Legal Philosophy in the Twentieth Century: The Civil Law World · X TREATISE, 12 (I) - 20TH...


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A Treatise o f Legal Philosophy and General Jurisprudence

Volume 12

Legal Philosophy in the Twentieth Century: The Civil Law World

Tome 1: Language Areas

edited by

Enrico PattaroCIRSF1D and Law Faculty, University o f Bologna


Corrado RoversiDepartment o f Legal Studies and CIRSFID, University o f Bologna

w ith contributions by

M ikhail Antonov, A ndre Jean A rnaud, Jose M anuel A roso Linhares, M anuel A tienza, Carla Henriete Bevilacqua Piccolo, Uta Bindreiter, V ihren Bouzov,

A lexander Bröstl, Pierre Brunet, A gostino Carrino, Veronique Cham peil-Desplats, Svein Eng, Carla Faralli, Tom asz G izbert-Studnicki, Jean Louis Halperin, Jasm inka

H asanbegovic, Carlos M iguel Herrera, Hasso Hofm ann, Adrian-Paul lliescu, Federico Lijoi, Susanna L indroos-H ovinheim o, Ronaldo M acedo, Luis M eneses do Vale, Eric M illard, Ivan Padjen, H enrik Palm er Olsen, M arijan Pavcnik, K rzysztof Pleszka, Benjam in Rivaya, A ntonino Scalone, A lessandro Serpe, A na M argarida

Simöes G audencio, A rend Soetem an, Jose de Sousa e Brito, Constantinos Stamatis, G iuliana Stella, S im ina Tänäsescu, M ark Van Hoecke, Csaba Varga, Rodolfo

V azquez, Jan W olenski

A ssistant Editors: E rica Calardo, F rancesca Faenza, N icoletta B ersier Ladavac, M igle Laukyte, and Filippo Valente

Ö Springer


A N ote on the Authors and the Editors XXI

General Editor’s Preface XXXIII

Preface by the Editors o f Volume 12(by Enrico Pattaro and Corrado Roversi) XXXV

Part O ne - T he G erm an-Speaking Countries

Premise(by Agostino Carrino and Hasso Hofmann) 3

Introduction: Philosophy o f Law and Conceptions o f the World(by Agostino Carrino) 5

Chapter 1 - The Rebirth o f Legal Philosophy within the Frame o f Neo-Kantianism(by Agostino Carrino) 13

1.1. Neo-Kantianism of the Baden School as a Philosophyof Values: Windelband, Rickert, and Lask 13

1.2. The Neo-Kantianism of the Marburg School: Cohen,Natorp, Cassirer 16

1.3. Rudolf Stammler’s Social Idealism 181.4. Emil Lask’s Philosophy of Law 231.5. Ethics and the Science of Law in Hermann Cohen 261.6. Ethics and Law in Paul Natorp (by Federico Lijoi) 291.7. Ernst Cassirer and Natural Law 311.8. Law and Worldviews: Gustav Radbruch’s Three-Dimensional

Conception of Law 341.9. Sovereignty and Legal Consciousness in Leonard Nelson’s

Legal Philosophy 391.10. Fritz Münch’s and Max Ernst Mayer’s Philosophy of Culture 42

1.10.1. The Philosophy o f Culture 421.10.2. Fritz Münch 451.10.3. Max Ernst Mayer's Philosophy o f Law 47


Chapter 2 - Logistic Normativism: The W iener rechtstheoretische Schule{by Agostino Carrino)

2.1. Precursors of the Pure Theory of Law: Frantisek Weyr2.1.1. Introductory Remarks2.1.2. The Law as a Unitary System2.1.3. Validity and Causality2.1.4. The Autonomy o f Legal Science2.1.3. Public Law and Private Law2.1.6. The Hierarchical Structure o f the Legal System

and the "Metanormative”2.1.7. Sein and Sollen2.1.8. Teleology2.1.9. The Practice and Theory o f Law2.1.10. On the Concept o f Sovereignty

2.2. Precursors of the Pure Theory of Law: Hugo Krabbe{by Giuliana Stella)

2.3. Hans Kelsen’s Normativist Logicism (from 1911 to 1934)2.3.1. Substance and Function in Kelsen's Philosophy o f Law2.3.2. The Problem o f Legal Science in Kelsen’s

Pure Theory o f Law2 .3.2 .1. The Disavowal2.3.2.2. The Irrationalism Marking the Second

Phase of the RRL2.3.2.3. The Aporias in the RRL2.3.2.4. What Is the RRL Good For? A Pessimistic Anthropology2.3.2.6. The Basic Norm: Critical Idealism or

Critical Positivism? Formal Logical Natural-Law Theory and

Pacifism2.3.2.8. Kelsen and Hegel2.3.2.9. Kelsen’s Theory of Law as a Logic

of Law2.3.2.10. Between Purity and Reality: The Theory

of Legal Interpretation in the RRL2.4. The Vienna School of Law: Merkl and Verdross

2.4.1. A do lf J. Merkl and the Hierarchical Construction o f Law2.4.2. Alfred Verdross and the Grundnorm o f International Law

2.5. Kelsen’s Critics2.3.1. Introduction2.3.2. Fritz Sander (by Federico Lijoi)2.3.3. Alexander Hold von Ferneck (by Antonino Scalone)


2.5.4. Ernst Schwind: Between History and thePhilosophy o f Law 131

Chapter 3 - The Sociological Philosophy o f Law as an Alternative to Normativism{by Agostino Carrino) 133

3.1. Hermann Ulrich Kantorowicz and the Free Law Movement 1333.2. Ignatz Kornfeld and the Law as Force 1393.3. Eugen Ehrlich and the Foundation of Legal Sociology 1423.4. Karl Georg Wurzel and the Social Dynamics of Law 1493.5. Ernst Seidler and Empirical Social Science 1523.6. Legal Science and Psychology According to Wilhelm Wundt

{by Federico Lijoi) 154

Chapter 4 - From Criticism to the Phenom enology o f Law{by Giuliana Stella) 157

4.1. Introduction: The Genesis of the Method 1574.2. Adolf Reinach and the A Priori Elements of Law 1594.3. Gerhart Husserl and Law between Time and History 1654.4. Felix Kaufmann: The Form and Meaning of Legal Norms 1744.5. Fritz Schreier and Legal Interpretation 180

Chapter 5 - From the Criticism o f Neo-Kantianism to Neo-H egelianism in the Philosophy o f Law{by Agostino Carrino) 189

5.1. The Crisis of Neo-Kantianism in Erich Kaufmann’sPhilosophy of Law 189

5.2. Two Precursors of Legal Neo-Hegelianism: Josef Kohlerand Fritz Berolzheimer 193

5.3. Julius Binder, Founder of the Neo-Hegelian School 1945.4. Karl Larenz up to 1933 2025.5. Walther Schönfeld: From Idealistic Personalism

to Christian Theology of Law 204

Chapter 6 - Law and the State in the Conservative Revolution{by Agostino Carrino) 209

6.1. Law and the State in Oswald Spengler 2096.2. Law and the State in Othmar Spann’s Universalist Philosophy 2126.3. Nihilism, Power, and Bourgeois Law in Ernst Jünger 2166.4. Rudolf Smend and the Constitution as “Integration” 220


Chapter 7 - Marxism in the Philosophy o f Law{by Agostino Carrino) 223

7.1. Anton Menger and “Ex Cathedra Socialism” 2237.2. Austro-Marxism 224

7.2.1. Karl Renner 2257.2.2. Max Adler 230

7.3. Georg Lukäcs, Karl Korsch, and “Western Marxism” 2327.3.1. The Concrete Totality in Georg Lukäcs’s History

and Class Consciousness 2337.3.2. Karl Korsch: From the Free Law Movement

to the Materialist Critique o f Law 2377.4. Hermann Heller: Socialism, the State, and Culture 2417.5. Franz L. Neumann’s Critical Theory of the State 244

Chapter 8 - From Norm to D ecision to the Concrete Order:The Legal Philosophy o f Carl Schmitt[by Agostino Carrino) 247

8.1. Constitutional Theory 2478.2. On European Jurisprudence 256

Chapter 9 - Nazi Philosophy o f Law and o f the State{by Agostino Carrino) 269

9.1. Introduction 2699.2. Race as the Foundation of Law: Helmut Nicolai and Others 2709.3. The Fight against Rights 2729.4. Karl Larenz and the Call to “Renew” Legal Philosophy 2739.5. Reinhardt Höhn: The “State’s Personality”

and the Volksgemeinschaft 2769.6. Franz Jerusalem: From the Individualistic State

to Equality Under the Law 2779.7. Otto Koellreutter: People and the State in the

“Return to Gierke” 2809.8. Anton Baehr and the Fight against Catholicism 282


Chapter 10 - The Developm ent o f German-Language Legal Philosophy and Legal Theory in the Second H alf of the 20th Century(by Flasso Hofmann)

10.1. Introduction10.2. The Shock of Mass Injustice Perpetrated by Law

10.2.1. “The Renaissance o f Natural Law”: Christian and Existentialist Natural Law10.2.1.1. Christian Natural Law10.2 .1.2 . Existential Natural Law

10.2.2. A Legal Philosophy o f Values and the “Radbruch’s Formula”10.2 .2 .1. The Phenomenological/ Ontological,

Sociological and Psychological Justification of Law through Values

10.2 .2 .2 . The Heritage of Neo-Kantianism: The “Radbruch Formula”

10.2.3. Phenomenological Recourse to the “Nature o f Things”10.2.4. The End o f the “Renaissance o f Natural Law”:

The Constitution o f the Federal Republic o f Germany as an “Objective Order o f Values”

10.2.3. Natural Law Revisited: Fending o ff the 1968 Revolution10.3. The Modernization of Scientific Theory during

Times of Reform10.3.1. Times o f Reform— Questioning the Scientific

Character of jurisprudence10.3.2. The Analytical Theory o f Law a?id of Legal

Argumentation10.3.2.1. Legal Theory10.3.2.2. Legal Argumentation Theory

10.3.3. Legal Logic10.3.4. Systems Theory10.3.9. The Hermeneutical Counterpoint: Understanding

Meaning Instead o f Objective Structural Analysis10.4. The Welfare State in Crisis:The Rehabilitation of

Practical Philosophy and the Return of the Idea of Justice10.4.1. Crisis Symptoms and the “Rehabilitation o f

Practical Philosophy”10.4.2. Political and Social Justice10.4.3. Results o f the Renewal o f Practical Philosophy:

Principles o f Legal Ethics and the Procedural Concept o f Law
















XII TREATISE, 12 (I) - 20TH CENTURY: TH E CIVIL LAW WORLD Developing Principles of Legal Ethics 33910.4.3.2. The Procedural Concept of Law:

Discourse Theory 34110.5. Globalization, or: Arriving at World Society 347

10.5.1. The Constitutionalization o f International Laivand the Universalism o f Human Rights 347

10.6. The GDR in Retrospect 35210.6.1. Variations on Marxist Legal Theory 35210.6.2. The Babelsberg Conference and its Consequences 35510.6.3. Remigrants from the West 360

Part Two - The Southern European Countries and France

Chapter 11 - Legal Philosophy in Italy in the 20th Century{by Carla Faralli) 369

11.1. Aspects and Crises of Philosophical Positivism 36911.1.1. The “Humanist-Historicist” Soul o f Philosophical

Positivism in the Legal Domain 37111.1.2. Evolutionary Philosophical Positivism 37611.1.3. Critical Philosophical Positivism 378

11.2. The Reaction against Philosophical Positivism 38111.2.1. Neo-Kantianism 38111.2.2. Neo-Hegelian Idealism 385

11.3. The Demise of Idealism 38911.3.1. Idealism and the Esperienza Giuridica

(the Experience o f Law) 38911.3.2. The Post-war Reaction 392

11.4. Legal Positivism and Analytic Philosophy 39411.5. The Crisis of Legal Positivism 39811.6. The Postpositivist Debate 401

Chapter 12 - 20th-Century Legal Philosophy in France 411

12.1. Introduction {by Pierre Brunet and Veronique Champeil-Desplats) 41112.2. Maurice Hauriou (1856-1929) {by Eric Millard) 414

12.2.1. The Institutional Hypothesis 41412.2.2. The Aporia o f Pluralism 420

12.3. Leon Duguit (1859—1928) {by Carlos Miguel Herrera) 42212.3.1. Towards a “Realist” Epistemology 42212.3.2. The Concept o f Law 42412.3.3. The Theory o f the State 426


12.4. Raymond Carre de Malberg (1861-1935) (by Pierre Brunet) 42812.4.1. The Positivist Theory o f the Sources o f Law 42912.4.2. Legal Analysis o f Legal Concepts 43112.4.3. Carre de Malberg as a Quasi-Positivist 434

12.5. Frangois Geny (1861-1959) {by ]ean Louis Halperin) 43612.5.1. A Time for Renewing French Legal Theory 43712.5.2. The Fear o f an Unbridled Judge-Made Law 43812.5.3. Natural Law as a Line o f Defence Against Social Change 44012.5.4. A Kind o f French Pragmatism? 441

12.6. Michel Villey (1914-1988) {by Andre Jean Arnaud) 44212.6.1. A Specific Approach to Roman Law and Premodern

Legal Scholarship 44312.6.2. A Trenchant Criticism o f Modern Legal Thought 44412.6.3. Going back to Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas 44512.6.4. Natural Law as a Bulwark against Idealism 446

12.7. Michel Troper (1938- ) {by Veronique Champ eil Desplats) 44712.7.1. A Legal Positivist Theory and Metatheory 448 An Epistemological and Methodological Positivism 448 A Positivistic Theory of Law: Law andthe State 451

12.7.2. A Strong Realist Theory o f Legal Interpretation 45212.7.2.1. The Deconstruction of the Ontology

of Legal Norms and the Freedomof Legal Interpreters 452 The Functioning of the Legal System Reconstructed on the Basis of a Theoryof Legal Constraints 454

Chapter 13 - Political History o f 20th-Century Spanish Philosophy o f Law{by Benjamin Rivaya) 457

13.1. The First Three Decades of the 20th Century: Neo-Thomist Academic Monopoly and Modernist Alternatives (1901-1931) 45713.1.1. Philosophy o f Law During the Dictatorship o f Primo

de Rivera and the Crisis o f the Monarchy (1923-1931) 46313.2. The Republican Era: A Pluralist Legal Philosophy

(1931-1936) 46813.3. The Civil War and the Philosophy of Law (1936-1939) 47513.4. Francoism and the Philosophy of Law (1939-1975) 480

13.4.1. The Post-War Period: Reconstruction o f LegalPhilosophy (1939-1975) 480


13.4.2. Autarchy and Openness: Stabilization o f the Philosophyo f Law (1944-1939) 485

13.4.3. Developmentalism and hate Francoism: the Demiseo f Francoist Legal Philosophy (1939-1973) 487

13.5. Democracy and Philosophy of Law (1975-2000) 49113.3.1. Transition and Philosophy o f Law (1973-1982) 49213.3.2. The Philosophy o f Law in Democracy (1982—2000) 496

Chapter 14 - 20th-Century Legal Philosophy in Portugal(by Jose de Sousa e Brito) 503

14.1. Institutional Setting and Cultural Background 50314.2. Philosophy of Law under the Influence of Positivism

and Antipositivist Movements: From Calisto to Delfim Santos 50414.3. The Phenomenology of Law: Moncada 50514.4. The Ontology of Law: Brandäo 50814.5. The Ontology of Law and “Portuguese Philosophy”:

Braz Teixeira 50914.6. Neo-Thomism and Personalism: Gomes da Silva 51114.7. Critical Theory and the Global Social Project: Orlando

de Carvalho (by Jose Manuel Aroso Linhares) 51214.8. Hermeneutics and Discourse: Baptista Machado

(by Jose Manuel Aroso Linhares) 51214.9. Jurisprudentialism: Castanheira Neves

(by Jose Manuel Aroso Linhares) 51614.10. In Neves’s Footsteps: Bronze, Linhares, and Marques

(by Luis Meneses do Vale and Ana Margarida SimöesGaudencio) 519

14.11. Analytical Philosophy of Law: Brito (by Alessandro Serpeand Jose de Sousa e Brito) 522

14.12. Postmodern Philosophy of Law: Santos 526

Chapter 15 - A Historical Survey o f Legal Reasoning and Philosophy in G reece during the 20th Century(by Constantinos Stamatis) 531

15.1. New Insights into Legal Reasoning and Philosophy 53115.2. The Free Interpretation of Law 53215.3. The Formative Function of Jurisprudence 53515.4. A Teleological Model of Legal Interpretation 53615.5. A Positivist Marxist Theory of Law and Legal Reasoning 53915.6. The Period after World War II 542


Part Three - T he Eastern European Countries

Chapter 16 - 20th-Century Legal Theory and Philosophy in Poland{by Tomasz Gizbert-Studnicki, Krzysztof Pleszka, and]an Woleriski) 547

16.1. Introduction 54716.2. The Period from 1900 to 1939 55016.3. The Period after 1945 564

16.3.1. The Multilayered Conception o f Law 56616.3.2. Integrating Inquiries into Law 56716.3.3. Legal Interpretation 56816.3.4. Theory o f Lawmaking 57416.3.5. Rationality in Law and Legal Science; the Methodology

o f Legal Dogmatics 57716.3.6. The Language o f Law 57916.3.7. Positivism and the Anti-Positivist Turn After 1989 581

16.4. Epilogue 583

Chapter 17 - Russian Legal Philosophy in the 20th Century{by Mikhail Antonov) 587

17.1. Introduction 58717.2. The Prerevolutionary Period 58817.3. The Soviet and Post-Soviet Period 60017.4. Conclusion 611

Chapter 18 - 20th-Century Legal Philosophy in Czechoslovakia, the Czech Republic, and the Slovak Republic{by Alexander Bmstl) 613

18.1. The State and the Legal Framework 61318.2. Two Main Legal Journals Survived 61418.3. On the Brno Normativist School of Law 615

18.3.1. Frantisek Weyr as the Leading Intellectualin Czechoslovak Legal Philosophy 616

18.3.2. Later Generations in the Brno School: Jaroslav Krejci, A dolf Prochdzka, Zdenek Neubauer,Ota Weinberger, and Vladimir Kubes 620

18.4. Forty Years on, after 1948 62618.5. The Story of Slovakia (1919-1989) 62818.6. Shortly after 1989: Again Two Stories from the

Philosophy of Law 62918.6.1. The Slovak Republic 62918.6.2. The Czech Republic 630


Chapter 19 - 20th-Century Legal Philosophy in Hungary{by Csaba Varga) 635

19.1. Introduction 63519.2. The Period before World War I: Bödog (Felix) Somlo

(1871-1920) 63519.3. The Interwar Period 637

19.3.1. Gyula (Julius) Moor (1888-1930) 63719.3.2. Barna Horvath (1896-1973) 63919.3.3. The Szeged School 641 Jozsef Szabo (1909-1992) 64119.3.3.2. Istvan Bibo (1911-1979) 64119.3.3.3. Tibor Vas (1911-1983) 642

19.3.4. Istvan Losonczy (1908-1980) 64319.4. The Post-war Period (Communism) 643

19.4.1. Imre Szabo (1912-1991) 64419.4.2. Vilmos Peschka (1929-2006) 64519.4.3. Kalman Kulcsdr (1928-2010) 647

19.5. Contemporary Trends and Perspectives 64819.3.1. Csaba Varga (1941-) 64819.3.2. Andrds Sajo (1949-) 64919.3.3. Bela Pokol (1930- ) 65019.3.4. Hungarian Understanding o f the Law Today 650

Chapter 20 - 20th-Century Legal Philosophy in Other Countrieso f Eastern Europe 653

20.1. 20th-Century Philosophy of Law and General653Theory of Law in Serbia {by Jasminka Hasanbegovic)

20.2. Croatian Legal Philosophy and General Jurisprudence662in the 20th Century {by Ivan Padjen)

20.2.1. History qua Philosophy 66220.2.2. Methods and Concepts 666

20.3. 20th-Century Philosophy of Law in Slovenia{by Marijan Pavcnik) 67420.3.1. The State and the Legal Framework 67420.3.2. The Question o f Legal Positivism 67520.3.3. Perspectives on the Philosophy and Theory o f Law 67720.3.4. Closing Kemarks 680

20.4. 20th-Century Bulgarian Philosophy of Law: From Critical Acceptance of Kant’s Ideas to the Logicof Legal Reasoning {by Vihren Bouzov) 68120.4.1. Bulgarian Philosophy o f Law before 1944 681


20.4.2. Bulgarian Legal Philosophy and General jurisprudencefrom the Communist Period and after 1989 685

20.5. Legal Philosophy and Theories of the State in 20th-CenturyRomania 69020.5.1. Philosophy o f Law (by Adrian-Paul lliescu) 69020.5.2. Theories o f the State (by Simina Tänasescu) 692

Part Four - T he N ordic and L ow Countries

Chapter 21 - Sweden: Legal Philosophy in the 20th Century(by Uta Bindreiter) 697

21.1. Introduction 69721.2. Influences from 1940 to 1960 699

21.2.1. Strong and Abiding: The Influence o f Analytical Philosophy 69921 .2 .1.1. Anders Wedberg (1913-1978) 69921 .2 .1.2 . Konrad Marc-Wogau (1902-1991) 70421.2.1.3. Manfred Moritz (1909-1990) 705

21.2.2. Transitory Influences: Logical Empiricism 70621 .2 .2 .1. Björn Ahlander (1920-1982) 707

21.3. Setting the Stage: Jurisprudence as an Independent Academic Discipline at Swedish Law Faculties 70821.3.1. Tore Strömberg (1912-1993) 71021.3.2. IvarAgge (1903-1978) 71121.3.3. Lars Hjerner (1922-2006) 713

21.4. Influences from 1960 to 2000 71521.4.1. Strong and Abiding Influences 715 Anglo-Saxon Philosophy of Language 71521.4.1.2. Formal Logic 72021.4.1.3. Analytical Jurisprudence 721

21.4.2. Transitory Influences 72721.4.2.1. Rule Scepticism 72721.4.2.2. Coherentism 728

21.4.3. Other Influences 73221.4.3.1. Feminist Legal Theory 73321.4.3.2. Neo-Marxist Legal Theory 734

21.5. Closing Remarks 734


Chapter 22 - 20th Century Legal Philosophy in Denmark(by Henrik Palmer Olsen) 739

22.1. Introduction: Danish Jurisprudence before the 20th Century 73922.2. Viggo Bentzon: From Normative Systems to Judicial

Discretion 74122.3. Frederik Vinding Kruse: An Elitist Interplay in Danish

Jurisprudence 74622.4. Danish Legal Philosophy after Alf Ross 750

22.4.1. Stig Jorgensen: The Critique fromHermeneutics— the Rationality o f Legal Judgment 751

22.4.2. Preben Stuer Lauridsen: Iconoclasm or a New Paradigm? 75422.5. Conclusion: Connecting Danish Legal Philosophy after

Alf Ross to Broader Jurisprudential Movements 758

Chapter 23 - Legal Philosophy in Norway in the 20th Century(by Svein Eng) 761

23.1. Introduction 76123.2. The Origins: Experience and Interests 76123.3. From 1900 to 1945 762

23.3.1. The Ontology o f Normativity 76223.3.2. The Foundations o f Legal Method 764

23.4. After 1945 76823.4.1. The Ontology o f Normativity 768 Torstein Eckhoff and Nils Kristian Sundby 76823.4.1.2. Svein Eng 773

23.4.2. Basic Norms and the Foundations o f Legal Method 77523.4.3. Guidelines 77823.4.4. Competence Norms 77923.4.5. Definitions, Reconstructions and Redefinitions,

and La w as a Definitional Activity 7 8023.4.6. The Fused Modality o f Lawyers’ Propositions

de Lege Lata 78123.5. Some Final Remarks 782

Chapter 24 - Legal Theory and Philosophy o f Law in Finland in the 20th Century(by Susanna Lindroos-Hovinheimo) 785

24.1. The Beginning of the Century 78524.2. Analytical Legal Theory 78624.3. Later Developments in Analytical Legal Theory 787


24.4. Law and Society 78924.5. Theoretical Approaches at the End of the 20th Century 792

Chapter 25 - Legal Philosophy in the Low Countries(by Mark Van Hoecke and Arend Soeteman) 795

25.1. Introduction 79525.2. Before World War II 79725.3. The Early Post-war Period 80025.4. Law and Morals 80225.5. A Justification of Morality? 80525.6. Law and Ideology 80625.7. Justice 80725.8. Judicial Decision-Making 80825.9. Other Areas and Topics 811

Part Five - Latin America

Chapter 26 - 20th-Century Philosophy o f Law in Argentina(by Manuel Atienza) 817

26.1. Introduction. Some Remarks on Argentinian LegalPhilosophy in the First Half of the 20th Century 817

26.2. Argentinian Legal Philosophy in the Second Halfof the 20th Century 81926.2.1. Main Trends until 1976 819 Natural Law 81926.2.1.2. Phenomenology and Existentialism 82026.2.1.3. Analytical Legal Philosophy 82326.2.1.4. Materiahst Philosophy 827

26.2.2. Argentinian Legal Philosophy after 1976 82826.2.2.1. New Developments of Previous Trends 83026.2.2.2. Salient Features of Argentinian Philosophy

of Law in Recent Decades (Post-1976) 83426.3. Closing Remarks 838

Chapter 27 - Philosophy of Law in Brazil in the 20th Century(by Ronaldo Macedo and Carla Henriete Bevilacqua Piccolo) 839

27.1. Introduction 83927.2. Law Courses in Brazil and the Building of a National

Elite: The Legal Legacy before the 20th Century 840


27.2.1. Overview 84027.2.2. The Main Point o f Reference in the Colonial Period 842

27.3. Legal Philosophical Thought in the Early 20th Century 84527.4. The Creation of the School of Philosophy: Professional

Philosophers 84727.4.1. The Foundation o f the University o f Säo Paulo (USP)

and the “French Mission” 84727.4.2. The Main Reference Points 848

27.5. The Tradition of Legal Philosophers and the Brazilian Institute of Philosophy (IBF)—Miguel Reale:A New Chapter in the Philosophy of Jurists 850

27.6. The 1960s: Increasingly Divergent Paths 85527.7. The Beginning of a Difficult Dialogue and a Venture:

Some Overview of the Present Moment 857

Chapter 28 - 20th-Century Legal Philosophy in Other Countries o f Latin America(by Rodolfo Vazquez) 863

28.1. Colombia 86828.2. Costa Rica 87228.3. Chile 87328.4. Mexico 87728.5. Peru 88128.6. Uruguay 88528.7. Venezuela 887

Bibliography 891

Index o f Subjects 1023

Index o f Nam es 1039
