Lecture Sensory


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  • 8/10/2019 Lecture Sensory


  • 8/10/2019 Lecture Sensory


    Princip les of Human Anatomy and Physiology, 11e

    Is Sensation Different from Perception?

    Sensationis a conscious or unconscious awareness of

    external or internal stimuli.

    Sensation is any stimuli the body is aware of

    Chemoreceptors, thermoreceptors, nociceptors,baroreceptors

    Perception is the conscious awareness & interpretation of

    a sensation.

    precisely localization & identification memories of our perceptions are stored in the cortex

  • 8/10/2019 Lecture Sensory


    Princip les of Human Anatomy and Physiology, 11e

    Sensory Modalities

    Sensory Modalityis the property by which one sensation is

    distinguished from another.

    Different types of sensations

    touch, pain, temperature, vibration, hearing, vision

    Generally, each type of sensory neuron can respond to

    only one type of stimulus.

    Two classes of sensory modalities

    The general sensesinclude both somatic and visceral

    senses, which provide information about conditions

    within internal organs.

    The special sensesinclude the modalities of smell,

    taste, vision, hearing, and equilibrium.

  • 8/10/2019 Lecture Sensory


    Princip les of Human Anatomy and Physiology, 11e

    Sensory Receptors

    Receptor Structure may be simple or complex

    General Sensory Receptors (Somatic Receptors) no structural specializations in free nerve endings tha

    provide us with pain, tickle, itch, temperatures

    some structural specializations in receptors for touch

    pressure & vibration Special Sensory Receptors (Special Sense Receptors)

    very complex structures---vision, hearing, taste, & sm

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    5/23Princip les of Human Anatomy and Physiology, 11e

    Alternate Classifications of Sensory Receptors

    Structural classification

    Type of response to a stimulus

    Location of receptors & origin of stimuli

    Type of stimuli they detect

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    6/23Princip les of Human Anatomy and Physiology, 11e

    Structural Classification of Receptors

    Free nerve endings



    tickle, itch & ligh


    Encapsulated nerve

    endings-pressure, vibration &

    deep touch

    Separate sensory cells

    -vision, taste, hearing,


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  • 8/10/2019 Lecture Sensory

    8/23Princip les of Human Anatomy and Physiology, 11e

    Classification by Response to Stimuli

    Generator potential

    free nerve endings, encapsulated nerve endings & olfactory

    receptors produce generator potentials Receptor potential

    vision, hearing, equilibrium and taste receptors producereceptor potentials

    Amplitude of potentials vary with stimulus intensity

  • 8/10/2019 Lecture Sensory


    Princip les of Human Anatomy and Physiology, 11e

    Classification by Location


    near surface of body receive external stimuli

    hearing, vision, smell, taste, touch, pressure, pain,vibration & temperature


    monitors internal environment (BV or viscera)

    not conscious except for pain or pressure


    muscle, tendon, joint & internal ear

    senses body position & movement

  • 8/10/2019 Lecture Sensory


    Princip les of Human Anatomy and Physiology, 11e


    Tactile Sensations

    Tactile sensationsare touch, pressure, and vibration plus itchand tickle.

    receptors include

    corpuscles of touch (Meissners corpuscles),

    hair root plexuses,

    type I (Merkels discs)

    type II cutaneous (Ruffinis corpuscles)


    lamellated (Pacinian) corpuscles,

    free nerve endings

  • 8/10/2019 Lecture Sensory


    Princip les of Human Anatomy and Physiology, 11e


    Crude touchrefers to the ability to perceive that something has

    simply touched the skin Discriminative touch (finetouch)provides specific information

    about a touch sensation such as location, shape, size, and

    texture of the source of stimulation.

    Receptors for touch include corpuscles of touch(Meissners

    corpuscles) and hair root plexuses; these are rapidly adapting


    Type I cutaneous mechanoreceptors (tactile or Merkel discs)and type II cutaneous mechanoreceptors (end organs of

    Ruffini) are slowly adapting receptors for touch.

  • 8/10/2019 Lecture Sensory


  • 8/10/2019 Lecture Sensory


    Princip les of Human Anatomy and Physiology, 11e

    Itch and Tickle

    Itchand ticklereceptors are free nerve endings.

    Tickle is the only sensation that you may not elicit onyourself.

  • 8/10/2019 Lecture Sensory


    Princip les of Human Anatomy and Physiology, 11e

    Meissners Corpuscle

    Dendrites enclosed in CT in dermal papillae of hairless skin

    Discriminative touch & vibration-- rapidly adapting

    Generate impulses mainly at onset of a touch

  • 8/10/2019 Lecture Sensory


    Princip les of Human Anatomy and Physiology, 11e

    Free nerve endings found around follicles, detects

    movement of hair

    Hair Root Plexus

  • 8/10/2019 Lecture Sensory


    Princip les of Human Anatomy and Physiology, 11e

    Merkels Disc

    Flattened dendrites touching cells of stratum basale

    Used in discriminative touch (25% of receptors in hands)

  • 8/10/2019 Lecture Sensory


    Princip les of Human Anatomy and Physiology, 11e

    Ruffini Corpuscle

    Found deep in dermis of skin

    Detect heavy touch, continuous touch, & pressure

  • 8/10/2019 Lecture Sensory


    Princip les of Human Anatomy and Physiology, 11e

    Pacinian Corpuscle

    Onion-like connective tissue capsule enclosing a dendrite

    Found in subcutaneous tissues & certain viscera

    Sensations of pressure or high-frequency vibration

  • 8/10/2019 Lecture Sensory


    Princip les of Human Anatomy and Physiology, 11e

    Somatic Tactile Sensations - Summary


    crude touch is ability to perceive something has touched thskin

    discriminative touch provides location and texture of source

    Pressure is sustained sensation over a large area

    Vibration is rapidly repetitive sensory signals

    Itching is chemical stimulation of free nerve endings

    Tickle is stimulation of free nerve endings only by someone els

  • 8/10/2019 Lecture Sensory


  • 8/10/2019 Lecture Sensory


    Princip les of Human Anatomy and Physiology, 11e

    Pain Sensations

    Pain receptors(nociceptors) are free endings that are

    located in nearly every body tissue

    Free nerve endings found in every tissue of body

    except the brain

    adaptation is slight if it occurs at all.

    Stimulated by excessive distension, muscle spasm, &

    inadequate blood flow

    Tissue injury releases chemicals such as K+, kinins or

    prostaglandins that stimulate nociceptors

  • 8/10/2019 Lecture Sensory


    Princip les of Human Anatomy and Physiology, 11e

    Proprioceptive Sensations

    Receptors located in skeletal muscles, in tendons, in and

    around joints, and in the internal ear convey nerve impulsesrelated to muscle tone, movement of body parts, and body

    position. This awareness of the activities of muscles, tendons,

    and joints and of balance or equilibrium is provided by the

    proprioceptiveor kinesthetic sense.

  • 8/10/2019 Lecture Sensory

