Lecture 3: IPv4 cont’d, ICMP, and UDP - KTH · lecture_3 Lecture 3: IPv4 cont’d, ICMP, and UDP...


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Lecture 3: IPv4 cont’d, ICMP, and UDP

Literature:Forouzan, TCP/IP Protocol Suite: Ch 8-9, 11



IPv4 Options• IPv4 options are intended for network testing or debugging• Options are variable size and comes after the fixed header. • Contiguous – no separators• Not required fields, but all IP implementations must include

processing of options– In practice many implementations do not!

• Max 40 bytes - very limited use– Max header length is 60 bytes (fixed part is 20 bytes)


IP Options Encoding• Two styles

– Single byte (only code)– Multiple byte

• Option Code: 1 byte– Copy (to fragments) (1 bit)– Class (2 bits)

• 0 (00): Datagram or network control

• 2 (10): Debugging and measurement

– Number (5 bits)

• Option Length (len): 1 byte, defines total length of option (including code and len fields)

• Data: option specific

code len data

copy class option number


Categories of IP Options

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IP options types

Strict source route9Record route7


Loose source route3

No option1

End of option0



IP Options: Record Route• Each router records its address • The destination processes the trace

– E.g. sends the result back to the sender

• Pointer is ”next available slot”• Source creates an empty list• Every router adds its address.

– Increments pointer

• Limited to nine hops – IP header size limit

len pointercode

First IPv4 addr

Second IPv4 addr


First IPv4 addr

Second IPv4 addr


IP Options: Record Route Example

Note that pointer is an index, starting with code at index 1

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IP Options: Source Route• The sender dictates a path through the network• Strict Source Routing

– The path is exactly as specified.

• Loose Source Routing– Allows multiple hops between successive


• The routers records their addresses– Just like record route

len pointercode

First IPv4 addr

Second IPv4 addr


First IPv4 addr

Second IPv4 addr


IP Options: Source Route Example

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IP Options: Timestamp• Similar to record route, but also adds a timestamp• Source creates an empty list• Every router adds its address and a timestamp.• An overflow field (O-flow) specifies how many routers could

not specify a timestamp.• A flags field specifies the visited router responsibilities

– E.g., add only timestamp or add timestamp + outgoing IP address

Code: 68 Length (total) Pointer O-flow Flags



IP Options: Timestamp cont’d

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Internet Control Message Protocol - RFC 792


ICMP• ICMP is a signalling protocol for IPv4.

– Report IP problems back to sender

– Control and Management

– Considered a part of IP, but uses IP for transfers.

• Query ICMPs– Control purposes

– Examples: Echo, Router advertisement, Timestamp, etc.

• Error ICMPs– Sent when an error in IP detected

– Includes the first 8 bytes of the data field of the original datagram which caused the error.

– Not sent for: icmp errors, broadcasts, fragments, etc . – Examples: Dest unreachable, Redirect, etc.


ICMP Messages

Redirection5Parameter problem12Time exceeded11Source quench4Destination unreachable3


Router solicitation/advertisement10/9Address mask request/reply17/18Timestamp request/reply13/14Echo request/reply8/0


ICMP messagesICMP messages

Error-reportingError-reporting QueryQuery


General Format of ICMP Messages

• Type: specifies type of message• Code: specifies reason for the particular message type

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ICMP Header

• ICMP Header varies depending on type– Example: ICMP Destination Unreachable (type 3)

type (3) code (0-15) checksum

IP header (including options) + first 8 bytes of original IP data

Unused (all 0s)

• ICMP error messages returns original IP datagram• Original IP header (+ options) and 8 bytes of payload

• Example: ICMP Destination Unreachable (UDP packet)




IP header of datagram that generated the error


ICMP Message

0 7 8 15 3116

Common for all types


ICMP Error Reporting• One of the main responsibilities of ICMP

– Recall that IP is an unreliable protocol, and errors may occur

• ICMP does not correct errors– Left to higher level protocols

• Error messages are always sent back to the original source– Because the only information available in the datagram about the

route is the source and destination IP addresses

• ICMP uses the source address of the IP packet to send the error message back to the source (originator)


ICMP Error RestrictionsAn ICMP Error is not returned in response to:

– A datagram carrying another ICMP Error

– A datagram destined to IP broadcast or multicast address

– A datagram sent as link-layer broadcast (e.g., Ethernet)

– An IP fragment other than the first

– A datagram whose source address does not define a single host (e.g.,

• Reason is the risk of creating:– Loops

– Packet explosions (broadcast storms)


ICMP Error Reporting Messages

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ICMP Destination UnreachableDifferent types (Code 0-15):

• Code 0 – network unreachable– Returned by routers

• Code 1 – host unreachable– Returned by routers

• Code 3 – port unreachable– Returned by hosts when UDP/TCP port does not


• ... (Code 0 – 15 are defined)


ICMP Source Quench Error• Attempt to add a kind of flow control to IP!• ICMP source quench may be generated if the system

receives data faster than it can process it• New Router Requirements RFC: routers should not

generate source quench errors– Consumes network bandwidth

– An ineffective and unfair fix for congestion

• Thus, for reliability you have to do end-to-end (transport level) flow control, error checking, and use acknowledgements– TCP


ICMP Time ExceededThis type (11) of error message is sent in 2 cases• Code 0: when TTL is zero after decrementation, the router

discards the datagram and sends an ICMP Time Exceed back to the source

• Code 1: when all fragments of a datagram do not arrive at the destination host within a certain time limit– Timer is started at reception of first fragment


Tool Using ICMP: Traceroute• Traceroute traces a path to a destination by exploring every

IP hop on the way– Note: only receiving interfaces are traced, not sendig.

• Traceroute algorithm uses two steps:1. Set small TTL fields and receive ICMP time exceeded incrementally

2. When final host reached, use unlikely UDP port and get ICMP portunreachable back

• Alternative: use an IP datagram with record route option– But this is not always implemented

– Limited number of hops can be traced due to maximum size of IP options

– (Record route records IP addresses if outgoing interfaces)


ICMP Parameter Problem• Code 0: Main IP header field problem

– Pointer points to byte with problem

• Code 1: Problem in IP option field– Pointer not used

• IP routers and hosts do sanity checks on IP header

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ICMP Redirect – concept • ICMP Redirect is sent by a router (R1) to the sender of an

IP datagram (host) when the datagram should have been sent to a different router (R2)

(1) IP datagram

(2) IP datagram

(4) Subsequent IP datagrams

(3) ICMP Redirect



ICMP Redirect – message format• Code 0: Redirection for network specific route• Code 1: Redirection for host specific route• ...

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ICMP Query Messages

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Echo Request and Reply

• Can you think of a widely used program that uses ICMP Echo request/reply?

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Ping uses ICMP Echo Request/Reply• Ping tests host reachability. • Uses ICMP echo request/response,

– Almost all IP implementations support Ping server.

• Sends an ICMP echo request to a node• Server replies with ICMP echo response• With IP record route (RR) option, the route of the ping

datagram can be traced

...ICMP Echo Respond

ICMP Echo Request


Timestamp Request and Reply

• Can be used to calculate round-trip time– Even if clocks are not synchronized

• Can be used to synchronize clocks if one-way duration is known

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Address-Mask Request and Reply

• Can be used by diskless clients to find out the address mask– Recall that RARP gives only the IP address

• Not used very much– Other protocols (DHCP, BOOTP) are used for autoconfiguration

(later lecture)

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Router Solicitation/Advertisement

• On booting, hosts send ~3 ICMP router solicitation messages (~3 seconds apart) to find a default router. – Dynamic discovery of the default router.

• Routers periodically broadcast or multicast advertisements of their existence and desire to provide routing service

• Advertisements typically every 450 - 600 seconds

• Advertisements have a stated lifetime (typically 30 minutes)• Seldom implemented

– Mobile IP discovery mechanisms

– IPv6


ICMP Summary• Destination Unreachable

– Network/Host/Protocol/Port/...

• Time Exceeded – TTL expired– Used in the traceroute tool

• Parameter problem– IP header error

• Source Quench – Requests source to decrease its

data rate.

• Redirect – Tell source to send its

messages to a “better address”

• Echo Request/Echo reply– For testing (e.g., “ping” program

sends an Echo request)

• Timestamp Request/Reply– Clock synchronization– RTT

• Address Mask Request/Reply– Diskless systems

• Router Solicitation and Advertisment– Hosts query routers– Routers advertise presence and



IP and ICMP Summary• IPv4 is engineered to solve problems encountered at the

network level• Each field in the IPv4 header addresses a networking issue

– Logical addressing– Different L2 characteristics (MTUs)– QoS– Bit errors– Multiplexing

• The control and error mechanism of IP is provided by ICMP• IPv4 is a very successful protocol, but there are many flaws

and unused features– IPv6 has cleaned up the IP layer considerably


Transport Layer


Transport LayerResponsible for end-to-end delivery of entire messages – Service-point addressing (Protocol Port or Port Number)

• Address the specific running process on a computer

– Segmentation and Reassembly

• Divide message into transmittable segments and reassemble message at receiver

– Connection Control

• For connection-oriented transport protocols

– End-to-end Flow Control (in contrast to link level flow control)

– End-to-end Error Control (in contrast to link level error control)


TCP/IP Transport Layer Protocols2 transport layer protocols in the TCP/IP stack• UDP – User Datagram Protocol

– Connectionless unreliable service

• TCP – Transmission Control Protocol– Connection-oriented reliable stream service

Telnet FTP DNS. . .TCP UDP


Underlying link technology


Protocol PortsUltimate source/destination of/for a transport level message is a protocol


• A process sends/listens to a protocol port (identified with an integer)

• Most operating systems provide synchronous access to ports– A process gets blocked if it attempts to extract data from a port prior to

arrival of data

• In general, ports are buffered

– Data arriving before a process is ready to accept is placed in a (finite) queue

• To communicate with a port, sender needs to know both the IP address of the machine and the protocol port number within the machine

• The combination of an IP address and a port number is called a socket

• Each message must carry destination port and source port


Port Numbers in Three Groups

• Servers are normally known by their well-known port number (e.g., 80 for HTTP). Assigned and controlled by IANA

• Dynamic ports are ephemeral and can be used by any process (normally used by client processes)


Dynamic ports49152 .. 65535

Registered ports1024 .. 49151

Well-known ports0 .. 1023



User Datagram Protocol - RFC 768


UDPUDP – User Datagram Protocol

• Datagram-oriented transport layer protocol• Provides connectionless unreliable service

• Provides optional end-to-end checksum covering header and data

• Provides no feedback to control data rate• An UDP datagram is silently discarded if checksum errors

• UDP messages can be lost, duplicated, or arrive out of order

• Application programs using UDP must deal with reliability problems– DNS, DHCP, SNMP, NFS, VoIP, etc. use UDP

– An advantage of UDP is that it is a base to build your own protocols on


UDP Message Format

16 bit source port number 16 bit destination port number

16 bit UDP length 16 bit UDP checksum

data (if any)

0 15 16 318 byte header + possible data

UDP dataUDP headerIP header

20 bytes 8 bytes 0..(216 – 1) – (20 + 8 ) = 65507 bytes

UDP datagramIP datagram

• UDP length field is redundant, since the IP software can pass this info to UDP


UDP Checksum and Pseudo-header• UDP checksum covers

– application data, UDP header,a pseudoheader, and pad byte (if needed)

• Purpose with pseudo-header:– double-check that packet arrived to correct destination

– check that IP delivered the packet to the correct protocol (UDP/TCP)

• Pseudoheader and pad byte not transmitted, only used for computation

32-bit src IP addr

32-bit dst IP addr

All 0s 8-bit protocol 16-bit UDP total length

16-bit src port number 16-bit dst port number

16-bit UDP total length 16-bit checksum

Data, padded to multiple of 2 bytes (16 bits)


UDP header


Maximum UDP Datagram Size• Theoretical limit: 65,535 bytes - due to (IP’s) 16-bit total length field

– with 20 bytes of IP header + 8 bytes of UDP header ⇒ 65,507 bytes of user data

• Two limitations:

– sockets API limits size of send and receive buffer; generally 8 kbytes, but you can call a routine to change this

– TCP/IP implementation - Stevens found various limits to the sizes - even with loopback interface

• Hosts are required to handle at least 576 byte IP datagrams lots of protocols limit themselves to 512 bytes or less of data to avoidfragmentation



UDP Summary

• Transport Layer Basics

– end-to-end delivery of messages


– a fairly simple connectionless protocol
