Learning Spaces



"Only that which does not teach, which does not cry out, which does not condescend, which does not explain, is irresistible.” W.B.Yeats

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LEARNING SPACESBlog: http://aspaceforlearning.wordpress.com/

Ryan Hamill, Eoin McElroy of Idir Architecture & Thomas Campbell, Kaleb Honer, Barry Faulkner of Dundalk Grammar School

“Only that which does not teach, which does not cry out, which does not condescend, which does not explain, is irresistible.” W.B.Yeats





The collaboration between Idir Architec-ture and Dundalk Grammar School transi-tion year students investigated and developed the students understanding and awareness of space in general. Rather than focussing on the specifics of a particular learning space we chose to explore both internal and external spaces within the context of the school, the negative, positive and neutral affects of these spaces, to help uncover phenomenon which require transforma-tion. All issues raised are common to most schools and therefore broadly applicable.

Following a series of interactive workshops the overriding theme throughout this pro-cess has been the concept of

LEARNING SPACE > Physically & Perceptually, by breaking through familiarity with student mappings of their context.> Conceptually, by a number of methods such as setting out a typical classroom externally to create an experimental learning space. > Virtually via http://aspaceforlearning.wordpress.com/......allowing a continuous flow of information and visual links be-tween the transition year students and Idir Architecture whilst also documenting the workshop process.

DESIGN IDEA……LEARNING BUBBLE addresses a number of issues following our discussions with the students. “Buildings too spaced out, wasted walkways.........pre-fab room too cold, bleak, cages on windows....worst thing on a Mon-day morning.” Barry Faulkner

AESTHETICS. Due to the lack of cohesion to the existing school buildings, incremental additions over time and proliferation of the uninspiring mundane pre-fabricated solution.

EFFICIENCY. Long journey times between classes, relative permanence of the ‘tempo-rary’ pre-fab solution and disused spaces on the school grounds.

“Interesting or different kind of rooms are more inspiring to learn in”Kaleb Honer

The ‘Post-Fab’ Learning Bubble aims to re-place the lowest common denominator for temporary learning spaces that is the ‘pre-fab’.

Provide something light and stimulating at a cheaper cost both ENVIRONMENTALLY and ECONOMICALLY.

Allowing greater FLEXIBILITY with regard to siting and internal usage. Bubbles can be easily erected, deflated, moved, stored and inspire.

The idea is both an INDEPENDENT and MULTI-USE SPACE and incorporates the pos-sibility of new forms of teaching methods and student engagement, moving away from the typi-cal uniform layouts.The space is free to arrange and appropriate.






Following the students ‘experience mapping’ workshop we propose to ex-tend this opportunity for all students to overlay their own readings and spa-tial interpretations onto a large scale Dundalk Grammar School context map. Framed within a temporary space the large scale context map will be fixed to the walls and floor as shown for users to interact and overlay their own thoughts/experiences. As a further extension of the ‘LEARN-ING SPACE’ workshops, we propose that students will complete a stop motion picture as part of Phase 2. We wish to model a prototype ‘post-fab learning bubble’ with the students which will be documented as part of the stop motion picture. The purpose of which is to further explore the students knowledge and understanding of space as a formative concept and to importantly involve them in the design and making process of Architecture. The stop motion piece will be project-ed within the exhibition space.

“I always thought Architecture was just about construction and never re-alised it could be so creative and about different ideas” Thomas Campbell

E xhibition

P recedent: http://www.raum-labor.net/?p=1799



> Stop Motion Video

> Boards Showing Workshops

> Printed Map of School and Context