Lee Business Schoolfirstnevada.org/ROBOTICS 2017 2018first roboticsmarketing slides2.pdf · Outline...


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Lee Business SchoolMarketing, Branding, Website Design, Social Media and Content

Lee Business School

Jack Schibrowsky’s Marketing Plannin




• Planning• The purpose of FIRST ROBOTICS

Marketing • FIRST mission• Your mission• Objectives• SWOT analysis• Target market• Marketing and communication strategy• Evaluation• Websites• Social media and content

“Fail to plan; plan to fail!”

All Planning answers three questions.

Where am I ?Where do I want to be?How Do I get there?

The Planning Process

The same is true for Marketing Planning

So Why do need Marketing? After all this is about building robots………

1. Spread the FIRST Robotics Message.2. Bring fame and fortune to your School (and yourself).3. Build Community Awareness and Support.4. Fundraising.5. Increase your chances for success.6. And win the Media and Technology Award, but also the Chairman’s Award, Engineering Inspiration Award, and Entrepreneurship Award.

So Let’s Get Started

Situation Analysis - Where are we now?

Some things to think aboutWhat marketing tools do we have in place?Last year’s Marketing Plan if we have one.Team NameLogoSloganCollateral materialsCommunication Channels: Website, Social media accounts, School Newspaper, Publicity Events, Billboards, etc.Public Relations

SWOT analysis

• List and build.

3. SWOT analysis

Competition for students time, Economy, Negative or Insufficient Awareness

Team size, Time constraints, Novice, Lack of Resources or Mentors, Lack of Experience

Public support and interest, Scholarships, Exposure, Fundraising opportunities

Communication channels, Location, Knowledge, Resources, Mentors, Experience

Where do Want to be? Setting Objectives

First Robotics MissionYour Organization’s MissionThis year’s goals

The FIRST mission

The mission of FIRST is to inspire young people to be science and technology leaders, by engaging them in exciting Mentor-based programs that build science, engineering, and technology skills, that inspire innovation, and that foster well-rounded life capabilities including self-confidence, communication, and leadership.

Elements to be included in your plan:1. Your own mission

• What is your purpose?

• What is it you intend to do?

• How will you do it?

• Is it in line with FIRST?

2. Objectives (goals)

Objectives (goals)

Objective #1 Objective #2

Increase awareness on FB amongst high-school aged students by 15% within two months

What is awareness?

Increase public engagement by 10%

What is engagement/public?

Hold 5 public events to promote our Program and advance the FIRST Robotics Mission

Get 1,000 visits to our website

Acquire 5,000 Facebook Friends

Obtain 1,000 Twitter followers

The Plan – How do we get there?


TARGET MARKET• List all the audiences that your team might contact, attempt to

influence, or serve.

• Included may be:• Business Sponsors: must explain why, how are they going to benefit you, what

will be the returned benefits.• i.e. The team provides exposure and awareness for the sponsors by displaying logos,

links, materials, robots, etc.

• Parent-teacher-student associations: must explain how are they going to benefit you

• Peers (other students)

Your Team Brand – What does it stand for?

• Team Name

• Logo

• Slogans

•Do these match what you want to communicate?

Building and Communicating Your Brand’s Value

• Awareness – Do People know about your team?

• Perceptions – This is worthwhile, etc.

• Perceived Quality/Value of the Brand/Team/Activity

• Associations – Sponsors, team members, advisors

• The end result Why this is important Your Mission

What is your message?



Your customer:Parent teacher student associationsWhere, how, $$,


Your customer:Business Sponsors:Where, how, $$


• Did we achieve what we set to achieve?

• List objectives• How you intended to measure

• Provide measurement results

• Provide % of completion

• Identify ways to improve, maintain, modify

TIPS: Linking objectives to strategy

• Remember:

• You set out some initial objectives

• Always check and write how communicating with your target markets will address those objectives

• Keep it simple, sweet: KISS rule

• Keep it organized

• Use tables when possible

• Make it easy to follow

• Good luck!