Learning Intention: Students will be able to (SWBAT...


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12 VCAL Literacy Unit of Work #1

Nature vs Nurture

Genes or Environment?

What makes you, you?

Student Name:

Learning Outcomes:Reading and writing for knowledgeReading and writing for self-expressionOracy for self-expression

What has made me who I am?

Learning Intention: Students will be able to (SWBAT) brainstorm, discuss and write an explanation that explains what makes them who they are.

Success Criteria:I can create a brainstorm about myself.I can participate in class discussion.I can write a 200word explanation.

Task 1: What has made me who I am?

I. What are the five most important things that make up who you are, your identity? Write down one thing per sticky note and then stick on the white board.

II. Read aloud what each of your classmates has identified.III. What categories can these sticky notes be placed into?

IV. What has influenced you to be the person you are today? Fill out the table below and on the next page.

PeopleFamily/Relatives Friends Teachers/Coaches Other

PlacesHome Special Places Holidays Other

StoriesBooks Television Movies Family Stories

AnimalsPets Wild Animals Insects Other

LeisureGames Entertainment Music Other

Task 2:

Use the outline below to create a visual representation of what you have identified in task 1. Alternatively, you may like to write a 200word explanation that summarises task 1.

Getting Your Knowledge Ready

Learning Intention: SWBAT get their knowledge ready about a film as text.

Success Criteria:

I can define and use key vocabulary in a sentence.I can make a prediction.I can label a world map.

Task 1: Key Vocabulary

I. Study the key words below. Do you know the meaning of these words? Could you use each of these in a sentence?

II. Choose 10 of the key terms and use these words in a sentence to show your understanding.

Key Term Sentence

Task 2: Making Predictions

I. Watch the film trailer provided and make a prediction of what you believe the film is about.(http://twinstersmovie.com/our-story/#our-story-1)

Task 3: Mapping Key Locations

‘Twinsters’Learning Intention: SWBAT analyse and respond to the film ‘Twinsters’.

Success Criteria:

I can read a written article.I can get my knowledge ready about the film.I can watch the film.I can write my own questions and answers.I can create character profiles.I can complete a Venn diagramI can write a personal response.

Task 1: News Article

Twinsters Interview | New Documentary Shows Biological Twins Discovering and Meeting Each OtherAnais and Samantha were separated at birth. Learn more about their reunion.Denalee Chapman July 16, 2015

Samantha Futerman grew up like many other American girls:  happy, fun-loving, content.  Born Korean, Sam was adopted as a baby by a mother and father who desperately wanted her.   Adoption was not a hushed topic like it might be in some families, neither was it regular fodder for conversation. It was simply a fact. “The grass is green, the sky is blue, I’m adopted,” says Samantha of her upbringing.With inborn wanderlust, by the time Sam entered college she became more interested in her heritage. Given an opportunity to travel to Korea with her mother, it seemed like the right time to explore her roots. This was the real beginning of serendipity stepping in to reunite Samantha with her identical twin sister, Anais. Anais was also adopted at birth. She was raised by loving parents who have been every bit as wonderful as Samantha’s mom and dad. Through a series of events which are documented in the film, Twinsters, Anais and Samantha were reunited.

Sam is quick to point out that every reunion is unique. For some, it may be a slow-motion, dramatic, heart-warming event that brings tears to everyone’s eyes; for others it may be a nerve-wracking, tension-filled meeting. When Samantha met Anais for the first time, her nerves got the best of her and she broke out in a laughing fit. However the big event plays out, Sam has noted that in most cases it’s important to remember that reunification is not a one-time meeting. It is the beginning of a relationship. And relationships take time and effort. Very often the relationships begun with reunification reach beyond adoptee and birth family . . . adoptive families join into the mix and, in positive situations, the family just continues to grow as birth and adoptive lines get blurred. In the case of Sam and Anais, their mothers have become almost as close as the twins.Surprising to Samantha, who has always believed that nurture is stronger than nature, she and Anais are remarkably similar. They were raised half a world apart, in completely different cultures, yet they both hate bell peppers and cooked carrots, and their likes are so similar it’s uncanny. As the two have explored their roots while building their relationship, they’ve come to learn that heritage really is part of what makes us each who we are.For both girls, gratitude for loving families who have been supportive in the reunification process abounds. They recognize the great blessing of adoption in their lives, and hope that by sharing their stories they can help others to learn that family and love may reach further than we think. Speaking of Twinsters, Samantha said, “I hope that it sheds a light on adoption. We are only two adoptees and only two stories. However I believe it can help plant the seed and start the larger conversation on adoption, love and family. After my experience, I truly believe that family has no boundary.”

Source:https://adoption.com/twinsters-interview-new-documentary-shows-biological-twins-discovering-meetingDate accessed 13th January 2017

Thoughts, Opinion and Questions

Task 2: Getting Your Knowledge Ready

I. Why was the film ‘Twinsters’ created?

II. What was the purpose?

III. What outcome did the director/film makers want to achieve?

Task 3: 5 Questions and Answers

Whilst watching the film ‘Twinsters’ make a list of at least 5 questions you have about the film or topic. You will research the answers to these questions at a later date.






Task 4: People Profiles

Task 5: Venn diagram – similarities and differences

Use the Venn diagram template on the next page to outline the similarities between Anais and Samantha.

Task 6: Personal Response

For your final written piece of assessment you are to write a response, consisting of a minimum of 300 words, to the question below.

What is it that makes us who we really are: our life experiences or our DNA?

Step 1: Brainstorm

Step 2: Plan

Use your brainstorm to plan your piece of writing. What are you main points? Do you need to conduct some research for supporting evidence?

Step 3: Draft

Write your first draft of your speech. Make sure you have an introduction, at least 3 main points supported with examples and a conclusion. Use the drafting templates on the Weebly to help you.

Step 4: Edit

Once you draft is completed, ask another student in the class to give you some peer feedback on your writing. Make sure you also over to read their draft and make suggestions for improvement.

Edit the suggested changes you have received.

Step 5: Final copy

Now it is time to type up your final copy of your response.

Additional Resources

You can find all the class resources, templates and videos at the following website:


Oral Presentation

Learning Intention: SWBAT prepare and present a personal response to the class.

Success Criteria:

I can plan my presentation.I can practice my presentation.I can deliver my presentation to the class.I can peer and self assess.


For this oral presentation you are expected to share with the class at least one of your writing pieces and should be at least 3 minutes in length.

Oral Presentation Tips:

Assessment Criteria:Learning Outcome: Reading for Knowledge

SeniorPurpose Comprehension Comprehension Application CritiqueIdentify the purpose of the text including any inferred purpose and the means used to achieve purpose.

Differentiate between information and interpretation in the text.

Extract information relevant to given research task.

Compare and contrast with other texts.

Analyse the conclusions reached.

IntermediatePurpose Comprehension Comprehension Application CritiqueIdentify the purpose of the text including any inferred purpose.

Identify the main ideas, supporting ideas and any examples.

Identify the means used by the author to achieve the purpose of the text.

Compare or contrast with other texts.

Express an opinion on the effectiveness of the text.

Learning Outcome: Writing for Knowledge

SeniorWriting process Purpose Structure Length/complexity Length/complexity MechanicsUse the processes of planning, drafting and editing to produce written texts.

Use language and tone appropriate to text purpose and audience.

Sequence and structure information and ideas logically to suit purpose.

Present a range of abstract concepts and/or technical facts within a specialist field.

Present information accurately, clearly and concisely.

Spell, punctuate and use grammar with considerable accuracy.

IntermediateWriting process Purpose Structure Length/complexity MechanicsUse the processes of planning, drafting and editing to produce written texts.

Use language and tone appropriate to text purpose and audience.

Sequence and structure information and ideas logically to suit purpose.

Relate several separate pieces of factual information within a text rather than treating them as separate units and reach a conclusion.

Spell, punctuate and use grammar with reasonable accuracy.

Learning Outcome: Writing for Self-Expression

SeniorWriting process Purpose Structure Length/complexity Length/complexity MechanicsUse the processes of planning, drafting and editing to produce written texts.

Use language and tone appropriate to text purpose and audience.

Organise ideas and information to suit purpose.

Incorporate a range of topics, beliefs, issues or experiences.

Use literary devices to convey character, setting and/or emotions.

Spell, punctuate and use grammar with considerable accuracy.

IntermediateWriting process Purpose Structure Length/complexity MechanicsUse the processes of planning, drafting and editing to produce written texts.

Use language and tone appropriate to text purpose and audience.

Sequence and structure information, ideas and events to suit purpose.

Link several separate pieces of information within a text rather than treating them as separate units.

Spell, punctuate and use grammar with reasonable accuracy.

Learning Outcome: Reading for Self-Expression

SeniorPurpose Comprehension Application CritiqueIdentify the purpose of the text including any inferred purpose and the means used to achieve purpose.

Identify the fundamental point of view shaping the text and the devices used to present that point of view (for example, characters).

Compare and contrast with other texts. Present an opinion on the text taking into account the content and its effectiveness in relation to the audience and purpose.

IntermediatePurpose Comprehension Comprehension Application CritiqueIdentify the purpose of the text including any inferred purpose.

Identify the main ideas, and key words used to express them.

Identify the means used by the author to achieve the purpose of the text.

Compare or contrast with other texts.

Express an opinion on the effectiveness of the text.

Learning Outcome: Oracy for Self-Expression

SeniorPresent or participate in a sustained narrative, discussion, recount or anecdote.

Make effective use of verbal and non-verbal features of spoken communication including: intonation, eye contact, gesture, pace, pronunciation and projection.

Demonstrate an understanding of the role of verbal and non-verbal features through critical listening and analysis of other oral presentations.

IntermediateShare a narrative, recount or anecdote.

Make use of verbal and non-verbal features of spoken communication including: intonation, eye contact, gesture, pace and pronunciation.

Demonstrate an understanding of the role of verbal and non-verbal features by commenting on the effectiveness of others’ oral presentation.

Final Assessment: Competent / Incompetent

Teacher Comment:

VCAL Literacy Task ChecklistThe following is a checklist of what is to be submitted in order to meet the Outcomes.

Task Completed

The Best Part of Me- descriptive poem and photo

What has made me who I am?- 200 word explanation

‘Twinsters’- Five Questions & Answers- Venn diagram- Personal response

Oral Presentation- presentation of 1 written task- self assessment

Class booklet
