Learning to Program With Alice Wanda Dann (wpdann@ithaca.edu) Stephen Cooper (scooper@sju.edu) Randy...


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Learning toProgramWith Alice

Wanda Dann (wpdann@ithaca.edu)

Stephen Cooper (scooper@sju.edu)

Randy Pausch (pausch@cmu.edu)

Alice is a solution to thecurrent big problem in

Computer Science Education:

Attracting and Retaining Students

This isn’t just about selling books.

It’s about keeping America economically competitive.

And about eighteen year-olds not dropping a computer science major due to frustration and


You are going to revolutionize the way students learn to

program computers.

Alice is:Software + a Book

The Alice Software

• A 3D interactive animation environment

• A tool for teaching fundamental programming concepts– object oriented

• System developed at Carnegie Mellon


• We’ll demo Alice for you

• And leave you with a copy on your tablet computer you can play with.

• If time permits, you will all writeyour own computer program today!

A Demo of Alice…

The Alice Approach• Uses 3D graphics to engage students• Has a “smart” drag-and-drop editor that prevents

syntax errors

• Appeals to wide audience– Storytelling

• (young women, minority students)

– Interactive computer games • (young men)

– Not threatening; Alice builds students’ confidence

Key Alice Features

• Makes objects something students can see and relate to

• Has a java syntax mode to ease the transition to C++/Java/VB.net

Textbook Features• Emphasizes design using storyboards

• Supports varying instructional approaches– “objects-early” – “objects-first"

• Allows an (optional) early introduction to events

• Color screen captures illustrate step-by-step construction of programs

Schools using Alice 2004-2005• Bucknell University• California Lutheran University• California State University at

Humboldt• Camden County College• Carnegie Mellon University• Clemson University• Colorado School of Mines• Community College of

Philadelphia• Cornell University• Duke University• Georgetown College• Haverford College• Ithaca College• Manor College

• Mississippi Valley State University • Plymouth State University• Saint Edward’s University• Saint Joseph's University• Saint Lawrence College• San Diego State University• Sierra Nevada College• Southwestern University• Tompkins Cortland Community

College• University of Colorado• University of Illinois• University of Mississippi• Virginia Tech

• And several high schools

How Alice is being used

• In pre-CS1 – course for majors and students considering a CS


• As conceptual introduction in CS1, followed by a transition to Java/C++/VB

• Introduction to programming course – non-majors (in business schools, for example)– attract students to become CS majors

• Computer literacy– problem-solving component

• Pre-AP in high schools

Results of NSF-supported study

• As used towards retention of CS majors– GPA in CS1 improved

• Grades went from C to B• at-risk students (students with little to no prior

programming experience and/or weak mathematics background)

– Increased retention into CS2 from 47% to 88%

– Improved attitudes towards computing


• The software: www.alice.org– Includes forums for discussion/help

• Supplementary instructional materials and solutions to exercises in the text: www.aliceprogramming.net– lectures– labs– assignments– sample chapter of the text– sample virtual worlds (programs)

Commonly Asked Questions

• How much does the Alice software cost?– It is free! (and open source)

• Does Alice run on the Macintosh?– Yes! Download Mac version from www.alice.org

• Where can I go for instructor support materials?– www.aliceprogramming.net

• Is Alice hard to install?– Just copy files to the hard drive; no “install”

Commonly Asked Questions, Cont.

• Isn’t Alice just a toy? (it looks so “Fisher-Price”!)– No -- Alice contains all the features of “real” languages– Students can write 3,000 line programs in Alice

• How do students go from Alice to Java?– They have learned the concepts in Alice, then learn syntax in Java– They have built confidence and are more persistent

• Is there any “hard evidence” that Alice works?– Yes! An NSF study on “at risk” CS1 students who used Alice…

• Increased grades from C to B• Retention (into CS2) went from 47% to 88%


Wanda Dann (wpdann@ithaca.edu)

Stephen Cooper (scooper@sju.edu)

Randy Pausch (pausch@cmu.edu)
