over on a 1d10.

    To determine what is damaged when a vehicle gets a critical hit, roll 1d10 and consult the list (if the item rolled is not available go to the next one on the


    1 or 2= Cargo hit: take 1d6 damage (if no SP its destroyed)

    3 or 4= Engines: move at 1/2

    5 or 6= Weapon destroyed: determine which one randomly.(If it's a missile roll 1d10again 1-5 misiles detonate causing damage to vehicle as normal)

    7= steering control: (vehicle may stop or move forward or reverse but not steer)

    8= Power Plant: vehicle can't move anymore.

    9= Random crew member hit: (take 1d10 /2 damage)

    10= make 2 more damage rolls

    If that just seems too weird, stick with the Basic vehicles:

    Section S8: Vehicle weapons

    Vehicle weapons come in three types; Lasers, Missiles and Rockets, and Specials and can be equipped with enhancements.

    Lasers come in three sizes, small, medium and large. These should be represented by the old two barrel laser piece, a mounted antenna and anythingbigger, respectively. These are described one tables S10.

    Missiles and Rockets come in two classes: light and heavy. These are represented by the round pieces (a light projectile is a one stud pice, a heavy a

    four). A base cost must be spent to buy the cone and rocket (light missiles need no cone). The payload is determined by the number of sections in the

    weapons. These are on tables S11.

    Note that the "Movement Penalty" refers to SP that are added into the locomotion calculation only. They don't actually absorb damage.

    Weapons can be mounted to vehicles directly, or placed on hinges or turntables at a cost of 5pts each.

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    Section S11: Descriptions

    Psykik Discipline Descriptions

    Nullify: This Discipline stops any single Psy Discipline of the user's choice currently in play. This can take effect anywhere on the board and is subject

    to normal Psy interference (such as another Psy Nullify). If a Nullify is cast on a Psy before he has cast that turn, he may not cast until next turn. Nullify

    and the like will not affect physical manifestations of Psy disciplines. That is, you can't negate an actual person or unsummon an Astralshark.

    Playful Slap: The Psy gives a mental backhand causing 2 HP of damage to a single target within his line of sight.

    Steel Skin: The Psy transforms his skin to a glimmering sheath of nearly impregnable metal, giving himself 5 additional HP for one turn. Any damage

    taken is deducted from these HP before affecting the Psy's actual HP. At the beginning of the next turn the Psy reverts to his actual HP.

    Psykik Bolt: A Psykik blast zaps a target in line of sight within 18", doing 2 HP damage and hitting automatically.

    Psykik Extinguish: As Nullify noted above.

    Steel Muscle: Similar to Steel Skin noted above, except Psy gains +2 Strength for one turn.

    BioMechanical Pulse: A pulse wave ripples out in a straight line disabling any and all machinery within 12" along the line on a ToHit of 4.

    Eraser: As Nullify noted above

    Psy Umbrella: Any single target within 5" of Psy is immune to all Psy powers (good or bad) for one turn.

    Kinetic Wave: The Psy sends out a wave of Psykik Kinetic energy. On a roll of 5 or more on 1d6 all units along a straight line extending 10" in any one

    direction (chosen by the Psy) are knocked down and incapacitated for one turn. Roll once for each individual target.

    THC Short Term Memory Loss: Target loses one turn.

    Sphere of Motherly Love: As Psy Umbrella noted above, but protection extends to a 3" radius around target.

    Gate: Psy can dimensionally transcend to any place on the battlefield that he can see.

    Mental Intrusion: The side of the Psy using this discipline automatically wins initiative next turn.

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    Summon Astral Shark: The Psy warps in an astral shark who will fight as an independent figure on the side of the Psy until sent back by the Psy or

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    Summon Astral Shark: The Psy warps in an astral shark who will fight as an independent figure on the side of the Psy until sent back by the Psy or

    killed. If the summoning Psy is killed, the Shark will automatically attack the closest man, regardless of whose side he's on, and fight until one of them is

    dead (at which point the Shark progresses to the next nearest sucker). Shark stats: Move: 10", HP: 5, ToHit: 4, Damage: 3. Ouch!

    Mind Control: Psy gains complete control (until death) over any model touched.

    Psykik Armageddon: The caster of this discipline has unleashed the fury of the psykik warp onto the battle field. All Psys (including caster) take 1d10points of damage (rolled separately). Waggggghhh!

    psykik Item Descriptions

    Items are fairly common and anyone may use them, unless noted.

    Alien Crystal: Allows psykik to cast two disiplines per turn (caster may only cast one at a time that is-- I go, you go, I go a second time.)

    Psy Circuit Helmet: Creates a null Psy field around wearer (like Psy umbrella).

    Positronic BoomBox: Allows the psykik to store the energy for one rolled psy power for one time use.

    psykik Artifact Descriptions

    Artifacts are rare and unwieldy. Only the keenest of men may control them and only one of each type is allowed per army.

    Sword of Psy Slaying: Kills Pays automatically in Hand to Hand on a ToHit of 8.

    Blood Grail: Posesser cannot suffer the effects of a Nullify.

    Alien Symbiot: From the far reaches of the unknown came the Syilaxerthorak, The Ivory parasites. Resembling flowing beards, moved by unknown

    motivations to influence the tides of the galaxy they are the bane of thse who must confront them. Both rare and willful these symbiots leech into their

    hosts brains physically and psyckikly. The host gains 2 HP and the effects of +2 Strength. The Symbiot has one Psy ability (determined randomly), and

    can attack in HtoH (ToHit 4 Dam 2).

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    Space Tables

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    Table B1

    Types of Men

    Type Move HP Cost


    (SpaceMan)5"/Turn 5 5pts

    FightingMan 4"/Turn 4 4pts

    Man 3"/Turn 3 3pts

    Table S1


    RollDiscipline Range Description

    1 Ha Ha No more Discipline rolls

    2 Nullify InfiniteHalts Opponents active Psy


    3 Playful SlapLine of

    SightDmg:2pts ToHit:Auto

    4 Steele Skin self +5 HP for 1 full turn

    5 Psykik Bolt 18" Dmg:2pts ToHit:Auto

    6 Psykik Extinguish InfiniteHalts Opponents active Psy


    7 Steele Muscle self +2 Str for 1 full turn

    8 BioMech Pulse 12" Dmg:Disable Machine ToHit:4

    9 Eraser InfiniteHalts Opponents active Psy


    10 Psy Umbrela 5" Target invulnerable to all Psyfor 1 turn

    11 Kinetic Wave 10" Knocks down all in los ToHit:5

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    THC Short Term

    Space Tables

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    12THC Short Term

    Memory Loss10" Target looses one turn

    13Sphere of

    Motherly Love2" radius

    All in Sphere are invulnerable

    to Psy action for 1 turn

    14 Psy Restore Touchrestores 1d4 HP (up to original


    15 GateLine of


    Gates Psy to any point Psy can


    16 Mental Intrusion Automatic Initiative next turn

    17Summon Astral


    Astral Shark appears 2" from

    Psy Move 10" HP:5 ToHit:4


    18 Mind Control TouchGain compleete control of

    non-hero enemy

    19 Dope! No more Discipline rolls





    ALL Psys take1d10 HP


    Table S2

    Psy Items

    Item Cost Abilities

    Psyonic Circutry


    Creates a NullPsy field around wearer

    (immune to all Psy)

    Positronic BoomBox

    1 Stores Psy energy for any one Disciplinefor one use

    Alien Crystal 5Allows posseser to use 2 Diceplines per


    Table S3


    Artifact Cost Abilities

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    Sword of Psychic Auto Kill Psykik in HtoH when hits

    Space Tables

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    Sword of Psychic


    Auto Kill Psykik in HtoH when hits,

    ToHit:8 Dam:2

    Blood Grail 5 Psy User can not be Nullified

    Alien Symbiot 10ToHit:4 Dam:2(HtH; +2Str +2HP 1 Psy


    Table S4


    Attribute Cost Effect

    Strength 1+1 to (C)


    Agility 1 +1 to (C) ToHit

    Speed .5 +1" Move

    Tough 1 +1 HP



    1 additional


    Initiative 1 +1 on Initiative

    Table S5


    Skill Cost Effect

    Martial Arts 2 Weaponless Combat ToHit:6 Dmg:1Marksman 1 +1 to 1 Ranged Weapon ToHit

    Specialization 1+1 ToHit OR Dmg with any 1

    Weapon type

    Tough 1 +1 HP

    Extra Attack 3+1 Attack per Turn with specified


    Initiative 1 +1 on Initiative

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    U A if 1Hero may use any 1 artifact found or

    Space Tables

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    Use Artifact 1e o ay use a y a ac ou d o


    Table S6

    Man Portable Weapons

    Weapon CostS







    ToHitMvePnlty Damage

    Blaster Pistol 1 6" 12" 5 6 0 2

    Heavy Blaster 2 6" 12" 5 6 0 4

    Auto Blaster 2 4" 10" 5 6 0 5

    Gauss Gun 2 12" 24" 5 6 -1" 8

    Flamer* 2 2" 8" 4 4 0 4(50%cd)

    Gatlin Plasma 5 6" 12" 6 8 -2" 10

    Energy Staff 3 1" 1" 4 7 -1" 6(C)

    ElectroSword 1 1" 1" 5 5 0 3(C)

    Chain Ripper 1.5 1" 1" 4 4 0 3(C)

    VibroPike** 1 1" 6" 5 8 0 2(C)Power Ax 2 1" 1" 5 5 -1" 4(C)

    Stun Ax 1 1" 1" 6 6 0 2(C)

    Zap Lance 2 1" 3" 5 6 -2" 4(C)

    * If Hit, Victim has an X% chance of remaining on fire and takeing

    further damage next turn. This continues on consecutive turns

    **Thrown Weapon, SpaceMan must retriev if thrown

    Table S7


    Object Cost Function

    Quantum Accelerator 2 +2"SR+5"LR+2damage on Blasterweapon

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    V l L 2-2 ToHit SR-1ToHitLR on Blaster

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    Valence Lense 2weapons

    Shield 3 -1 ToHit

    Body Armor 5 -1 to any damage taken

    Power Armor 10 -2 to any damage taken +1 Strength

    Jet Pack 10 Move X2

    Walkie Talkie 1 Long Range Communication

    Macro Scanner 3 +5"LR -2ToHitSR -1ToHitLR

    Combat Helmet 3 +1 Initiative -1ToHit +1 Range

    Table S8

    Vehicle Construction Cost

    Pt Cost = Body Size (in studs)/2

    Structure Pts

    (SP)=Body Size (in studs)/2

    Armor (extra


    Free (but they do slow you


    Table S9

    Vehicle Locomotion


    Type Cost Pull Speed SP


    Wheele5 15sp 10" 5

    Med Wheele 10 20sp 10" 10

    Lrg Wheele 15 25sp 10" 15

    Sml Hover


    5 15sp 15" 5

    Med Hover

    Jet10 20sp 20" 5

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    Lrg Hover15 25sp 15" 5

    Space Tables

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    Jet15 25sp 15 5


    Jet5 10sp 10" 0

    Jet 15 20sp 15" 5

    Rocket 25 30sp 20" 10Capaciter 5 / +5" /


    Capaciter10 / +10" /

    Table S10

    Vehicle Lazers













    Small 3 8" 12" 4 5 3 0

    Medium 5 10" 20" 4 5 5 +5sp

    Large 8 10" 25" 4 5 10 +10sp

    Table S11


    Type Cost Damage* Range S/L ToHit S/L Mve Pnlty

    Light (3)3 5 10/20 5/6 +1 sp

    Heavy (5)5 10 15/30 6/7 +2sp

    All Stats for rockets are "per section" except range and ToHit. That

    is, a 3 piece light rocket would cost 12 pts (3 for the base rocket cost

    and 3 for each section) it would deal an unholy 15 points of damage

    (*remember to calculate burst effect (Ouch!))and slow the carrier or

    vehicle by 1.5" per turn.

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    Table S12

    Space Tables

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    Table S12

    Weapon Enplacements

    SP of





    10 -1" 50

    20 -2" 60

    30 -3" 70

    Table S13

    Heavy Weapon Equipment

    Type Cost Function

    Link 1Links one weapon to any other weapon of the same type (weapons fire together, at same

    target, but seperate to hit rolls)

    Lazer Capaciter 2 +1 damage for lazers

    Smart Bomb 2 +1 ToHit for rockets

    Anti Personell Payload 2 all rocket damage immediately devided up amoung targets in burst radius

    Targeting Computer 2 +1 ToHit

    Gunnery Computer 5 Vehicle may fire extra weapon

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    Untitled Document

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    Section SI1: Intro

    At first the Saucers came, bearing strange beings with stranger technologies. Mankind, in it's feeble wisdom, knew that all things different were

    nessicarily evil, and acted accordingly. The humans abbandoned their feuds and united the the tribes together "to save humanity" Had they not emploied

    there Blasters more readily than their Translators they may have heard the alien message of peace. They may have even heeded it. The fleet of saucerssuccumed easily to the full might of the Human aliance, the celebration quickly passed, the feuds resumed,... and then came the swarm.

    LegoVerse TheBugs is a suplement to the Space World Book. Equiped with BioGiants, ManDroids, Pulse Beamers, coldblooded prescision and the

    "Alien" slave race, the Insectoids are massing. Assimilation is not an option; Man will be exterminated.

    Section SI2: The Bug

    Bug. It says it all.

    The three classes of normal Bugs are; Drone, Warrior, and Monarch. Their stats can be found on table S1.

    Section SI3: Special Bugs; Techoid, Juicers, InsectoDroids and Mystoids.


    A genetic subset of the Drones, Techoids are born with an innate understanding of things mech and tech. They are responsible for the creation and

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    maintenence of all aspects of the machines and technology that move their race.

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    Techoids cost 10 points, and the hive can only produce one for every five drones in a squad.

    Techoids have the same capabilites as human mechanix with the following modifications.

    A techoid can repair 1d6 sp to an InsectoDroid after a successful initial roll of 5 or more on 1d6.

    When determining if the techoid is able to build a new device a roll of 3 or more on 1d6 is needed.


    The name Juicers has been attributed to Apothicary Insectoids because of their method of entimology. A Juicers equipment consists of dozens of

    variously colored fluids and a myriad of long, sharp, crooked needles. These chemicals are combined into noxious cocktails which are injected into the

    creases of Insectoid carapices to push the Bugs on in combat.

    Juicers Move 4", have 5 hp and cost 5 points and, like Techoids, there can be only one Juicer for every 5 Bugs in the army.

    Juicers work just like Medix in the space rules, but with one important difference.

    The Juicer may be equipped with a Juice Syringe (3cp). This enhances his ability to deliver the enzymes and gives the Juicer a +1 on his success roll.

    Juicers can get an additional +1 if they are in a Portable Tissue Repair Bay.

    It has been found that when Juicers employ their skills upon organic tissue it results in massive corrosive damage. ToHit 6, Dam3(C).


    Insectoid technological theory varies greatly from that of the ManSciences. This is most evident in the field of Anamatons, or Androids. Bug Techoids

    have far surpassed Men in the development of an adaptible artificial intellegence, which is the brain behind the bug machine. This AI allows the

    InsecoDroids to learn and interact with it's environment. They require no pregame programming and behave like free thinking units on the battlefield.

    The three distinct classes of battle ready InsectoDroids are SquadDroid, ManDroid, and the oppressive BioGiant.


    These are the most common InsectoDroid combat unit. In the ancient days Squads so loved and cherished their Droids they were known to sacrafice

    themselves to protect the AI. This was seen as a bat tactical policy by the Bug commanders. Today squads have been engeneered to view thier Droids as

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    Every two or three spawnings the Hive Queen lays a clutch of Mystoid pupae. These grow to form the elite cadre of Insectoids who are privy to the

    mystical threads of the Hive Mind web These Bugs hone rare powers very similar to the Human Psykiks The mystoids begin their service as Acolytes

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    mystical threads of the Hive Mind web. These Bugs hone rare powers very similar to the Human Psykiks. The mystoids begin their service as Acolytes,

    but those who are adept and avoid being eaten by their teachers become Elders.

    Mystoids cannot control the Hive Mind, more they channel the surges of communal energy that surround their environment at any given moment. This

    channeling allows them to randomly determine their powers before a battle, much like their human counterparts. Elders get four rolls on table SI11,

    while Acolytes get only two.

    Mystoids have access to the same Psykik items and artifacts as humans as found on tables S2 and S3.

    Section SI4: Heros

    Insectoid Heros are subject to the same rules as Human Heros as described in section S4.

    Section S5: Game Play and Combat: The Hive Mind

    Game play works just as stated in Section B3in the Basic Book, with a couple of additions

    The Advanced Game Turn is broken down into 6 Phases. Each phase is dedicated to a certain activity as described below.

    Phase1: You and your opponent should each decide on an imaginary line behind which your forces will be deployed. When the lines are drawn, deployyour forces in any fashion you choose. You can put troops on buildings, behind buildings, anywhere they can stand or lay.

    Phase2:Roll for initiative. The player with the highest roll moves first for the duration of the turn.

    Phase3:Using the movement rates of the models, the winner of the initiative moves one unit or vehicle its allotted distance, then the loser does the

    same. The twoSome actions, like crashes and bomb dropping may interrupt the movement phase. Collisions between objects are done in the following


    When a vehicle collides with an object, some bad bad things can happen.

    The object and the vehicle take 2x the vehicle speed in SP or HP damage.

    Structures being hit take only the Vehicle speed in damage

    Vehicles hitting people take 1/2 x the vehicle speed in damage.

    Assume a vehicle moved 12" and ran into a building. The building would take 12 SP in damage, the vehicle 24 SP. If the vehicle careened through asquad hitting three of the members, they would each take 24 points (ick!) and the vehicle would take 6 points three times (once per man).

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    Untitled Document

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    Table S1

    Space Tables

  • 8/11/2019 Lego Omniverse RPG Space-SW2


    ab e S

    Types of Bugs

    Type Move HP CostMonarch 6"/Turn 5 5pts

    warrior 5"/Turn 4 4pts

    Drone 4"/Turn 2 3pts

    Table SI1


    RollDiscipline Range Description

    1 Curses No more Discipline rolls

    2 Negate InfiniteHalts Opponents active Psy


    3 Playful Slap Line ofSight

    Dmg:2pts ToHit:Auto


    Carapiceself +5 HP for 1 full turn

    5 Black Flagg 18" Dmg:2pts ToHit:Auto



    Halts Opponents active Psy


    7 Steele Muscle self +2 Str for 1 full turn

    8 BioMech Wave 12" Dmg:Disable Machine ToHit:4

    9 Eraser InfiniteHalts Opponents active Psy


    10 Mystik Shroud 5"Target invulnerable to all Psy

    for 1 turn

    11 Kinetic Push 10" Knocks down all in los ToHit:5

    12DDT Short Term

    Memory Loss10" Target looses one turn

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    13Hive Mind

    Protection2" radius

    All in radius are invulnerable to

    Psy action for 1 turn

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    14 Psy Restore Touchrestores 1d4 HP (up to original


    15 WarpLine of


    Warps Mystik to any point it

    can see16 Hive Intrusion Automatic Initiative next turn

    17Summon Astral


    1 to 3 bugs appear 2" from Psy

    Move 6" HP:2 ToHit:5 Dmg:1


    18 Mind Control TouchGain compleete control of

    non-hero enemy

    19 Dope! No more Discipline rolls





    ALL Psys take1d10 HP

    damage, mystiks 1d10+2

    Table SI2

    Psy Items

    Item Cost Abilities

    Psyonic Circutry


    Creates a NullPsy field around wearer

    (immune to all Psy)

    Positronic Boom


    Stores Mystik energy for any one

    Discipline for one use

    Alien Crystal 5Allows posseser to use 2 Diceplines per

    turnTable SI3


    Artifact Cost Abilities

    Sword of Psychic

    Slaying 8

    Auto Kill Psykik in HtoH when hits,

    ToHit:8 Dam:2

    Blood Grail 5 Psy User can not be Nullified

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    Table SI6

    Man Portable Weapons

    Space Tables

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    Man Portable Weapons

    Weapon CostS







    ToHitMvePnlty Damage

    Beamer Pistol 2 7" 14" 5 6 0 3

    Beamer Rifle 3 10" 15" 5 6 0 4

    Heavy Beamer 5 12" 16" 5 6 -1 6

    Pulse Beamer* 5 10" 20" 6 7 -12 (1 to 4


    Heavy Pulse

    Beamer*5 6 12 6 7 2

    2 (1 to 6


    Lense**2 2" 8" 4 4 0 4 (50% cd)

    Bone Blade 2 1" 1" 4 4 0 3(C)

    Venom Whip** 2 1" 2" 5 6 02(C)(50%


    Power Claw 2 1" 1" 5 5 0 4(C)

    Power Staff 3 1" 2" 4 7 -1" 6(C)

    * Pulse weapons fire bursts of beams. When a hit is scored roll to

    determine the number of hits landed.

    ** If Hit, Victim has an X% chance of takeing further damage next turn.

    This continues on consecutive turns until the roll is failed.

    Table SI7

    Bug Equipment

    Object Cost Function

    Pulse Targeter 2 -1 ToHit on Pulse Weapon

    Carapice Armor

    Armor5 -1 to any damage taken

    Protean Armor 10 -2 to any damage taken +1 HP

    Gravatic Wings 10 Move X2

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    Enviro Bubble

    Helmet3 +1 Initiative, -1 to hit (c)

    T i l H l 5 5" LR 2 T Hi SR 1 T Hi LR

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    Tactical Helmet 5 +5" LR, -2 ToHit SR, -1 ToHit LR

    Weapon Stabilizer 2 Reduce Move Penalty by 1

    Table SI8

    Vehicle Construction Cost

    Pt Cost = Body Size (in studs)/2

    Structure Pts

    (SP)=Body Size (in studs)/2

    Armor (extra


    Free (but they do slow you


    Table SI9

    Vehicle Locomotion



    Cost Pull Speed SP


    Wheele/Leg5 15sp 10" 5


    Wheele/Leg10 20sp 10" 10


    Wheele/Leg15 25sp 10" 15

    Sml HoverJet

    5 15sp 15" 5

    Med Hover

    Jet10 20sp 20" 5

    Lrg Hover

    Jet15 25sp 15" 5


    Jet 5 10sp 10" 0

    Jet 15 20sp 15" 5

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    Rocket 25 30sp 20" 10

    Capaciter 5 / +5" /

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    Capaciter10 / +10" /

    Table SI10

    Vehicle Pulse Guns













    Light 3 10" 16" 5 6 2 +5sp1 to


    Medium 5 12" 20" 5 6 2 +10sp 1 to6

    Heavy 8 14" 24" 5 6 2 +15sp1 to


    Table SI11


    Type Cost Damage* Range S/L ToHit S/L Mve Pnlty

    Light (3)3 5 10/20 5/6 +1 sp

    Heavy (5)5 10 15/30 6/7 +2sp

    All Stats for rockets are "per section" except range and ToHit. That

    is, a 3 piece light rocket would cost 12 pts (3 for the base rocket cost

    and 3 for each section) it would deal an unholy 15 points of damage

    (*remember to calculate burst effect (Ouch!))and slow the carrier or

    vehicle by 1.5" per turn.

    Table SI12

    Weapon Enplacements

    SP of



    Penalty Cost

    10 -1" 50

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    20 -2" 60

    30 -3" 70

    T bl SI13

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    Table SI13

    Heavy Weapon Equipment

    Type Cost Function

    Smart Bomb 2 +1 ToHit for rockets

    Anti Personell Payload 2 all rocket damage immediately devided up amoung targets in burst radius

    Targeting Computer 2 +1 ToHit

    Gunnery Computer 5 Vehicle may fire extra weapon

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    Omniverse Jedi

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    So the space rules got ya covered on everything except The Force?

    Well here's the answer!

    The Force rules are divided up into two sections; Force Postulates, which are general, unchanging rules (a kind of Jedi Bill of Rights) and Force Tasks,

    or abilities. There are a few charts and as always, send me comments.

    Force Postulates.

    A)Any Force Usermay attempt any Force Taskat any level of difficulty at any time in the turn, after phase 2 (the initiative roll). However, He

    may not use two Force Tasks in immediate succession (there must be at least one action by an opposing unit between Force tasks). i.e. I move a

    squad, you move a squad, I move a squad and my Jedi levitates a land speeder out of the way to remove your cover. It's still my combat phase so I

    can pick a squad to open fire, or my Jedi can use a normal combat weapon, but I can't use another Force skill until you've taken an action.

    B)A particular force task will have a base difficultywhich the Force User must roll above on 1d10.

    C)Force Users have Force Points(fp) which will be used to enhance Force Rolls or otherwise augment the users chances of completing a task.

    The more points a User has, the more powerful a User he will be.

    D)A Failed attempt at using the Force means loss of the Force for the rest of the Turn! This prevents Force users from attempting infinite numbers

    of actions at once. You can still use the force when you'vre run out of points, but it gets really risky fast. How much risk are you willing to take?

    (Note that if you fail because your roll was modified by another Force User employing the Force against you this Postulate does not apply. (see

    Force Skill #4)

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    E)A User may attempt as many force tasks in a turn as he wishes, however he may only spend up to his total fps in one turn. That is, he may

    divide his Force Points among many force tasks.

    Omniverse Jedi

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    F)You must declare the number of points you are using towards a particular roll BEFORE the die is cast.

    G)There's no "Dark Side" but Force Users may call on the force from there opponents point of view when the're in a bind. when this is done the

    Force User gains up to 2x his normal fp. they must roll greater than their new combined total fp. failure means after the entire turn is resolved, theygo over to the other side, becoming the property of the other player.

    Note that this means if I've got a weak jedi(4fp) and he uses the otherside points to get 8, he's less likely to turn than a more powerful jedi(8fp)

    who would need a higher roll (>16). The younger will be more tempted, the aged will know better.

    H)Force Points cost 2 cp each. Light Sabers cost 10cp and may only be used or built by Force Users. There are no provisions for other Force

    artifacts or creatures at this time.



    Movie Character


    0 Average denizen

    1Luke in A New


    2Luke on Hoth in



    4 Luke after Degobah

    5 Luke after Bespin

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    6Luke on Tattoine in


    7Luke after defeating

    Omniverse Jedi

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    7u e a te de eat g



    9 Kenobi in PhantomMenace

    10Qui-Gon and Darth



    12 Emperor Palpatine


    14 Yoda

    1) Force Field Base Difficulty=5

    The Force User may project a field that can move objects and people. This ability can pe used to simply lift objects and shove people, or the User

    may propell himself as if jumping far or running fast. To lift an item under 5 sp (or hp for creatures) 1" the Force User must roll greater than 5. The

    difficulty increases by 1 for every 5 sp beyond the first 5 and every 1" of movement beyond the first. Force Users may use the field uponthemselves in the same manner to improve movement.

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    example: Jedi bob (5 fp) wants to push a 20 sp speeder bike into a rock 2" away. Bob realizes he'd need to roll greater than an 9 to be successful

    (5+3(20sp bike)+1(1 additional inch). Bob's not liking the odds so he decides to use 3 of his fp to boost his roll. He rolls a 7 (+3=10) and shoves

    the bike into the boulder. The bike takes normal collision damage. Bob now has 2 remaining fp which he may use on other Force Tasks this turn.

    Omniverse Jedi

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    Bob uses Force Field again to dash to an open dorway 6" away. (Bobs movement is 5", he uses force field to push him the extra 1" (difficulty 5)

    and uses his last two Force Points to boost his roll).

    2) Precognition(Force Sight) Base Difficulty= See Chart

    The Force User may peer into the future, before the start of battle, to divine the strengths and weaknesses of his opponent. This may be attempted

    once, and failure does not mean loss of force for the game, however it does mean your opponent gains the advantage you were seeking.

    The Force User spends fp on the ForceStrength he will use to see into the future. He must then roll greater than this number on 1d10. The higher

    the strength, the better the results, but the greater the risk of failure. Of course he may use any fp not spent on strength to augment the roll.


    StrengthResult of Vision

    1 Nothing

    2 See any Secret enemy pieces

    3You may place all debris &structures on field

    of play at start.

    4 Auto initiative all game

    5 +10% to your Army cp

    6 +10% Army cp and Auto Initiative

    7Choose the order of play each turn for the

    whole turn

    8 +15% Army cp

    9 +15% Army cp and any 1 of #2,3,4

    10 +15% Army cp and Choose order of play

    example: Jedi Bob is mustering his forces for a pitched battle against Darth Steve (each army is 100cp) . Bob calls upon the force to divine Steves

    weaknesses and chooses to use Force Strength 4 (costing 4fp). Bob will use his remaining point to boost his roll. Bob rolls a 4(+1=5) he had to roll

    greater than 4 and, thanks to the extra fp, made it. Bob has seen that Steve will be using a standard Mandaloreian tactic and instructs his troopsaccordingly, gaining initiative for the entire game.

    However, Darth Steve (10fp) is also tapping the Force for prophecy and chooses to spend 6 fp for Strength and 4 for a dice boost. He rolls a 7 and

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    easily sees where Bob's men are going to deploy. Darth Steve instructs his Storm Troopers accordingly (which gains him initiative (this balances

    out Bob's) and gives him an additional 10 cp to spend).

    Omniverse Jedi

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    3) Deflect BlowBase Difficulty=Opponents modified ToHit roll

    When a Force User has been hit, he may attempt to deflect the blow by rolling greater than the successful ToHit roll (including any +'s due to skills

    or equipment) of his opponent. If the Force User is employing a light saber he gets a +1 to any deflection roll.

    example: Darth Steve has sprung a trap on Ham Salad. Ham whips out his blaster and squeezes of three shots (he's really fast!!!). He's using aHeavy Blaster so he needs to roll a 5 or greater on each shot to hit. Ham also gets a +2 ToHit 'cause he's really good with a gun. Salad rolls a

    4(+2=6), a 6(+2=8) and a 7(+2=9); all hit this should do an unholy 9 points of damage total!


    Darth Steve deftly raises a hand and, calling on the force, attempts to deflect the blows. For the first one he spends 3 fp. he rolls a 5 (+3fp=8), and

    the first shot is deflected. For the second he uses 2fp and rolls a 7 for a total of 9 (just barely blocked it). And for the last he spends 3 fp, he rolls an

    8 and gets 11 blocking the third. Seeing that he has 2 fp left Darth Steve uses the force to pull the gun from Salad's hand. It's less than 2 sp so he

    must get over a 5. He rolls a 4(+2fp=6); the gun leaps across the room leaving Salad staring at his hand in disbelief.Remember; if Steve had failed just one Force Test, he would have lost the use of the force for the rest of the game!!!

    4) SuggestionBase Difficulty=cp of target (not including equipment)

    A Force User may use the Force to implant simple instructions or cloud the mind of an opponent. Simple instructions means "don't shoot", "stop

    moving", "give me the weapon" or the like. Not "get in the speeder, drive to anchor head and pick up a 6 pack."

    The Force User may use fp to enhance the roll. Defending Force users may block the suggestions used against them by using their fp to reduce the

    results of the suggesters roll.

    example: Jedi Bob (15 cp and 5fp) and Darth Steve(25 cp and 10fp) are locked in saber combat. As they exchange blows and gamble Force rolls

    Darth Steve begins to mess with Bobs head. He is going to suggest that bob use fp from the other side.

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    Darth Steve must get greater than 15 to implant the suggestion. he uses 8 fp, reserving 2 for later in the turn. Steve rolls a 9(+8=17). Success!!!

    "Bob, give in to your icky feelings!"

    Omniverse Jedi

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    Jedi Bob will resist with all 5 of his fp, So steve's result is lowered to 12. Bob is defiant!


    Steve does not loose force ability because he only failed due to out side interference (Bob's use of the Force).

    (Note that in the above example both Steve and Bob must declare the # of points they're spending before Steve rolls).

    5) TelepathyBase Difficulty=See Chart

    The Force User must consult the table below to find the difficulty and may use fp to boost the roll. For game purposes, success has the effect of

    being in communication with the target.

    Conditions Difficulty

    eye contact 7

    line of Sight 8

    out of sight,

    position known9

    out of sight,position



    off game area,

    position known11

    off game area,




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    Omniverse Jedi

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    6) Saber CombatToHit=5 (Must roll greater than a 5 for success)

    This is not a combat skill it's a Force Skill. Saber Combat takes place whenever a Force User chooses to strike at something (not nessecarrily

    during the Users combat phase) and they may attack as often as they like. Remember, one miss (not a deflected blow, I mean I rolled ToHit and got

    a 5 or less) and the User looses Force ability for the turn.

    Darth Steve(10fp) is in combat with his old master Jedi Odi(12 fp)

    Darth has initiative, chooses to strike and uses 3 fp to boost his roll. He rolls a 4(+3=7) and hits. Odi chooses to deflect the blow using 4 fp (he

    gains an additional 1 for using a saber ) he rolls a 4(+5=9)and blocks.

    Odi now strikes back and uses 3 fp to hit with his saber. He rolls a 3 for a total of 6, another hit. Steve Deflects with 2 fp (+1 for the saber) and

    rolls an 8(+3=11) another block.

    at this point Steve has 5 fp left and Odi has 6. It's Steves turn and he chooses to hang back and see how things develop. He advances a squad of

    troopers on another part of the battlefield.

    Odi continues the attack. He spends all 6 fp hoping he can break through Darth Steves defenses. He rolls a 7(+6=13). Darth tries to deflect with 5

    fp (+1 for the light saber) he rolls a 9(+6=15) and deflects.

    It's Darth's turn. Big decision time. He's out of fp for the turn. Odi's out as well. Steve knows that if he misses the roll he looses his powers, but

    Odi may never again be this vulnerable. Darth goes for it. He needs more than a 5 to hit, he rolls a 5, not good enough. He misses and looses his

    grip on the force. He is an average slug for the rest of the turn.

    Saber damage is figured by rolling 1d10. Any Jedi may influence the roll +or- with force points. The attacker may choose to lower the result at his



    Die RollResult

    -1 1 HP

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    0 2 HP

    1Sever right


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    2Sever left


    3 3 HP

    4Sever right


    5Sever left


    6 4 HP

    7Sever right


    8Sever left


    9 5 HP

    10 6 HP

    11 Decapitation

    A Saber will compleetly sever any inanimate object up to 2 studs thick on contact. Larger objects or vehicles

    The Force will be with you, always.

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    Table B1

    Space Tables

  • 8/11/2019 Lego Omniverse RPG Space-SW2


    Types of Men

    Type Move HP Cost


    (SpaceMan)5"/Turn 5 5pts

    FightingMan 4"/Turn 4 4pts

    Man 3"/Turn 3 3pts

    Table S1


    RollDiscipline Range Description

    1 Ha Ha No more Discipline rolls

    2 Nullify InfiniteHalts Opponents active Psy


    3 Playful SlapLine of

    SightDmg:2pts ToHit:Auto

    4 Steele Skin self +5 HP for 1 full turn

    5 Psykik Bolt 18" Dmg:2pts ToHit:Auto

    6 Psykik Extinguish Infinite Halts Opponents active PsyDiscipline

    7 Steele Muscle self +2 Str for 1 full turn

    8 BioMech Pulse 12" Dmg:Disable Machine ToHit:4

    9 Eraser InfiniteHalts Opponents active Psy


    10 Psy Umbrela 5"

    Target invulnerable to all Psy

    for 1 turn

    11 Kinetic Wave 10" Knocks down all in los ToHit:5

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    12THC Short Term

    Memory Loss10" Target looses one turn

    13Sphere of

    Motherly Love2" radius

    All in Sphere are invulnerable

    to Psy action for 1 turn

    Space Tables

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    Motherly Love to Psy action for 1 turn

    14 Psy Restore Touchrestores 1d4 HP (up to original


    15 GateLine of


    Gates Psy to any point Psy can


    16 Mental Intrusion Automatic Initiative next turn

    17Summon Astral


    Astral Shark appears 2" from

    Psy Move 10" HP:5 ToHit:4


    18 Mind Control Touch Gain compleete control ofnon-hero enemy

    19 Dope! No more Discipline rolls





    ALL Psys take1d10 HP


    Table S2

    Psy Items

    Item Cost Abilities

    Psyonic Circutry


    Creates a NullPsy field around wearer

    (immune to all Psy)

    Positronic Boom

    Box 1

    Stores Psy energy for any one Discipline

    for one use

    Alien Crystal 5Allows posseser to use 2 Diceplines per


    Table S3


    Artifact Cost Abilities

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    Sword of Psychic


    Auto Kill Psykik in HtoH when hits,

    ToHit:8 Dam:2

    Blood Grail 5 Psy User can not be Nullified

    ToHit:4 Dam:2(HtH; +2Str +2HP 1 Psy

    Space Tables

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    Alien Symbiot 10ToHit:4 Dam:2(HtH; +2Str +2HP 1 Psy


    Table S4


    Attribute Cost Effect

    Strength 1+1 to (C)


    Agility 1 +1 to (C) ToHit

    Speed .5 +1" Move

    Tough 1 +1 HP



    1 additional


    Initiative 1 +1 on Initiative

    Table S5


    Skill Cost Effect

    Martial Arts 2 Weaponless Combat ToHit:6 Dmg:1

    Marksman 1 +1 to 1 Ranged Weapon ToHit

    Specialization 1+1 ToHit OR Dmg with any 1

    Weapon type

    Tough 1 +1 HP

    Extra Attack 3+1 Attack per Turn with specified


    Initiative 1 +1 on Initiative

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    Use Artifact 1Hero may use any 1 artifact found or


    Table S6

    Space Tables

  • 8/11/2019 Lego Omniverse RPG Space-SW2


    Man Portable Weapons

    Weapon CostS







    ToHitMvePnlty Damage

    Blaster Pistol 1 6" 12" 5 6 0 2

    Heavy Blaster 2 6" 12" 5 6 0 4

    Auto Blaster 2 4" 10" 5 6 0 5

    Gauss Gun 2 12" 24" 5 6 -1" 8Flamer* 2 2" 8" 4 4 0 4(50%cd)

    Gatlin Plasma 5 6" 12" 6 8 -2" 10

    Energy Staff 3 1" 1" 4 7 -1" 6(C)

    ElectroSword 1 1" 1" 5 5 0 3(C)

    Chain Ripper 1.5 1" 1" 4 4 0 3(C)

    VibroPike** 1 1" 6" 5 8 0 2(C)

    Power Ax 2 1" 1" 5 5 -1" 4(C)

    Stun Ax 1 1" 1" 6 6 0 2(C)

    Zap Lance 2 1" 3" 5 6 -2" 4(C)

    * If Hit, Victim has an X% chance of remaining on fire and takeing

    further damage next turn. This continues on consecutive turns

    **Thrown Weapon, SpaceMan must retriev if thrown

    Table S7


    Object Cost Function

    Quantum Accelerator 2

    +2"SR+5"LR+2damage on Blaster


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    Valence Lense 2-2 ToHit SR-1ToHitLR on Blaster


    Shield 3 -1 ToHit

    Body Armor 5 -1 to any damage taken

    Space Tables

  • 8/11/2019 Lego Omniverse RPG Space-SW2


    Body Armor 5 1 to any damage taken

    Power Armor 10 -2 to any damage taken +1 Strength

    Jet Pack 10 Move X2Walkie Talkie 1 Long Range Communication

    Macro Scanner 3 +5"LR -2ToHitSR -1ToHitLR

    Combat Helmet 3 +1 Initiative -1ToHit +1 Range

    Table S8

    Vehicle Construction Cost

    Pt Cost = Body Size (in studs)/2

    Structure Pts

    (SP)=Body Size (in studs)/2

    Armor (extra


    Free (but they do slow you


    Table S9

    Vehicle Locomotion



    Cost Pull Speed SP


    Wheele5 15sp 10" 5

    Med Wheele 10 20sp 10" 10

    Lrg Wheele 15 25sp 10" 15

    Sml Hover

    Jet5 15sp 15" 5

    Med Hover

    Jet10 20sp 20" 5

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    Lrg Hover

    Jet15 25sp 15" 5


    Jet5 10sp 10" 0

    Space Tables

  • 8/11/2019 Lego Omniverse RPG Space-SW2


    Jet 15 20sp 15" 5

    Rocket 25 30sp 20" 10

    Capaciter 5 / +5" /


    Capaciter10 / +10" /

    Table S10

    Vehicle Lazers













    Small 3 8" 12" 4 5 3 0

    Medium 5 10" 20" 4 5 5 +5sp

    Large 8 10" 25" 4 5 10 +10sp

    Table S11


    Type Cost Damage* Range S/L ToHit S/L Mve Pnlty

    Light (3)3 5 10/20 5/6 +1 sp

    Heavy (5)5 10 15/30 6/7 +2sp

    All Stats for rockets are "per section" except range and ToHit. That

    is, a 3 piece light rocket would cost 12 pts (3 for the base rocket cost

    and 3 for each section) it would deal an unholy 15 points of damage

    (*remember to calculate burst effect (Ouch!))and slow the carrier or

    vehicle by 1.5" per turn.

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    Table S12

    Weapon Enplacements

    Space Tables

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    SP of




    10 -1" 50

    20 -2" 60

    30 -3" 70

    Table S13

    Heavy Weapon Equipment

    Type Cost Function

    Link 1Links one weapon to any other weapon of the same type (weapons fire together, at same

    target, but seperate to hit rolls)

    Lazer Capaciter 2 +1 damage for lazers

    Smart Bomb 2 +1 ToHit for rockets

    Anti Personell Payload 2 all rocket damage immediately devided up amoung targets in burst radius

    Targeting Computer 2 +1 ToHit

    Gunnery Computer 5 Vehicle may fire extra weapon

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