Leading the Learning The Role of the Instructional Leadership Team ESC, West Instructional Directors...


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Leading the Learning

The Role of the Instructional Leadership

TeamESC, West Instructional Directors

July 30, 2014

Session ObjectivesParticipants will:

① Reflect on the benefits of shared leadership

② Understand the purpose, responsibilities, and tasks of an Instructional Leadership Team

③ Use a self-assessment tool to plan action steps

Connections to Our Current Work

• Aspen Implementation Guide: Indicator 1

-a leadership team that guides and monitors the

improvement of instruction

• 3 of Noguera’s 5 Ingredients:

1) a coherent instructional guidance system

3) development of the professional capacity of faculty

5) leadership that drives change

Leading the Learning of Common Core

Read Article and Discuss“A Framework for Shared Leadership”

by Linda Lambert

Process:1)Read the article independently (10 mins.)

1)Note your reflections using the Circle, Square, Triangle protocol as you read

1)Turn and Talk to share your responses(3 mins.)

1)Table Talk to share your reflections on shared leadership at your school (4 mins.)

The Team’s Purpose

According to the Aspen Guide:Formation of this team is the critical first step toward successful implementation of the CCSSExists to lead improvement efforts Guide the school community in learning the Common Core Standards in order to eventually fully implement

The Team’s Responsibilities

Keep a steady focus on student achievement for all.

Know how students learn.

Know the grade level progressions deeply and understand the key shifts in teaching they require

Guide the school in identifying an instructional focus rooted in Common Core

The ILT (with input from colleagues) makes decisions about the school’s instructional program

The Team’s TasksPlan the school’s journey towards Common Core


Meet regularly and frequently (at least twice a

month) to plan professional development and

other structures for collaboration

Guide the staff in data analysis including analysis

of student work and periodic assessments results


Teams will use the self-assessment to :

1.Take an honest look at where the school is in implementation

2.Use responses to guide actions

3.Be reminded of a core set of practices and processes that are critical to improving outcomes for students.

4.Support the work over multiple years


 The tool is NOT:

• For accountability or evaluation

• A compliance exercise

•Separate from your school’s ongoing improvement efforts

LET’S TRY IT OUT….Self-Assessment for Indicator 1

1) With your school teammates, read and respond to the first 6 questions of the assessment (Indicator 1)

2) If you are here alone, partner with another lone principal

3) Use the Gap Analysis Handout to begin to plan action steps

Session Objectives

Participants:① Read an article and reflected on the benefits of shared leadership

①Understand the purpose and responsibilities and tasks of an Instructional Leadership Team

②Used the first 6 questions of the Aspen self-assessment tool to plan action steps
