Lecture 1



Lecture 1. Learning Objectives To use set notations To apply operations (union, intersection) on sets To define de Morgan’s Laws for sets To define relations on sets To define set partitions. Set Theory. Set is a collection of objects The { } notation for sets - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Lecture 1

Lecture 1Learning ObjectivesTo use set notationsTo apply operations (union, intersection) on setsTo define de Morgans Laws for setsTo define relations on setsTo define set partitionsRMIT University, Taylor's University1Set TheorySet is a collection of objectsThe { } notation for sets

Example:X = { x | x is the alphabetical letter of English }

RMIT University, Taylor's UniversityThe element of SetThe objects are called the elements of a setWe use to denote the elements of a set.

x is an element of the set A

x is a member of A

x belongs to ARMIT University, Taylor's UniversityThe size of a set is called cardinality.The notation of cardinality is | |.Example:X = { x | x is the alphabetical letter of English }X = { a, b, c, , x, y, z }

| X | = 26

The element of Set

A singleton (a 1-element set)26 is the size or cardinality of XRMIT University, Taylor's UniversityThe Null Set / Empty Set

Examples: The set of numbers x such that x2 = -1.

The set of students who are doing Industrial Training and taking MATH 2111.RMIT University, Taylor's UniversityInfinite SetsThe set of all nonnegative integersN = {1, 2, 3, } (often used)N = {0, 1, 2, 3, } (in Maurer & Ralston)

The set of all integersZ = {, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, }

The set of all rational numbersQ (quotients of integers or fractions)

The set of all real numbers, RCountably infiniteorCountableUncountably infinite or UncountableRMIT University, Taylor's UniversityNotations of Set

X is contained in Y

X is a subset of Y

Every element of X is also in Y.

RMIT University, Taylor's UniversityExample X = {1, 2, 3, 6, 7} Y = {4, 5, 6, 7, 8} Z = {2, 3, 6, 7}

RMIT University, Taylor's UniversityMore on Subsets

Note that the null set is regarded as a subset of every set, including itself.RMIT University, Taylor's UniversityExampleLet A = {a, b, c} = {b, c, a}. List all subsets of A.

(the no-element subset){a}, {b}, {c} (the 1-element subsets){a, b}, {a, c}, {b, c} (the 2-element subsets){a, b, c} (the 3-element subset)RMIT University, Taylor's UniversityThe 8-element Boolean AlgebraA{a, b}{a, c}{b, c}{a}{b}{c}RMIT University, Taylor's UniversityPower SetsThe set of all subsets of a given set X

Example: A = {a, b, c}

RMIT University, Taylor's UniversityTheorem

RMIT University, Taylor's UniversityOperations on SetsThe union of X and YThe set of all elements in X or Y

The intersection of X and YThe set of all elements in X and Y

RMIT University, Taylor's UniversityVenn Diagrams

XYXYRMIT University, Taylor's UniversityExample


b fcdeXYRMIT University, Taylor's UniversityComplement of Y relative to XX Y or X \ YThe set difference

XYRMIT University, Taylor's UniversityDisjoint SetsTwo sets are disjoint if they dont intersect

is called the disjoint union of X and Y

denoteRMIT University, Taylor's UniversityDisjoint Union of X and Y

XYRMIT University, Taylor's UniversityUniversal SetOften we have a universal set U consisting of all elements of interest.So every other set of interest is a subset of U.

XUThe complement of XRMIT University, Taylor's UniversityLemma: de Morgans Law for Sets

RMIT University, Taylor's UniversityExample U = {1, 2, , 10} X = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} Y = {2, 4, 6, 8}Find:

RMIT University, Taylor's UniversityExamples of Some Other Sets

RMIT University, Taylor's UniversityCardinality of Set UnionsFor finite sets X and Y,

RMIT University, Taylor's UniversityRelations on SetsLet X, Y be sets. A relation between X and Y is a subset of the Cartesian product Let R be the relation from X to Y

So a relation is a set of ordered pairs of the form (x, y), where x X and y Y

RMIT University, Taylor's University25Cartesian coordinateRelations on Sets

Read as x rho y, to say that x is -related to yLet be a relation from x to y, andWe write,RMIT University, Taylor's UniversityExample 1

Any subset of R is a relation from X to Y.

and 61 moreLet R be the relation from X to Y.RMIT University, Taylor's UniversityExample 2:


If we define a relation R from X to Y by

if y subtract x is a even number.

We obtain

The domain of R is

The range of R is

RMIT University, Taylor's UniversityRelation on SetsWhen X = Y, a relation between X and Y is called a relation on X

Any subset of X2 is a relation on X2 .

RMIT University, Taylor's UniversityExample 3

Let R be the relation on X

Define by if


y2357x2357XXRMIT University, Taylor's UniversityProperties of Relations: reflexiveLet be a relation on X. is reflexive if

Example 4:Let A = {1, 2, 3} and be a relation on A defined as

Therefore, is reflexive

y123x123AARMIT University, Taylor's UniversityLet be a relation on X.

is symmetric if

Example 5:Let A = {2, 3} and be a relation on A defined asx y if and only if x + y is odd integer.

Properties of Relations: symmetric

is symmetric RMIT University, Taylor's UniversityProperties of Relations: transitive is transitive if for all If and , and

Example 6:Let A = {1, 3, 4} and be a relation on A defined asx y if and only if

RMIT University, Taylor's UniversityEquivalence RelationsA relation on a set X is said to be an equivalence (relation) when it is reflexive, symmetric and transitive.Example 6 is a equivalence relation.

RMIT University, Taylor's UniversityCongruence modulo na is congruent to b modulo n when (a b) is an integer multiple of n

Usually we want a and b to be integers

for some integer tRMIT University, Taylor's UniversityExampleX = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}. Define on X by x y if x y (mod 3). Write down as a set of ordered pairs.

= {(1,1), (1,4), (1,7), (2,2), (2,5), (3,3), (3,6), (4,1), (4,4), (4,7), (5,2), (5,5), (6,3), (6,6), (7,4), (7,7)}RMIT University, Taylor's UniversityCongruence modulo nIt can be shown that the relation a b (mod n) is always an equivalence relation on Z and its subsets

I.II.III.RMIT University, Taylor's UniversityApplications4 oclock + 12 hours = 1600 hours = 16 oclock = 4 oclockThis is because 4 16 (mod 12)

8 oclock + 12 hours = 2000 hours = 20 oclock = 8 oclockThis is because 8 20 (mod 12)

Coding theory is based on arithmetic modulo 2RMIT University, Taylor's UniversityPartitionsGiven a equivalence relation on a set X, we can partition X by grouping the related elements together.

A partition is a set of disjoint, nonempty subsets of a given set X whose union is X

Essentially, a partition divides X into subsets

RMIT University, Taylor's UniversityExample 6 (revisited)

X = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}. Define on X by x y if x y (mod 3). Write down as a set of ordered pairs.

= {(1,1), (1,4), (1,7), (2,2), (2,5), (3,3), (3,6), (4,1), (4,4), (4,7), (5,2), (5,5), (6,3), (6,6), (7,4), (7,7)}Theorem:Equivalence classes of X given by the relation .

For every equivalence relation there is a corresponding partition, and vice versaRMIT University, Taylor's UniversityExample1 4

72 5 3 6 The partition corresponding to is often denoted by .

Here: = {{1,4,7}, {2,5}, {3,9}} RMIT University, Taylor's UniversityExampleConsider the following collections of subsets of S = {1, 2, 3, , 8, 9}:[{1, 3, 5}, {2, 6}, {4, 8, 9}][{1, 3, 5}, {2, 4, 6, 8}, {5, 7, 9}][{1, 3, 5}, {2, 4, 6, 8}, {7, 9}]Which of the above is a partition of S?RMIT University, Taylor's University42Only 3 is a partition of S.THE ENDRMIT University, Taylor's University
