LECTURE 22-NORTH-SOUTH Rich North-Poor South North is a loose partmanteau concept used to refer to...


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• Rich North-Poor South• North is a loose partmanteau concept used

to refer to Advanced Industrial countries (AICS). It is popular in issues pertaining to political economy and in terms of developmental models. Its sometimes regarded as being synonymous with the growth of first world.


• South – a collective name used in the context of political economy to identify a group of state actors. According Brandts Report 1980 denotes “developing” and “poor”

• Gillo and Law 1988 criticise the south as contestable label but proceed to use it.

• The case against using the term at all in the analysis of world politics is that there is so much differentiation as to render it useless.


At the top of the end of the range of southern states are the NICs AND THE MORE WEALTHY OPEC member states. At the bottom end of the range “famine belt” states of the Forth World.

• Debt is endemic in parts of the South and this can be used as a measure of differentiation.

• North-South is a dichotomous term used to identify one of the most pervasive bi-polar divisions in the current global system


The relationship between the North and South has grown in significant since the collapse of colonialism and the emergence of the Third World in the 1950s.

• The Viscard commitment of these new states to foreign policy orientation various describes as positive Neutralism or Non Alignment meant in the new issue area of security politics, the south would rigorously oppose attempts by the North to secure adhesions to Northen dominated cold war coalitions.


• The dichotomy between the two is found in wealth and welfare political economy.

• The dependence of the south upon the North for AID and trade in order to generate income and meet developmental goals has meant that in the context of ….. North-south refers to bilateral and multilateral relationships that are entitled.

• It aught to be understood that the concept is not state centered- MNCs which are based in the North and are involved in the Primary and secondary industrial production in the south are an equally valid picture of north and south interaction.


The early 1960s onwards the southern states begun to use their majority in the UN to press for greater attention to paid to their aspirations and concerns.

• It was pressure from the south that largely created the United Nations conference on Trade and Development UNCTAD in 1964 and it was the southern economist such as Plebish that provided the intellectual framework for the series of demands for a new deal on world trade that accompanied UNCTAD process.


Untill the success of OPEC in the early 1970s the terms upon which North South economic relations were very unequal.

• The OPEC cartel seemed to point to new possibilities of strenthening and bargaining position of the South and a comprehensive checklist of demands was presented under the New International Economic Order (NIEO)

• OPEC and the first oil shocks would seem to have been a window opportunity which was not entered.


• Conservative forces within OPEC collaborated with the Northern financial system to rely on recycle petro dollars and oil importing advanced industrial countries AICS were able within short term to finance their debtors accordingly.

• Other commodity cartels were not established and indeed by accident the OPEC action hit Southern oil Importers harder than their northern counter parts.


• The Petro Dollars recycling contributed to subsequent debt crisis particularly in Latin America.

• The unintended consequence of OPEC and the first oil shock was to derive a link between oil producers in the south and the rest.

• The growth of Newly Industrialised Countries (NICS) and the Putative NICS constitute another break in Southern solidarity.


• Realism would suggest that unless and untill the south can produce more bargaining chips of OPEC genre, they will have a difficult time trying agreement from north on structural change.

• Within the North the main systematic changes are associated with the of US regional capabilities to determine systematic outcomes.

• The US now shares predominance with EU and Japan. This meant that the north speaks with a number of voices vis a vis the South.


• An example can be drawn in the after-math of the oil shocks when US sought to be confrontational in opposition to Europeans and the Japanese.

• On issues of Trade the North has shown preference to GATT system rather the UNCTAD.

• Everthing can be understood in the context of globalisation.

• Four pespectives on globalisation


1.      progress• Influence of mordenisation theory• Giddens “mordenity is inherently globalising”• Linear process (es)• Universal goals• Driven by reason• Stages of development (struggling to catch up)


• Question: Are we following one path or the paths are too many. FUKUYAMAN THESIS (end of history and the last man) or HUNTINGTON THESIS (clash of civilisation- the west and others)

• The end of diversity – “everywhere everything gets more and more like everything else as the world’s preferences structure is rentelessly homogenised”


• Cultural sychronisation• 1.      Global capitalism• Globalisation is seen as universal capitalism• World systems, dependency theorists.• Spread of capitalism: McDonaldisation,

cocacolinisation• Loss of local control, meaning, culture• Resistance, delinking


• 1.      Americanisation• Cultural imperialism• Emphasis on values, traditions, religion, versus decadence

of the west.• 2.      Indegenisation, localisation (complexity, hybridity,

contradiction)• Robins “globalisation is ordinary”• Fluid and Permeable boundaries• Complexity and diversity• Networks, flows,


• Glocalisation- global phenomenon takes local forms.